A Checklist of Pfizer-Biontech Injections for Children Ages 5-11
Note: This article is a lightly edited version of the article and consent form published on November 13 and updated on November 21, 2021 on Substack (coronawise.substack.com/p/ informed-consent-on-behalf-of-children).1 Both the article and consent form are reprinted in Wise Traditions with the author’s permission.
“[W]e’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.” This statement (referring to vaccine-related myocarditis and deaths) was made by Eric Rubin, Harvard professor and editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.² Rubin made his comment during the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting on October 26, 2021,³ shortly before he and sixteen others voted in favor of emergency use authorization (EUA) of Covid vaccines for five- to eleven-year-old children.
Children Not Capable of Informed Consent
Most parents and guardians trust the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), school authorities and mainstream media. Most believe that the messenger RNA (mRNA) Covid shots are necessary, safe, effective and the only way to open schools safely, have parties and sleepovers, hug grandparents, travel and finally end the Covid pandemic.
However, for children under age twelve, there are no adequate safety data and none on myocarditis, a disabling, life-threatening heart condition which, after the clinical trials, began appearing in young people, mostly males. Athletes around the world are dropping dead on the field from heart damage.4 The experiment begins now.
We are seeing pop-up “clinics” rushed out to schools and other places around the country to mass “vaccinate” children as quickly as possible. Although these sites are handing out consent forms (see examples from the states of Massachusetts5 and Louisiana6), the forms leave out a few things.
The risks of injecting children are not trivial, and some may be irreversible. Based on data from Israel and what we have already observed in twelve- to seventeen-year-olds, adverse events (AEs), serious adverse events (SAEs), permanent injuries, disabilities and deaths are inevitable.
I am bound by a personal, professional and ethical duty to warn. Familiar with the Nuremberg Code,7 which requires fully informed consent, I created a consent form on behalf of children that can be printed and copied (see the two-page form at end of article). The second side can be checked and signed.
Lack of Safety Data
The studies used to justify authorization for children ages five to eleven were conducted on very few children who were followed for a ridiculously short period of time. Subjects who had adverse reactions were eliminated from the study, skewing its conclusions. There is zero information on potential long-term effects. And as Toby Rogers outlined, there were at least “ten red flags in the FDA’s risk-benefit analysis of Pfizer’s EUA application to inject American children 5 to 11 with its mRNA product” (Table 1, next page).8 Rogers’ conclusion is that the FDA “used tortured logic (that would be rejected by any proper academic journal) in order to reach a predetermined result that is not based in science.”
TABLE 1. Ten red flags in risk-benefit analysis of Pfizer Covid injection for children ages 5 to 11
1. Covid-19 rates in children ages 5 to 11 are so low that there were zero cases of severe Covid-19 and zero cases of death from Covid in either the treatment (n=1,518) or control group (n=750).
2. Pfizer’s clinical trial in kids was intentionally undersized to hide harms.
3. Pfizer only enrolled “participants 5-11 years of age without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.”
4. Did Pfizer lose contact with 4.9 percent of their clinical trial participants?
5. The follow up period was intentionally too short.
6. The risk-benefit model created by the FDA only looks at one known harm from the Pfizer mRNA shot—myocarditis.
7. Pfizer intentionally wipes out the control group as soon as they can by vaccinating all of the kids who initially got the placebo.
8. Given all of the above, how on earth did the FDA claim any benefits at all from this shot?
9. The FDA model only assesses the benefits of vaccine protection in a six-month period after completion of two doses. Furthermore, it assumes constant vaccine efficacy during that time period.
10. The FDA/Pfizer play fast and loose with their estimates of myocarditis.
Source: “Ten red flags in the FDA’s risk-benefit analysis of Pfizer’s EUA application to inject American children 5 to 11 with its mRNA product.”8
Many loving, protective and frightened parents believe there was a legitimate and independent scientific process that led seventeen of eighteen members of VRBPAC to vote that the benefits of vaccination for younger children outweigh the risks. Several VRBPAC members have financial ties to Pfizer,9 however, and most of the rest have ties to other pharmaceutical companies.2 Dr. Michael Kurilla, who voiced serious concerns, was courageous enough to abstain from the vote but not courageous enough to vote “No.”
