Over the past few years, there have been a lot of requests for us to say something about Lyme disease, so I decided it was time to dedicate an article (and a video1) to the topic. In this case, the alleged bacterial pathogen is introduced into the body by a tick, and the claim that ticks cause this disease through bites is considered under the germ theory umbrella. But what does the scientific evidence actually reveal? Have the bacteria been shown to cause sickness, and is Lyme disease even a legitimate entity?
The truth is more shocking than many would imagine. It is also a timely topic, as a new fear campaign has been launched in the form of the alleged deadly Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever poised to come to the United Kingdom, also said to be spread by ticks.2 Additionally, a tick “bioweapon” gaslighting campaign, supposedly implicating the Pentagon, was also playing on corporate media platforms in July 2019.3
As my husband, Dr. Mark Bailey, summarizes: “The introduction of the term ‘Lyme disease’ in the 1970s was a win for establishment medicine but a grave loss for the public. A label was attached to a nonspecific range of symptoms and signs and the bug hunters then falsely accused Borrelia, a bystander bacterial species. If a doctor says you have Lyme disease, they do not know what they are talking about— get out of there before they run non-diagnostic tests or worse, try to ‘treat’ you.”
Part of the reason we have taken a long time to publish something about Lyme disease is that it is said not to exist in our home country of New Zealand. In fact, the Ministry of Health states: “Ticks have the potential to pose public health and biosecurity risks because they can carry and transmit human and animal diseases. However, the Ministry is not aware of any cases of people catching a disease from a tick bite in New Zealand. The main diseases of concern in some other countries are not currently present in New Zealand.”4 This is an interesting situation, because if we have ticks and humans coming and going, then on these officials’ own terms, why would we not have Lyme disease?
They give an explanation that states, “The ticks present in New Zealand have shown the ability to transmit pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. Fortunately, the pathogens are rare in New Zealand and damage is mainly isolated to economic loss caused by heavy infestations.” This is all rather wishy-washy. They are claiming that there are ticks that can transmit pathogens and that the pathogens are present, albeit rare, yet there is no Lyme disease. As expected, the New Zealand Ministry, which is notorious for churning out health disinformation, provides no scientific references on its webpage, and the article has been authored anonymously.
Over to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Lyme disease page, which claims: “Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and rarely, Borrelia mayonii. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks.”5 There are no citations provided, simply a note at the end of the page that cites the “content source” as the CDC’s “National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Division of Vector-Borne Diseases,” but that link doesn’t provide specific citations either.
Before we go on a search for scientific evidence of the alleged causal agent of Lyme disease, first we should investigate how the disease is defined. And this is where the whole thing becomes scientifically unhinged. The CDC states that the early signs and symptoms could be “fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes.”6 On Wikipedia, it is even worse; the Lyme disease entry states, “Lyme disease can affect several body systems and produce a broad range of symptoms. Not everyone with Lyme disease has all of the symptoms and many of the symptoms are not specific to Lyme disease, but can occur with other diseases, as well.”7 This is a farcical state of affairs because the diagnosis is supposed to be based on a history of tick exposure (not even a confirmed bite) and symptoms—but these symptoms can be just about anything.
What about erythema migrans, the famous rash said to be specific to Lyme disease? Once again, this is not a specific type of rash, and the CDC even has a page called “The Many Forms of Lyme Disease Rashes.”8 This page suggests that the rash can be faint, could be crusted and can appear in different shapes and colors, whereas other indistinguishable rashes can be dismissed as not erythema migrans because they are classified as “allergic reactions” to insults such as insect bites and drugs. At this point, we are likely to get some practitioners protesting that they know Lyme disease when they see it. But what exactly are they referring to? They would have to be making up their own diagnostic criteria as well.
In terms of the alleged pathogen involved, we can consult the “big book” of Lyme disease called Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever Spirochetes published in 2021.9 In particular, Chapter 13 titled “Lyme Disease Pathogenesis” states the following:
“Lyme disease was first recognized in 1976 when a cluster of cases of juvenile arthritis was recognized in Old Lyme, CT. Many of these patients also reported cutaneous skin lesions that were similar to those reported in Europe that were previously associated with tick bites. There was a strong suspicion that an infectious agent was the underlying cause of both cases in Old Lyme, CT and in Europe, but it was not until 1982 that a spirochete found in Ixodes ticks was suggested to be the cause (Burgdorfer et al., 1982). The role of this bacterium, named Borrelia burgdorferi, as the causative agent of Lyme disease was quickly established as the bacterium was recovered from patients as well as from reservoir hosts, such as the white-footed mouse.”
