Each evening at the same time, the small town in which I live comes alive with a symphony of howling. This howling comes not from wolves, but from people who wish to express their gratitude for those on the front lines in our county, which initially experienced more purported cases of Covid-19 per capita than any other place in the nation. The howling is a salute to workers supplying essential services— including medical professionals, grocery store cashiers and mail carriers—at a time when residents have been ordered to stay at home and wait out the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
It is my hope that by the time this article reaches you, we will be howling not just for those who sacrificed during these difficult times, but in celebration of freedom. Businesses around the world will have fully reopened, people will be free to come and go and our children will be playing with their friends and looking forward to a new school year together. Our “new normal” will be just going back to normal.
However, the chances that things will play out in this way are small. Cities and states may lessen or lift their quarantine orders, but they are likely to reinstate such orders periodically until every person receives a fast-tracked, experimental vaccine. Public health authorities and state governors have openly stated that our country will not go back to normal until there is a vaccine that eliminates the spread of the coronavirus.
But what if the authorities are wrong? Never before have we quarantined healthy people, nor have we made a judgment about which businesses are “essential.” What if we have ruined lives based on misinformation and fear, forgoing sound science and accurate statistics? Worse yet, what if we have been purposefully lied to so that elites can gain control of our sovereignty?
If a correction is to be made, it must be made now—regardless of whether or not we are free to come and go in the moment. After all, our liberties have never been more at risk.
The majority of those who contract SARS-CoV-2 experience mild or no symptoms. Despite this fact, “experts” elicited panic and ultimately control by exaggerating fatality numbers at the start of the outbreak.
On March 16, 2020, Neil Ferguson, a mathematical epidemiologist at the Imperial College of London, published a paper explaining his use of computer models that simulated the rapid spread of the coronavirus through the UK’s population. Ferguson’s model predicted over half a million deaths if the UK government took no action and also suggested that the U.S. might face over two million deaths.1,2 Imperial College benefits from sizeable funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), having received over one million dollars in 2019 alone.3
The same day that Ferguson’s paper was published, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force as well as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)—part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)—parroted Ferguson’s numbers to the American public. As a consequence, President Trump adopted Fauci’s aggressive recommendations to lock down the country in order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. Also on March 16, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said, “This is the defining global health crisis of our time,” intoning that “The days, weeks and months ahead will be a test of our resolve, a test of our trust in science and a test of solidarity.”4 All of this occurred on a day when there were a total of seven thousand one hundred global Covid-19 deaths and just eighty-eight U.S. deaths.
Less than two weeks later, Fauci down graded his prediction to a possible one to two hundred thousand U.S. deaths.5 On March 26, Fauci published an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine (coauthored with another senior NIAID official and the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]) titled: “Covid-19—Navigating the Uncharted,” in which the three officials explained that the previously estimated case fatality rate of approximately 2 percent was likely incorrect.6 Considering all of the asymptomatic or mild cases of Covid-19, they wrote that the true case fatality rate might be as low as 0.1 percent (one in one thousand) and suggested that “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 [might] ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.” In comparison, they noted that earlier coronavirus outbreaks—of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)—had produced case fatality rates of 9 to 10 percent and 36 percent, respectively.6
When, on April 6, Fauci then announced that the U.S. death toll “looks more like 60,000,”5 it started to become apparent that Fauci and other health experts were essentially pulling numbers out of their hats. It is likely that many millions of uncounted people across the globe have been infected without incident, and that is good news. It means that Covid-19 is not nearly as deadly as officials and official data are suggesting.7
Adding to the numbers debacle, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the CDC, has directed doctors and coroners to count suspected Covid-19 deaths as confirmed on death certificates.8 No testing or other proof beyond suspicion is required before marking Covid-19 on a death certificate. The WHO followed suit, posting similar guidelines about counting “probable” or “presumed” cases of Covid-19 as the confirmed cause of death.9 Consequently, it is likely that many influenza and other respiratory deaths are now mistakenly or intentionally counted as Covid-19 deaths.
It is important to understand that just because someone dies with coronavirus does not mean they died from coronavirus. For example, people who are already dying of serious conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or heart disease—who test positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus—are now counted as Covid-19 deaths. The majority of people who allegedly have died from Covid-19 have had these and other chronic health conditions, including diabetes, hypertension and lung disorders.
In Italy, according to a study by the country’s national health authority, more than 99 percent of all coronavirus fatalities were in people who suffered from previous medical conditions.10 Another contextual factor that one must consider is that Italy administered a new form of influenza vaccine to elderly Italians for the 2018/2019 season that contained four different strains of influenza, including the highly pathogenic H1N1 “swine flu.”11 According to the U.S. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, influenza vaccines cause more injuries and deaths than all other vaccines combined.12
Testing for the SARS-CoV-2 virus has also been wrought with persistent problems. Despite billions of dollars of congressional appropriations every year to Federal agencies for public health emergency preparedness, the U.S. did not quickly dispense testing kits. The CDC’s parent agency—the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)—failed miserably. Later, the CDC violated its own manufacturing standards, which led to contamination of the country’s first coronavirus tests, rendering them ineffective.13
The two most common testing methods are reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and antibody tests. The RT-PCR test was never meant for diagnosing disease and produces a significant number of false positives, which have been used to enforce restrictions on civil liberties, including quarantining healthy individuals. False positives also inflate numbers and lead to aggressive treatment of misdiagnosed patients.