On November 2, all fourteen members of CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) likewise voted for authorization in children ages five through eleven.10
At both the VRBPAC and ACIP meetings, attendees wildly exaggerated, distorted and lied about the threat of Covid deaths and hospitalizations for children, ignored the data, dismissed natural immunity and minimized, denied or hid the data on adverse reactions, injuries, disabilities and deaths. How is it they don’t know that healthy children have zero risk of dying from Covid?11 (See Table 2, page 79)
Some panelists at the meetings also minimized the incidence of vaccine-caused myocarditis,12 falsely claiming that cases were “mild” and resolved quickly, suggesting that the condition likely had non-vaccine-related causes (maybe hereditary) and claiming that more cases of myocarditis were caused by getting Covid than from the “vaccines.” They also completely ignored all other known adverse events of the Covid vaccines, except for the usual swelling, fever, chills and headache.
A Done Deal
The final VRBPAC and ACIP votes were clearly a done deal from the outset. Although there was a pretense of going through the motions of a voting process, doses for twenty-eight million children had already been purchased and were on their way before the votes took place, with thousands of pop-up clinics already scheduled.
VRBPAC panelists also blatantly disregarded over one hundred forty-two thousand written public comments13 submitted by knowledgeable citizens warning of the dangers and urging committee members to vote “No.” Dr. Jay Portnoy, VRBPAC’s consumer representative, said he received four thousand emails asking him to vote “No.” Guess how he voted?
At the VRBPAC meeting, seventeen voted “Yes” despite problems raised, questions unanswered and awkward, illogical justifications for their verdict. The vote was a binary forced choice between authorization for all twenty-eight million American children in the five-to-eleven age group or none, which is absurd on its face. In explaining their vote, some panelists stated that they voted “Yes” so that obese and immune-compromised children would not be deprived of the Covid shots, despite the fact that there are no studies or evidence demonstrating that these shots would protect those groups of children. This rationale also ignored the potential to treat the children’s underlying health conditions and to protect them with immune-boosting prophylactic measures such as adequate vitamin D levels, quercetin, zinc, vitamin C and melatonin.
Panelists said they had to vote “Yes” for the few, ignoring the known risk of myocarditis and other harms to millions of children. This is illogical. Even if it were true that a few compromised children would benefit from Pfizer’s mRNA shot, don’t you wonder why they could not just vote to authorize the shot for that much smaller subset of children? Why was this impossible? As it is, the VRBPAC and ACIP votes will lead to pressure and mandates for twenty-eight million children who will receive no benefit and will incur great risk.
Comments Against
VRBPAC members disregarded brilliant challenges made with data put forth by citizens selected to make three-minute public comments during the one-hour comment period. In the presentation by Brian Dressen, PhD—husband of Brianne Dressen, who developed a severe neurological injury following one dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine during its U.S. clinical trial—he told the FDA that after Brianne’s injury, she was “dropped from the trial, and her access to the study app deleted. Her reaction is not described in the recently released clinical trial report.”14
In other three-minute public comments made at the October 26 meeting, some speakers were for and some against injecting five- to eleven-year-olds. However, those who spoke in favor mostly uttered platitudes, while the comments of those against had substance.15
Among the commenters urging VRBPAC panelists to vote against authorization were Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund. Supporting his comments with referenced slides,12 Kirsch argued there were far too many unanswered questions for the FDA to authorize the vaccine for children under age twelve.
