Over the past ten years, a half dozen studies out of Europe all point in the same direction, namely that consumption of raw milk during childhood provides protection against allergies, asthma and eczema. A new study has found that children growing up on dairy farms (and presumably drinking raw milk) have one-tenth the risk of developing allergies (Science-Daily.com, July 9, 2014). But it’s a recent study with rats that really piqued our interest. Four groups of rats received dairy protein-free rat chow plus either raw milk, gamma-sterilized milk, heated milk or water via drink bottles. Mice drinking raw milk had the best responses to allergens (Br J Nutr. 2014 Aug;112(3):390-7). It’s a real step forward to see the effects of raw milk studied in animals—and pubished in the prestigious British Journal of Nutrition, no less. We need more studies like this, research that looks at the effects of raw versus pasteurized milk on bone density and growth, organ integrity, iron status, reproduction and even behavior. We predict that studies on raw milk will proliferate—at least in Europe—as more and more honest researchers see this as a way to making a real contribution to the future health of our children.
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I grew up on a farm and we drank milk straight from the cow.
I developed eczema at age 18 working with chemicals and to this day still have it, 45 years later.
So raw milk did not help me much.
You seemed to have chemical toxic poisoning build-up which is not an allergy. You need to detox from the chemicals separate to continuing to drink raw milk for other reasons of health.
Jennifer, what do you do to detox your body from chemicals.?
Hi Martha! All too often folks are under the impression detoxing the body is a quick fix. The supplement industry has made millions with this concept with their 3-day, 7-day & 30-day detox kits which cost a fortune. Detox is a lifestyle. One must evaluate lifestyle choices in food & living AND must be consistent!
Is having diarrhea from raw milk normal? I grew up drinking ultra-pasteurized & homogenized whole milk all my life, and recently heard about the benefits from raw milk and wanted to try it. Because I was afraid to try it completely raw, I decided to make an omelet with it (so it was cooked basically) and I ended up getting diarrhea for 2 weeks. The only thing that got me back to normal stool was drinking bentonite clay capsules. I’m open to suggestions on any steps to transition from pasteurized to raw because of its benefits.
So I had the opposite problem you have but I have learned that A2/A2 grass fed no corn diet raw milk is easier to digest vs non A2/A2 & corn fed diet is easier to digest. I found a farm that has grass fed A2/A2 milk cows and it has been an amazing experience. It tastes so good and super cold taste and creamy yummy goodness!
Can someone with Crohn’s drink raw milk? Does it matter what kind of cows it comes from?
Why even promote lab rat studies? Anyone in lab research knows, animal studies, rarely, translate to human results. Lab studies, with rats, mice, rabbits, etc. are merely “suggestive” to go to the next step. This is science protocol. AND often these animals are GE. This is standard. The anti-milk community promotes manipulated rat studies to push their agenda, therefore, the raw milk community must rise above agenda driven ideologies & focus on ‘real’ human studies with science backed facts. Fortunately, human studies on raw milk are slowly coming around and these are not testimonials, but, true science endeavors. As with lab rats, testimonials are not science fact.
My 18 month old son has developed ecsema this last month. At the same time I have stopped breastfeeding and switched to raw cows milk for him before bed. My doctor says it’s the milk causing the ecsema. Is this likely the cause? Thank you!
Vaccines are one cause(s) of eczema.
Goats milk is closer to human milk. Was the one used in the Bible and throughout ancient times..
He is completely UNvaccinated. He will never ever, EVER have that poison injected into him. I will try goats milk. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me.
Try A2 milk, he might be intolerant to A1 casein.
It is true that goat’s milk was commonly consumed throughout antiquity, as well as sheep’s milk, both biblically validated; but also mare’s milk, water buffalo, musk oxen, camel, and that of cattle. Which milk was/is consumed varies depending on region of the world, what animals are native and available in each area. Likewise, fat and other nutrient content varies as well. For instance, water buffalo milk contains on average, 16% butterfat!
Hello. For one w/sensitivities to dairy, what would be a good read recommendation?
