Archives for December 2023
Mixed Berry Crumble
The INside Effects: How the Body Heals Itself
The INside Effects: How the Body Heals ItselfProduced and directed by Keith Leon S. There is a heresy out there which claims that drugs don’t heal the body. […]
High Cholesterol is Healthy
High Cholesterol is HealthyKen Berry, MD interview with David Diamond, PhD Call the thought police! Someone is violating the sacred narrative again. This video contains several violations. Big […]
A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders
A Good Death? The Midazolam MurdersProduced by Jacqui DeevoyIckonic Assisted death, according to this documentary, is decided by the patient. Euthanasia is assisted death, but the decision is […]
Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening
Plandemic 3: The Great AwakeningWritten and directed by Mikki Willis I recently learned that a lot of people have never read George Orwell’s 1984. A quote from Orwell […]
The Unseen Crisis
The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never ToldEpoch TV Brook Jackson was a clinical trial auditor for Ventavia, a contractor that managed trial data for Pfizer. In […]
Journal, Fall 2023, Fixing Your Fertility
Fixing Your Fertility Pam Schoenfeld explains the importance of vitamin A for fertility and pregnancy Vitamin K2 MK-4 Elizabeth and David Schlinsog present Dr. Price̓s momentous discovery Dr. […]
Letters, Fall 2023
THE HEALING POWER OF SAUERKRAUT For those who weren’t aware of the healing power of fermented vegetables, in this case sauerkraut, this story may be a surprise. I’ve […]