Archives for February 2021
Support A Good Vaccine Bill In Idaho!
Sardine and Egg Salad
Support A Good Vaccine Bill In Kansas!
Tell Your Elected Officials to Prioritize Hatcheries
Help Stop Yet Another Bad Vaccine Bill In The Connecticut Legislature!
Healing Quest: Healthy Barbeque
Healing Quest: Integrative Pediatrics
Healing Quest: Bone Broth and Water Filtration
Healing Quest: Cod Liver Oil
Healing Quest: Raw Milk Controversy
Healing Quest: Soy Alert
Sally Fallon Morell on the Weston A Price Foundation Mission Statement Sally Fallon Morell on Key Principles of Traditional Diets Comfort Foods Cooking Video Preview Link to purchase […]
Dr. Ron on Raw Milk
Kaayla on Bacon & Eggs
Carla on Healthy Bacon & Eggs
Carla on Liver Reuben Sandwich
Grass Fed Movement
Sally Fallon Morell: The Queen of Butter
Sally Fallon Morell on Raw Milk
Qué cantidad de sal consumir
Agresiones modernas a la tiroides
Support 2 New Important Vaccine Bills In Iowa!
Know Your Rights Regarding Vaccine Exemptions For School Attendance In Virginia!
Sourdough Waffles
Journal, Winter 2020, Contagion Fairy Tale
FEATURES The Contagion Fairy Tale Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell furtherdeconstruct the contagion myth The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy Stephanie Seneff examines chlorinedioxide’s actions and mechanisms Coconut and […]
Is corona werkelijk besmettelijk ?
Support 3 New Important Vaccine Bills in Arizona
Onbalans tussen koper en zink
De niet-herkende gevolgen van plantaardige dieten en hun bijdrage aan chronische vermoeidheid. 14 FEBR. 2008 DOOR LAURIE WARNER. Nederlandse vertaling Rob Hundscheidt Original English Version Een […]
Printable Versions8.5×11 one sided8.5×11 two side; 1/2 sheets Will the INJECTION prevent PEOPLE from getting AND SPREADING covid-19? Forbes: “We all expect an effective vaccine to prevent serious […]
Help Stop Two Bad Vaccine Bills in the Connecticut Legislature!
Looking Ahead to 2021
Given the general gridlock in the federal government, Wise Traditions readers are probably not surprised to hear that Congress hasn’t done much on food and agricultural bills in […]
Proposed FDA rule threatens small farms & food businesses
Waarom schiep God kanker ?
28 nov. 2017. Door Tedd Koren, DC Nederlandse vertaling Rob Hundscheidt Original English Version Onlangs vroeg een deelnemer aan een online discussiegroep over kanker: “Waarom heeft God kanker […]
Liver Balls in Tomato Sauce
Vaccine Syndrome by Scott W. Miller
Vaccine SyndromeDirected by Scott W. MillerProduced by Melissa Mosich-Miller and Scott Millerwww.youtube.com/watch?v=s8n-of_Y4gw Biological weapons can be dangerous for both sides of a conflict. Using them can be like […]
bOObs: The War on Women’s Breasts by Megan S. Smith
bOObs: The War on Women’s BreastsWritten, directed and produced by Megan S. SmithWayMark ProductionsDistributed by Cinema Libre Studio Our mainstream medical system is still widely trusted despite a […]
Insight: Slaughtered on Suspicion Directed by Malcolm Massey and Patrick Henningsen
Insight: Slaughtered on SuspicionDirected by Malcolm Massey and Patrick HenningsenUKColumn Productionshttps://www.ukcolumn.org/video/insight-slaughtered-on-suspicion/ In 2001, there was an outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Great Britain. This resulted […]
The Need to Grow Directed by Rob Herring and Ryan Wirick
The Need to GrowDirected by Rob Herring and Ryan WirickExecutive Producer Rosario Dawsonhttps://www.earthconsciouslife.org/theneedtogrow We have lost a massive amount of farm-able soil. Industrial farming doesn’t work. For most […]
1986: The Act Directed by Andy J. Wakefield
1986: The ActDirected by Andy J. Wakefield7th Chakra Films In the last year of the Obama administration, a document was declassified that spills one of the CIA’s secrets. […]