If the state can tag, track down and force citizens against their will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.
Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder
National Vaccine Information Center
Six years ago my producing partners and I made a documentary about the vaccine controversy in America called The Greater Good. The title of the film was a parody on the common, misguided belief that it is okay to sacrifice some individuals for the larger population. Now it seems public health officials, politicians and pharmaceutical company lobbyists are using this concept to promote compulsory vaccination more than ever.
Those who support the “greater good” theory believe vaccine coverage must be high —up to 90 percent to ensure “herd immunity.” This is the basis for mass vaccination campaigns around the world. While the theory of herd immunity may work in regard to natural immunity, the theory breaks down when it comes to vaccine-induced immunity, because vaccine immunity is temporary at best. It does not provide life-long protection from disease. Herd immunity may be further debunked when we look at the fact that nearly every “outbreak” of pertussis, measles and mumps in the U.S. occurs in communities where 80 to 90 percent of those affected have been vaccinated, and again when we consider the largely unvaccinated adult population. Blaming our 1 percent of unvaccinated children for the spread of disease is absurd, and using the disproven theory of herd immunity to justify mandatory vaccines is not only immoral, it’s not sound science.
One of the most basic human rights is that of bodily autonomy—as supported by the Nuremburg Code—and yet we are seeing an explosion around the world of legislation aimed at taking away our right to choose what we put into the bodies of our children and ourselves. We must remember that ethical medicine requires prior, completely voluntary and fully informed consent, yet there continues to be a concerted effort to deny our freedoms, while pushing a one-size-fits-all vaccine agenda.
You need look no further than the state of California, which used a media-fueled measles epidemic at Disneyland as a reason for passing legislation (SB 277) that ended both religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions for school-aged children. Today if you live in California, Mississippi or West Virginia the only exemption available is a medical exemption—for which 99.99 percent of Americans do not qualify, according to CDC guidelines.
The bottom line is, when there is risk, there must be choice. Here in the U.S., beginning at birth, parents who follow the CDC-recommended schedule allow their children to be injected with nearly six dozen doses of sixteen different vaccines—vaccines that contain genetically engineered viruses and bacteria, plus ingredients like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol, gluteraldehyde, proteins, synthetic particles, antibiotics, and human, animal and insect DNA and RNA.
It’s troublesome to note that even though America has one of the highest child vaccination rates in the world and spends the most on health care, our children are crippled by chronic disease and disability, including ADHD and learning disabilities, asthma, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, seizures, encephalitis (brain swelling) and autism.
During the same time that the federal child vaccine schedule tripled from twenty-three doses of seven vaccines in 1980 to seventy doses of sixteen vaccines over the next thirty years, we’ve seen an explosion of brain and immune system damage. Today 54 percent of America’s children suffer from one or more chronic illnesses: one in fifty has autism; one in six is learning disabled; one in ten is diagnosed with a mental disorder; one in nine has asthma; one in thirteen is severely allergic to food; one in twenty is epileptic; and one in four hundred has diabetes. And there are studies linking all these conditions to vaccinations.
If you look at these statistics, it’s no wonder parents are questioning the safety of vaccines—yet are often demonized for doing so. When talking about mandates, it’s important to remember all vaccines carry risks and no doctor can predict which of us will be harmed. Each of us may respond differently as we have different medical histories, genes, epigenetics and microbiomes.
One of the biggest problems with mandating vaccines is that you are asking individuals to risk their well-being with products that are not proven safe. Vaccines are not held to the highest standards of testing and in 2011 the United States Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.”
Vaccines are often fast-tracked through the FDA, and manufacturers are not required to conduct double-blind placebo studies. Instead they may compare the health outcomes of those tested with their new vaccine against another vaccine or a bogus “placebo” containing aluminum and other harmful chemicals also contained in vaccines. Therefore vaccine studies are likely not to show increased problems associated with the new vaccine. In addition, vaccine safety trials are implemented by the manufacturers themselves, not by the FDA.
For years pharmaceutical companies have been putting profits before consumers, and the conflict-of-interest stories are endless. For over a decade, the CDC has buried its own data showing that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine has led to an increase in autism—as revealed by the whistleblower and senior CDC scientist William Thompson. In 2000 a group of top government scientists, health officials and industry representatives, including individuals from the CDC and FDA, gathered for a secret meeting at the isolated Simpsonwood conference center in Norcross, Georgia where they discussed how to cover up data showing that the mercury compound thimerosal was responsible for a dramatic increase in autism and a host of other neurological disorders among children.