To perform an RT-PCR test, a clinician takes a swab from a patient’s nose or throat, which might contain a tiny virus particle. RT-PCR tests “work” by detecting specific genetic material within the virus. Once a sample arrives at the lab, technicians extract its nucleic acid (RNA), which holds the virus’s genome. Then, technicians “amplify” certain regions of the genome. This, in effect, gives researchers a large sample that they can then compare to the new virus.
A central problem with RT-PCR tests is that they do not produce a positive-negative result. Instead, they simply determine the number of amplification cycles required to detect sufficient material to beat the arbitrary cutoff between positive and negative. In other words, technicians can get a positive result by setting the specific number of cycles they do in the test. A second problem is that even assuming the tests can detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus, the test does not say anything about how much virus is in the patient’s body. To cause illness, science says there must be millions of replicating virus in the patient.14 Finally, we do not know whether the RT-PCR test is testing for a virus that actually causes disease because no one has carried out the steps needed to prove causation.
Serological tests, a second type of test, are being used to detect the presence of antibodies from blood samples. However, these tests are notorious for cross-reactions and thus also have problems with false positives. In addition, antibody tests can be unreliable because they may not distinguish between various strains of human coronaviruses to which people have been exposed.15 Adding to the confusion, the WHO says that developing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 does not mean you will not get Covid-19 a second time!16
Although health officials are still tracing the exact source of the 2019 coronavirus, an early hypothesis linked it to a “wet market” (a market that sells fresh meat and fish) in Wuhan. Some people who visited the market developed viral pneumonia, presumably caused by the coronavirus. However, a study released on January 25, 2020 concluded that the individual with the first reported case of Covid-19 fell ill on December 1, 2019—and had no link to the market.17
Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois and is the biological weapons expert who drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.18 Professor Boyle theorizes that the virus likely escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory, which was specifically set up to study coronaviruses. According to Boyle, BSL-4 facilities around the world exist to research, develop, test and stockpile offensive biological weapons. The Wuhan Institute houses more than one thousand five hundred strains of deadly viruses, specializing in the study of “the most dangerous pathogens,” including viruses carried by bats.19 In Professor Boyle’s opinion, China has made it “very clear” that they are “at war with their own biological warfare agent.”20
One hotly debated type of experiment carried out at labs such as Wuhan’s BSL-4 facility is called “gain-of-function” research, which involves attempts to create “potential pandemic pathogens”21 and manipulate or “enhance” viruses such as influenza and coronaviruses.22 In 2014, the Obama Administration halted funding for all U.S. research involved with dangerous coronavirus gain-of-function mutation, including work at America’s main military biological warfare laboratory (Fort Detrick) and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. To sidestep this hurdle, the NIH’s Fauci turned around and awarded a research grant of almost four million dollars to scientists outside the U.S. to create coronaviruses more lethal and transmissible than wild coronaviruses. This money went to Wuhan’s BSL-4 lab and other laboratories in Asia.23
Many people question not only the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak but also its timing, particularly in light of the invitation-only, three-and-a-half-hour “tabletop exercise” called “Event 201” that took place on October 18, 2019 in New York City. The sponsors of Event 201—the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and BMGF—convened fifteen “players” from global business, government and public health to participate. These “high-level” players included George Fu Gao (director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention), Avril Haines (former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency) and Rear Admiral Stephen C. Redd (director of the CDC’s Center for Preparedness and Response).24
According to Event 201’s website, the goal of the exercise was to identify—in the context of a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, severe global coronavirus pandemic—“areas where public/private partnerships [would] be necessary” to “diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”25 Using dramatic scenario-based discussions, prerecorded news broadcasts and live “staff” briefings, the exercise simulated difficult, “true-to-life” dilemmas associated with the response to the hypothetical pandemic. “Players” examined societal impacts arising from the expected health and economic turmoil, including lack of faith in government, distrust of news and a breakdown in social cohesion. A fictitious media company called GNN dramatized what it would be like if people were told to stay home from work, travel was slowed, schools were closed and the distribution chain was hampered. It is interesting to note that around this same time—before any reports of coronavirus—the CDC advertised that it was hiring for a “Quarantine Program” in major cities across the U.S.26
With all respiratory diseases, the disease spread is stopped by herd immunity. Proponents of vaccination believe it is better to expose the body to the disease through artificial means rather than in nature. The problem with this philosophy is that vaccine-induced immunity is temporary at best and many times vaccines fail to be effective in the first place.27 Not only that, but vaccines can be counterproductive—a study conducted by the U.S. military showed that members of the military who had previously received a flu shot were 36 percent more likely to subsequently have a coronavirus infection.28
There is no scientific or historical basis demonstrating that society-wide lockdowns of healthy, asymptomatic people are the correct way to deal with a pandemic. On the contrary, there is evidence that prolonged lockdowns to “flatten the curve” actually prevent the timely development of natural herd immunity. About 80 percent of people in a community need to come in contact with a disease to keep it from reoccurring and to protect the most vulnerable subgroups.29 Most will not even realize that they have become infected, or they will have very mild symptoms. In our current circumstances, avoiding natural herd immunity ensures only that the pandemic will drag on for many months and potentially cause recurring outbreaks that will result in more deaths.30
With the emergence of Covid-19, Sweden was one of the rare countries that chose to keep schools and businesses open. Critics are now pointing out that as of June 23, Sweden’s Covid-19 death rate per capita was higher than in the U.S. (.05 percent versus .037 percent, respectively); however, while these individuals criticize the Swedish government for its approach, others maintain that Sweden was prudent in avoiding major social and economic turmoil. Closing the U.S. resulted in the largest one-month increase in unemployment since 1975. In April, the number of unemployed persons rose by almost sixteen million to twenty-three million.31 By early May, over thirty-three million individuals had filed for unemployment benefits over a seven-week period.32 Nearly 70 percent of Americans already have less than one thousand dollars to their name, and 45 percent have nothing saved.33 There are sure to be far more deaths from widespread hunger, poverty, loneliness and despair than from Covid-19. Perhaps the correct solution would have been to keep all aspects of society open while recommending, as Sweden did, that those who are vulnerable stay at home or take other precautionary measures.