Viral immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose spoke against emergency use authorization of the vaccine for young children because “Covid-19 is exceedingly treatable,” while Dr. Josh Guetzkow (from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) argued that the pediatric vaccine “would do more harm than good.” Clinical pharmacologist and biotech consultant Dr. Beatrice Setnick reasonably stated, “Please do not assume the vaccine is safe for children until more data is evaluated.”15 On a personal note, Amy Alvo, the mother of a seventeen-year-old, described her daughter’s adverse reaction after vaccination.15
The live blog commentaries furnished to Children’s Health Defense by Dr. Meryl Nass for both the October 26 VRBPAC meeting and the November 2 ACIP meeting provide a further idea of the conflicts of interest at play as well as what was—and was not—said.16,17
Data On Little Ones
On November 20, Jessica Rose published a Substack update titled “Adverse events reported for 5-11 year olds occurring immediately,” describing “A recent VAERS update showing ‘anaphylaxis-like’ temporal association of AEs with injections in children.”18 Rose reported:
In this short timeframe, approximately 1,007,510 children less than 12 have been injected in the United States. There are currently (as of November 19th, 2021) 2,575 AE reports in the VAERS domestic data set for this age group of children and when a conservative under-reporting factor of 41 is factored in, this number becomes the more realistic estimate of 105,575 adverse event reports filed to VAERS in a time frame spanning approximately 2 weeks. Therefore, approximately 1 in 10 children in this age group have already reported an adverse event in the context of administration of the COVID-19 injectable biological products.
As of the latest VAERS update on November 19, 2021, 82% of reports in VAERS in children ages 5-11 have been made immediately following injection. IMMEDIATELY. This means that there is literally no time difference between the onset of the AE and the injection administration: consider that it takes time to report an AE to VAERS and to make it into the database. These reports include 291 different adverse event types including loss of consciousness (the 9th most reported AE), seizures, herpes outbreaks, blindness, cyanosis and death, to name a few [emphasis in original]. In CHILDREN.

On the same day, Steve Kirsch wrote in his newsletter, “We are killing our kids. Does anyone care?”19 He added, “Kids that would have never died from Covid are now dying after getting the vaccine. Will it ever end?” Kirsch reported, “The vaccines rolled out for these kids starting on November 7. It is now just 12 days later and we are now killing perfectly healthy kids.” Kirsch then described receiving a text: “3 third graders just died in Pennsylvania. 2 last night and one the day before.” He observed, “That’s hardly an isolated incident,” and continued: “These deaths simply are never ever going to [be] reported in the NY Times or on CNN [emphasis in original]. So you’re never going to hear about them except from alternate media sources. . . .” Finally, Kirsch summarized a tweet from an experienced emergency room nurse who reported seeing an eight-year-old with myocarditis for the first time in her fourteen-year career.
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Your Child
Ironically, on November 2, 2021, while CDC’s ACIP was meeting to recommend Pfizer’s mRNA shot for kids, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) conducted a Senate Expert Panel on Medical Mandates and Vaccine Injuries in Washington, DC.20 (A twelve-minute selection from the three hour meeting is available here.21) Johnson’s session was followed by a rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, in the rain.
I met several people injured by the “vaccines” and their families. They would have given anything to have had meaningful informed consent. Now, they wish to spare others from experiencing the same kind of trauma. Shockingly, they have been censored, accused of all sorts of things, misdiagnosed and abandoned by the conventional medical community.
In testimony to politicians and in an interview, twenty-nine-year-old Kyle Warner, a professional mountain bike racer and national champion, described being injured after his second Pfizer shot, as many other athletes have been.22 Warner developed pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart), the blood circulation disorder called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and reactive arthritis. He has not been able to work or ride a bike since.
Thirteen-year-old Maddie de Garay has testified twice before Sen. Johnson, in June and November.23,24 While still twelve, de Garay “volunteered” with her two brothers to be a subject in the Pfizer study on twelve- to fifteen-year-olds—the study that Pfizer subsequently used to claim 100 percent effectiveness. Before the clinical trial, she was a healthy straight-A student.23 After her second Pfizer shot on January 20, 2021, she experienced severe abdominal pain followed by heavy menstrual cycles, fainting, vision problems, loss of bladder control, seizures, verbal and motor ticks and difficulty swallowing food and water, with the result that she requires a feeding tube and pain killers. Paralyzed below the waist, she is now in a wheelchair, has made nine visits to the emergency room and has had three extended hospital visits.25 (But she did not get Covid.) Adding insult to injury, doctors diagnosed her with “anxiety” and a “conversion reaction” allegedly caused by nonexistent preexisting conditions. This fits with the current widespread practice of attributing “vaccine” adverse reactions to psychological issues or characterizing them as “coincidences.” Pfizer listed her as having a stomach ache.
