The Weston A. Price Foundation is a tireless advocate for nutrient-dense food and is wholly member supported. Becoming a member is incredibly affordable and has valuable benefits.
been drinking raw milk for over 20 years after reading on weston prices web about its healthful benefits, they also helped me locate it. good food but start slow as its beneficial bacteria can “loosen” you up, but after a short acclimation i consumed about 6 qts purchased weekly from a somewhat local health food store.
Dr. Eric Berg (chiropractor) in his YouTube videos says “milk has anabolic (growth) hormones in it.” and therefore causes growth in the prostate. I have – and don’t wish to grow, further – enlarged prostate, but LOVE raw milk. should I stop drinking it ?
been drinking raw milk for over 20 years after reading on weston prices web about its healthful benefits, they also helped me locate it. good food but start slow as its beneficial bacteria can “loosen” you up, but after a short acclimation i consumed about 6 qts purchased weekly from a somewhat local health food store.
Dr. Eric Berg (chiropractor) in his YouTube videos says “milk has anabolic (growth) hormones in it.” and therefore causes growth in the prostate. I have – and don’t wish to grow, further – enlarged prostate, but LOVE raw milk. should I stop drinking it ?