DNA Studies Confirm Dr. Weston Price’s Century-Old Findings
Toxic dental materials have created much havoc in the dental profession, as well as in patient health, for nearly two centuries. Dental mercury fillings, nickel crowns (especially in children, called “chrome crowns”), root canals and cavitations have been the target of concern for a long time.
Dental mercury was first exposed as a health-compromising product in 1840. The dental profession finally overcame the perception that putting toxic mercury in the mouth might be detrimental to human health; organized dentistry still considers the current fillings containing 50 percent mercury as “state of the art.”
The toxicity of root canals was disclosed by Mayo’s Clinic and Dr. Weston Price jointly back in about 1910. Close to a century ago. Price’s textbook on root canals, published in 1922, upset the dental associations at that time, and still does today. The American Dental Association (ADA), denies his findings and claims that they have proven root canals to be safe; however, no published data from the ADA is available to confirm this statement. Statements, but no actual research.
My attention was drawn to the increase in autoimmune disease after the high-copper amalgams of 1975 were initiated as “state of the art” fillings, which ADA claimed released no mercury. On the contrary, studies from Europe1 found that the high-copper amalgams released fifty times more mercury than previous amalgam!
In watching these changes regarding the onset of autoimmune disease, I noticed a blip in the statistics—an increase in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) in 1976 (See Figure 1).
Note in Figure 2 that the actual number of cases of multiple sclerosis increased tremendously, from an average of 8800 per year during the period 1970 to 1975, to an increase of up to 123,000 in one year. That year being 1976, the birth date of high-copper amalgams.
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Figure 1 | Figure 2 |
Is mercury the only dental hazard that can create conditions favorable to autoimmune diseases? No. There are bacteria in root canals that favor destruction of the nervous system and many other systems, resulting in the creation of autoimmune reactions.
What is the common denominator? The formation of a hapten (see page 46). A hapten is a small molecule that can elicit an immune response only when attached to a large carrier such as a protein; the carrier may be one that also does not elicit an immune response by itself. In general, only large molecules, infectious agents, or insoluble foreign matter can elicit an immune response in the body.
Healthy cells have a code imprinted on them. It is called the Major Histo-compatibility Complex (MHC). This is your personal code called “self.” Your body considers other code or alteration of this code to be “non-self.” The immune system is trained to kill and eliminate any “non-self” invaders.
If an atom of mercury attaches to a normal healthy cell, a hapten is formed and the immune system immediately identifies that cell as “nonself.” The immune system then proceeds to kill the contaminated cell. If mercury attaches to a nerve cell, the result is a neurological disease, such as multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, seizures or lupus. If mercury attaches to a binding site on a hormone, that endocrine function is altered. Mercury can attach to almost any cell in the body and create autoimmune diseases in those tissues.
Lately, it has become evident that toxins from anaerobic bacteria have the same ability to create non-self autoimmune diseases by interfering with the MHC. This is the project that Dr. Price began to study a century ago. Resistance from organized dentistry was the same then as it is today. Price wondered why dentistry was considered a “health” profession.
Price was concerned about the pathological bacteria found in nearly all root canal teeth of that time. He was able to transfer diseases harbored by humans from their extracted root canal teeth into rabbits by inserting a fragment of a root canal root under the skin in the belly area of a test rabbit. He found that root canal fragments from a person who had suffered a heart attack, when implanted into a rabbit, would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks. Transference of heart disease could be accomplished 100 percent of the time. Some diseases transferred only 88 percent of the time, but the handwriting was on the wall.
Dr. Price discovered that root canals had within them bacteria capable of producing many diseases. They had no place in the body. Which is more important? The life of the tooth or the life of the patient? This is still the primary argument facing us today.
Considering the difficulty of culturing anaerobic bacteria, it was hard to identify them with 1920s technology. Most of the bacteria reported by organized dentistry at that time were aerobes of unknown significance. Today, with DNA analysis available, anaerobic bacteria (the dangerous kind) can be identified whether dead or alive by the presence of their tell tale DNA signatures.
Let’s go back to the graphs of ALS up through the year 2000. Note an increase in 1976 and another increase in slope in 1991. In 1990, the dental association “suggested” that dentists perform thirty million root canals per year by the year 2000. Dentists accomplished that goal by 1999. As I understand it, the bar has now been raised to sixty million per year.
The unexplained increase in MS (8800 to 123,000) coincided with the advent of high copper amalgams. The increase in ALS in the same year is suggestive of the same cause. ALS also increased in 1991 as more root canals were performed. Statistical coincidence?
The goal of dentistry is to save teeth. Root canals allow dentists to maintain many teeth for years instead of extracting them. But is this goal appropriate considering the biological expense exposed with DNA research? What is more important? To save the life of the tooth or that of the patient?
Dr. Price, while head of research for the now-defunct National Dental Association, took one thousand extracted teeth and reamed them out as dentists normally do, prior to filling the canals with wax. Price sterilized the canals with forty different chemicals far too toxic to be used in a live human situation; he wanted to see whether the canals could be permanently sterilized. After forty-eight hours, each tooth was broken apart, and cultured for the presence of bacteria. Nine hundred ninety out of one thousand cultured toxic bacteria just two days after treatment with chemicals designed to make the tooth sterile. Where did these bacteria come from?
An overview of the structure of a tooth (see Figure 4) shows the outer layer, known as enamel, the second layer, known as dentin, and the inner portion, known as the pulp chamber, where the nerve lives. On the outside of the tooth is what is called the periodontal ligament. Teeth are not attached directly to bone. Fibers come out of the tooth and intertwine with fibers coming out of the bone, and they unite to form what is called the periodontal ligament.
The second layer of the tooth, the dentin, is not really solid but composed of tiny dentinal tubules. In a front tooth, if all these tubules were attached end to end, they would reach over three miles.3 Note that the tubules have adequate space to house many thousands of bacteria (see Figure 5). This is where the bacteria were hiding in the thousand teeth Price tested. From the dentin tubules, bacteria can migrate either into the pulp chamber, where space is left as the gutta percha—a natural form of rubber used to fill the space inside the cleaned-out root—shrinks upon cooling, rebounding from the force applied to push the wax down the canal, and losing the liquid portion (see Figure 6), or into the periodontal ligament where a plentiful supply of food awaits them.
A tooth has one to four major canals. This fact is taught in dental school, but never mentioned are the additional “accessory canals.” Price identified as many as seventy-five separate accessory canals in a single central incisor (the front tooth). Figure 7 shows one of these canals filled with necrotic (dead) tissue.
There is no way that any dental procedure can reach into these accessory canals and clean out the dead tissue. This necrotic tissue creates a home for multiple bacterial infections outside the tooth in the periodontal ligament. With added food supply from this area, the anaerobic bacteria can multiply and their toxins can contribute to the onset of disease (see Figure 8).
Of course, the root apex (terminal end) is the primary area of concentration of infection. Even though this may be the last area to show infection, dentistry generally considers a tooth sterile unless areas of bone resorption show up on X-ray. Upon cooling and shrinking of the gutta percha, space is left at the apex in which bacteria can thrive, where neither white blood cells of the immune system, nor antibiotics can reach them.
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Figure 4 | Figure 5 |
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Figure 6 | Figure 7 |
Figure 8
Our first DNA studies examined bacteria retrieved from crushed root tips. We can identify eighty-three different anaerobic bacterial species with DNA testing. Root canals contain fifty-three different species out of these eighty-three samples. Some are more dangerous than others, and some occur frequently, some occasionally. Selecting those that occur more than 5 percent of the time, we found:
Capnocytophaga ochracea
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Gemella morbillorum
Leptotrichia buccalis
Porphyromonas gingivalis
Of what significance are these? Four affect the heart, three the nerves, two the kidneys, two the brain and one the sinus cavities. Shouldn’t we question the wisdom of supplying a haven for these microbes so close to our brain and circulatory system? Does this information validate the claims of “sterile” root canals?
Dentists claim they can “sterilize” the tooth before forcing the gutta percha wax down into the canal. Perhaps they can sterilize a column of air in the center of the tooth, but is that really where the problem is? Bacteria wandering out of the dentinal tubules is what Price was finding, and what we were finding in the crushed tooth samples. But does the problem end there? Hardly.
Just out of curiosity, we tested blood samples adjacent to the removed teeth and analyzed them for the presence of anaerobic bacteria. Approximately 400 percent more bacteria were found in the blood surrounding the root canal tooth than were in the tooth itself. It seems that the tooth is the incubator. The periodontal ligament supplies more food, therefore higher concentration of bacteria.
But the winner in pathological growth was in the bone surrounding the dead tooth. Looking at bacterial needs, there is a smorgasbord of bacterial nutrients present in the bone. This explains the tremendous increase in bacterial concentration in the blood surrounding the root canal tooth. Try sterilizing that volume of bone.
Apparently, the immune system doesn’t care for dead substances, and just the presence of dead tissue will cause the system to launch an attack. Infection, plus the autoimmune rejection reaction, causes more bacteria to collect around the dead tissue. Every time a person with a root canal bites down, these bacteria are flushed into the blood stream, and they start looking for a new home. Chemotaxis, or the chemical attraction of a specific bacteria for a specific tissue, assists the anaerobes in finding new quarters in the heart, nervous system, kidney, brain, etc., where they will perform their primary damage.
