Shrimp is currently the number one seafood choice for American consumers. Approximately 80% of the shrimp consumed in the United States is imported, over half of which is […]
We are pleased to announce Continuing Education Units for doctors, nurses, nutritionists and chiropractors for our 5th Annual Conference, Wise Traditions 2004. PHYSICIANS: This activity has been planned […]
Organic Pastures Dairy Company ( OPDC ) and have joined forces to form an exclusive internet promotion and sales agreement for raw milk products. The FDA met […]
By Maurice LeGoy Essayez donc de mettre un peu de beurre cru ou de crème fraîche dans vos épinards Les acides linoléiques conjugués (ou CLA) sont des anticancéreux […]
Please immediately call your Member of the US House of Representatives to urge him or her to “support the Kaptur Farmers Market Amendment” this Tuesday or Wednesday to […]
Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman announced that USDA will seek written comments and hold a public meeting to provide opportunity for public input into its comprehensive review and update […]
Boekbespreking door Steve Solomon van Weston Price’s Nutrition and Physical Degeneration Vertaling Rob Hundscheidt Het is een grote waarheid: “In het land der blinden is eenoog koning”. Echter […]
July 5, 2004, WASHINGTON, DC: Researchers at a non-profit nutrition education foundation in Washington, DC are urging the Food and Drug Administration to deny a petition that would […]
PRESS RELEASE The Weston A. Price Foundation Washington, DC Contact: Sally Fallon Morell, President (202) 363-4394 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Health Experts Urge FDA to Deny Soy […]
In early July, the U.S. Senate will consider legislation that would make it much more difficult to hold corporations accountable when they deceive consumers, trample our civil or […]