The single listed citation by Burgdorfer et al. is the 1982 paper10 with the title “Lyme Disease—A Tick-Borne Spirochetosis?” (Note the question mark at the end of the title.) The paper describes how the researchers collected one hundred twenty-six ticks from Shelter Island, New York in 1981 and found that 61 percent of them had spirochetes (a type of bacterium) in their gut. On this basis, the authors unwarrantedly concluded, “The degree of infection varied; some ticks contained only a few spirochetes, others contained large numbers.”
Finding bacteria in a gut system is not evidence of an infection. We have trillions of microbes in our gut and, like all animals, the microbes are required for our life processes. In any case, it is nonsense to claim that microbes found in tick guts are the smoking gun for the cause of Lyme disease. To make the case for bitten transmission even weaker, the paper’s authors admitted, “No other tissues, including the salivary glands, contained spirochetes.”
In the same paper, Burgdorfer and his co-authors proceeded to describe a study where they allowed about three hundred ticks to feed on eight New Zealand White rabbits. This was an uncontrolled experiment—simply an observational study—rather than an experimental one capable of testing their hypothesis with an independent variable. If they were suggesting that Borrelia caused Lyme disease, then some of the rabbits should have been bitten by ticks “infected” with the bacteria and other rabbits bitten by ticks not carrying the bacteria. Unsurprisingly, the biting onslaught by almost forty ticks per rabbit, attached to their shaved abdomens in metal capsules, caused some of them to develop rashes. However, despite testing the rabbits’ blood daily and taking skin biopsies, they found Borrelia bacteria in exactly zero. The reality was that they failed to demonstrate transmission, let alone any ability of the bacteria to cause disease.
Let us emphasize the fact that there is precisely no evidence that Borrelia species cause Lyme disease, and yet this 1982 paper is supposed to be one of the studies—if not the foundational paper—for the case. It is an example of the germ theorists’ desperation to make nature fit their model when the science does not back it up; in fact, we can see that they refuted themselves. So, how on earth is this foundational paper accepted as “evidence” to this day?
Due to the patent failure of their experiments, the researchers resorted to an antibody study. The antibodies were created by using an assay that reacted to an antigen contained in a tick specimen mixture. They reported that the antibody was present in all rabbits that had been exposed to ticks, although keep in mind, they are talking about a titer or concentration here—the protein could have been present in the rabbits not exposed to ticks as well, but they set the cut-off for a “positive” at a one in twenty dilution. Then they tested blood from nine patients clinically “diagnosed” with Lyme disease—which leads us straight back to the problem of, what does this even mean? In any case, they reported that the antibody was found in higher levels in these people than in people not diagnosed with Lyme disease.
It is beyond the scope of this article to dive into the deeper problems with antibodies, such as their specificity and the relevance of their detection in a complex organism. You can watch my video series, “The Yin & Yang of HIV”11 or read Virus Mania12 to learn about the scandalous claims that the medical establishment has made with regard to these dubious laboratory assays. Suffice to say, they do not constitute evidence for a pathogen, and all we can say is that the apparent presence of proteins termed “antibodies” in higher amounts may be an indication of tissue inflammation and damage (or healing attempts).
It has been an ongoing offense committed by the germ theorists to claim antibodies relate to “pathogen” exposure or “immunity.” They resort to this trick because they cannot fulfill Koch’s postulates or provide the required foundational evidence through the scientific method. To be fair, the authors of the 1982 paper did use the word “may” when stating that their “observations suggest that the treponema-like organism. . . may be involved in the etiology of Lyme disease.”10 But this is the paper that the seven hundred fifty-page tome on Lyme disease provides as the evidence that Borrelia bacteria cause Lyme disease—and almost everyone in the medical industry parrots the fraudulent claim.
In Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever Spirochetes, Chapter 24 (“Lyme Disease in Humans”) ventures to state, “Lyme disease is the prototype of an emerging infectious disease”13—apparently “emerging” out of the germ theorists’ minds only, not out of nature. The authors claim, “The isolation of its etiologic agent, Borrelia burgdorferi, from humans in 1983, capped an intensive hunt for a pathogen that just a short time before had been cultured from a black legged (deer) tick.” Here, they cite another pivotal paper with the title, “Spirochetes isolated from the blood of two patients with Lyme disease,” published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1983.14 The headline sounds impressive until you read that they “isolated spirochetes from the blood of 2 of 36 patients in Long Island and Westchester County, New York, who had signs and symptoms suggestive of Lyme disease.” Two out of thirty-six patients “thought to have Lyme disease” means that thirty-four out of thirty-six did not have any detectable bacteria! The logical gymnastics in the paper are incredible; they even suggested that this result “provides the most direct evidence to date of their [spirochetes’] etiologic role in this disease.”
And how did they reconcile their abysmal statistical findings with germ theory? By claiming, without any evidence whatsoever, that “Because of the low frequency of isolations (2 of 36 patients), the spirochetemia is probably transient and of low density in this condition.” Here, they are one step away from the virologists who claim that despite the microbes wreaking havoc in the body, the microbes can’t be found anywhere. The icing on the cake comes when the authors of the 1983 paper bizarrely assert that their paper means that “three of the four Koch’s postulates for establishing the role of the spirochete as the causative agent of Lyme disease have been largely satisfied.” Utter nonsense—not one of Koch’s postulates was satisfied, as analysis of these foundational papers reveals.
The last aspect to address is the mainstream claim that antibiotics are useful for treating the disease. If this were true, it cannot be due to any antimicrobial action because, as we have just seen, there is no evidence that any of this is caused by bacteria. However, even mainstream practitioners admit that they don’t have sound evidence that antibiotics are effective. If we consult the article titled “Diagnosis and Management of Lyme Disease” in American Family Physician,15 it states that “doxycycline is effective for the treatment of early Lyme disease” but then lists the evidence rating as a lowly “C,” which equates to “consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series”—in other words, not established through the scientific method.
Having worked in the system for two decades, I know that doctors hope that one of their prescription medicines will be the magic bullet. Unfortunately, this hope stems from the chronically ingrained and misplaced belief in germ theory and pharmaceuticals. There are other factors as well; a recent video about “medical self-delusion” by Roman Bystrianyk, the co-author of Dissolving Illusions,16 summarizes the phenomenon.17
We have a conundrum here because the term “Lyme disease” is so well known, it seems to most people that it must be real. However, the term should be relegated to the archives of pseudoscience. And, as “terrain” proponents, we should be careful about being drawn into discussions along the lines of, “What causes Lyme disease, if not bacterial infection through tick bites?” It is not something that can be diagnosed because the signs and symptoms are non-specific, the microbiology is non-specific and the so-called “tests” (blood antibodies) are non-specific.18 I have heard Dr. Tom Cowan19 say that labeling a patient with “Lyme disease” is completely unhelpful, and I would wholeheartedly agree, as that is what the scientific literature reveals. Symptoms and signs may be real, but the fictional concoction known as “Lyme disease” is an allopathic germ theory cover story. We need to reject the label and attend to each individual’s situation. Focusing on whether they may have been bitten by a tick in the past few months is probably not going to provide the answer to restoring health.
Every case will be different, and the various symptoms and signs are manifestations of the body’s attempts to heal itself. The answers are found in addressing factors such as environmental toxins and dietary errors. And, it should be pointed out, we do not have pharmaceutical deficiencies, so that will not be the answer either.
Some time ago, I moved away from the medical model involving alleged specific disease entities with the realization that the body simply has various conditions. The condition of the body should be perfect, and this can be achieved through ignoring fear narratives and focusing on right living and right thinking. These principles are covered in detail in the book Terrain Therapy,20 as well as in my weekly content and through the Weston A. Price Foundation.