Many of the bacteria in the surrounding bone are present in far more than 50 percent of the samples tested. Streptococcus mutans was found in 92 percent of the blood samples. It can cause pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, meningitis and tooth decay.
Streptococcus mitis was found 92 percent of the time. This microbe attacks the heart and red blood cells. It is a rather hearty bug, for it went to the moon (hiding in a camera) on an unmanned expedition, stayed there over two years in an environment without atmosphere, exposed to temperatures of 250 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, minus 250 in the shadow. Upon returning to Earth with the astronauts of Apollo 12, over two years later, this microbe was still alive.10 In humans, S. mitis binds to platelets and is involved in the pathogenesis of infective endocarditis. Want this guy living in your dead root canal tooth?
Of the top eight bacteria in the blood adjacent to root canal teeth, five affect the heart, five the nervous system, two the kidney, two the liver, and one attacks the brain sinus, where they kill red blood cells Of these, Prevotella intermedia (present in 76 percent of the samples) attacks heart, kidney and sinus; Strep intermedius (present in 69 percent of the samples) attacks heart, nerves, lungs, liver and brain.
DNA examination of extracted root canals has shown bacterial contamination in 100 percent of the samples tested. This is quite the opposite of official claims that root canals are 97 percent successful. Do they need a new definition of success?
Cavitations are the next big problem that result from dental procedures. Cavitations are areas of unhealed bone left over after a tooth extraction (see Figure 9).
Dentists are generally taught to remove a tooth and leave the periodontal ligament in the socket, a procedure which would be like delivering a baby and leaving the placenta in the uterus.
These socket areas with the ligament left in place rarely heal. After tooth removal, a cap of about 2 millimeters (one sixteenth of an inch) covers the extraction site, leaving a hole the size of the root of the tooth behind. In records of five thousand surgical debridements (cleaning) of cavitations, only two were found to be healed.14 When the periodontal ligament is left in the bone, the body senses that the tooth is still there, and the order for healing is canceled. These holes are lined with many of the same bacteria found in root canal sockets, but actually more different species. Whereas root canal teeth contain up to fifty-three different species of bacteria, cavitations yield up to eighty-two of the eighty-three we test for.
Of the five most frequently present bacteria found in cavitations, three affect the heart, two the nervous system and one the kidneys and lungs. They are as follows:
Streptococcus mutans (occurrence 63 percent of the samples), affects the nervous system, can cause pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media and meningitis. It has also been blamed for causing dental decay in teeth, but this may be more the result of the fluid flow pulling bacteria into the tooth than actual active invasion by the bacteria.2
Porphyromonas gingivalis (occurring in 51 percent of the samples), damages the kidney, alters integrity of endothelial lining of blood vessels, and induces foam cells from macrophages, contributing to atherogenesis. It contains proteases that lyse red blood cells and extract nutrients (primarily iron) from the red blood cells. This action is called porin forming, which can destroy red blood cells rapidly. (By the way, P. gingivalis can both up and down regulate about five hundred different proteins critical to maintaining our normal biochemical actions.)
Candida albicans (present in 44 percent of the samples), in its yeast form is beneficial in the process of demethylation of methyl-mercury as well as its ability to destroy pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract. When converted into the fungal form by a shift in pH in the digestive system, candida can penetrate the intestinal wall, leaving microscopic holes that allow toxins, undigested food particles, bacteria and other yeasts to enter the blood stream. This condition is sometimes referred to as Leaky Gut Syndrome, which can lead to environmental intolerances.
Prevotella intermedia (occurrence rate of 44 percent) has as its primary concern coronary heart disease (CHD). P. intermedia invades human coronary artery endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells. It is generally located in atheromatous plaques. Cellular invasion of cardiac muscle is central to the infective process.11
So, if all these diseases of “unknown etiology,” that is, of unknown origin, are the result of bacterial invasion, why not just flood the body with antibiotics? They kill bacteria, don’t they? Ever hear of someone who was sick, was given antibiotics, and then got even worse? Most of us have heard the story. Perhaps the following information explains what happens in these cases, and why antibiotics cannot be used in infections of this nature.
Most antibiotics are “bactericidal”—think suicidal, or homicidal. Antibiotics kill. But this is not the same type of killing that John Wayne was noted for. When he fired at the bad guy, the bad guy fell over dead. Was then presumed to be buried. But when bactericidal antibiotics kill a bacterium, the bacterium explodes (see Figure 10).
The fragments are not eliminated immediately, for each piece is a lipopolysaccharide called endotoxin.12 By way of contrast, exotoxins are the toxic chemicals that are released by pathogenic bacteria, and endotoxins are toxic entities (fragments of the original bacteria) that are the result of the bacterial explosion caused by the antibiotic. Endotoxins present a huge challenge to the immune system, for now, instead of facing one bacterium, it has to process and eliminate perhaps one hundred endotoxins. With dozens of bacteria to confront from each single root canal or cavitation, no one antibiotic can kill all of them, and if there were one, the resulting dead bacterial corpses would overwhelm the body and produce either greater disease or death.
Broad spectrum antibiotics cannot be used for this reason. Sometimes even one capsule of antibiotic produces more problems than the immune system can tolerate. Plus, of course, it takes only two or three capsules to completely sterilize the gut of its four or more pounds of friendly bacteria.13 Antibiotics are far more powerful and potentially devastating than I ever thought they were. Antibiotics should be used with ultra caution, not routinely given for ten days or so after oral surgery, “just in case.”
There are other ways to get these microbes under control, and several are being tested at this time. It is advantageous to have intravenous vitamin C and occasionally a non-killing antibiotic is added to this solution. This combination does reduce the challenge to the immune system, but, overall, root canals represent the rock-and-hard-place situation.
Leave the root canal or cavitation in the body, and there is the potential of creating an unwanted autoimmune or degenerative disease that could be life threatening. Toxins and bacteria can both leak from these contamination sites wreaking havoc with a person’s cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous and immune systems. The public needs to be informed, so they can make educated choices in the trade-off between toxic convenience and health.
Removing the offending tooth presents problems that must be confronted, or other problems can be induced—problems not as dangerous as the continuous bacterial spill, but ones that need to be avoided if possible. In order to allow the immune system to focus on healing, all other offending dental materials should be removed (mercury, copper, implants, tattoos and nickel crowns) so that the immune system can deal with the bacterial challenge instead of the bacteria plus toxic metals. Nutrition should be calculated from the aspect of the blood chemistries commensurate with one’s ancestral diet and in line with the dietary principles formulated by Dr. Price. Recovery from a root canal is complicated, but your patient’s life is worth salvaging.
These studies in DNA analysis of bacteria in root canals and cavitations confirm the fact that Dr. Weston Price, despite being one century ahead of his colleagues, was absolutely correct in determining that bacteria-laden root canals have no place in the body of people interested in their health. This toxic waste spill can be stopped, but not with the assistance of dental associations, which continue to insist that the procedure of root canals is perfectly safe. The recent increase in suggested quota up to sixty million root canals per year is not in the best interest of their patients, nor can that action do anything but increase health costs for the innocent patient.
Price was right. Root canals are not worth the price.
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Figure 9 | Figure 10 |
A hapten is a small molecule that can elicit an immune response only when attached to a large carrier such as a protein or toxic metal such as mercury; the carrier may be one that also does not elicit an immune response by itself. In general, only large molecules, infectious agents, or insoluble foreign matter can elicit an immune response in the body. Once the body has generated antibodies to a hapten-carrier adduct, the small-molecule hapten may also be able to bind to the antibody, but it will usually not initiate an immune response; usually only the hapten-carrier adduct can do this.
Let’s look at five major bacterial species lurking in root canals more closely, keeping in mind that these are only five of the fifty-three that are routinely found in root canal teeth.
Capnocytophaga ochracea: Found in brain abscesses associated with dental source of infection. Causes human disease in the central nervous system. Also related to septicemia and meningitis.4
Fusobacterium nucleatum: Produces toxins that inhibit fibroblast cell division and wound healing processes. Causes infection in the heart, joints, liver and spleen.5,6
Gemella morbillorum: Linked to acute invasive endocarditis, septic arthritis and meningitis.7
Leptotrichia buccalis: Reduces the number of neutrophils (a critically important white blood cell), thus lowering immune competence.8
Porphyromonas gingivalis: Destroys red blood cells by drilling holes (porins) in them, causing the cell to “bleed to death.” Low red cell counts that do not recover after dental revision are frequently responding to the porin activity of this microbe. P. gingivalis also alters the integrity of the endothelial lining of blood vessels, which leads to inflammation and bleeding in the inner lining of blood vessels. This is the key step in formation of atherogenesis that leads to heart attacks. P. gingivalis can change friendly bacteria into pathogens.9
1. Brune, D, Metal release from dental biomaterials, Biomaterials, Vol. 7, May 1986.
2. Steinman, RR, Leonora, J, Relationship of fluid transport through the dentin to the incidence of dental caries. J Dental Research, Vol. 50, No. 6, Nov-Dec 1971.