Likewise, the recommendation to wear a mask—which doctors use only in acute situations—is poor advice. In a May 2020 article outlining the risks of mask wearing for the healthy, Dr. Russell Blaylock noted the lack of evidentiary support for the CDC’s and WHO’s recommendations, which “are not based on any studies of this [coronavirus] and have never been used to contain any other virus pandemic or epidemic in history.”34 Blaylock directed readers’ attention to a 2012 review of seventeen studies that showed that masks are largely ineffective; none of the studies “established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”35 In addition, masks prevent the wearer from receiving sufficient oxygen as well as preventing proper exhalation of carbon dioxide.36
The science of microbiology and immunology tells us that wearing a mask weakens a person’s immune system. This suppression of the immune system is counterproductive, creating an opening for opportunistic disease. Constant hand washing and “sheltering in place” also lower the immune system, reducing protective flora, increasing susceptibility to disease and depriving us of the daily contact with viruses and bacteria that we need to develop immunity. We have a symbiotic relationship with viruses and bacteria, which are the building blocks of our immune system. Few people realize that the human virome—the total collection of viruses in and on the human body—is about ten times greater than the better understood, forty trillion bacteria in the human microbiome.37
Around the world, doctors have been uploading videos to YouTube (many of them now censored) stating that Covid-19 illness does not resemble anything they have seen before and that its symptoms are atypical for a standard respiratory virus. These include rash, kidney failure, thrombotic blockage in the arteries and veins and Kawasaki-like illness in children.38
One doctor whose self-filmed video circulated widely, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, claimed that the illness he was witnessing was more akin to high-altitude sickness than a viral respiratory disease.39 Many Covid-19 patients with severe breathing difficulties do not have typical symptoms of lung infection such as inflamed and restricted airways or mucus accumulation.40 Instead, patients are displaying symptoms that appear to correlate with an oxygen deficiency in the blood. According to Dr. Kyle-Sidell, placing patients on ventilators may be causing great harm. Confirming his observations, a recent analysis of over two thousand six hundred hospitalized Covid-19 patients in New York found that most patients on ventilators died (88 percent), whereas the overall death rate for all hospitalized Covid-19 patients was 21 percent.41 Another doctor (also a U.S. senator) has pointed out that financially failing hospitals have a strong financial incentive to put patients on ventilators. For patients on Medicare, a hospital gets paid thirteen thousand dollars for admission of a Covid-19 patient but three times more—thirty-nine thousand dollars—if the patient goes on a ventilator.42
Dr. Thomas Cowan, author and a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, is inclined to believe that something in our environment is creating a toxic assault the world over. No one knows for sure, but he and many others postulate that we are being poisoned. [See page 41 for Cowan’s article, “Understanding Our Current Health Crisis.”] We already know that a multitude of toxic exposures has been poisoning us, including air pollution, fluoride in our water, glyphosate in our food chain and water table and aluminum in vaccines and in the air via geoengineering aerosols.43 But could there be another, relatively new phenomenon that is making people ill?
In 2018, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology selected Wuhan as a pilot city for the “Made in China 2025” plan. The launch of 5G wireless communications with approximately ten thousand antennas in the new “smart city” culminated with the 2019 Military World Games (“Wuhan 2019”), which took place just weeks prior to the recognition of what was at first called the “Wuhan flu.” Soon after, northern Italy—also a hot spot for 5G—reported a similar illness. This correlation is apparent not only in Wuhan and northern Italy, but also in other areas where 5G has recently been launched—including South Korea, Iran, Ecuador and New York City. This technology now features on modern cruise ships and in health care facilities, which have experienced high numbers of “Covid-19” cases.44
Thousands of studies have demonstrated the harmful effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR), including “increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.”45 With its deployment of hundreds of thousands of new 4G and 5G antennas, 5G infrastructure promises to vastly increase the population’s RFR exposure, with the potential to trigger synergistic effects and produce substantially greater harm.45 Although these dangers have been well publicized, including the special risks for children, Governor Gavin Newsom of California announced on March 19 his intention to expand the deployment of 5G and other wireless infrastructure in schools during the Covid-19 quarantine.46
5G utilizes 60 gigahertz (GHz) as its main transmission frequency, a frequency highly absorbed by oxygen. To put this in perspective, 60 GHz is equivalent to 60 thousand megahertz, while our cell phones put out 500-900 megahertz.47 As Sally Fallon Morell has pointed out, 60 GHz causes “the O2 molecule to split apart, making it useless for respiration.”44 Is it just a coincidence that breathing difficulties are one of the primary symptoms of Covid-19?
