It may seem strange to us that, in earlier times, people knew how to preserve vegetables for long periods without the use of freezers or canning machines. This was done through the process of lacto-fermentation. Lactic acid is a natural preservative that inhibits putrefying bacteria. Starches and sugars in vegetables and fruits are converted into lactic acid by the many species of lactic-acid-producing bacteria. These lactobacilli are ubiquitous, present on the surface of all living things and especially numerous on leaves and roots of plants growing in or near the ground. Man needs only to learn the techniques for controlling and encouraging their proliferation to put them to his own use, just as he has learned to put certain yeasts to use in converting the sugars in grape juice to alcohol in wine.
The ancient Greeks understood that important chemical changes took place during this type of fermentation. Their name for this change was “alchemy.” Like the fermentation of dairy products, preservation of vegetables and fruits by the process of lacto-fermentation has numerous advantages beyond those of simple preservation. The proliferation of lactobacilli in fermented vegetables enhances their digestibility and increases vitamin levels. These beneficial organisms produce numerous helpful enzymes as well as antibiotic and anticarcinogenic substances. Their main by-product, lactic acid, not only keeps vegetables and fruits in a state of perfect preservation but also promotes the growth of healthy flora throughout the intestine. Other alchemical by-products include hydrogen peroxide and small amounts of benzoic acid.
A partial list of lacto-fermented vegetables from around the world is sufficient to prove the universality of this practice. In Europe the principle lacto-fermented food is sauerkraut. Described in Roman texts, it was prized for both for its delicious taste as well as its medicinal properties. Cucumbers, beets and turnips are also traditional foods for lacto-fermentation. Less well known are ancient recipes for pickled herbs, sorrel leaves and grape leaves. In Russia and Poland one finds pickled green tomatoes, peppers and lettuces. Lacto-fermented foods form part of Asian cuisines as well. The peoples of Japan, China and Korea make pickled preparations of cabbage, turnip, eggplant, cucumber, onion, squash and carrot. Korean kimchi, for example, is a lacto-fermented condiment of cabbage with other vegetables and seasonings that is eaten on a daily basis and no Japanese meal is complete without a portion of pickled vegetable. American tradition includes many types of relishes–corn relish, cucumber relish, watermelon rind–all of which were no doubt originally lacto-fermented products. The pickling of fruit is less well known but, nevertheless, found in many traditional cultures. The Japanese prize pickled umeboshi plums, and the peoples of India traditionally fermented fruit with spices to make chutneys.
Lacto-fermented condiments are easy to make. Fruits and vegetables are first washed and cut up, mixed with salt and herbs or spices and then pounded briefly to release juices. They are then pressed into an air tight container. Salt inhibits putrefying bacteria for several days until enough lactic acid is produced to preserve the vegetables for many months. The amount of salt can be reduced or even eliminated if whey is added to the pickling solution. Rich in lactic acid and lactic-acid-producing bacteria, whey acts as an inoculant, reducing the time needed for sufficient lactic acid to be produced to ensure preservation. Use of whey will result in consistently successful pickling; it is essential for pickling fruits. During the first few days of fermentation, the vegetables are kept at room temperature; afterwards, they must be placed in a cool, dark place for long-term preservation.
It is important to use the best quality organic vegetables, sea salt and filtered or pure water for lacto-fermentation. Lactobacilli need plenty of nutrients to do their work; and, if the vegetables are deficient, the process of fermentation will not proceed. Likewise if your salt or water contains impurities, the quality of the final product will be jeopardized.
Lacto-fermentation is an artisanal craft that does not lend itself to industrialization. Results are not always predictable. For this reason, when the pickling process became industrialized, many changes were made that rendered the final product more uniform and more saleable but not necessarily more nutritious. Chief among these was the use of vinegar for the brine, resulting in a product that is more acidic and not necessarily beneficial when eaten in large quantities; and of subjecting the final product to pasteurization, thereby effectively killing all the lactic-acid-producing bacteria and robbing consumers of their beneficial effect on the digestion.
The lacto-fermented recipes presented in Nourishing Traditions are designed to be made in small quantities in your own kitchen. They require no special equipment apart from a collection of wide-mouth, quart-sized mason jars and a wooden pounder or a meat hammer. (For special sauerkraut crocks that enable you to make large quantities, see Sources in the back of Nourishing Traditions.)