3. Price, WA, Dental Infections, Oral and Systemic, Vol. I, Penton Pub Co. Ohio, USA, 1923.
4. J. Clin Microbiology Vol. 45, No. 2 p. 645-647.
5. Apoptic cell death in PMNs, J. Infection and Immunology Vol. 68, No. 4, April 2000, p. 1893-1898.
6. Can Family Physician Vol. 53, No.9 Sept. 2007 p. 1451-1453.
7. J. Med Microbiology Vol. 56 2007 p. 1689-1691.
8. Anaerobe Vol. II Issue 6 Dec 2005 p. 350-353.
9. JSTOR: Clinical infectious diseases Vol. 25 Sept 1997 p. 5284-5286.
10. Science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-has a Sept. 1, 1998
11. Archives of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 5 Mar 13, 2006, PP 554-559.
12. Todar’s Online Textbook of Bacteriology, Kenneth Todar, PhD 2008.
13. Journal of Nutrition Vol. 130 p.4105-4145 – PubMed.
14. Personal communication, Dr. Blanche Grube.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2010.
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Have more than 6 Root Canals- need you to recommend a Dr. Expert in the Montreal-Quebec area. Who is the specialist I should contact to avoid the risk of bacteria spreading.
Catherine: here is Dr. Carl Benoit website for what you need. Hope it is not too late. http://artdentaireglobal.com/
I live in Niagara Falls Ontario. I’ve had 2 of my 3 root canals removed. I’ve had many health issues as well had the 1 root canal tooth tested at DNA Connections with horrible results. No wonder I haven’t felt well for a long time. How much damage has it done??
1 removed root canal caused the loss of 3 teeth on that side so I opted for 2 implants. I am awaiting the final stage of them. The implant is titanium which they say is safe. Is there anything I should be asking for in the final stages not to have any issues moving forward. I really want to find a Biological dentist but still there are none in my area. Any recommendations? Thanks, Carol
Dr Ekaterina Strong in Burlington, VT is a biological dentist.
Anyone know of what kind of specialist or dentist I should start out with? Located in North Alabama U.S.
my throat/esophagus has been inflammed since my last root canal. Well I had a root canal done years ago and started forming a small pus filled pimple above that tooth. After years of walking around I go back for him to say he missed one of the roots and didn’t plug it and it has supposedly been leaking. I always have a heart issue (I’m 34) all kinds of inflamed issues and new arising problems with inflamed throat/airway. I didn’t have this issue until he plugged the loose root. The bump still popping up above the tooth even after it was corrected. I keep getting colds I use to never. Now my kidneys hurt etc. I have two front implants that are so old the actual teeth are porcelain so I can only imagine the metal they used! Always having streaking ear aches randomly. I have multiple root canals that are so sensitive I cant even chew on them or hardly floss! Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! I never had this recent issue until he supposedly fixed my three year missed hanging root! Thank you so much! Hope everyone gets the help they deserve!
Thankyou! my history trhat has lead me here is, unexplained bad brain fog dr.s couldn’t find cause. ringing in ears, for the past two years, that has increased to a steady buzzing in my head, dr. says Tinnitus. lastly recently diagnosed with CLL. on researching CLL sucess stories patients first had root canal teeth removed. I have come to the conclusion, that I need to take resposibility for my own health, and not just go with main stream diagnosis’s would greatly appreciate your help, looking for a recommendation for root canal removal for Temecula, Calif. area if possible
Thanks Again!
I have the exact same symptoms as you and have had 4 root canals done! I have to get these out! What medical terms should I use so that I know dentist will clean everything right?
For the record, I have been diagnosed with CLL and two years ago had a cap put on an old root canal, an implant, and periodontal work that included trimming bone, all work along the bottom right quadrant. I occasionally feel a throb near the implant. I’ve noticed since the spate of work on the lower right that a fingernail on the right hand shows an indent caused by iron deficiency. Just before the spate of work I seemed to run short on vitamin A with an aggrevated temporo mandibular joint and a detached retina everything consistently occurring on the right side. Since the CLLeukemia diagnosed a year ago, I juice carrots, Green’s and citrus as per Gerson cancer therapy. The depth of periodontal pockets improved on the upper right by a mm, and not one speck of bleeding gums at inspection due to high vitamin C. No floride in my toothpaste, but I floss alot. All could have been avoided with better nutrition, I now see. The leukemia probably can cure with massive increase in nutrition and biodiversity in phytonutrients. I don’t think there is a strong connection between the root canal and the CLL, but after removing the old amalgams, I may extract that root canal, though my dentist says there is no “tell tale black line around it”. There is apparently now a complication in backing off the implant. I fear the amalgams first, implant next and root canal third….and all a result of malnutrition. dpnantigua@hotmail.com
Did you find anyone to help? I’m in Louisiana. Some of the same symptoms. Need helps here. Can u advise?
Search for a biological dentist, and then call around to the different offices. You need a dentist that uses a 3D Cone Beam x-ray so they are able to see the infection and potential cavations around any removed tooth. Thats how you find the dentists that are able to properly treat you: Ask if they have a 3D Cone Beam xray because you believe you have infection. Also, you want a dentist that utilized ozone to treat the areas and ideally one that does ozone infusions into your body to fight any pathogens that have entered your body.
Watch the Root Cause documentary on YouTube (free if you choose the Spanish subtitles version) otherwise $12.99 (worth every penny).
Have you found a dentist in Louisiana to remove root canals safely? If not, where?
Following this thread, I am originally from Louisiana now in Massachusetts! I have had so many root canals I am not sure anymore how many. I just had my first implanted crown put on two weeks ago and am waiting to have two more inplants placed after failed bone graft surgery. I am so scared now reading about this, have taken 4 rounds of antibiotics and it did nothing to the infection. I found a new oral surgeon who I like and will be asking to see on Monday if he does zirconium instead of titanium. What can I do for the infections I currently have? The last surgeon placed multiple bone grafts while I had an infection that hadn’t cleared. I now a crown on the other side of my mouth that is also infected . Please any suggestions?
Did you use nitric oxide during your procedure? These symptoms you have could be low b12 ( I had them). Notice oxide greatly reduces b12.
Looking for a dentist that also believes this and will remove a root canal tooth Looking in Reno.Nv and Virginia Beach ,Va
I know how old this post is, did you find a Reno, NV dentist?
What do you recommend as an alternative? Pulling the tooth?
Thanks so much.
The heavy Calcium Oxide will save your tooth (endocal)
No it will not. E focal is bogus. Dr Huggins was VERY against “safe root canals”.
You can’t completely sterilize a dead tooth. It’s a dead organ and must be removed. Even if you could completely sterilize it, abscesses grow at the root tips. I’ve seen this with many patients.
Is there anywhere in the uk that deals with the proper removal and cleaning up of root canals that I have?
Munro hall in Bedford Dr Graeme Munro is the only dental surgeon in the UK that removes these correctly using iv but c infusions as discussed by Weston price x
So what is the alternative treatment to a root canal? Extraction and implant? Is titanium bad as well? What’s the best option?
I personally found Zirconia implants to be the best.
I had a Zirconium implant done in 2015. The first on the West-coast. I felt it was the wisest choice, as it is not a metal.
Eh, hate to be that guy but zirconium is pretty solidly a metal. It is in the D zone of the periodic table, which is composed entirely of metals.
To Alan I, PhD, why do you find them to be the best?
Gold is the best material. It’s the most comparable and formidable to the tooth’s natural structure. I never understood why dentist stopped doing gold fillings and should reconsider this as a material for implants as well.
You’re wrong. Yes, zirconium is a metal but the implants are made of ZIRCONIUM OXIDE- WHICH IS NOT A METAL, and does not have the properties of a metal. Get your facts straight!
“Zirconia is the crystal form of the transitional metal Zirconium and Zirconia implants are often marketed as “metal free”.
I had 2 root canals done in the military 10 years ago and I have been going crazy since that time. I felt like I had a swamp growing in my head. There was a lump on the side of my head and my gums were swollen and eventually started turning purple and sort of gray. I didn’t want to lose my teeth but took the leap of faith and had them extracted. Its made a world of difference. The lump went down, and after a week I began to feel normal again just like I did before they did those horrible root canals. I can focus on my work now without getting angry and itchy about everything. Bacteria in root canals are no joke, don’t let them lie to you about the root canal zombie teeth, because the first dentist I saw said nothing was wrong and he wouldn’t pull them , but the second dentist who was a Periodontist agreed to take them out thank God, and I do mean thank Jesus Christ. Just make sure you research a dentist on Yelp, because you want him to clean those sockets out real good.
Hmmmmm, thank you kindly! I wonder if this would help my husband, who seems to have a very difficult time controlling angry responses, despite a rather sweet demeanor!!!! My teen, who was recently referred to an endodontist for a root canal will NOT be going. Yes, i will look on Yelp! Thanks for that. I may also check out Kempter Family Dentistry in Concord, N.C.
What is the alternative to having a root canal???
Removal with ligament removed properly with bone scraped with time to heal then implanted per Huggins/Levy via Toxic Tooth by Dr. Thomas Levy. 🙂
Removal of the tooth and have a denture x do not consider implants these too are toxic to the body x
Or a Maryland bridge is safe
What is the alternative to root canals? What about implants with metal in you mouth?
The standard with Biological Dentists are zarconia implants which is a type of ceramic.
You can visit the following link to find alternatives for root canal treatment?
