Nutritional Comments: We all need electrolytes and the best kind are the ones we make ourselves. Soft drinks that claim they contain maximum electrolytes also contain simple sugars, flavorings and colors that are in the end not as healthy as those drinks you make at home. Try the great recipe below for a healthy electrolyte beverage.
Electrolytes are electrically-charged substances found in your urine, blood and other bodily fluids. They are needed to keep a healthy balance within the body. Electrolytes come in different forms, including chlorine, potassium, phosphate, magnesium, calcium and sodium. You must keep electrolytes balanced within your body to allow it to maintain proper water amounts in your body, balance blood acidity, allow for proper muscle action, and to allow other important processes to occur. Sweat releases electrolytes, so in order to replenish them; you must consume foods and drinks that contain electrolytes. Excerpt from: http://www.livestrong.com/article/521215-the-benefits-of-electrolytes-in-water/
—Adapted from Top 10 Home Remedies
- 1 cup water
- 1 tablespoon fresh minced organic ginger or 3–5 slices fresh, thinly sliced organic ginger
- 1 tablespoon fresh organic lemon juice
- ¼ teaspoon sea salt
- 1–2 tablespoons raw organic honey
- Heat water in a pan.
- Add the ginger and simmer for 3–5 minutes.
- Add lemon juice, sea salt, and raw organic honey.
- Mix thoroughly to dissolve honey and salt.
- This drink may be cooled in the refrigerator and ice added to your glass or bottle after it’s cooled.
This recipe was included in my popular “Coffee Please” blog post. A must read:
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Coconut water is another excellent electrolyte, especially from a fresh coconut. Just DON’T get the one from Vita Coco as that is made by Coke.
We have approved coconut waters in the WAPF Shopping Guide.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe. It’s really amazing drink. I like it so much.
How long will this keep in the fridge?
To my knowledge, this drink is not meant to be kept in the refrigerator for extended periods of time. It can be cooled in the refrigerator and then ice added for a take out. Please note that the ingredients are to make only a small serving. I would suggest this could be made by doubling or tripling the recipe for a group of people, cooled, iced and then taken to a ball game, short hike or some other endeavor where electrolytes are needed.
Maria Atwood, CNHP
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Is the honey necessary for the balance or is it for flavor? I’m looking for something to drink while fasting that won’t trigger cravings.
Hello Olivia:
I have not tried it without the full recipe but my sense is that it would need the raw honey in order to make it have the full effect of raising your blood sugar. You might want to try it with just 1 Tsp of raw honey or simply leave it out and see if you does the trick. Nevertheless leaving it out may not give you the same effect. Sorry I can give you a better answer.
Maria Atwood, CNHP
Can we use date syrup which has no toxicity when heated but still adds to blood sugar levels instead of adding honey?
I’m very interested in trying this recipe! Can you substitute Orange juice for the lemon?
Hi Stephanie:
I’ve not been asked this question; however oranges are also a citric food so I would not necessarily see a problem with it. Sounds like a yummy exchange and I maybe agree with you since lemon is more sour and is not the best for the enamel on your teeth. I would think that drinking it with a straw would be safer if you used lemon. Hope this helps.
Maria Atwood, CNHP
Honey should never be heated or added to anything hot. It can only be added to items in room temperature. Coming from Ayurvedic background, honey becomes a toxin if heated and it is very difficult for the body to remove it. It can be added once all the ingredients are in room temperature.
So all the people who add honey to their hot tea are being poisoned? Interesting because that is a remedy often suggested by doctors to help heal a sore throat!
I wouldn’t say its becoming poison, but for sure all the healthy benefits get lost when heated. Heated honey is just sugar. That’s why it’s better to wait a little bit before adding honey in your tea.