I just wanted to chime in that I’m not sure anything makes a difference for eczema. If you knew how we lived, you would shout hurrah with how natural we eat. We literally raise our own cattle to eat, hogs, chickens are free range and organic on our property which is an ancient family farm. We live in an area marked as excellent compared to where we moved from in terms of air quality and water quality, no superfund concerns. Not near high tension electric wires or 5G. Well water is filtered about seven times before drinking it. Totally natural everything in home, no toxic hygiene products, even my makeup is made totally natural and dyed with fruit, we are using lard and tallow and coconut oil homemade bar soap, I used electrolyzed water as disinfectant (force of nature). We own a jersey cow and she is strictly grassfed as well as our other cattle. We render our own tallow. We eat sprouted oats. I make yogurt from low histamine strains like reuteri, bifidobacteria, etc (we are histamine sensitive). The cow is a2a2 tested. We machine milk for cleanliness and no bleach is used just force of nature to clean machine and iodine test dip. Homemade teat creams used for teats. We eat 99 percent organic, never go out to eat. We can. We only eat long fermented organic sourdough bread homemade, no bread products are purchased from home. No dyes. We run an air doctor air purifier. Laundry soaps are natural and double and sometimes triple rinsed. Some sheets are organic. We make our own butter in general, buy grassfed when cow is dry. We eat literally next to no sugar, mostly just small amounts of raw honey and maple syrup (we generally tap our own trees). We eat raw garlic and acv every day with our organic salad greens. Organic extra virgin lot numbered olive oil. I make all my own baby food. I have nursed each of my kids to age 4.5 years old. my babies started solids eating things like avocado, sauerkraut, goat yogurt etc When pregnant this past baby, I took ancestral supps of whole food powdered organs etc as my prenatal vitamins replacement incl wild caught fish eggs, and some b vitamins, zinc, magnesium, and butyrate and raw honey and royal jelly. However, I find our family has increasingly become less and less tolerant to fermented foods, esp fermented vegetables such as kimchi and sauerkraut. Yogurt with regular strains of bacteria as well. Two kids developed mystery bottom rashes following a virus, one took two years and lots of trials, diets, Drs, etc to find out he needed butyrate.
One kid has gut motility issues and had to take butyrate. Tics form in my kids in they eat those strains regularly . During pregnancy, a patch of dry peach colored rough skin appeared on my forearm (about 2 in by 2 in). It was barely visible. However, the skin around my eyes want to inflame for years and I apply beeswax, coconut oil, olive oil homemade salve there and it keeps it ok. Well, during pregnancy it was falling right to pieces and I had to resume my butyrate supplement to make it go down 90 percent. Anyways my baby is super beautiful and healthy. Just a couple weeks ago though, eczema patches, dry rough flat skin started popping up various spots on her. I don’t even know what to think! By evening, sometimes it can get much redder. It calms by morning. I have made a tallow,.olive oil, vitamin e salve and it works wonders. The tree pollen is horrifically fierce here right now. I feel just generally itchy myself and the forearm patch is now redder. I match it to hers and they are identical. What’s strange is I had given her one dose of a commercial bifidobacteria infant probiotic not long before. Anyways, I drank raw milk thru my pregnancy too and while she is nursing baby. I put raw milk on her skin and one patch to see if it got redder and it didn’t. I told a friend and they simply just kept saying go dairy free. If I go dairy free there is no way to add fermented foods into my diet any longer. Like what, sell my cow??? I just don’t know if this lifestyle eliminates all possibilities of eczema and other issues. Does the raw milk even work?
I know people say gluten too, but tbh I have gone gluten free in past and it does nothing for me except exacerbate blood sugar issues as most gluten free food is very high glycemic. I didn’t feel well on it either and my bowels never feel right unless they have a small amount of real sourdough on a regular basis, doesn’t have to be daily. And get this…after eating super healthy and even drinking kefir two cups every day, my stool samples showed very minimal lactobacillus, poor guy bacteria diversity, and a poor f:b ratio ..how is that even possible? Oh yeah and a kefir strain was at a +3 which was one notch below becoming pathogenic. After a 2020 virus, I don’t feel well drinking kefir and I am even more fermented food sensitive. How exactly are we 1) supposed to live healthy? And 2) does it even work anymore if after all that, and I didn’t even mention half the natural ness, we still end up with tics, ocd, and eczema?
Did you ever receive an answer to this? Very curious
Maybe try testing your home for mold with an ERMI.
I have a lot of the same issues despite a lifestyle very similar to yours. Turns out I have Candida and SIBO, so all the fermented stuff was actually making my skin and other issues worse. Starting Allimax capsules (1-2/day) shortly and a low fodmap diet. Carnivore diet did wonders for the eczema.
I tried looking on this site but could not find what Native American and African Americans are truly allergic to RAW MILK? I read 80-90% but is the milk RAW? I doubt it. Looking for current update as to how many of these races are truly allergic to RAW MILK. I have none of these ethnic traits and mainly Irish & Polish. I transitioned to raw milk in 2000 and never looked back.
I meant to ask : What Percentage NOW for 2023 of both African American and Native American ethnicities are allergic to RAW MILK.
It’s very presumptuous to assume that children growing up on dairy farms were drinking raw milk. I think it’s probably the opposite. The vast majority of farmers have been strongly supportive of milk pasteurization for 100 years, so it seems that it would be far less likely that their children would be drinking raw milk unless they were specifically producers of raw milk. I think a more logical explanation for why the children had less allergies was because they spent a lot of time outside in the dirt. After exploring this subject quite a bit recently, I’m completely convinced that the benefits of supposedly come from drinking raw milk are actually from drinking grass-fed, non-homogenized milk and that the same effects can be achieved from drinking such milk that is vat pasteurized at a low temperature.