Nerve filling with MTA can be the best alternative to having a root canal.But conventional dentists don’t use enough this procedure.Biological dentists are expert about it.
Found out last year that I had an allergic reaction to my tattoo removal using Q-switched Nd-YAG laser that released toxins into my blood stream (Mercury based red ink). The reaction was severe itching all over my body, only had two treatments then stopped(never finished). Just recently I’ve had a root canal( 2 weeks ago) and the same itching is reoccurring, and I’m not sure if the materials used contained any heavy metals. I asked my dentist and he said no, but after researching I believe that it does. What can I do, it’s only been two weeks and its now permanent in my mouth.
I know this is an old post, but if you are still having health problems you should look into Andy Cutlers chelation. You can do a hair analysis to test for heavy metal toxicity and then do at home chelation with proper supplementation.
One of my front teeth is painful. My dentist wants to put me on a course of antibiotics to “save the nerve”. I have one root canal already and is not keen on having another one done. I have used tea tree oil for the pain and number 6 tissue salts to help the nerve. I live in South Africa.
Cline Medical in Nanaimo really helped a friend of mine!
I’ve had a root canal done on the same tooth 3x. Upon xray, bacteria is seen invading my upper jaw. Since the root canals i feel like I have chronic areas of pain throughout my whole body. My bones in my fingers and back hurt. My sinuses are stuffy, I get headaches, my memory is terrible, etc….Do you think the root canals are a cause??
Can you please recommend a dentist who can extract my tooth in Vancouver bc?!
Hi, I have 2 root canals that need to be removed too, im in Calgary. This is how I found my holistic dentist… http://www.growyouthful.com/dentists/dentists.php#canada
He said he wants to put crowns on them until I develop troubling symptoms following the tooth meridian chart.
After some thought (and the fact that my insurance does not cover any of the crowns) I have decided to get them pulled. I hope this does not offend the dentist. and I hope he is willing to remove them using the proper protocols (removing the ligament and 1mm of the bone. Have high anxiety about this 🙁
I had 3 lower teeth removed by a dedicated but very conventional dentist at our local clinic for low-income people. She does careful work but refused to scape 1 mm into the bone socket, so I had to rely on my body’s ability to cope with infection. My diet is low-sugar and low-seed oil, plus emu oil (for MK-4) and bone broth and pastured liver. Also, I keep myself dosed up with vitamin C, the universal antioxidant.
I have heard a success story at Clinemedical in Nanaimo! You are lucky to be so near them!
can a root canal cause mysthenia gravis?
I had one last 3 years and for over 2 years now I have suffered mysthenia.
Please advise
I am scheduled to have 4 root canal teeth removed after the EAV testing which confirmed a 10 on 3 and 8 on 1 of them. Is this my only option, and doing partials instead of implants cause why would I want to block the meridians?
thank you
Yes don’t even consider implants the bacteria around the implant harbour also x hope all goes well for you ? There is a good face book group the Nico and cavitation group who can give you advice
What alarmist bullshit. These types of fillings have not been used for close to 4 decades. Look at the research used in this article. It’s all from 1986 or earlier. lol. Not only are root canals not contraindicated, people used to die quite frequently from abscessed teeth. That bacteria in your blood stream will do far more damage than an exceedingly small amount of metal leeching into your system.
Have you had a family member suffer with ALS?
i have ALS and i wasn’t aware of the issues tills days ago (i have a root canal since i was 14) ! I would say the odds are high that this is the cause reading tens of articals and feed backs talking about the same issue, and invoking the name ‘A Lupus S’ over and over!
Consider reading the very well referenced and recent work of Dr. Levy in his book the Toxic Tooth. 1000’s upon thousands of case study, clinical study and historical evidence offered of whihc most work has been done in the last 15 years. Truth always sounds “alarmist” to those most often in denial. Blessings.
I am an admin on the mercury detox support group . I and many others over 6000 now in the group have mercury poisoning from our amalgam fillings. Not everyone gets poisoned but it depends on the length of time the amalgams have been in and how well your liver detoxes this poison. So please be aware Weston price is spot on with what he says ?
You have no idea what you are talking about and obviously didn’t actually read the whole article. Dr Huggins PROVED (with DNA testing) Dr Price’s theory that root canals harbored pathological bacteria. So root canals are silently poisoning the blood stream and jaw with nanobacteria that are proven to be related to precisely the symptoms and diseases that Weston Price found 100 years ago.
As far as the high copper mercury amalgams that Dr Huggins mentions in the beginning of the article — Yes, they may not use them any more, but even current mercury amalgams release mercury daily as proven through numerous studies now. The fact that the ADA thought it was ever a good idea to use high copper mercury amalgams says loads about their cluelessness when it comes to biochemistry. There was obviously something wrong with them or they wouldn’t have gotten away from them.
So what exactly is alarmist?
Funny how you show complete contradiction in your statement. You are alarmed about bacteria from an abscessed tooth, but you are not worried about bacteria from a dead, root-filled tooth. I’ve seen many of my patients have root canals extracted after their dentist told them it looked fine on X-ray — and they often have abscesses on the root tips. Root canal-ing a tooth doesn’t eliminate root tip abscesses — as a matter of fact, it often creates them.
Go troll somewhere else.
Filled root canal with Endocal 10 is permanent treatment and eliminates totally any endotoxin for lifetime.
No it will not. Endocal is bogus. Dr Huggins was VERY against “safe root canals”.
You can’t completely sterilize a dead tooth. It’s a dead organ and must be removed. Even if you could completely sterilize it, abscesses grow at the root tips. I’ve seen this with many patients.
Hi. My partner desperTly wants his root canal extrActed from his head as his health has not been the same since he got it done..it took a bit of research but his convinced it has to go. Only problem is finding a dentis that understands this and ia willing to extract it…if anyone knows of any in Mmelbourne, Australia. Please please please would love to hear fromm u….
I’m horrified by this. I am so sick, bed ridden slot of times. Had to quit a job I loved but was to sick to carry on. Living off of a j- tube being diagnosed with Hemochromatosis,Gastophoresis, peptic ulcers so severe that they had almost burned through my stomach lining. Chronic Pancreatitis. Then Lupus, Relapsing Poly chondroitin. Last summer my teeth and gums were decaying so fast I didn’t know what to do. The first dentist sent me for an emergency tooth pulled of an old crown. Then my top front tooth broke off. My teeth were decaying faster than a meth addict. I went to a dentist who said I needed multiple root canals and crowns. I have had 9. I am having problems with the top front 4. They hurt, are vert very sensitive to hot and cold. I can’t pay my bill. I feel ripped off. I’m very scared that that they aren’t sealed because I can feel with my tongue and it sends pain clear up my face. It’s worse if I have a lupus flare. Please please help
Jenny, consider the fact that between toxicity and deficiency, nearly all disease reside. Teeth deteriorating? Consider that you body is using all it can to keep blood pH proper using calcium from whatever it can get it from, including the teeth leaving it with no foundation. Calcium will not help but magnesium, large doses can help greatly. Also keep in mind that everything mentioned here also can fall into the mycotoxin category which is vast. The magnesium, among other will help with much discussed and also keep in mind that clinical evidence has shown pancreas issues, including the langerhans islets (cancer) can be caused by fungus which is what emits mycotoxins in the first place. You need to learn all you can about raising your pH to start while you get all the alkalizing nutrients you can get preferably through whole live foods via juicer while also strictly following an anti-fungal diet. Knowthecause.com and Doug Kaufmann are the best in the field and his Phase One diet is FREE! Blessings.
Hi Todd!
What you say in your reply is so true.. I’m 54, diabetic since 11, cavities galore at 10, first root canal at 15, and 15 root canals total in my mouth.,My root canaled front tooth has had 5 apicoectomies because about every 5 years it starts hurting really bad and the root canal dentist each time says the “ filling disinvestment”. He doesn’t u detstand thst yeast and bacteria are getting in their , prob through a big hole in the apex, and eating the guts percha. So he goes in and refills. It’s still painful to have done, and if all the roots were cleaned out, I would think it would not hurt at all right?
I now know why I have had heart problems, teeth problems, nervous system problems and severe leaky gut my whole life. I’m so sick of being sick and I truly believe my juvenile diabetes was caused by a fungus infection of the islets of langerhans in the pancreas. I’m a mess and I can’t even talk to doctors about all this because it totally overwhelms them and they think I’m crazy. I AM crazy , from all the pain I go through. I eat an extremely strict organic diet. Low sodium , low oxalates, Low carb and only organic vegetables and organic grass fed beef and farm fresh eggs.,
I take several supplements and most are to help with pain. I’m firing abslow death from all this. It’s sad that I know what wrong and can’t help myself. I can’t take biofilm breakers because they hurt my bundle branch block in my heart, which has electrical problems and 5 stents now. 2 years ago I took 3 weeks of Diflucan to kill the Candida albicans infection in my gut , but 2 years and 3 months later, it’s even worse than it was 2 years ago. Diflucan now hurts my electrical heart beat and makes me so sick I can’t take it anymore. After I took the Diflucan for 3 weeks, the dr put me in 10 days if antibiotics to kill the bacteria that took over where the Candida use to be, but the antibiotic killed all the colonized Oxalobactor Formigenes Microbes in my intestinal track. That particular microbe is responsible for spitting out an enzyme that dissolves oxalates in our foods. Those oxalates are like microscopic chemical razor blades that embed themselves and talk soft tiss microbes in my intestinal track. That particular microbe is responsible for spitting out an enzyme that dissolves oxalates in our foods. Those oxalates are like microscopic chemical razor blades that embed themselves In soft tissues and our body and cause inflammation. So now I’ve had to be on a super low oxalate diet and really only rotate about 10 things to eat in my life. I’m truly at the end of my rope I don’t know anybody that’s living the way I have to live and all the things that I do. And on top of that for 30 years I’ve been so severely constipated and now even laxatives don’t work for me and I have to do a large enema twice a week just to go to the bathroom. I and my body are a mess. I don’t think I have it in me to continue like this. I do everything possible to help myself, but I don’t think there is anything more that will help. I pray for a miracle.