We recommend adding a small amount of homemade whey (recipe on page 87 of Nourishing Traditions) to each jar of vegetables or fruit to ensure consistently satisfactory results. Whey supplies lactobacilli and acts as an inoculant. Do not use commercial concentrated whey or dried whey. You may omit whey and use more salt in the vegetable recipes, but whey is essential in the recipes calling for fruit.
About one inch of space should be left between the top of your vegetables with their liquid and the top of the jar, as the vegetables and their juices expand slightly during fermentation.
Be sure to close the jars very tightly. Lacto-fermentation is an anaerobic process and the presence of oxygen, once fermentation has begun, will ruin the final product.
We have tried to keep these recipes as simple as possible without undue stress on ideal temperatures or precise durations. In general, a room temperature of about 72 degrees will be sufficient to ensure a lactic-acid fermentation in about two to four days. More time will be needed if your kitchen is colder and less if it is very warm. After two to four days at room temperature, the jars should be placed in a dark, cool spot, ideally one with a temperature of about 40 degrees. In days gone by, crocks of lacto-fermented vegetables were stored in root cellars or caves. A wine cellar or small refrigerator kept on a “warm” setting is ideal; failing that, the top shelf of your refrigerator will do. Lacto-fermented fruit chutneys need about two days at room temperature and should always be stored in a refrigerator.
Lacto-fermented vegetables increase in flavor with time–according to the experts, sauerkraut needs at least six months to fully mature. But they also can be eaten immediately after the initial fermentation at room temperature. Lacto-fermented vegetable condiments will keep for many months in cold storage but lacto-fermented fruits and preserves should be eaten within two months of preparation.
Some lacto-fermented products may get bubbly, particularly the chutneys. This is natural and no cause for concern. And do not be dismayed if little spots of white foam appear at the top of the pickling liquid. They are completely harmless and can be lifted off with a spoon. The occasional batch that goes bad presents no danger–the smell will be so awful that nothing could persuade you to eat it. The sign of successful lacto-fermentation is that the vegetables and fruits remained preserved over several weeks or months of cold storage.
Lactic-acid fermented vegetables and fruit chutneys are not meant to be eaten in large quantities but as condiments. They go beautifully with meats and fish of all sorts, as well as with pulses and grains. They are easy to prepare, and they confer health benefits that cannot be underestimated.
Scientists and doctors today are mystified by the proliferation of new viruses–not only the deadly AIDS virus but the whole gamut of human viruses that seem to be associated with everything from chronic fatigue to cancer and arthritis. They are equally mystified by recent increases in the incidence of intestinal parasites and pathogenic yeasts, even among those whose sanitary practices are faultless. Could it be that in abandoning the ancient practice of lacto-fermentation and in our insistence on a diet in which everything has been pasteurized, we have compromised the health of our intestinal flora and made ourselves vulnerable to legions of pathogenic microorganisms? If so, the cure for these diseases will be found not in vaccinations, drugs or antibiotics but in a restored partnership with the many varieties of lactobacilli, our symbionts of the microscopic world.
Copyright: From: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, PhD.Ā Ā© 1999. All Rights Reserved. Available from New Trends Publishing and Amazon.com.
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Thank you for this very concise, yet informative, explanation of lacto fermentation. As an alternative health care provider I have been researching the possible causes of the increasing incidence of diseases in society. I firmly believe that diet is the greatest contributing factor in declining health, and that adding lacto fermented foods to a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables and a small amount of animal protein will improve overall health. I am also curious to find out if a diet with an adequate amount of lacto fermented foods will also make the grain foods more digestible and less a detriment to one’s health.
Fermented foods will help with digestion in general but we still suggest preparing the grains properly.
How are fermented grains prepared? I’ve read in several places that this is a good thing to do, but I can’t find any directions on how to do it.
And what about seeds and nuts? I took a shot in the dark last night and soaked the buckwheat groats I intend to use today in a recipe for dinner, but I’ve got no idea if I’ve done the right thing. And now that they’ve soaked and just about doubled in volume, I’m no sure how to cook them.
Nourishing Traditions is one place to read more on this topic, but there are many articles and books which touch on it.
Basically, any bread that goes through a lengthy “proof” of at least 7 hours is fermented. This includes most sourdoughs (not store-bought, must be true SD). Also, grains can be soaked in liquid to ferment and then be cooked. But watch out, as too much time and moisture produces an alcoholic fermentation over the more desirable bread fermentation.
