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Is Coronavirus Contagious? Sally Fallon Morell deconstructs the contagion model for coronavirus
Air Pollution, Biodiesel, Glyphosate and Covid-19 Stephanie Seneff looks into factors behind Covid-19 hot spots
Understanding Our Current Health Crisis Tom Cowan considers various layers to the Covid-19 story, with an addendum
- President’s Message: Focusing on Covid-19
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats
- Reading Between the Lines Merinda Teller examines four Covid-19 rogues
- The Wise Traditions Pantry Will Winter shares how to gain more liver eaters
- Homeopathy Journal Anke Zimmermann discusses homeopathic responses to vaccine injuries
- Technology As Servant The Electric Vehicle Revolution: Fallacy And Reality
- WAPF Podcast Interview Leslie Manookian lifts the coronavirus veil
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Tim’s DVD Reviews
- Legislative Updates Judith McGeary keeps us up to date on federal policy
- Vaccination Updates COVID-19: Pursuing Truth to Protect Our Liberties
- A Campaign for Real Milk:
- Healthy Baby Gallery: More Wise Traditions babies!
President’s Message
by Sally Fallon Morell
Who would have guessed when we finished up last quarter’s journal that we’d soon find ourselves in lockdown because of something called coronavirus? For the first time in history, we’ve seen a worldwide quarantine of healthy people. We’ve dedicated this issue to the subject in the hope that by the time this journal reaches you, our lives and the economy will be getting back to normal.
You will find differing opinions in these pages, the main one being whether the current outbreak of respiratory illness is actually caused by a virus—even whether there are such things as viruses at all. We’ll be looking at the assumptions behind face masks, social distancing, contact tracing and mandatory vaccinations. Rest assured, what you will be reading here is not what you will find in the newspapers!
Whatever is causing the illness—whether 5G, air pollution from biodiesel, vaccinations or a wily virus—the Wise Traditions diet can help minimize the effects. From saturated fats that strengthen the structures in your cells and help protect your lungs, to raw milk for readily available calcium, to bone broth, to fermented foods—these components of a traditional diet can provide powerful protection to you and your loved ones. Over several generations, the modern diet based on vegetable oils and refined sweeteners has made most people weak and vulnerable. Then add toxic drugs like statins and blood pressure medications, and we have a recipe for widespread illness. Face masks and social distancing, let alone toxic vaccinations, are not the answer to the crisis we face!
One thing I am happy to announce is that Wise Traditions 2020 is still on! We’ve changed the location from Portland, Oregon to less restrictive Atlanta, Georgia (we’ll hold the conference in Portland in 2021). We have a great lineup of speakers, including Robert Kennedy, Jr., for our keynote address and Del Bigtree for the closing ceremony. It will be fun to challenge all the modern medical myths in the back yard of the Centers for Disease Control. See pages 11-14 or go to wisetraditions.org for details.
Most of all, it will be a wonderful occasion to celebrate a return to normal life and fellowship, with hugs all around! We look forward to seeing many of you there!
P.S.: A silver lining to the “pandemic” is that sales at local farms are booming! Please continue to support local farms, even as the lockdown is lifted and the supermarkets re-stock with industrial food.
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This is an excellent collection of articles, as always. I have a question about 5G. I noticed that 5G was installed in a nearby community by a cell phone company. I don’t have a cell phone with that company. How can I tell what the reach of the service is? I wonder what geographic area it would affect healthwise.
Also, I love having our wonderful journal in a digital format. I like to put the text into a speech to text tool. I currently use Google Translate (just for the audio in English). The printed journal is also very nice to have.
Thank you for all of this. 🙂
Thank you for this Journal! About 15 years ago, I was reading about Bechamp and his work, and I kept trying to get my mind around what he was saying. But it all seems to be making sense
and your articles have helped to shine a light on the situation. Bacteria and virus growth are indicators of what we are missing in our lives, diets, etc. and are there to help, not hinder our
life experience. A completely different way to experience the wonder of Life! Thank you!
The summer journal in PDF format–WOW! Thank you! Is it possible to buy a copy?
Lastly, I wonder what caused both my husband and I to get sick the last week of February. 🤔 First, my husband started on a Sunday with fever, body aches, etc. I was careful taking care of him until I came down with the same illness by Tuesday morning. Guess I wasn’t careful enough! We were too ill to even get out to see a Dr. His fever lasted 96 hours and mine lasted 48 hours. Then again, I was the only one who nebulized Argentyn 23, and ingested black seed oil. OR it’s that he is 11 years older….
Thanks to Dr Ben Edwards and Weston A Price organization promoting the ancestral diet.