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A picture is worth a thousand words! We love that your Powerpoint had loads of them
We love that your Powerpoint had loads of pictures. They clearly tell the story and are very compelling. We have a page about healthy diets for kids on our website that is in aligment with the Weston A Price philosophy. I’m going to add a link to point our visitors here, to your Traditional Diets for Healthy Children page for more information!! Thank you!
Part 2 is only six slides because it is huge (many MBytes) and we can’t upload bigger files to the site easily. Part 2 is so big because there is at least 1 very high-resolution picture in there. Don’t ask me why …
I am so happy I’ve found this site. I need some help with my 14 month old daughter. She’s breastfed and of course also eating foods but I want her weaned by 24 months. What should I feed her instead of breast milk. I’m a bit scared to use raw milk for that young.
I’m so happy for the articles. Can someone please tell me if chicken liver is healthier than cow? And how about w/respect to gelatin?
Also, I’m confused as to whether or not I should feed my baby grains. Pleaee clarify.
Thanks in advance
Yes, your baby should now be on full fat raw milk, continued right to adulthood. At 14 months, you do not need to make formula
Chicken liver is best–the best balance of vitamins A, D and K. Baby should get chicken liver puree, egg yolks, meats and vegetables with butter.
Grains should be introduced slowly, properly prepared.
Hi my name is Rebecca and i am new to nourishing traditions. I bought all 4 books and have been reading them, slowly making changes at home. raw milk i now have from jersey cows. raw butter, making kefir with the raw milk. roast a whole chicken once a week and make bone broth with chicken feet. i have an almost 2 year old now. {20 months} He is still breastfed on demand. i offer raw cow milk and food but he doesn’t drink/eat much. He is 21 pounds. so skinny compared to most his age i have noticed 3 tiny cavities on the surface of this front teeth. But no real sign of rotting from the top. im so concerned and now im going to get him on fermented cod liver oil and butter oil – the pre mixed one i purchased and im waiting for it to come in the mail. do you have any suggestions to how i can get my son on more healthy fats or to eat more? Anything more i can do to help rebuild and heal these tiny cavities that have formed? i feel terrible. i look forward to hearing back from you. maybe im breastfeeding to often? i feel so grateful for your books sally, i only wish someone would have told me sooner _ before i got pregnant. also i want to add that i just purchased the little fishes from radiant life to give my toddler. what are some good ways to give my toddler butter without grains? any suggestions about his teeth i would very much appreciate also. Thank you! Rebecca
These baby teeth will fall out starting around age six. As for feeding him butter without grains, you can cook meat and veggies in butter. If he lets you brush his teeth, you can use a remineralizing powder like Shine from (advertises in the WAP quarterly) and online. You You could call a holistic or biological dentists and ask. You can read Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel (great book). Ask a WAP leader from a group near your home.
A picture is worth a thousand words! We love that your Powerpoint had loads of them
We love that your Powerpoint had loads of pictures. They clearly tell the story and are very compelling. We have a page about healthy diets for kids on our website that is in aligment with the Weston A Price philosophy. I’m going to add a link to point our visitors here, to your Traditional Diets for Healthy Children page for more information!! Thank you!
Reply to Dino
Part 2 is only six slides because it is huge (many MBytes) and we can’t upload bigger files to the site easily. Part 2 is so big because there is at least 1 very high-resolution picture in there. Don’t ask me why …
Any idea why powerpoint 2 is only 6 slides?
Its 9mb, but only 6 slides, whereas slide 3 is 9mb but 93 slides.
Any idea why that would be? Its not corrupt is it?
I am so happy I’ve found this site. I need some help with my 14 month old daughter. She’s breastfed and of course also eating foods but I want her weaned by 24 months. What should I feed her instead of breast milk. I’m a bit scared to use raw milk for that young.
I’m so happy for the articles. Can someone please tell me if chicken liver is healthier than cow? And how about w/respect to gelatin?
Also, I’m confused as to whether or not I should feed my baby grains. Pleaee clarify.
Thanks in advance
Reply from Sally,
We have covered these subjects in this article: and in my book The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care.
Yes, your baby should now be on full fat raw milk, continued right to adulthood. At 14 months, you do not need to make formula
Chicken liver is best–the best balance of vitamins A, D and K. Baby should get chicken liver puree, egg yolks, meats and vegetables with butter.
Grains should be introduced slowly, properly prepared.
Thanks for your time!
Hi my name is Rebecca and i am new to nourishing traditions. I bought all 4 books and have been reading them, slowly making changes at home. raw milk i now have from jersey cows. raw butter, making kefir with the raw milk. roast a whole chicken once a week and make bone broth with chicken feet. i have an almost 2 year old now. {20 months} He is still breastfed on demand. i offer raw cow milk and food but he doesn’t drink/eat much. He is 21 pounds. so skinny compared to most his age i have noticed 3 tiny cavities on the surface of this front teeth. But no real sign of rotting from the top. im so concerned and now im going to get him on fermented cod liver oil and butter oil – the pre mixed one i purchased and im waiting for it to come in the mail. do you have any suggestions to how i can get my son on more healthy fats or to eat more? Anything more i can do to help rebuild and heal these tiny cavities that have formed? i feel terrible. i look forward to hearing back from you. maybe im breastfeeding to often? i feel so grateful for your books sally, i only wish someone would have told me sooner _ before i got pregnant. also i want to add that i just purchased the little fishes from radiant life to give my toddler. what are some good ways to give my toddler butter without grains? any suggestions about his teeth i would very much appreciate also. Thank you! Rebecca
These baby teeth will fall out starting around age six. As for feeding him butter without grains, you can cook meat and veggies in butter. If he lets you brush his teeth, you can use a remineralizing powder like Shine from (advertises in the WAP quarterly) and online. You You could call a holistic or biological dentists and ask. You can read Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel (great book). Ask a WAP leader from a group near your home.
How often and what amounts can I feed my 10 month old baby liver (mainly chicken liver)?
The link seem to be broken?
Hi, could you please fix the broken links to the powerpoint slides? Nothing is coming up. Thanks