I would suggest to EVERYONE to never get a root canal. By the way, my teeth hurt all the time and are super sensitive, but when I take a little piece of Diflucan ( anti-fungal) medication, and dissolve it in my mouth and swish it around, right before bed, I get relief for 3-4 days from tooth sensitivity. So what does that tell you? Candida in my mouth causes the pain and tooth decay. I believe that.
Disinvestment was suppose to be: dissolved.
Sugarboo I’m so sorry you have all these issues. Consider carnivore diet and also low sodium is bad for you. read the salt fix. Prayers for recovery
Lord have mercy! Pray to Christ for strength. Blessed are the poor in spirit.. This will all be over one day. Everything is for the salvation of our souls, so that we may be perfected— cleansed through our hidden faults and passions through suffering.
God bless you. You live a tough life.
Please look
Into colloidal silver 10 mm ASAP.
Use it in your mouth 3 times a day swishing for 10 mins. It cured my bleeding gums
And completely got rid of my allergies and is helping my auto immune issues. All until I can get my cone X-ray done 3D and get my mercury out , root canal and periodontal ligaments removed Properly and ozoned. Find a bio mercury safe dentist ASAP .
Google SIFO and see natural cures. Not sure if my 10 year old root canal is causing this but I had a recurring Candida infection so got diagnosed with SIFO potentially. Google myself and found this doctor reccomendign berberine, garlic oil and oregano oil to combat Candida. It worked! I’m not sure which supplement cos I took all three but you could try them one by one perhaps. So sorry that you are going through these health probs and hope at least you can combat the Candida without difflucan which kills everything and as you said caused more problems. I also went on difflucan and felt like shit after and still had Candida. Now with this new information, I’m like do I pull out my right front tooth with a root canal ? Dang
Hi Saf, my dentist in Prahran (Dr Ben Olstein) totally understands the danger in root canals. He practices holistic, bio-compatible dentistry.
So good to hear that! I just booked an appointment with him to assess and remove my root canal tooth.
I am in melb looking for same. Interested to know how you went Cam? Thanks
hi some doctors recommend that, use ozone gause for re-new and clean area of root canal treatment.however ozone gause is expensive.i cant go. if use sodium hypochlorite or( and plus )colloidal silver water for wash that area , it is enough ? these ways cannot use instead of ozone gause?
many thanks
why nobody dont explain that, how dentist can remove the teeth from aneorob bacteria? there are many people here from 3. world countries.. our dentists dont know correct way how they can help the patients?
it must simple.. merciful dentists should add how to make video on youtube for educate 3. world’ countries dentists.
I had root canals since I was fifteen, more than ten over my life.
I starting being so sick I thought I was going to die in my forties.
I had chronic fatigue, pneumonia, arthritis, the neurologist said I had a brain tumor, fibromialgia, dizziness, pain in my chest.
Not any kind of doctor could help me.
I had implants, I did new root canals over the old root canals, crowns, bridges.
“I decided to pull all that teeth and make dentures, now Im healthy and never happier”
From my experience I recommend to stay away from the “mayor evil root canal”
The majority of the dentist will advise you agains pulling out the tooth, they live from the crowns…
The only safe choice come from within you.
Thank you for sharing your story. At 54 , with 15 root canals and 20 crowns, I’m ready to pull all my teeth to. You can read my reply post to Todd, above your post. I’m so scared to have dentures but I feel like it’s my only option other than suicide. I just can’t live like this anymore.
perhaps Eden Energy Medicine has more answers on pain management, teeth and gum – this is now what I am about – 66 yrs of age, many root canals, health issues, I have been lead here thru Eden Energy Medicine. All for ONE – One is All there is.
I’m battling autoimmune disease, adrenal and and also early menopause all linked and after reading everyone’s comments here, I’m certain that my metal fillings and my partial and full root canal have some thing to do with it. Hope to chat with you about your experience If you don’t mind sharing. My Instagram is pengki_poo. I’m almost 40 and it’s my two front teeth that have root canals and many in the back with metal fillings
Elena Corral, please email to me so i can talk to you as i may do the same.
My email is goldayear2009@gmail.com
Not to hijack this thread, but, I need Atlanta dentists and I have no idea who is good and who is not… do you know anyting about this Atlanta dental care? They’reIt’s located Atlanta, clost to my office. I can’t find reviews on them – Exceptional Smile LLC, 4420 Bankers Cir, Atlanta, GA 30360 – (678) 841-8800
Do an internet search for biological or holistic dentists.
There is a Bio Dentist in Dothan, Alabama by the name of Pfister and he also has a brother in his practice. I’m going to get mind out and I am using him.
I am also looking for Atlanta dentist that is holistic! Did you use them? Thanks!!
Call the Dr Huggins site. They refer to dentists trained in his method
Just taking the time to say I love Weston A. Price’s work, especially his book Nutrition and Degenerative Disease. I proudly own the book and have referred to it hundreds of times. The work you folks do here is admirable and powerful. I so hope it continues. If I may add a plug for Dr. Thomas Levy as I am a fan of his incredible work and dedication to real health for millions as well and to his great work in past books and his new Toxic Tooth. Blessings!
Hello… My name is Cindy and I’m looking for a personal referral for a holistic/biologic dentist in Georgia, preferably metro Atlanta area. Thanks!
Regarding the MERCURY you talk about, HOW ABOUT THE CROWNS MADE OUT OF ZIRCONIA? (NO METAL), ZIRCONIA IS ALL WHITE MINERAL DIAMOND TYPE ROCK….I have 4 root canals with two of those zirconia crowns…and the other two have metal in it……
Dr Huggins was pretty much against all implants (but especially titanium). That said, many dentists trained in his methods do use zirconium implants. There are definitely benefits to having an implant as long the bone / socket has completely healed. You really need to re-mineralize, heal and get healthier, IMO before getting a zirconium implant.
No one seem to mention here that Dr. Huggins license was revoked. For a guy who is often quoted for his wonderful work, this certainly brings into question his credibility.
I also have to wonder about titanium and its effect on the body. Orthopedic surgeons have been using titanium for a long time to repair bones. Do all of these people somehow suffer horrible neurological diseases, and compromised immune systems as a result?
What about all the horrible procesesed food out there? Things like vaccines, fluorides and chlorine in our waters. I’m not saying that there’s no problem with root canals or titanium, but I think some of these claims get overly exaggerated. People are looking for something to explain their problems and someone to blame.
If you do a little bit of research you can find a lot of problems from procedures that holistic Dentists perform. I’ve read more than one article talking about people who wished they had just left the root canal alone.
I’ve had root canal teeth that have abscessed, and had to come out. I’ve also had root canal teeth that are fine. I have several implants that have caused me far less problems than root canals or crowns or bridges. Compared to bone loss and the inability to chew food, implants look pretty good. I have to laugh to add people who talk about not putting metal into their bone, while they take a puff off a cigarette, and chase it with a Coca-Cola .
Allopathic (pharma) medicine ( Allways treat symptoms never the cause as this would disappear all their customers ) totally controls the AMA and ADA . Research both sides of “magnesium depletion” to connect mercury to all diseases, cancer and symptoms.
It’s a miracle of stupidity that dentists do not know such “priveleged information” about root canals.
I mean, if you ever open a book on endodontic anatomy you would see that lateral, accessory root canal ARE mentioned. How do they get the licence on famous universities like Harvard and Yale?
Hello, I was wondering how the body deals with a tooth implant. Does it recognize it as a tooth and stops the healing process (similarly as it does with periodontal ligament)? Does the bacteria attach to the implant similarly as to a root canal?
I’m thinking of replacing the teeth on which root canals have been done with implants. Is that a safer option?
Many thanks
You have to exerce caution, implants can be also problematic. Personally, I would avoid metallic implants and go for a ceramic implant. There is also an interesting implant system called bioimplant which is only done by a Vienna dentist who has developed this technique more than 10 years ago. You can search their website to learn more about it. Remember than the extraction has to be done by a dentist than will do the proper procedures. Bone grafts are another issue that can possibly cause later health problems…I wonder how easy to get your own bone graft transplanted?
I can personally attest to the fact that Dr. Price’s research is true. A root canal treatment in 2009 lead to systemic disease in that same year. Kidney stones and panic attacks soon followed. Perhaps the worst thing is that you don’t connect the dots, with the symptoms seemingly being unrelated. I could go on and on about it, as I’ve suffered for a very long time, that which I can only explain as being hell on Earth. Don’t ever get a root canal is all I can say. The neurological effects are definitely the worst.