Another mysterious symptom described by some Covid-19 patients provides a further clue as to how 5G might be contributing to Covid-19 illness. Patients are describing a feeling of “fizzing” throughout their bodies, “buzzing” sensations and burning skin or an “electric feeling on the skin,”48 all of which have been reported in connection with 5G technology used for crowd control.49
The race is on to create a fast-tracked Covid-19 vaccine despite the fact that previous attempts to produce coronavirus vaccines have been abject failures. Two decades of research into SARS and one decade of research into MERS—both of them coronaviruses—have yet to yield a vaccine. In fact, no vaccine has ever come to fruition for any of the six other coronaviruses identified in humans.
Although previous coronavirus vaccine candidates have produced the kind of “robust” antibodies that make vaccinologists happy, they have also shown a propensity for “pathogenic priming,” meaning that the vaccine makes the illness worse—not better—when the recipient is later exposed to the wild virus or, potentially, another dose of vaccine.50 This is precisely what happened with animals in previous SARS vaccine trials; instead of receiving protection from the vaccine, they experienced more severe illness after exposure to wild coronavirus.51 Side effects included full body inflammation, lung inflammation, lung infections and death.52 In humans, researchers observed this same exacerbation of disease during human testing of a failed vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the 1960s53 and, much more recently, in children given a vaccine for dengue fever.54 Specifically, dengue-vaccinated children who had never been exposed to dengue fever prior to vaccination were more likely to die when exposed to dengue post-vaccination.55
Despite this terrible track record, there were one hundred fifteen coronavirus vaccine candidates in the pipeline as of April 9.56 Health authorities and manufacturers claim they could have a vaccine ready in a matter of months, even though traditional vaccines take a minimum of five to ten years to develop, test and license.
In a strange turn of events, biomedical ethicists and others—including leading vaccine proponents Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (inventor of a rotavirus vaccine) and Dr. Peter Hotez of Baylor University (one of the scientists who worked on SARS vaccines)—are issuing serious warnings about the risks of experimental coronavirus vaccines. Speaking before a U.S. Congressional Committee on March 5, Hotez explicitly described the dangers of “immune enhancement” (pathogenic priming) with coronavirus vaccines. Offit, meanwhile, directed his warning (on March 10) to the general public, characterizing the rush to develop a vaccine as ill-advised.53
Two of the leading voices in the push to accelerate coronavirus vaccine development are NIAID’s Anthony Fauci and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Each of these men has made it clear—spinning almost identical narratives—that they view a vaccine as the sole solution for the Covid-19 crisis. Fauci said that the pandemic is “not going to be over. . . until we have a scientifically sound, safe and effective vaccine,”57 while Gates has written that “we will be able to go back to the way things were. . . before the coronavirus pandemic. . . when we have an almost perfect drug to treat Covid-19, or when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.”56 Gates then helpfully added, “the former is unlikely to happen anytime soon.” Dismissing the known benefits of natural herd immunity, Fauci also has been quoted as saying, “I hope we do not have so many people infected that we actually have herd immunity,”58 a talking point again echoed by Gates: “Now we do not want to have a lot of recovered people, you know. To be clear, we are trying through the shutdown in the United States, to not get to one percent of the population infected.”59
Gates is the biggest funder of vaccines in the world. When Gates committed ten billion dollars to the WHO a decade ago (January 2010), he accompanied his announcement with the statement, “We must make this the decade of vaccines.”60 A month later, Gates publicly discussed how vaccines could reduce population.61 Until recently, Gates was the second largest donor to the WHO but became the top donor after the Trump administration halted the U.S. government’s funding to the organization (accusing WHO of bungling the SARS-CoV-2 response and failing to communicate the disease’s threat).62
Internationally, Gates and BMGF also collaborate with—and fund—vaccine-related efforts carried out by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi (“the Vaccine Alliance”) and various governments. Domestically, Gates has provided substantial research monies to Fauci’s agency, NIAID, and to other NIH divisions.63 Fauci, in turn, sits on the Leadership Council for the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), a BMGF project that works in concert with the United Nations to deliver vaccines to the poorest people and countries.64
Gates’ reputation as an “altruistic” philanthropist deserves close scrutiny, and his foundation’s funding patterns raise questions about the long-term influence of billionaire philanthropy on American science and politics. Although Gates has given away tens of billions of dollars, his assets continue to grow. In the last five years, the foundation’s endowment generated more income than it gave away. BMGF also awards millions of dollars in grants to companies in which it holds stocks or bonds, including pharmaceutical giants like Merck, Sanofi, Eli Lilly and Pfizer. As a report in The Nation recently observed, “A foundation giving a charitable grant to a company that it partly owns—and stands to benefit from financially—would seem like an obvious conflict of interest.”65
Currently, Gates’ lavishly funded mission is to vaccinate over seven billion people with a new coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible. In his GatesNotes blog, he boasts about compressing vaccine trial timelines and writes that financing is not an issue.
