- Liver: beef, pork, or chicken (partially thawed)
- 1 tsp garlic granules
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1 tsp real salt
- 4 cups milk [preferably raw milk]
- Slice partially frozen liver into 1-inch thick strips.
- Place liver strips into a bowl and cover completely with milk. Allow the liver strips to soak for at least 1 hour or overnight in the refrigerator.
- After the liver has soaked, rinse the liver strips with filtered water to remove any milk residue and place them in a food processor.
- Puree the liver in the food processor until smooth.
- Spread the liver an 1/8 of an inch thick on a dehydrator tray lined with a fruit leather sheet.
- Sprinkle each sheet of liver puree with one teaspoon of garlic powder, one teaspoon of paprika and one teaspoon of salt.
- Dehydrate for 16-20 hours on 110 degrees.
- Check the progress of dehydration by snapping the liver puree. The chips are done dehydrating when they snap like a hard tortilla chip.
- Cut or break liver into tortilla chips sizes and serve with homemade nacho cheese sauce or salsa.
- Liver chips can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container.
- See video instructions on YouTube!
Is there any way to do this without milk if you have an allergy to dairy?
The soaking of the liver helps to take the tang taste out. All of it is rinsed off during the process, although I can’t guarantee it’s all 100 percent out of the liver. You could do the same process minus the milk soaking, but the chips will taste more liver-y. You could also try a water soak after the milk soak to help remove all of the milk.
How would it taste if you don’t soak in milk? Seems like such a waste of milk esp when I pay $20 a gallon for raw milk.
You soak it in lemon juice instead. Also takes out the livery taste without the cost of raw milk.
I’ve seen it suggested to soak the liver in Lemmon juice.
My husband has banned me from ever making liver. I get it; the taste and texture makes me gag, too. However, I occasionally add some to ground beef to sneak teeny amounts into our diet. Now, I’m intrigued by this recipe and desperately want to try it! Two questions – 1) can you puree the garlic, paprika and salt with the liver (and how much would I need per pound)? and 2) after soaking in raw milk, then dehydrating with spices, will it have any liver flavor at all?
Thank you for the wonderful article but I need to know how much beef liver in pounds? I have no clue. That is the one piece that I need to make your recipie work for me. Also how much am I making??
I checked with Crystal. She said to apply the garlic powder, salt, and paprika on EACH tray. So make whatever amount you want to make. I am going to try it with raw garlic and put it in the food processor with the liver.
Crystal suggested a nacho sauce to use with them: https://youtu.be/5t_E1-EVX9E
Hi Crystal, is the temp listed here 110 Fahrenheit? I’m doing this in my oven and going to try to have it sit under 100 Celsius if possible. Hopefully this doesn’t ruin it. Any tips for those of us without dehydrators?