Archives for December 2023
Mixed Berry Crumble
The INside Effects: How the Body Heals Itself
The INside Effects: How the Body Heals ItselfProduced and directed by Keith Leon S. There is a heresy out there which claims that drugs don’t heal the body. […]
High Cholesterol is Healthy
High Cholesterol is HealthyKen Berry, MD interview with David Diamond, PhDhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfJNUbJE_V0&pp=ygUbaGlnaCBjaG9sZXN0ZXJvbCBpcyBoZWFsdGh5 Call the thought police! Someone is violating the sacred narrative again. This video contains several violations. Big […]
A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders
A Good Death? The Midazolam MurdersProduced by Jacqui DeevoyIckonic Assisted death, according to this documentary, is decided by the patient. Euthanasia is assisted death, but the decision is […]
Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening
Plandemic 3: The Great AwakeningWritten and directed by Mikki Willis I recently learned that a lot of people have never read George Orwell’s 1984. A quote from Orwell […]
The Unseen Crisis
The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never ToldEpoch TVhttps://www.theepochtimes.com/the-unseen-crisis-vaccine-stories-you-were-never-told-documentary_5240019.html Brook Jackson was a clinical trial auditor for Ventavia, a contractor that managed trial data for Pfizer. In […]
Journal, Fall 2023, Fixing Your Fertility
Fixing Your Fertility Pam Schoenfeld explains the importance of vitamin A for fertility and pregnancy Vitamin K2 MK-4 Elizabeth and David Schlinsog present Dr. Price̓s momentous discovery Dr. […]
Letters, Fall 2023
THE HEALING POWER OF SAUERKRAUT For those who weren’t aware of the healing power of fermented vegetables, in this case sauerkraut, this story may be a surprise. I’ve […]