The pharma and biotech companies that Gates and others are financing are mobilizing a wide variety of vaccine technologies and processes to create Covid-19 vaccines, including live attenuated viral vaccines; inactivated, non-replicating viral vectors; replicating viral vectors; recombinant proteins; peptide-based, virus-like particles; and other unknown technology platforms.66 However, Gates is particularly excited by two experimental approaches: messenger RNA (mRNA) and DNA vaccines.56 No vaccine using these unproven nucleic acid techniques has ever proceeded to licensure.67
Traditional vaccines use a weakened or killed antigen to stimulate the production of antibodies in the recipient, based on the assumption that the antibodies will protect against subsequent infection, but the premise of mRNA vaccines is entirely different. Rather than inject a pathogen’s antigen into our bodies, an mRNA vaccine would give our bodies the genetic code (RNA fragments) needed to produce the antigen itself, in essence turning us into vaccine factories. Once incorporated into our DNA, these fragments would literally rewrite our genetic code—with entirely unknown consequences.68 DNA vaccines are similar, containing DNA that codes for specific proteins (antigens) from a pathogen.69 Earlier efforts to develop experimental SARS, MERS and HIV vaccines also introduced foreign RNA or DNA into the cells—but none were deemed safe and effective enough to license.70 Companies are quite enthusiastic about nucleic acid vaccines, however, because they can be made far more cheaply and quickly.
On January 11, Chinese authorities shared the genetic sequence of the new coronavirus. Just two days later, scientists from NIAID and a biopharma company called Moderna finalized the sequence for a partially-Gates-funded “mRNA-1273” coronavirus vaccine. By March 16, the NIH announced that it had injected the vaccine into the first participant in a Phase 1 trial of mRNA-1273—amounting to only sixty-three days from sequence selection to first human dosing.
Moderna has never tested RNA vaccines in humans before and opted to forgo preliminary animal testing of mRNA-1273. What Moderna and the mainstream media have not readily disclosed to the public is that the Phase 1 trial was a catastrophe. Twenty percent of volunteers in the high dose cohort suffered a “serious adverse event” within forty-three days of receiving the experimental vaccine. Those injured developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as “Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention.” These adverse reactions occurred even though Moderna only allowed healthy volunteers to participate in the study.71
The company now hopes to recruit thirty thousand people for its Phase 3 trial scheduled to begin in July. While a commercially available vaccine is unlikely to be forthcoming prior to 2021, its vaccine might be made available on an emergency basis to health care professionals and other selected groups by fall 2020. On April 16, Moderna announced an award from the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) for up to four hundred eighty-three million dollars to accelerate mRNA-1273’s development.72
Making a vaccine the precondition for ending the Covid-19 health crisis paves the way for tremendous profits. Between 2010 and 2018, the global vaccine market had already doubled, from twenty billion to forty-two billion dollars, and it is predicted to double again by 2026—to over ninety-three billion dollars.73 Moderna—a company formerly on the verge of bankruptcy—saw a 78 percent increase in its stock price in early April after announcing that its mRNA vaccine was ready for clinical trials in humans in February.74 The company’s controversial CEO became a billionaire overnight.75
On March 27, Congress passed the CARES Act, an economic relief package that will cost American taxpayers over two trillion dollars. The federal legislation includes twenty-seven billion dollars for development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, drug therapies and purchase of pandemic medical supplies. Unbelievably, the legislation did not put a cap on the amount of money drug companies can charge or the profits they can make from sales of vaccines, drugs or medical supplies.73
Gates knows that the coronavirus vaccines he is funding will injure and kill some people, so he has made it clear that he will not provide the vaccines to any country that does not first guarantee complete legal immunity from liability.53 At home, Gates need not worry because on January 31, HHS Secretary Alex Azar’s declaration of a public health emergency placed Covid-19 medical “countermeasures” (including vaccines, medications, medical devices and other products) under the umbrella of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act.76 The PREP Act, quietly approved by Congress back in 2005, protects manufacturers from the risk of damages in situations of declared public health emergencies. Effective February 4—when only eleven Covid-19 cases were active in the U.S.—HHS followed up with a formal declaration published in the Federal Register confirming that coronavirus vaccine manufacturers will benefit from full immunity from liability.53 As a result, no American will be able to sue for coronavirus vaccine-related injuries or deaths unless they are able to achieve the nearly impossible task of showing that the government or a manufacturer engaged in “willful misconduct.”
Bill Gates is not only just pushing for vaccines but also has been open about promoting digital tracking for all people. In an “Ask Me Anything” Reddit session, Gates said, “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”77 Gates is working with ID2020, Gavi, Microsoft, the United Nations and many others to research and create these digital certificates, which would use biometrics, blockchain technology, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence.
