The title says it all: “Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G.” The article, co-authored by Beverly Rubik and Robert R. Brown, lists several ways in which the symptoms from exposure to wireless communications radiation (WCR) match those of Covid-19, including undesirable changes in the blood and circulation, immune system dysfunction, increased oxidative stress, increased intracellular calcium and worsening of heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders (J Clin Transl Res 2021 Oct 26;7(5):666-681). The authors recommend that everyone, particularly those suffering from Covid, reduce their exposure to WCR “as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure.” Unfortunately, WCR is very high in hospitals, which may explain the high rates of death in those institutions.
Myocarditis After COVID Vaccine
Good pandemic data are hard to come by, especially as various parties have taken steps to thwart or hide reports of vaccine injuries. However, a CDC study published January 25, 2022 on JAMA Network indicates that the risk of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) following mRNA Covid vaccination is around one hundred thirty-three times greater than the background risk in the population. The risk may actually be higher as the study used data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which notoriously underestimates the actual number of vaccine injuries. Cases of myocarditis occurred more often in males than females, especially males in the twelve-to-seventeen age group, and the Pfizer two-dose vaccine regimen was associated with the highest risk. Symptoms of myocarditis include chest pain, pressure or discomfort; shortness of breath; abnormal ECG results; and abnormal cardiac MRI findings. What to do in the face of this shocking evidence of vaccine danger? Any rational public health policy would discontinue all shots immediately. Instead, the CDC “has commenced active surveillance of adolescents and young adults to monitor their progress following heart-related incidents after vaccination” (israelnationalnews.com/news/321238).
Does Not Protect
“The vaccines are incredibly safe,” said fully-vaccinated CDC director Rochelle Walensky while testifying before the Senate Health Committee on January 11, 2022. While wearing two masks, Walensky insisted, “They protect us against Omicron; they protect us against Delta; they protect us against Covid.” Except that they don’t protect. New data from Scotland show that the Covid-19 age-standardized case rate is highest among the two-dose vaccinated and lowest among the unvaccinated; and this trend of negative efficacy for the double-vaccinated persists for hospitalizations and deaths. The data are similar from the U.K. Health Security Agency, showing higher rates of illness among the triple-vaccinated. The Scotland report shows that just 18.5 percent of hospitalizations were unvaccinated—and that number includes numerous people within twenty-one days of the first shot, counted as “unvaccinated!” The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirm that the fully vaccinated now account for nine in every ten Covid-19 deaths in England (dailyexpose.uk, March 1, 2022). Those enmeshed in viral theory will explain these dire results as the effect of “immunity wearing off,” but the explanation is really much simpler: if you inject poisons into people, it has the effect of making them sick, very sick (theblaze.com, January 21, 2022).
Weirder and Weirder
A New Zealand physician became concerned when people injured by the Pfizer vaccine began showing up at his office. He had been hearing about strange shapes like circles and what appeared to be microchips in the blood of vaccinated people. Wary of false leads—“those of us that critically look at the vaccine situation are heavily infiltrated by persons wishing to divert and control the narrative,” he noted—he decided that the only way to find out the truth of these rumors was to investigate himself. He took a twelve-week course on live blood analysis and purchased a sophisticated dark field microscope that magnifies four thousand times. He did find small round shapes in the blood of vaccine-injured patients—weird but not as weird as what came next. He was able to obtain some vials of the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine and look at the leftover vaccine liquid in his microscope. He found strange round and rectangular shapes that seemed to connect to each other. When subjected to heat—about body temperature—the shapes self-assembled into what looked like complex circuitry. “The organization that occurred does not appear to be simply organic, or debris or artefact, and it is not simply dehydration of the slide. It is highly self-organized and appears to be part of the design of the liquid,” he observed. When mixed with fresh human blood, the vaccine liquid appeared to self-organize into nano-tech chips linked by “cords,” possibly cords made in part from fibrin; the white blood cells were annihilated and the red blood cells were heavily damaged. The physician stated his belief that these weird things happen only with the second-generation Pfizer jab, called the Comirnaty vaccine (principia-scientific.com, February 5, 2022).
More Bad News About Mercury Fillings
Wise Traditions readers know that mercury is a quintessential antinutrient. Mercury dental amalgam fillings at body temperature off-gas mercury vapor, which is readily absorbed and transported throughout the body. Mercury blocks metabolic enzymes and promotes oxidative stress. At the molecular level, mercury binds sulfur and selenium. Mercury can cause or contribute to most chronic illnesses including premature aging. Now the father-son team of Geier and Geier have linked mercury dental amalgam with arthritis and asthma. Using the public access NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) database, the authors found that the risk of developing arthritis was up to sixfold higher in persons with amalgam exposure as opposed to other dental restorative materials (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ labs/pmc/articles/PMC8138300/), and the risk of developing asthma was about fourfold higher (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8532208/). We hope these discoveries will get us closer to the day when amalgam disappears from the dentists’ toolkit.
