Members send us photos of their healthy Wise Traditions babies. Wise parents enhance their own nutrition for six months prior to conception, and mothers eat a rich nourishing diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. See our Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers to learn how you can give your baby the best possible start in life.
Click the links below to see photos published in designated volumes of Wise Traditions:
V1-5 (2000-2004) | V6-7 (2005-2006) | V8-9 (2007-2008) | V10-11 (2009-2010) | V12-13 (2011-2012).
From Wise Traditions V21N4, WINTER 2020

From Wise Traditions V21N3, FALL 2020

From Wise Traditions V21N2, SUMMER 2020

From Wise Traditions V21N1, SPRING 2020

From Wise Traditions V20N4, WINTER 2019

From Wise Traditions V20N3, FALL 2019

From Wise Traditions V20N2, SUMMER 2019

for height and off-the-charts for weight due to his strong,
dense bones. He is doing extremely well developmentally for just
about every metric. He started on homemade formula in week
two of life (modified powder formula for two weeks and then
full WAPF milk-based formula since then). He has only caught
one brief cold since starting in daycare at month three. Everyone
is amazed with how alert and advanced he is for his age.

at a birth center, exactly what his elated parents
had hoped for after their first child was born
in a hospital. This time around mom had a full
WAPF diet, including FCLO, and delivery came
much more easily. He was quite heavy for his
smaller size but extremely strong and alert,
lifting his head to get a look around and turning
over onto his belly his first night! Now at
just three months he is adding a lot of weight
to his stature and is close in size to many of the
one-year-olds he encounters. He is a very happy
baby, loves being held and holding a conversation
with smiles, coos and laughs all day long.
Grandma recently came to visit and remarked
on his good temperament which we believe
is linked to his mom’s high animal fat intake.

From Wise Traditions V20N1, SPRING 2019

Evie (a little over four and one-half years old) is with her baby sister Madeline (thirteen months). Both were born naturally, without medical intervention. After birth with a midwife, Maddie rested on her mom’s chest and took to nursing easily. During pregnancy, mom had fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) and pastured products every day. In the beginning, mom didn’t like the taste of raw milk, but after the first trimester, she enjoyed it through her pregnancy. She also ate fermented veggies, pastured meats, liver paté and took liver supplements. Madeline licked FCLO from her mom’s finger very early on and takes it by spoon now. The very first food for both girls was pastured egg yolk. Both absolutely love sardines, dried anchovies, pastured meats, raw milk, raw kefir, fish eggs, fermented veggies and home-made ice cream. They both are thriving and happy! We are so thankful for meeting Christine Decker, ND (unfortunately not among us anymore) who told us about WAPF and traditional diets. Without this meaningful coincidence, we wouldn’t be where we are now! Thank God and all at WAPF for everything!

Four-year-old Moses Gabriel continues to thrive on a traditional foods diet. His round head and face have allowed for generous dental arches (according to his biological dentist, who promotes a traditional foods diet). This is amazing considering that Moses is a carrier of the common MTHFR genetic mutation. A regular intake of grass-fed meats, whole goat yogurt, salmon roe, kombucha, pastured eggs and A2 butter contribute greatly to the vibrancy and health of this smart, fun and engaging young person who is often mistaken for being older because of his unusual vocabulary, stature and large head circumference. Meeting and interacting with new people of all ages adds to his amazing disposition—thanks to the WAPF information available to his mother years prior to conception, and the grace of God.
Thank you so very much!
I wish I had the means to co-create a traveling “Healthy Baby Photo Gallery” for public presentations in as many cities as possible. Sure – virtually anyone can see these photos online however a live presentation would also allow for real communications, dialogues and a deeper sense of connection with members, possibly the children and other interested people. These purposeful social gatherings could also include samples of “a rich nourishing diet” that is recommended for parents to be. Who knows – it just might spark a new life-enhancing “trend”!
Thinking on this further it now dawns in my consciousness that the Local Chapters could be the ideal hosts of these “public presentations.” These events could also be where the public can essentially be invited to join the local chapter as well as WAPF.
where do I submit my photo?
Just send it to the office email with a bit of the baby’s story: info@westonaprice.org.