How on Earth is it possible that dentists still go about these kinds of procedures? As a patient you trust them and their seemingly state of the art equipment, but when it comes to the therapy, mine never told me he’d take out the vital tissue and leave the tooth and its nerve to rot. All he said is that he would be cleaning it. When the filling fell out it uncovered a big, black colored cavity, which my dentist must have found unintersting, as he never cared to tell me about it.
I mean, how is it possible!? I am NEVER going to a conventional dentist again. These bacteria will produce toxins that are capable of ripping apart your very life.
I sincerely hope these “treatments” by dentists, the people that are supposed to heal teeth not destroy them, are stopped sooner rather than later, because sooner or later many patients are going to experience some kind of health problem. I’ve had the misfortune to experience it myself, at the age of 21.
I wholeheartedly hope Dr. Price’s research breaks through, I sure wish he were my dentist.
Kenneth, I am in total agreement with you! I’ve had 3 root canals – the first dating back to about 1995 and the other 2 were in the early 2000’s. My life has been turned upside down after having 2 leaking amalgam fillings drilled out and crowned on February 2, 2016. I joke saying I’m living ground-hog day over and over… however, it’s not funny at all. I have chronic pain when exposed to wifi, cell phones, EMF and RF of any kind. I can’t work, go to school, or go to people’s homes with wifi. I have an ethernet computer, landlines, and cannot use xfinity TV – only satelite. I burn from the inside of my bone marrow, have gall bladder and joint pain when exposed to wifi, anxiety, and my lungs wheeze from time to time (never when I’m being checked – usually notice when I change position or lay down to sleep at night). I’m scared to death to have a dentist touch me. My dentist used a rubber dam but no HEPA filter. He wasn’t a biological dentist – my mistake and I’m paying royally for it. I’m now trying to have my 3 root canals pulled. I am so desperate I’d love to pull them myself… obviously know I need it done the right way – just super desperate to feel better and get my life back!! My gums are very swollen but no pain where I have 2 root canals on the very back upper right. I also have a swollen super-hard lymph node directly under that same ear. Please pray that I find the right person. All my best to everyone who find this… YOU ARE NOT CRAZY AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!
What have your results been. Did you have your teeth pulled.
I’m very curious if my health troubles are related to a root canal I had last year. 2 weeks after the root canal, my tooth still hurt, and I had my first nocturnal seizure. I’ve continued to have seizures in my sleep about every 6 weeks since. I’ve been checked out from many health angles, but not this one-yet!
As always, a great blog. I went to my holistic dentist today and he reminded me to keep oil pulling. I have to get one mercury filling removed and can’t wait to have it all behind me. He will remove it safely.
Hello all,
After reading this article, I’m now super paranoid. I literally had my root canal done last week.
I was in severe pain for nearly 7 days; it started off with a sensitive molar, then moderate pain when drinking hot fluids, then progressed to severe pain and waking up at night, then I couldn’t place any pressure on it so couldn’t eat solids. I ignored it for while, hoping it would get better but I was in tears of pain. My face started to develop a lump on my lower jaw (abscess?) that was painful to touch, I had migraines, my stomach was in pain, I couldn’t eat. This lasted for 3 days before my appointment arrived. But by then, the pain subsided, the swelling shrunk and I was able to chew more carefully, though there was still a soreness to the molar. Was I healing the tooth decay naturally??? Was it going away naturally?
However, now I am wondering what would have happened if I did nothing and left the tooth alone? Because the Periodontist obviously said I needed an urgent root canal before the tooth died and cracked so that he could place a crown. I took a 4 day course of antibiotics after the root canal which I regretted but I didn’t know what else to do.
What would have been the better alternative? I have a brand new root canal and a crown made of porcelain and titanium.
So far, there is no pain, occasionally a mild numb dull pain in the root but it could be because it’s still healing?
I had problems with occasional and painful constipation, but that is most likely from the antibiotics and
a) To leave the tooth and do nothing? What could happen?
b) Get an extraction? What’s the best way to do this?
c) Get a bridge?
I already had extensive bone loss from periodontal disease which I had prior to the root canal and I’ve been struggling with it due to several genetic factors, grinding and open bite. My brushing habits are pretty good as I brush and floss twice a day but I know deep down, this won’t save me.
The molar in question had previously a large cavity filled by Amalgam since I was 12 but had it removed and replaced with white filling 20 years later. 13 years later, I got a root canal and had it done abroad because I couldn’t afford it in Australia. I don’t discredit the professionalism of the doctor abroad but I am now worried about how it’s going to affect me.
What do I do now?
Should I get it removed?
Should I just wait?
Now I’m so afraid that my health will decline after this point.
Can anyone please give me info how to get your body free of all these bacteria. Had to tske my root canal lut through a nomal dentist and I do not feel better. I reaaly need help. Please. I have been trhough hell for 11 years and the drs could never say what was wrong with me. I have pain in my neck and shoulders ever since I had the root canal done. And a year ago started to have very weird feeling in my head and brein, jaw and just feeling like I am going to loose my mind.
I need to get a remedy or something that will stop these bacteria from killing me please.
I live in New Zealsnd if anyone can advise me what to do please.
healthy vegan food, lots of greens. do oil pulling every day.
Colloidal silver 10 mm . 3 times a day in mouth . Swish For 10 mins then spit out . Research it on duck duck go. It saved my life .
I had a root canal done in 2005 and suffered terribly with loose stools afterwards. I couldn’t go out to the shops without embarrassing myself. I contacted a holistic doctor who extracted the tooth and now my life has changed immeasurably. I can now mix freely in public without fear of accident.
If I have had 6 extractions do I need to get them all cleaned out of periodontal ligament? I am currently going through hollistic Ortho what do you suggest? That makes it tough but my wisdom teeth gaps are clear to clean
There is no need to tear these teeth! It is very difficult, but it goes without the dentist’s incendiary. You have to understand that you have a jaw contaminated with strong bacteria, so to get rid of the bacteria is to be disinfected. I have had tremendous problems you can not even imagine, today I successfully sealed a completely clean tooth with a huge hole in the carousel, home alone. Use a CDS solution mixed with DMSO, separate from CDS, use MMS2, ie calcium hypochlorite, and gently press it into caries, it may hurt, probably. But I stopped 4 deep dental decay, literally decay from healthy tooth tissue, white tooth remains. But the basic rule is also an instant sugar diet, the tooth spoils from inside if you eat a lot of sweet. The last thing is BORAX, it is a weighing literally a miracle, but beware, comes after her herx reaction in the case of teeth I jumped 3 big sores, but since then I have clean skin, I am happy!
What is the standard for science in this article? Why do the few citations support only parts of the discussion? Some of the peer review articles referenced do not use standard citation formats and cannot be searched on PubMed. Why doesn’t Dr. Huggins himself publish his work?
I have found nothing in peer review literature, here or in a lengthy broad search, supporting the theory that healthy root canals in general promote systemic or distant infection or other immune responses. I even looked at references for George Meinig in his book The “Root Canal Cover Up” and found no research available from recognized journals supporting the general theory of the book. Dentistry has of course advanced much since the time of Weston Price.
Here is the most relevant study I did find:
“Although endodontic procedures and some acute endodontic infections can cause bacteremia, there is no clear evidence that microorganisms from the root canal can cause diseases in remote sites of the body.”
I had root canal in back lower molar about 6-7 years ago. 8 months ago started having BMS “Burning Mouth Syndrome”. Also noticed deep pain in root canal rooth and put ambasol on it and it went away. However I notice minor pain whenever I push back and forth on that root canal tooth. I thought possibly lingual nerve damage in the jaw maybe causing this, but now see that lingual nerve runs along the root canal tooth area. Anybody hear of “burning mouth syndrome” as a result of root canal disturbance?
In 2015 I had a root canal done that became infected within 2 days of the procedure. The dentistry prescribed antibiotics repeatedly for 4 wks and I then developed Bell’s Palsey. I was then sent to a specialists that redid the root canal. My face stayed very sensitive and was painful. I recovered from the Bell’s within 4 months. There was no swelling in the area so I thought I would just deal with it. 5 months later I developed a mild case of Bell’s once again and had a slight drop in my lip and cheek. I had burning in my tongue and mouth area. About 4 months after that, I developed another mild case of Bell’s confirmed on the mri. I still have pain in my face and now in my eye. I’m positive the first root canal caused this problem and ruined my face. All drs say it can’t be proven that this caused the Bell’s. At this point I want to remove it but not sure the rt course to take….
How do you know if your root canal is infected with bacteria?
Is there any kind of test that can be done?
I have 7 root canals, 4 in the last 5 years. No pain or any symptoms of problems with any of the root canals. Also had my wisdom teeth removed 20 years ago.
I have been sick for the last 3 years, no diagnosis, doctors say it in my head or its my diet. I am exhausted all the time, headachs, slight numbness in fingers and toes, severe nausea.
I just want to know if I have any of these toxic bacteria in my system, how can I find out?
Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, you can do a CBCT tomography. Good luck! Stay safe!
Any ideas of what to use to heal an infected nerve pulp in tooth? Endodontist says no to root canal; only 50% chance it would work. and not a candidate for implant.
what is the best thing to do after removal of a front tooth that had a root canal done over ten years ago? I am afraid of an implant.