Vegan-Only Fridays
Mayor Eric Adams has done a lot of good things for the city of New York. For example, he has encouraged breast-feeding and worked to ensure that all public buildings have lactation rooms. He has instituted a vigorous rat-trapping program in infested areas of the city. Unfortunately, after a diagnosis of diabetes in 2016, he embarked on a “plant-based” diet and now has imposed vegan meals on New York City school children every Friday. The meals must include milk—that’s fat-free milk—because of federal guidelines—but otherwise the kids get vegan meals—not even cheese! Mr. Adams has naturally straight teeth and a healthy stature—he did not spend his growing years on a plant-based diet; in fact, his father was a butcher. Dear Mayor Adams, please reconsider endorsing a vegan diet for New York’s growing children, and do not deny them (even for a day) the foods they need to grow up healthy and strong—like you.
The Economist on Food
An interesting article entitled “The New Anthropocene Diet,” published in The Economist magazine (September 28, 2021) comes with the tagline, “Technology can help deliver cleaner, greener delicious food. Whether consumers want it is another question.” There we read that much of the meat we eat “is laced with chemical additives that reduce spoilage, enhance flavour or serve some other need on the part of the producer.” Well, chemicals in food are a bad thing, but is it true? Are even supermarket steaks, chops and hamburger laced with additives? For sure, the fake meats promoted in the article are loaded with additives of many kinds. “Immense hurdles remain. It is one thing to grow a hamburger in a tank, another to get people to eat it, and a third to provide competitively-priced tankburgers by the billion.” As for plant-based milk, the article admits something I have long suspected, that “plant-based milk are more profitable than the cow-based variety.” Still, even with the influx of “milk” based on soy, rice, oats, peas and almonds, plant-based milk account for only 15 percent of America’s milk market by value. And it’s not clear that plant-based milk can claim the moral high ground—it takes more than four liters of water to produce one almond, for example. Food scientists base their labors on the assumption that milk is just “fat, protein, sugars, minerals and water,” and so can be easily reproduced in the laboratory from other ingredients. “It’s a simple matter,” said notable vegetarian Henry Ford, “to take the same cereals that the cows eat and make them into a milk which is superior to the natural article and much cleaner.” Really? Can food engineers create all the magical enzymes and other compounds in milk—from mucins to lactoferrin? According to Dennis Woodside, president of Impossible Burgers, “Ultimately, we want to replace the animal,” which The Economist considers a “worthy aim.” But since fake meats and plant-based “milk” are devoid of the nutrients required for fertility and healthy children, this “worthy aim” is likely to have self-limiting returns.
“When Parents Said No to Their Kids Being Vaccinated, This Teenager Created VaxTeen. It’s Now More Crucial Than Ever.” So reads the hype for VaxTeen, an organization that encourages teenagers to receive vaccinations without parental consent. The group also provides information about state consent laws, vaccine information from the CDC, and guides teenagers on how to get vaccinated and how to talk to “anti-vaxxer parents.” As reported at icandecide.org, although VaxTeen appears to be a grassroots organization, the founder of VaxTeen is a member of the Unity Consortium’s Teen Advisory Council, whose members include Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and Sanofi Pasteur. Another VaxTeen partner, Keep Up the Rates, was launched by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID), whose strategic partners are AstraZeneca, Janssen Therapeutics, Moderna, Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, Bavarian Nordic, and Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Yet another VaxTeen partner, Stronger Keep Up the Rates, is a national advocacy campaign whose goal is to “stop the spread of harmful misinformation” and is supported by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, whose sponsors include Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Avantor, Amgen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Lilly, Abbvie, Genentech, Samsung Biologics, and Twist Biopharma. While VaxTeen seems, on its surface, to be grassroots, after a bit of digging, it looks like yet another marketing campaign by big pharma.
HPV Vaccine Fallout
The HPV vaccine, said to protect young women from the “human papillomavirus” has resulted in many unfortunate side effects, the most tragic being infertility. A study published in 2018 in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (retracted without detailed explanation after twenty-four thousand downloads) notes that approximately 60 percent of women ages twenty-five to twenty-nine who did not receive the HPV vaccine have been pregnant at least once, whereas only 35 percent of women who had the shot have conceived. The study author notes that birth rates in the U.S. have fallen from one hundred eighteen per thousand in 2007 to one hundred five per thousand, and if 100 percent of females in the study had received the HPV vaccine, the data suggest that the number of women having ever conceived would have fallen by two million. If you are one of those benighted individuals who believe we need to “reduce the world’s population,” the HPV vaccine is a good way to do it.
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