To add to a parent’s worries, you can’t sue your doctor or any vaccine manufacturer for vaccine injuries or death. Prior to 1986, pharmaceutical companies were being sued for numerous vaccine injuries, sometimes paying victims upward of twenty million dollars. Because of these lawsuits, companies threatened Congress that they would stop manufacturing vaccines if they were not protected when things go wrong.
The result was the creation of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This law established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), designed to ensure vaccine supply, stabilize vaccine costs and establish a no-fault compensation alternative for those injured by vaccines. Then in 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court shielded drug companies from all liability for harm caused by vaccines mandated by the government when companies could have made a safer vaccine. Today victims must go through a special government vaccine court that denies compensation for two out of three claims. Because of these protective laws, manufacturers have little or no incentive to make vaccines safe. The NVICP allows them to continue reaping profits with their forty-plus-billion-dollar-a-year business. To date, this kangaroo court has paid almost four billion dollars to those injured or killed by vaccines, despite the fact that the CDC and FDA admit that only 1 to 10 percent of vaccine adverse reactions are ever reported.
The beginning of 2017 marked an explosion of vaccine mandates in Europe. In June, tens of thousands of demonstrators marched for vaccine freedom across Italy. Despite their protests, Italy’s parliament made multiple doses of ten childhood vaccines mandatory for school children up to age sixteen.
In France the new minister of health wants to follow Italy’s lead and make eight new vaccines mandatory for all children, including pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, Hib, pneumococcal and meningococcal C. This is in addition to France’s already mandated diphtheria, tetanus and polio vaccines.
A draft bill to come before the German parliament envisages daycare centers reporting parents who do not seek medical advice on vaccinating their children, while legislators in the U.K. have called upon the British Medical Association (BMA) to look at the advantages and disadvantages of making childhood vaccinations mandatory. Not unlike what happened in California, these changes in Italy, France, Germany and potentially the U.K. were spurred by the claim of thirty-five measles deaths in Europe over a twelve-month period in 2016 and 2017.
Does Europe really want to be like the U.S., or perhaps Australia? In the U.S. we’ve seen over one hundred vaccine bills this year alone threatening our rights in various states. Australia implemented a “No Jab, No Pay” policy in 2016 that requires children under twenty to get all relevant vaccinations under the country’s National Immunization Program for parents to receive child care benefits. Perhaps it would be wise for those countries that are implementing coercive vaccination to take a step back and consider what would be best for their citizens. One look at the number of special education kids in highly vaccinated communities should put an immediate end to vaccine mandates. What will happen to these children when their parents are no longer able to care for them? What will happen to the economy when these children don’t enter the workforce and we are forced to pay for their care? Will the ever-increasing diagnosis of autism cripple our economy? These are questions we need to be asking ourselves. Sadly, the explosion in numbers of vaccine-injured children is the true “epidemic,” not the measles “epidemics” we are seeing in Europe or California.
Adults are targets for vaccine mandates as well. Already we are seeing mandates for college students, health and day care workers, military personnel and even parent volunteers. Yes, you read that correctly. In California, parent volunteers must provide proof of vaccination for Tdap, MMR and an annual flu shot. Soon, if we don’t wake up and start demanding our freedoms, we won’t be able to get on a plane, get health insurance or social security, or go to a job without being fully vaccinated. Don’t believe it? Take a look at the National Adult Immunization Plan brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This plan already “recommends” flu and whooping cough vaccinations for all adults, including pregnant women. With nearly three hundred new vaccines in development for everything from smoking, obesity and Alzheimer’s it would be a pharmaceutical company’s greatest dream to further mandates for vaccinating the adult population, thus ensuring a cradle-to-grave profit system. After all, America’s 1 percent of unvaccinated children aren’t really where the money is.
Bottom line, there is no time to waste. We must come together and fight against the explosive, coercive campaign for mandated vaccination around the world. We must demand a government that protects its people, not one that sells out to big pharmaceutical companies. We also need a more enlightened healthcare community, one that takes the time to educate itself and dares to stand up. We must insist that our doctors abide by the oath they took supporting the “first do no harm” principle.
Here at the Weston A. Price Foundation we work hard to protect your freedoms; we keep track of all state legislation and send out action alerts as necessary. But we can’t do it without your support. Help us put a stop to medical tyranny. by responding to these alerts. It is your activism that defeats vaccine mandates.
To learn more about your state vaccine laws and what you can do, visit NVIC at nvicadvocacy.org. Remember, vaccine mandates are not a magical panacea, but rather an oppressive agenda disguised as a persuasive argument for the “greater good.”
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2017.
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Fabulous commentary on vaccinations. Agreed 100%.
Thank you for your work. This is so sad I can hardly believe it is happening.