[Editor’s note: For more about the history of the condition labeled as Lyme disease, see “Are Explanations for Lyme Disease Another House of Cards?” in the Summer 2021 issue of Wise Traditions.21]
- The Lyme disease lie. Dr Sam Bailey, Jun. 24, 2023. https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/germ-theory/the-lyme-disease-lie/
- Shaw N. Deadly virus likely to be heading to UK, scientists say. Wales Online, Jun. 15, 2023 (updated Jun. 19, 2023). https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/uk-news/virus-kills-one-person-second-27125449
- Ticks weaponized by the government? FOX54 News Huntsville, Jul. 21, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PUDPLOfo4M&ab_channel=FOX54NewsHuntsville
- https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/our-health-system/environmental-health/pests-insects-bites-and-stings/ticks
- https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/index.html
- Signs and symptoms of untreated Lyme disease. CDC, last reviewed Jan. 15, 2021. https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/signs_symptoms/index.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_disease#Signs_and_symptoms
- The many forms of Lyme disease rashes (erythema migrans). CDC, n.d. https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/resources/NCEZID_rash_poster3r1-508.pdf
- Radolf JD, Samuels DS (Eds.). Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever Spirochetes: Genomics, Molecular Biology, Host Interactions and Disease Pathogenesis. UConn Health and University of Montana, 2021. https://www.caister.com/hsp/pdf/flyer/lyme.pdf
- Burgdorfer W, Barbour AG, Hayes SF, et al. Lyme disease—a tick-borne spirochetosis? Science. 1982;216(4552):1317-1319.
- The yin & yang of HIV. Dr Sam Bailey, Mar. 2, 2022. https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/viruses-unplugged/the-yin-yang-of-hiv-part-one/
- Engelbrecht T, Kohnlein C, Bailey S, Scoglio S. Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense. Books on Demand, 2021. https://drsambailey.com/shop-2/
- Radolf JD, Strle K, Lemieux JE, et al. Lyme disease in humans. Chapter 24 in Radolf JD and Samuels DS (Eds.), Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever Spirochetes: Genomics, Molecular Biology, Host Interactions and Disease Pathogenesis. UConn Health and University of Montana, 2021, pp. 703-753. https://www.caister.com/openaccess/pdf/9781913652616-24.pdf
- Benach JL, Bosler EM, Hanrahan JP, et al. Spirochetes isolated from the blood of two patients with Lyme disease. N Engl J Med. 1983;308(13):740-742.
- Wright WF, Riedel DJ, Talwani R, et al. Diagnosis and management of Lyme disease. Am Fam Physician. 2012;85(11):1086-1093.
- Humphries S, Bystrianyk R. Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. https://dissolvingillusions. com/
- Bystrianyk R. H. Brown, MD – Medical Self Delusion. Jun. 17, 2023. https://odysee.com/@ RomanBystrianyk:1/H.-Brown,-MD:1
- Suggested Reporting Language, Interpretation and Guidance Regarding Lyme Disease Serologic Test Results. Association of Public Health Laboratories, May 2021. https://www.aphl.org/aboutAPHL/publications/Documents/ID-2021-Lyme-Disease-Serologic-Testing-Reporting.pdf
- https://drtomcowan.com/
- Williams U, Bailey S. Terrain Therapy: How to Achieve Perfect Health Through Diet, Living Habits & Divine Thinking. Samantha Bailey, 2022. https://drsambailey.com/terrain-therapy/
- Teller M. Are explanations for Lyme disease another house of cards? Wise Traditions. Summer 2021;22(2):46-53. https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/lyme-disease-symptoms-causes/
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2023
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Daniela Lawler says
Great article
Lilu says
Look, Darpa/CIA/Dept of Defense is run by nazis. They have patented and released bioweapons in ticks., with mosquito pathogens in use now. Denying it does no one any good.
Terry Heil says
As a Lyme patient I found this article quite demoralizing. Yes, Lyme disease is a complex disease, not well understood and lacking in one-size-fits-all diagnostic tools and easy treatments. Yes, mainstream medicine is corrupt and uncaring, dispensing unsafe, ineffective and toxic meds, and completely failing to deal adequately with the skyrocketing rates of chronic illness. But to completely dismiss the role of pathogens in causing disease states generally and Borrelia burgdorferi in causing Lyme disease is also irresponsible and a great disservice to those with chronic illness.
Right thinking and right living are all many people need to maintain health and treat illness, but not all people are so fortunate. For example, many people with Lyme disease also have mold illness. Genetic testing shows that many of these Lyme/mold patients have the HLA genetic mutation which results in their bodies being unable to make the protein needed by the immune system to mark biotoxins for elimination. This creates major deficiencies in detox and immune function. However perfect their diet, lifestyle and attitude, these people are going to have a serious problem dealing with pathogen and toxin exposures which would be a minor bump in the road for someone whom fate had dealt a more favorable genetic profile. There are many other genetic mutations affecting the body’s ability to maintain health, of course, and depending on how many mutations and how serious they are and how they interact, some people are just going to be very prone to developing chronic illness. They are going to have challenging lives as a result, but still deserve respect, support, understanding and safe effective treatment.
Where does this article leave patients seeking help in treating chronic Lyme disease? If their disease state is mostly a result of poor diet and lifestyle, then maybe all they need is some common sense changes to improve. If they have compromised immune/detox/methylation/etc systems, though, they will also need to address the pathogens. And since these pathogens hide out in the body and recur in times of stress, they will always need to be on the alert and ready to treat these recurrences. The late, great Stephen Harrod Buhner has received mention in Wise Traditions and on the westonaprice.org website in the past. He has written an amazing series of books on Lyme and its confections. He has come up with effective natural (mostly herbal) treatments based on his extensive reading and knowledge of the research into the Lyme pathogens and how they operate, as well as many years of clinical experience using herbs. Treating chronic Lyme will always be a challenging project, but finding out which pathogens you are dealing with, how they operate in the body, and what the research shows about how they respond to various treatments is critical info to have. The fact that Buhner’s protocols lead to improved health and improved test results for the pathogens being treated indicates to me that identifying, understanding and treating the pathogens is important. As the old saying goes, The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Mainstream med mostly does not like chronically ill patients. They do not understand us and do not have any effective and safe treatments for us. They are used to being treated like gods and feeling like gods. When they fail to help us and cause us to search out alternative medicine, they feel inadequate, threatened, angry, dismissive. Where the “professionals” lead, the masses will follow. Slowly chronic illnesses are being recognized with diagnoses and some level of legitimacy, but the decades of denial by the medical community have left society with the feeling that our symptoms are a joke and “all in our head.” We are hypochondriacs. Children and women especially are thought to be “looking for attention.” Etc. And then to see the title “The Lyme Disease Lie” on the cover of Wise Traditions! Just feels like more of the same: “There really isn’t anything wrong with you. You just need to eat right and live right.” Very discouraging. And this on an enlightened website where in the past I have seen Thumb’s Up reviews of Stephen Buhner’s books and other mentions of his helpfulness!? The message of “The Lyme Disease Lie” seems very similar to what I experienced with mainstream med: everything about your illness isn’t cut-and-dried and nice and neat, so therefore it doesn’t exist!
I am familiar with the germ vs. terrain debate. The terrible mistake western med has made in overlooking the importance of the terrain has been a great tragedy in so many ways, But let’s not make the mistake of jumping from one extreme to the other in correcting that mistake. Knowledge of both terrain and microbes have a role to play in maintaining health and treating disease. Microbes, beneficial and pathogenic, play a big part in our lives and our health or lack thereof. We do not live in the Garden of Eden. We are under constant assault by toxins, EMF’s, pathogens, and stresses of all kinds. Nobody has a perfect terrain in the modern world. Yes, do everything you can to lessen your exposure to toxins. Everyone should do their best to give their physical body all the help they can in maintaining their health, and do what they can to encourage others and society to join them in creating a healthier, happier, more peaceful world. Maybe we can get back to The Garden sometime. In the meantime, those who are suffering and need help in addressing the pathogens which underlay their chronic illnesses should not be shamed or belittled or ignored, but receive the help and treatment they need.
Chana says
Also a chronic Lyme patient (+ babesia+bartonella) and found this a little disappointing. My children are also being treated for chronic tick borne illnesses as they’ve had the same symptoms as me, potentially from being untreated during pregnancy. I think it’s obvious antibiotics are an ineffective treatment on their own for most people dealing with this, but we’ve dealt with enough with being called crazy and we’ve searched for answers and help for SO LONG. This is not what I expect to see here! What solutions are being offered? What’s the alternate theory for the debilitating symptoms we experience? This is crap.
Casey says
Well said.
Very complicated issue.
Shawn says
Completely agreed; I have lyme/mold/methylation issues and I’m shocked WestonAPrice would put this on their site 🙁
Heidi says
I agree I am shocked that this article is on the Weston Price site. Extremely disappointing!
Anna Grace Whitefeather says
Can we talk about what really does cause lyme disease? And how to treat it?
N says
Abigail says
What would you say to someone who had been actively detoxing for 8+ months when symptoms first appeared? (I’m genuinely asking, not being capricious.)
Myself says
Read this before considering a detox:
The Liver must be functioning properly—with unobstructed bile ducts—to have a successful detox.
Myself says
These are excellent videos about Lyme by Tom Cowan—the Vice President of The Weston A. Price Foundation.