I have been following this issue for about 20 years, and all my queries to dentists, endodontists, endocrinologists, doctors, specialists etc. have all been dismissed as quackery. Just saw Netflix show called Root Cause, which continues to sound the alarm and cites new evidence. My mouth is full of amalgam, root canals and dental implants, and I have lifelong health issues (miserable gut pain, panic attacks, chronic anxiety and depression, insomnia, grave’s disease, joint pain, confusion, memory loss, tinnitus and hearing loss.) How does one even begin to remediate these issues? There isn’t enough money in the world for me to receive all the treatments recommended in the Netflix show…
I have same symptoms. I have one root canal, porcelain crown and now chronic absest. Dont know what to do. Will the symptoms go away or are they permanent?
Have you heard of Medical Medium?
I need some assistance ASAP guys! I’ve got part 1 of a 2 part root canal procedure and may temporary filling has worn down to the point where literally one more bite of food will completely expose my empty root canal!! After reading all theses horror stories about root canal, I have decided NOT to proceed with part 2 of the root canal process however I need to do something QUICKLY!
So what is the recommendation that is recommended that I do so i don’t get health complications down the road? Simply removing the tooth isn’t a viable option because i have the same bottom molar on my opposite side already gone and this will affect my eating and chewing capabilities!! Please help! what do I do?
Last week watched Root Cause on Netflix. Because I’ve been dealing with migraines which have gotten progressively worse and more often and having heart palpitations, O decides to rule out any issues with the 3 root canals I have. Today I had my Cobe B CT. 2 of the root canals were infected. In one the infection is so bad it literally ate through the sinus cavity wall and is feeding the infection into my sinuses. Doc said it could have been in there for years. The second root canal has a cavitation. Both must be pulled and replaced once the infection is eradicated. I am soooooo glad I saw the documentary and took action right away. As my holistic chiropractor said, this might be saving my life. A few more years with this infection and my health would most like deteriorate. Everyone should have a 3 d CT if they’ve had dental work.
The article states, “Of the five most frequently present bacteria found in cavitations, three affect the heart, two the nervous system and one the kidneys and lungs. They are as follows:”
It then lists some microbes, however, it only list 4 microbes instead of 5: Streptococcus mutans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Candida albicans, and Prevotella intermedia. So, what is the other microbe?.
Gayle Hardine
I have four Root canals. One I believe is infected and causing migraines. Please offer a list of Endodontists that can help. I live in louisina however willing to travel wherever the nest care can be found. I’m ready to do whatever it takes. Migraines are more frequent with right sided tinnitus. It’s beginning to debilitate me. I want my life back.
My husband was a normal healthy and atheletic person. A few months after a root canal procedure he developed ALS. More than 10 doctors we have seen denies theres any link between root canal and als
Looking for a Dentist in Pinellas County Florida that can remove a tooth with
root canal and clean out issues.
This article was written in 2010. Dr. Hal Huggins lost his license to practice in the United States in 1996 for gross negligence. He also died in 2014. He cannot help you. People who reply to comments on the internet cannot help you. Those of you that need medical attention, please go get it from a doctor, not the internet.
I have been to 5 doctors, desperate for help finding what has been plaguing me for years. They always came up empty, always prescribed more drugs that never worked and piled on the side affects. It was ME who discovered I have hyperparathyroidism. Because a doctor on the INTERNET explained that most other doctors are miss-diagnosing my symptoms. Imagine that! I diagnosed MYSELF using a doctor’s advice I found on the INTERNET. Get a life you shill.
Huggins lost his license after he appeared on 60 minutes, explaining his life’s work. It was the most watched episode ever, but 60 minutes hasn’t ever again let people see it again.
Can someone give me the name of a dentist in the Chicago land area please. Linda costa. 708-951-1442
Holistic dentists in Houston for root canal extraction ?
My son needs a Holistic dentist for root canal removal in Fullerton California or near there? An infection has gone into the jawbone.
Dentist said another root canal. Gave him antibiotic and tylenol. His sister and I say remove the root canals. 4 on front top. Colloidal silver? Goldenseal with echinacea? Oregano oil? Anything else to work on nfection in jawbone??
Dr. Tom Levy (cardiologist, attorney) was a colleague of Hal Huggins. He still lives in Colorado Springs. He recommended Dr. Ezekiel Lagos in Tijuana. Mexico to me.
I visited Dr. Lagos in 2015 and had 14 amalgam fillings replaced with composite and one root canal removed the proper way. Please check his website here:
His prices are 1/3 rd of what a Biological Dentist would charge in the US and he has 30+ years experience and was trained by Dr. Huggins.
I flew from Denver. Colorado and work was done in 3 days. So glad I had this done…..
please check it out. His patients are from all over THE WORLD!!!
Hi, does anyone know a good dentist in belgium to extract a root canal teeth? Holland is ok too
Absolutely amazing the work Weston did! There are so many Ahahs! and they are ignored to openly to me it’s as well if the ADA and main stream medical just admitted that the crap they are doing to people is the #1 reason people are getting so sick now days.
Of course the weaponized foods are of course a major concern.
Screw up peoples teeth, get them rootcanals… say bye bye!
Just curious have some issues mostly numbness on my left side which made me think MS. Have a root canal with a crown many years old. Wondering if I have the crown/ tooth removed, does it matter what kind of a dentist I go to? What exactly am I needing to ask the dentist?
I’m stuck to not knowing where to go with either root canal or removal. I go to a holistic dentist, but feel it isn’t very holistic to having the nerves lasered and a temporary filling in.. which I have just found out is a breeding ground for bacteria. Not feeling very looked after.. does most dentists in Australia have the PIPs machine or the ozone available?? Please help me..
I’ve often wondered if 100 years from now root canals will be looked back on as a barbaric practice in the same way we look back on how doctors used to drill holes in people’s heads to alleviate their headaches.
“They used to do WHAT?”
Thats funny. When I asked my dentist about root canals today. About the procedure he said the tools they used has advanced.
But I will not get a root canal.
3 years ago I cracked a pice of one of my molar (37) And these last 4 days it has started to give some toothache which is the first time I ever experience.
I was hoping to just get a filling but the dentist was quick to push root canal.
I have been swishing (oil pulling) with Sesame oil this evening excessively, and it deffinatly is helping.
I will start the new diet following Dr Ramiel Nagal & Weston Price guidelines to make sure I get this tooth back to optimal level.
Shoulder neck, jaw and ear pain has gone following removal of a painful when touched 9 year old root canal tooth on same side. Also carpal tunnel with numb tingling fingers has cleared up totally. Was incredibly tired for 2 days following extraction and adjoining tooth was very wobbly and sore for a couple of weeks. CT scan before removal showed big area of bone loss around tooth root., which dentist said indicated massive infection. I’m so happy to be pain free after so long.
Looking for a dentist in the vancouver bc canada area, They say i need a root canel but rather have my tooth removed.
Hello, this is one of the few sites that addresses root canals and health. Thank you Dr Price for making this public. I am posting this review so others can make an educated decision. I am grateful for the other reviews that allowed me to make my decision. This is my story. I am 42 yrs always had panic attacks and chest pains. I eat healthy and exercise 5 times a week. Do not drink or smoke. I am a health fanatic. I worked in construction and still came home to work out for 1 hour 5 days a week. I am a single mom with 2 kids. So my life is non stop. I had my first root canal at 19. One more at 30. Then last October I had a third root canal. One week later. I got tinnitus. Two weeks later. Severe body tremors that would come in my sleep and last for hours. I thought about the teeth but didn’t relate the tooth. Come February I got vertigo for 10 days and severe head aches and no balance. I lost my job. I would spend 8-12 hours just sitting on the sofa. I couldn’t focus. Went to ER, they couldn’t find anything and said it was vertigo and I needed to drink more water. My Dr did blood work didn’t find anything. I was desperate. Ready to commit suicide. And thought about my tooth. Came on this website read the reviews and saw the movie Root cause. After that it was a no brainer. I went to my dentist and did a check up. She said I needed two more roots canals. Two teeth were decaying to the back, they had large silver fillings. Great! I go to my oral surgeon and had 5 tooth extracted. The three root canals and and the two large silver fillings. Two weeks later. Zero tremors, zero vertigo and zero brain fog, I have energy. And very small panic attacks. That is nothing compared to the large one I used to have. My family cannot believe it. God bless
And what is the process the surgeon here did for you?
Hi, everyone. Anyone know such a dentist in Israel? One who can remove a tooth according to the protocol?
I have one Root canal done in December 2016 and since then I feel all sorts of mystery symptoms have appeared, including
POIS (Post Orgasmic Illness syndrome) like confusion, poor memory, tiredness, body pains, sniffles and congestion
Also have digestive issues, yeast candida, parasites, liver somewhat sluggish, brain fog and adhd symptoms, food allergies gluten, dairy,
bloating (Digestion was bad before root canal anyhow, not sure if made it worse?? )
It gives a light throb now and again maybe after some fruit and sugar
Is this a sign it is infected and needs to be removed?
