Receiving a cancer diagnosis can feel like a personal crisis and a medical emergency. Treatment is necessary, but a knee-jerk reaction can lead to poor outcomes. Today, Dr. Nasha Winters offers some concrete suggestions for what first steps to take when dealing with cancer. Nasha is a licensed naturopathic doctor and the co-author of “The Metabolic Approach to Cancer.” She describes in detail how to weigh the options when it comes to conventional, alternative, and integrative therapies, how to build a supportive team, & how to cultivate a healthy “terrain” in the middle of it all.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- The truth about cancer and sugar
- How high sugar means a non-functioning immune system, inflammation, elevated estrogen (that leads to growth) and elevated cortisol (stress hormone)
- The three s’s relationship to cancer: sex (hormones), sugar, and stress
- 70% of all patients diagnosed with cancer will have a recurrence
- Most of the mistakes in treatment come from an immediate reaction to diagnosis
- Better to stop and breathe before proceeding (unless it’s an emergency, of course)
- Where you should go for a second opinion
- The importance of testing & basic “terrain” testing (including testing LDH and C-reactive protein)
- How “elegant” biopsies can help you determine what kind of cancer you’re dealing with, and enable you to make better choices for how to combat it
- Why you shouldn’t immediately go to radiation if you have elevated insulin
- Why regular and periodic testing is critical, as the cancer cells adapt to treatment
- The importance of a team supporting and surrounding the person with cancer
- How conventional treatment does not prove to prolong lifespan
- The importance of the following team members: a therapeutic nutritionist, someone to assess the value/efficacy of treatment choices, someone to deal with mind/body-spirit
- The factors at play that allow a negative person to live a long life w/o developing cancer or disease
- How little time the average American spends outside and how it affects our health
- The problem with being screen junkies (screens show the same implications in the brain as sugar and cocaine: high dopamine, low serotonin, and problems with melatonin)
- How cancer is the ultimate disconnect
Nasha’s five-step guide for what to do once you’re diagnosed –
Nasha’s website –
Nasha will be speaking at our Wise traditions conference this fall –
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