The certificates would include a person’s medical records (including vaccination status), with the potential to also store credit scores, other financial information and all forms of personal identification (including driver’s licenses and passports). One of the technologies in development is a “quantum dot” tattoo, delivered through vaccination, stored under the skin and read by smartphones.78
Gates’ desired rollout of digital certificates has a number of sobering implications. Such technology would likely be used to prevent those who choose not to vaccinate from participating in many aspects of society, including travel, work and school. Such individuals might also be denied health insurance and participation in government programs like Social Security. Germany has already implemented “immunity certificates,”79 and the UK and Italy are considering similar measures.
For anyone who is thinking critically about our current situation, it is not hard to see that powerful individuals have purposely generated coronavirus fears to implement greater control over all aspects of people’s lives. Nor is it difficult to grasp how technologies such as experimental vaccines, 5G and digital certificates will harm current and future generations, permit global tracking and enable totalitarianism. Individuals, including Gates,80 have been calling for a technocratic “new world order” for years—and if we do not rise up, we may get it.81
There are many signs pointing in this direction. In late March, Former British Prime Minster Gordon Brown called for a “temporary global government” to deal with the coronavirus and related financial crisis.82 Around the same time, the United Nations’ Secretary-General, António Guterres, suggested marshalling 10 percent of the entire planet’s gross domestic product to fund the coronavirus response.83 Covid-19 has also provided the impetus to scale up the war on cash. On March 2, the WHO suggested that dirty banknotes could be spreading the coronavirus.84 A few weeks later, U.S. House Democrats called for the creation of a “digital dollar” to support the massive stimulus package and “save” the economy from the coronavirus pandemic, a signal—according to Forbes—that “the U.S. is serious in establishing infrastructure for a central bank digital currency.”85
Compulsory medicine, quarantines and tracking are a threat to our basic human rights and democracy. Outside the U.S., we have seen China forcibly remove citizens from their homes and place them in quarantine camps.86 In India87 and the Philippines,88 governments have warned that those defying the coronavirus lockdown orders may be shot, while India has also sprayed migrant workers with bleach.89 Several countries have used humiliation and public shaming tactics such as locking people in dog cages and threatening them with tasers.89 Around the globe, there are also efforts to squelch protests.90 Within the U.S., California has used drones to force residents inside,91 Austin, Texas threatened up to six months in jail for anyone breaking quarantine91 and Hawaii handed out five-thousand-dollar fines for those who simply wanted to lie on the beach.92
Tracking efforts—both low- and high-tech—are being deployed in numerous countries. In parts of China, for example, citizens must display colored codes on their smartphones indicating their contagion risk.93 Media reports indicate that the U.S. government “is in active talks with Facebook, Google and a wide array of tech companies and health experts about how they can use location data gleaned from Americans’ phones to combat coronavirus.”94 In addition, our government is spending billions of dollars to hire an “army” of well-paid “contact tracers”—as many as three hundred thousand according to the former head of the CDC—to identify and quarantine “potential coronavirus carriers.” The chief medical officer of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials has stated, “There are a lot of people in the U.S. right now who are out of work; we could probably hire those people into public health departments and that’s how we would build out the workforce we need.”95
Forced vaccination is also on the horizon. Denmark’s parliament unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law that gives health authorities the power to forcibly vaccinate people with police backing.96 The UK is considering mandating vaccines and taking things further with talk of criminalizing mere criticism of vaccines.97 Nor can we afford to be complacent in the U.S., where we have already seen evidence of a coming push to mandate adult vaccinations—all vaccinations—in HHS’s Healthy People 2020 initiative and National Adult Immunization Plan. In May, President Trump announced he is mobilizing the U.S. military to “deliver” the eventual coronavirus vaccine.98
Given the well-documented harm caused to human health by the practice of drug-oriented allopathic medicine, including vaccination, it is clear that vaccine mandates must not be allowed to move forward. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over four billion dollars to Americans injured or killed by vaccines.99 There are also approximately two million adverse reactions to prescribed drugs every year, along with almost eight hundred thousand deaths related to prescriptions, treatments and interventions, surpassing annual deaths from cardiovascular disease and cancer.100
Above all else, bodily sovereignty and privacy must be protected, and we must each take responsibility for our own health. Together, we can rise up and say “no” to compulsory vaccination of every kind—especially on behalf of our overvaccinated children who are already subject to sixty-nine doses of sixteen different CDC-recommended vaccines.101 This heavy vaccine load surely contributes to the fact that over half (54 percent) of American children suffer from one or more chronic illnesses.102 In the first six months of 2020 (January 1 through June 23) there were 6,201,620 communicable disease deaths worldwide, and only 475,784 Covid-19 deaths.103 With numbers like these, we must ask why we have shut down the entire globe.
We cannot be so afraid of a virus that we allow our government to deny us access to the hospitals where our spouses are giving birth, or deny us the right to hold funerals for loved ones. Let’s also say “no” to social distancing for healthy people because it prevents herd immunity and wrecks the human experience. Let’s stop seeing each other as a threat. It is time to demand that businesses be free to make their own choices about openings or closures and that people be free to come and go without “contact tracing” or stay-at-home orders.