Any good dentist in NJ area for removing root canal tooth?, please let me know
Did u find one? I looking for NYC-CT areas. kdurkflow@yahoo.com
I received a root canal 8-10 years ago on the left side of my mouth. I now have a tooth that chipped on the upper right side of my mouth. The dentist recommends a root canal. The tooth really doesn’t bother me. After reading this I recognize the danger of having the root canal procedure completed. However, I have two questions.
Will it harm me to leave the tooth alone until it does bother me? I don’t want to remove the tooth unless absolutely necessary. Is it okay to leave in the tooth operated on years ago? I’m only twenty three and would prefer to have a full mouth of teeth.
Can a root canal cause Peripheral Nerve Damage or Raynaud Phenomenon?
Jean- I absolutely believe it can. I developed peripheral neuropathy in my feet AND Raynaud’s phenomenon in my feet within weeks of getting a root canal 14 years ago. I also developed extreme odor and multiple chemical sensitivity at the exact same time. Tested negative for autoimmune diseases, went to a neurologist and a vascular specialist looking for answers. I have always felt the root canal caused all three of these issues, but nobody seems to believe me. I still have the root canal and was just told by my dentist that I need a root canal in another tooth after a filling that she put in fell out within a year and has been causing me pain since. I will never, ever let her touch me again. She mocked my concern about my metal fillings and said my root canal wouldn’t cause the aforementioned health problems because she had never heard of a root canal causing health problems. I now have an appointment in a couple of weeks with an excellent biological dentist who will perform a CBCT scan. If necessary, I will have an extraction and ceramic implant before I will EVER have another root canal. I am also going to look into having the existing root canal removed and I hope I will have normal feet again and not feel like I am going to die if I get a whiff of perfume or laundry detergent.
Hi. I have a chipped back tooth that turned into root canal and have not treated yet. I will only treat it by a bio dentist w applied Huggens3 price method. I am now on K2 fish oil calcium however still got pain… looking for a holistic bio weston price dentist in nyc and brooklyn area if possible. Since it’s a sensitive procedure I want to make sure it gets done right with long lasting good results
Awaiting some info.
Thank You!
I looking in NYC area too – let me know. Thx kdurkflow@yahoo.com
Hi I know your comment was a long time ago. In NYC look to Rejuv dentistry mid town. I am going to them for removal of long ago root canal tooth and cavitation surgery. Hood luck on your healing.
I have an infected root canal. Do you recommend anyone in Washington state that can help me?
Any suggestions for cavities and to prevent them from getting worse and requiring a root canal?
My husband had two old root canals removed recently as they were causing issues with his blood pressure. He did get 2 zirconium implants and is still having high blood pressure. Does anyone have any tips of how to detox after root canal removal? He still has more work to be done but in the meantime I want to make sure we rid of all that bacteria that may have invaded his bloodstream. Thank you. He did 2 rounds of antibiotics with each tooth removal already, but we feel he needs more support since the root canals were in his mouth over 15 years.
Spirulina gets rid of heavy metals in the blood stream .
Activated charcoal detoxs blood
Is there a list of Huggins trained dentists around the world ?
Hi! I’ve had my first root canal and now apparently need another one. I want an alternative but don’t know where to go and can’t spend a fortune. I live in Vancouver island British Columbia. Can anyone recommend somewhere to go? Thank you 🙏
After so many harmful procedure that provide unnecesary burden to lots of people life.. Did FDA ever reevaluate those procedure?
The toxic medical device impact was clearly stated on their website, how come there’s no evaluation for years at so many harmful procedures in dentistry?
Scared me about all options: not a root canal, not antibiotic to stop infections but no suggestions on what to replace these with except for Vit C IV. I can do that but not forever. A suggestion would be helpful.
This old film on root canal dangers is in bad shape but the information it contains is solid gold. https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf
This old film on root canal dangers is in bad shape but the information it contains is solid gold.
This is scary stuff. I’m not at the root canal stage, but the dentist said I need two fillings. Is this safe? I don’t want it to progress to the root canal stage.
Thanx for sharing amazing information regarding Root Canal Dangers
Today I am 3 years post chemo/radiation treatment for stage 4 left sided skull base cancer…. Almost found too late to save my life. I’ve been stressing for years trying to find out why I developed this slow growing cancer that, from what I’ve been told, had been growing for years. My dental history includes 3 root canals on the same tooth, the left side second bicuspid, first starting in 2001/2002. Before this I had what you would call them million dollar smile, never any braces, had all teeth perfectly straight, I loved my smile. So fast forward a few years my health starts going south. Went from a very healthy person to one aliment after the other. 2019 lost hearing and eye went cross on left side. Luckily a God sent ENT did a nasal endoscopy and seen the cancer growing through my nasopharynx. After seeing a documentary the other day and reading this page, I pretty certain I now know where this cancer originated from.
My first symptoms of ALS occurred in 2014, but was diagnosed in 2016. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn’t walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Tree of Life Health clinic. It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit w w w. healthcareherbalcentre .com I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others. ]
I have had deep fatigue and various health problems since I had a root canal. Looking for someone in the San Francisco Bay area to do the specialized root canal extraction. Thanks!
I can advise anyone who has health problems due to root canals to cleanse the body with a procedure called hijama. this is used by muslims, you can google about it, in short, on the surface of the skin there are many toxins in the human body, and the hijama (not Chinese, but Muslim) helps to remove this dirty blood from the body. how many times my joints hurt, various ailments, when there was a root canal in my mouth, it always became easier after hijama. you can learn how to make it yourself, buy cans. This is the cheapest but most effective remedy. because it helps to cleanse the blood of toxins, poisons. after the hijama, new blood is formed. the most important thing is that the incisions on the skin are not deep, so that blood comes out from the surface of the skin. cuts no more than 1 mm deep. according to a study by an Egyptian university, the blood taken for analysis after the hijama contained a bunch of different heavy metals and bacteria, toxins. this is evidence that the necessary blood has come out – superficial blood from the capillaries. good pure blood flows in our veins. once I had severe inflammation in the body, ferritin was very high and other markers of inflammation, and only after hijama did I recover.
Hi, I’m writing an e-book and would like to use some of the information on your sites. Can I have permission to do that? Thnx
Hi I’m writing an e-book and would like to include some information from the Weston A Price Foundation sites. Can I have permission to do that? Thanks so much
I wouldn’t put 100% validity in to this. If you look at this sites dietary advice it’s not in any way in alignment with what science has proven thousands of times. Or what we know from the Blie Zones. No one eats that way and lives long or well statistically. This is not science. I’m not saying there isn’t truth to some of this…but I wouldn’t have this be your only stop for health data. The dietary advice is 100% false. This we now know. It’s been proven. This dietary advice is very old data. So is the root canal advice current and accurate…???
So are you saying the people Doctors price visited did not have good teeth or they this kind of diet? If you’re answer is no they did have good teeth and fuller facial structure and better bodies and healthier bodies. And did have this kind of diet then what are you really trying to say? And do you deny that most of all human remains even the most ancient fully intact skulls have straight teeth and really ever have a cavity? And fuller facial structure. And it has been proven that post agriculture modder humans had more denser bones and bigger frames and more muscular bodies. It’s funny I never liked prossed foods as a child and even at a young age did eat refined foods. My diet is much like what price points out. I have perfectly straight teeth a ful face and a strong jaw. Never have I had a cavity and I don’t go to the doctor much because even at 45 I am in better health than a lot of young men that work out. I have been asked a few times why I am I so muscular do I work out. And no I have never worked out. It’s my diet.
I get the feel you are being intellectually dishonest to the public or maybe yourself. What some call intellectual fazelocking.
I worked as a dental hygienist for over 50 years. Many years ago I happened to observe that over ninety percent of my patients who had to have joint replacement surgery, all of them had one or more root canals. I am convinced that there is a direct correlation between root canals and joints having to be replaced. I have searched the internet about this observation of mine but have not been able to find anything regarding this subject. I read “The Root Canal Cover up” and that convinced me that I am on to something that is being ignored by the mainstream medical and dental professions.
I had a patient who had psoriatic arthritis. She had to have an infected root canal extracted and a few months after the extraction, she no longer had psoriatic arthritis. I mentioned to her the correlation of the tooth extraction and the disappearance of her diagnosis of having the psoriatic arthritis and she told her doctor about my observation. Her doctor refused to see any connection. I am dental hygienist and I would never get a root canal, especially after doing all the research that I have done on this subject!
Can anyone provide information regarding the pdl in primary tooth extraction? Specifically, should the pdl be removed after a primary tooth is extracted? Is there risk of cavitation after a primary tooth is extracted if the pdl is not removed?
One of the cornerstones of the Wise Traditions diet that Dr. Price reported to the world is “Activator X.” In this century, researchers figured out that it matches the qualities of MK-4, the only type of vitamin K2 that the placenta allows into a developing fetus. (The other kids of K2 is MK-7, which is hard to absorb and not as effective, it’s produced by bacteria, including our gut bacteria, but they can utilize it, we not so much.
Emu oil (from properly fed birds, goose oil and eggs have the most. Butter from pastured cows grazing on new grass is good too. It survives heating so even pasteurized butter will be helpful.
MK-4 causes the saliva to be a mineral donator, and cavities can fill in naturally, over 6 months or so, with no dental professional needed! Deficiency of MK-4 means saliva steals minerals from teeth.
These are 2 of numerous articles on MK-4 right on this website: