Last week we told you about two bills (S.B. 568 and H.B. 6005) that were introduced in the Connecticut legislature that threaten both religious and medical exemptions to vaccine mandates.
Now there’s a third bill, H.B. 6423, whichalso needs your opposition. Like S.B. 568, itwould eliminatethe religious exemption to vaccination for students in Connecticut. This terrible bill also adds new sections on data collection and reporting requirements and creates a review of medical exemptions.
All three of these bills are important to defeat, especially when one considers the push to mandate experimental, fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccines.
Please help us protect the right to religious and medical vaccine exemptions by contacting your state legislators today!
- Send written testimony opposing both S.B. 568 and H.B. 6423 to the Joint Committee on Public Health at
S.B. 568 and H.B. 6423 both had a hearing in the Joint Committee on Public Health on February 16, but the committee will continue to accept written public testimony. The committee will take action on these two bills at a later date.
Keep your written statement short. It can be just a paragraph or a single page. Focus on your personal experience and concerns with the bills; you can use the sample scripts and talking points below for ideas, but your impact will be greatest if your testimony is personal.
- Contact your Connecticut State Representative and ask him or her to OPPOSE H.B. 6423, and protect people’s religious rights.
You can find out who represents you at:
Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.
Sample script (personalize for the greatest impact):
“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Representative ____ to oppose H.B. 6423, and protect people’s religious beliefs when it comes to vaccination.
Religious freedom is a fundamental right, and the government should not force people to inject pharmaceutical products into their bodies over their sincerely held religious beliefs.
There is no need to eliminate religious exemptions. The Connecticut child vaccination rate is 96.7%. The current law is working.
I urge Representative _______ to oppose H.B. 6423.”
If you didn’t take action on our alert last week:
- Also ask your Representative to OPPOSE H.B. 6005 to protect the doctor-patient relationship. You can do it in the same call, just be sure to clearly identify both bills and briefly provide reasons for opposing both.
Sample script (insert after the discussion on H.B. 6243):
I also urge Representative ____ to oppose H.B. 6005 and protect the doctor-patient relationship.
I oppose the creation of a task force to scrutinize medical exemptions to vaccination. This is a private matter between a medical professional and a patient. Our doctors know what is best for our children. The state has never examined my child and knows nothing of my child’s medical history.
I urge Representative _______ to oppose both H.B. 6243 and H.B. 6005.”
- Contact your Connecticut State Senator and ask him or her to OPPPOSE S.B. 568, and protect people’s religious rights.
You can find out who represents you at:
Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.
Sample script (personalize for the greatest impact):
“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Senator ____ to oppose S.B. 568, and protect people’s religious beliefs when it comes to vaccination.
Religious freedom is a fundamental right, and the government should not force people to inject pharmaceutical products into their bodies over their sincerely held religious beliefs.
There is no need to eliminate religious exemptions. The Connecticut child vaccination rate is 96.7%. The current law is working.
I urge Senator _______ to oppose S.B. 568.”
Be sure to explain why this issue is important to you. You may wish to use a couple of the talking points below. Don’t copy all of them – just use them as ideas to help structure your own message.
TALKING POINTS for calls and emails:
- Share why this is personal to you, whether it is because you have a religious belief that conflicts with vaccination or you support religious freedom generally, or whatever your reasons are.
- The Connecticut child vaccination rate is currently 96.7% for the 7 vaccines surveyed by the CDC. The existing religious exemptions are not a problem and should be left intact.
- The claimed justification – that unvaccinated individuals pose a health risk to others – is unsupported in the medical literature. In fact, vaccinated individuals can pose greater risk to public health due to a process known as shedding. Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles, and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.
- Vaccines are medical procedures that carry risk of serious injury. The U.S. Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe” and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The U.S. Government has paid out $4.4 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to VAERS.
- Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. Vaccine makers have no incentive to make vaccines safe. Additionally, 2006 Federal legislation removed all civil liability from pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines and drugs manufactured in response to declared public health emergencies, including the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The Prep Act, invoked by the president last spring, also provides blanket liability protection to any maker of drugs or vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization.
- Many of the new vaccines being created use mRNA technology, which use a faster and less expensive technology. mRNA vaccines have not been tested in large-scale clinical trials for lengthy periods of time. These new technology platforms have been used to develop experimental vaccines for SARS, MERS, and HIV, but so far, none have been proven effective and safe for humans. MOST IMPORTANTLY, they’ve never been approved by the FDA for use because they either didn’t work or caused a dangerous enhanced immune response.
- Companies have rushed to develop COVID-19 vaccines despite the fact that volunteers are experiencing serious side effects in ongoing clinical trails. The general public is also experiencing serious side effects and deaths. According to the CDC, as of as of December 18th 112,807 people were vaccinated and 3,150 people were “unable to preform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from a doctor or health care professional.”
- Vaccine manufacturers such as Pfizer, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline have paid billions of dollars in criminal penalties and settlements for research fraud, faking drug safety studies, failing to report safety problems, bribery, kickbacks and false advertising.[i],[ii] Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in 2009 alone to resolve criminal and civil allegations. [iii]
- Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm. Each of us may respond differently as we have different medical histories, genes, epigenetics, and microbiomes.
View text, status and history of the bills here:
Read more about vaccine mandates here:
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