Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a well-known environmental attorney and human rights activist. On a mission to stem the tide of threats to the health of our planet and our own, for decades, Kennedy has dedicated himself to educating the public on the chemicals that are harming us and what to do about them. He advocates holding parties responsible for injuries and establishing safeguards against chemical use. Today’s conversation centers around vaccine safety. Those with children, those born after 1989 – a time when vaccine schedules multiplied, and, with them, lifelong health conditions – and those experiencing chronic disease should listen closely to this episode to gain insight on this controversial subject.
Highlights from the podcast include:
- Why vaccines are linked to a wide range of adverse health conditions, including diabetes, early developmental issues, SIDs, eczema, food allergies and more.
- Why the risk of the aforementioned health conditions increases for those exposed to vaccines after 1989.
- The ingredients that are most toxic in vaccines, and how they are tied to the chronic disease epidemic sweeping our country.
- The percentage of children suffering from chronic disease
- the part neurotoxins play in the loss of IQ when it comes to vaccine exposure.
- Why fertility issues have escalated since 2006, when Gardasil was introduced.
- Why the CDC claims that vaccines are safe, and yet vaccine makers are exempt from lawsuits and vaccines exempt from safety testing.
- How the first national vaccine program was created, and what it was used for.
- Why vaccines are classified as biologics and not medicines (a classification that removes regulatory impediments).
- Why the risk profile of vaccines is unknown.
- Why the CDC is actually a vaccine company, and not a regulatory agency. It owns vaccines, licenses them and mandates them.
- Why vaccine maker Merck is being sued for fraudulent testimony as to the safety and efficaciousness of vaccines.
- How children with pre-existing conditions (mitochondrial dysfunction) are vulnerable to autism through vaccines.
Resources: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ https://www.instagram.com/robertfkennedyjr/

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There are so many vaccine injured children. The vaccine companies need to be held accountable. Parents should have a choice to vaccinate their child or not without repercussion or have to sign anything. Thank you Robert Kennedy Jr for your tireless work!