Time is of the essence. The damage to well-being and wealth has already been enormous, and we cannot let this go on any longer. We must protect ourselves by educating our elected officials and other people in positions of influence, while pressuring them to be accountable. We must take to the streets and demand that our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution not be quarantined. Virus or no virus, the government does not have the right to deprive any American of the right to earn a living or to prohibit law-abiding citizens’ freedom of movement. Nearly every state has a health freedom organization. I recommend you contact the one in your state and get involved—before it is too late.
If you want to stay healthy, follow the Wise Traditions diet recommended by the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) and WAPF president, Sally Fallon Morell.115 This diet supports natural immunity. It avoids sugar, additives and processed foods. Instead it encompasses cholesterol-rich nourishment like egg yolks, butter and cream. It also includes fermented foods (such as sauerkraut), vitamin C from fresh fruit and vegetables, zinc-rich foods (such as red meat, oysters and raw milk) and the natural (not synthetic) vitamin A and D found in high-quality cod liver oil. These are the things that protect against disease—along with a pollutant-free environment, adequate sleep, exercise and stress reduction.
For those who develop Covid-19, a number of doctors have restored their patients’ health naturally with vitamins, minerals and herbs. Intravenous vitamin C has been a particularly effective treatment.116 Others have prevented or reduced the symptoms of Covid-19 with homeopathic, naturopathic and chiropractic medicine. India’s Prime Minister Modi, for example, recommended that his people use homeopathy prophylactically—and as of May 11, 2020, India had only two-thousand-plus Covid-19 deaths (2,249) in a nation of 1.3 billion (with roughly sixty-nine thousand cases reported). On this same date, meanwhile, the U.S. was reporting thirty-six times as many deaths (80,863) and almost 1.4 million cases.117
One of the companies racing to make a coronavirus vaccine is Johnson & Johnson (J&J). Benefiting from substantial funding from the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), J&J has committed to spending one billion dollars to create a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.110 The U.S. government is willing to partner with J&J despite the company’s long and well-established history of deception and law-breaking. This includes paying billions of dollars in reparations for its involvement in the opioid epidemic.111 Other J&J catastrophes include its marketing of cancer-causing, asbestos-containing talcum powder for babies112 and a disastrous pelvic mesh product113 as well as the company’s reprehensible marketing of the antipsychotic drug Risperdal to autistic persons.114 Of note, the scandal-ridden company’s vice president, Adrian Thomas, was an attendee at Event 201.
Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates both have dismal track records regarding vaccination. Fauci, who has spent decades at the helm of NIAID, has proven skillful at amassing billions in taxpayer-appropriated funding for vaccines, but the vaccines either never materialize or prove to be ineffective or unsafe. Fauci has never produced a single FDA-licensed vaccine. In 2009, Fauci assured the public that adverse reactions for H1N1 “swine flu” vaccines were “very, very, very rare.”104 Shortly after, as summarized by Children’s Health Defense, various swine flu vaccines were seen to cause spikes in miscarriage in the U.S., adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and febrile convulsions in Australia.105 On February 27, 2019, Fauci perjured himself during a public hearing before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, claiming that vaccines do not cause brain inflammation and repeating one of his favorite lines (that “risks from vaccines are almost nonmeasurable”).106
When it comes to Bill Gates, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense, has outlined a lengthy series of unethical activities for which Gates and BMGF are responsible in India and Africa.107 In India, for example, doctors have blamed a Gates-sponsored polio vaccine campaign for a devastating epidemic of “non-polio acute flaccid paralysis” that paralyzed nearly half a million children “beyond expected rates” from 2000 to 2017.108 In 2009, the Gates Foundation also funded trials of an experimental human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, administered to twenty-three thousand young girls in remote Indian provinces. Seven girls died and 5 percent (approximately twelve hundred) suffered autoimmune conditions, fertility disorders or other severe adverse reactions. Ethical violations committed by the Gates-funded researchers—investigated by the Indian government and now in the hands of India’s Supreme Court—included forging consent forms and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The same modus operandi has been apparent in Africa. In 2002, for example, after a Gates-supported campaign forcibly administered a meningitis vaccine, 8 percent (40/500) of the vaccinated children were left paralyzed. In 2010, when Gates funded a Phase 3 trial of an experimental malaria vaccine, the vaccine seriously injured nearly one in five African children (1,048/5,949) and killed one hundred fifty-one.107
It is important to note that the Gates-funded World Health Organization has an equally poor track record. In 2014, for example, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association condemned the WHO for sterilizing millions of Kenyan women without their knowledge, independently confirming the presence of a sterilizing agent in the WHO’s tetanus vaccines. The WHO initially denied and then later admitted to developing sterility vaccines.107 In 2017, a compelling study showed that WHO’s DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) vaccine was killing more African children than the diseases the vaccine was supposed to prevent, but there has been no vaccine recall.109 Also in 2017, the WHO admitted that surging polio cases worldwide were predominantly due to vaccine-strain polio.