Seeds and nuts can be sprouted, they don’t need to be fermented. Your buckwheat groats may be rinsed and cooked in broth, water, or even milk. Buckwheat is mucogenous, making them rather slimy otherwise. Just rinse through a strainer, add desired liquid, salt, and butter, and slowly simmer until done, about 20-30 minutes.
With all this hype about fermented foods, my refrigerator is now overly filled with homemade fermented vegetables that there is little space for fresh fruits & vegetables. It was a bit too obssessive. We need to remember to eat enough fresh produce too to benefit from the nutrients and antioxidants. I also found that presoaking and sprouting grains makes it more digestible. Extreme diets are not healthy.
They call it “canning” when you prepare the jars of fermented foods for shelf storage. Check it out.
Paulette, some do mistakingly can their fermented vegetables, not realizing that this destroys most of the beneficial organisms and enzymes. We recommend you “jar”, not “can”, your ferments for storage.
I want to learn more about cabbage and how to make saur kraut, I have acid reflux, thanks, Annette.
I have been making and eating suaerkraut for a few months now , and my digestion has improved greatly. I’ve used recipes I found at a website called “make sauerkraut.com”, and have had 100% tasty batches. Those recipes differ from the advice in this article in that they have no whey added.
Avoid the whey and make some kraut- and good luck!
Indeed, whey is only needed in some ferments, but never sauerkraut. I do add it to pickles and a few other things, but even this is often not necessary as most vegetables, raw and fresh, will have enough lactobacilli to produce a lactic-acid fermentation.
The cruciferous family of vegetables is especially rich in LB.
I remember my grandmother’s stuffed cabbage suffusing the whole house with a delightful pungency. I can longer find such cabbage. Nowadays bland with very little flavor whether organic or conventional. I surmise that the varieties of cabbage and all vegetables have been bred for quantity rather than quality since my childhood.
Does anyone know where in the New York City area I can find pungent flavorful vegetables. The farmer’s markets are no better than the stores and often times worse.
Fred Glass
It’s very easy to make just peel the cabbage leaves and sprinkle salt and spicy powder with rice vinegar stuff tight in a bottle and never open for 2-3 months, it will start fermenting on its own. Never to open in between. If you like more spicy chili powder try to get the Korean chili powder and mix together before wrapping and rolling the leaves into the bottle of the tumbler. Better if the tumbler is an earthen dark color not transparent.
Hice kefircraut con nodulos de kefir y le agregue agua para sumergir los vegetales.
Una prensa y
lo cubri con un lienzo y oscuridad ,pero no tapado hermeticamente.
Es correcto?
Lo deje 15 dias a t ambiente y luego cerrado en la heladera.
No salio muy acido.
Aguardo comentarios!
is it possible to eat fermented foods if you are histamine intolerant. i have been told you cant.
Please help me understand this, that if fermentation was practiced in all these early societies, how then do we need to use air tight jars?
I do not see how these ancients had such devices,and you described that they did not have access to kodern things but used ancient methods.
So pleae help me understand air tight jars.
My grandfather made all,kinds of kraut and pickles and other stuff in clay/ glass containers with cloths laid over them. Thank you, B.P.
Here in India we to use porcelain jars and pots with tightly wrapped cloth.
I have been making my own sourkrout for a few years now and I also consume kefir and natto. I have observed that I never get sick with flu or viruses and have not had the flu vaccine for three years.
Kombucha, Kefirs, Sauerkraut, Yogurt, and other fermented vegetables and condiments š Yum. I drink a kombucha or kefir with most meals.
Iām not having any luck finding data on how much sugars are left in vegetables after fermentation. Iām trying to stay within my keto macros but every instance of fermented vegetable nutrition information I find states a different ānet carbsā number per weight. Numbers vary widely between zero and numbers higher than numbers for raw. Could you help me find some guidance or actual measured results? I recognize that every batch will differ, regardless, but there should be some kind of approach to at least estimate a number.
What if a person is lactose intolerant?
I have Winter 2001 Wise Traditions publication referencing MOUNTAIN HOME – GAIRTOPF FERMENTER CROCK.
May you recommend current source to purchase ~ 2-5 gallon GARITOPF FERMENTER CROCK OR another toxic free glazed fermenting pot?
My research led to:
K&K Keramik German Made Gartopf F1, 10L (2.7 Gal) Fermenting Crock Pot.
Is this a good pot in your experience?