An excerpt:
Tom begins speaking about Mosquitoes then Lyme:
Tom & Andrew Kaufman:
Ray Ray says
I am so grateful for this article. The mind accepts what the mind expects.
speedstarr35 says
Matthew 9:20-22,Mark 5:25-34,Luke 8:43-48
Please, Read these bible passages…I believe these explain energy medicine.
My family and I have been blessed with the knowledge of energy medicine to cure Lyme disease and help with many other health issues. I have learned on my journey Field Control Therapy ( FCT ) and homeopathic remedies go hand in hand. I believe that FCT Practitioners who use FCT and homeopathic remedies together are the best route to success in healing. He is an example:
https://www.yurkovsky.com/fct-and-conditions/ Contact their office for FCT Practitioners all over the USA… All FCT Practitioners have different pricing ranges. Most FCT Practitioners can remote you from your home as well. Do not be afraid of calling several practitioners to discuss their pricing and services before praying about which one The Good Lord wants
you to seek help from for you and your family. Several FCT practitioners will not treat or remote women when they are pregnant. I believe this is the best advice. I would not use FCT while pregnant myself. Please pray for what direction the Good Lord wants you to go in. I hope this blesses you as it has my family and me 🙂
Nick Yochim says
Things are not as cut & dried as this author seems to think they should be. If research is thin or spotty, that doesn’t mean the pathogen is not causing the symptoms. When the patient has a particular pathogen onboard, and presents with symptoms that have been seen repeatedly in the presence of that particular pathogen, it’s pretty likely that they have the disease that pathogen is said to foster. Unless she can come up with a better explanation of what’s causing all the symptoms, I think I’ll go with the Lyme disease diagnosis. If they swab your throat and find strep, and you have all the typical symptoms of strep infection, and then you are medicated for it and your symptoms go away, you probably had strep throat.
As a chronic Lyme patient, I can tell her that much of what I have experienced over the last couple of years has not been textbook stuff. I have had some of the symptoms mentioned in the case studies I have read, but others have been notably absent – thank God. Some people present with different symptoms than others do. Some people have different levels of severity with their symptoms than others do, depending on the condition of their immune systems, and the other co-infections they may have. Lots of people are suffering from something else when Lyme rears its ugly head, as a depleted immune system is often what brings on a Lyme episode. There is a lot of variability between patients, and most diseases don’t stick to their script very well. Genetic predisposition to certain health problems also plays a part, as somebody else pointed out in another one of the comments posted here. Some people smoke three packs of cigarettes a day and don’t develop lung cancer. That’s just the way it is. Medicine is an art, as well as a science. The proficiency level and experience level of the doctor also plays a part in this. They don’t all show up with the same level of expertise.
I have been on an ongoing treatment plan for Lyme, and my condition has improved dramatically. I went from being a cripple who could hardly walk to full functionality in about a year, so this author’s story is kind of a hard sell for me. Everything my doctor told me to expect has come to pass, including trying several different herbs that didn’t work. Most did, however, and she also told me that sometimes people get better in a few months, and sometimes it takes a couple of years.
This author also offers no help for the people who have this problem, whether you want to call it Lyme disease or not. Just poking a bunch of holes in everything we’ve heard and read about Lyme disease is about all she has done in this article. It would be pretty easy to poke holes in everything we’ve heard and read about a multitude of diseases. Just take Covid as an example.
Saying that Lyme disease is all BS helps no one, and after reading her article, they will still have the problem, and be no closer to finding any help with it. This is the first time I have visited the Weston Price website, and after reading this and watching a video about it ( which was no more helpful than this article was.) I don’t think I’ll be visiting the website again, as the general attitude seems to be that everybody is wrong about this, but there is no help being offered to anyone.
Johannah says
I agree with the majority of the commenters on this article. It is disgusting and terribly demoralizing to those of us who have spent years of chronic suffering and loss in the search for answers to this scourge. Before I knew that I had Lyme (I even had the bulls-eye rash and multiple days of high fever, but knew nothing about Lyme at the time), I followed the Weston Price Diet religiously for years with almost no improvement in my debilitating fatigue, body aches, mental fog, insomnia, irritability, etc. Upon diagnosis and Lyme-specific treatment (through Jernigan Nutraceuticals), my vast array of chronic symptoms totally disappeared within about a month. I hadn’t made any other nutritional or lifestyle changes in that time…And that wasn’t Lyme???