When most of us sign the form or statement regarding our health clinic or hospital’s “Notice of Privacy Practices” (NPP), we believe we are signing something that ensures our medical records cannot be shared without our permission. In reality, the form and statement regarding the NPP is only an acknowledgement that a person has read the form, and therefore that they understand that they have no privacy rights and that their information can be broadly shared without consent.
Rather than safeguarding your medical information, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) eliminates longstanding legal, written, informed patient-consent requirements for the sharing of private medical data. This potentially opens your medical records to over two million entities, plus local, state and federal government agencies.
State Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) have been created to share your medical records statewide and in the National Health Information Network (NHIN), now called eHealth Exchange. These data can be shared for “payment, treatment and health care operations” as well as for research, government oversight, public health surveillance, law enforcement, organ procurement, national security and much more—all without patient consent.
HIPAA allows for government agencies, corporate health plans and Obamacare “Accountable Care Organizations” or ACOs (hospitals with employed or contracted physicians) to more easily tie the hands of physicians through data mining, tracking of treatment decisions and financial penalties for physicians who choose to provide individualized care instead of following standardized, one-size-fits-all insurer and government treatment and rationing protocols.
It is important to know that you are not required by law to sign HIPAA “privacy” forms or NPP acknowledgement statements. Contrary to popular belief, all your signature does is confirm that you understand that you do not have any privacy and that your data will be widely shared. If you sign, the form could be used against you if you ever declare that your privacy rights have been violated.
Although refusing to sign does not prevent the sharing of your private medical information, you may wish to refuse to participate in perpetuating the deception that the HIPAA form or NPP statement protects your privacy. While you are at it, you might just educate the clinic or hospital staff on the truth about HIPAA and your right not to sign.
The law requires your doctor, hospital or other health care provider to ask for written proof that you received their NPP—or what they might call an “acknowledgement of receipt”—but the law does not require you to sign the acknowledgement form. If you choose not to sign, your provider must keep a record that they did not get your signature, but they still have to treat you. Some clinics are now incorporating their NPP within their consent for treatment forms. You may choose to cross out the lines related to the NPP.
In short, Americans need to know the truth about the so-called “HIPAA Privacy Rule.” HIPAA is a disclosure rule, not a privacy rule. And the NPP is a notice of disclosure practices, rather than a notice of privacy practices. To help end the deception, you can ask your members of Congress to repeal HIPAA and to defund state health information exchanges. For more information or to get involved, join the “Refuse to Sign HIPAA” campaign sponsored by Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom at TruthAboutHIPAA.org.
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This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2020
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Wow! Thank you so much for this very comprehensive article. I have spent many hours researching credible aspects of our current “pandemic” and this captures so many of them. It is surprising to me how many intelligent people refuse to consider any of this. Now I try to point out that, in spite of the fact that many of us have NOT been wearing masks, 99 percent of British Columbians have not caught the virus in the first six months of this year. And now we are being shamed into wearing them, and soon surely mandated. Does this not seem incongruent to them, even if everything they hear on the CBC is true (which of course I know it is not)? I also ask how it is that, in spite of all the alarming numbers we hear in the media, people are not dropping like flies in front of our own eyes. In fact, most people I know don’t even personally know someone who was hospitalized for it. This is not to suggest that there haven’t been people hospitalized – it is to try and bring people out of fearing hearsay and looking at what is right in front of them. If I say much more, I’m considered to be a gullible and foolish “conspiracy theorist.” Sigh.
There has been a huge limit in people traveling. Each requirement of distance is in balance with one another. More people traveling means perhaps mask wearing to create some distance. Covid 19 has had extended complications with peoples brains and hearts, even when the initial infection was “mild”. It’s interesting to me that if wearing a mask protected the wearer – rather than it being a “my mask protects you” this debate would be different.
Excellent, thoroughly researched article that covers the whole issue(s) from top to bottom. I’m afraid if more people don’t speak up, if more people remain uneducated into the direction we are all going, one can kiss Freedom goodbye.
It should be noted a “Wet Market” sells LIVE animals – not simply “fresh”
Re financial incentives to attribute illness or death to COVID-19 (see paragraph 2 under “Oxygen Deficiency” above) according to Dr. and Senator Scott Jensen hospitals receive from Medicare $4600 if a patient dies from pneumonia, $13,000 if the patient dies from COVID-19, and $39,000 if a patient was put on a ventilator. He describes how doctors are being “massaged” to name COVID-19 as Cause of Death, even if the patient died from being hit by a bus, but happened to have been incidentally exposed to the virus (!!?!??!). Go here & watch this 12-min. video with Dr. Jensen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CZzdSzUZLE
Thank you for this excellent article!
Thank you for putting it all together…The facts are as I suspected. It comes down to money and control. The death toll manipulated and our freedoms compromised …. Let it run ..Keep the country open and doing business…
Another superbly written and cited article. This makes sharing information so much easier. Thank you
The oxygen deficiency issue (altitude sickness) could be related to implementation of 5G @ 60Ghz. This is military grade 5G and can be used to repel enemy soldiers from a vehicle using an antenna gun. 60GHz is the frequency of the oxygen molecule, so if a beam of it hits someone’s lung space they would not only be knocked out but the body would be producing considerable amounts of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) free radicals.