In Pfizer’s trial with children, the sixteen subjects who got the placebo and had Covid experienced mild or no symptoms and acquired natural immunity, which is enduring, robust against variants and far superior to “vaccine” immunity. Natural immunity also contributes to herd immunity. In contrast, all subjects in the vaccine group were injected with mRNA instructions to make spike proteins. Some developed fever, chills, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, swelling and muscle pain. Some said they were allowed to check off reactions only on a pre-specified list but had no place to write in other reactions not on the list. Thus, we don’t know about other adverse reactions, and long-term reactions are entirely unknown.

Better Safe Than Sorry
Several of those who testified before Sen. Johnson had their data removed from the study just like Brianne Dressen. People who had reactions to the first shot and didn’t continue were eliminated from the reported results. Only healthy people who completed the study were included.
This is why I cannot remain silent. Better safe than sorry. Do your own due diligence. Think for yourself.
- Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org
- Children’s Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org
- Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19): https://covid19criticalcare.com
- Global Covid Summit: https://globalcovidsummit.org
- Informed Choice Washington: https://informedchoicewa.org
- Informed Consent Action Network: https://www.icandecide.org
- Open VAERS: https://openvaers.com/index.php (As of November 12, 2021, nearly a million people had reported a Covid vaccine adverse event, including 94,537 hospitalizations and 18,853 deaths)
- Robert W Malone, MD: https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD
Recommended Articles
Block J. Vaccinating people who have had covid-19: why doesn’t natural immunity count in the US? BMJ. 2021;374:n2101. doi: 10.1136/BMJ.n2101.
Deam J, Fortis B. The CDC only tracks a fraction of breakthrough COVID-19 infections, even as cases surge. ProPublica, Aug. 20, 2021.
Global Covid Summit. Thousands of physicians and scientists reach consensus on vaccinating children and natural immunity. Nov. 1, 2021. https://globalcovidsummit.org/news/thousands-of-physicians-and-scientists-reach-consensus-on-vaccinating-children-and-natural-immunity
Kirsch S. 180 questions about the COVID vaccines that nobody wants to answer. COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund. Oct. 26, 2021. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qJRRFt7PkLTJSv0P-JKWP6YUB4Axa2gtROqpMJ9HkYY/edit#slide=id.gfa0a9bff83_0_0
Kulldorff M. A review and autopsy of two COVID immunity studies. Brownstone Institute, Nov. 2, 2021.
Kwak L, Rosen ST, Shachar I. Applying brakes on “Warp Speed” COVID-19 vaccinations for children. The Washington Times, Oct. 28, 2021.
Lyons-Weiler J. How the definition of “fully vaccinated” misleads people on COVID-19 vaccine safety & efficacy: an explanation for CNN’s Drew Griffin. Popular Rationalism, Oct. 24, 2021. https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/how-the-definition-of-fully-vaccinated
Parents, our children are precious. They are the future. [Excellent link with facts, resources, articles and videos.] https://secureservercdn.net/
Perlman D. Dear school nurse, Covid shots for tots are erring on the side of danger. CoronaWise, Nov. 17, 2021. https://coronawise.substack.com/p/dear-school-nurse-covid-shots-for
Perlman D. Open letter and challenge for Rachel Maddow. Ivermectin: Truth or consequences. CoronaWise, Sep. 23, 2021. https://coronawise.substack.com/p/open-letter-and-challenge-for-rachel
Redshaw M. FDA grants emergency use of Pfizer vaccine for kids 5 to 11, as reports of injuries after COVID vaccines near 840,000. The Defender, Oct. 29, 2021.
Siri A. FDA buries data on seriously injured child in Pfizer’s Covid-19 clinical trial. Injecting Freedom, Oct. 22, 2021. https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/fda-buries-data-on-seriously-injured
Siri A. Study destroys justification for vaccine mandates. Injecting Freedom, Oct. 19, 2021. https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/study-destroys-justification-for
Williams M. Stabilising the code. UKColumn, Sep. 12, 2021.
Truly Informed Consent Checklist for Pfizer-Biontech Injections for Children: A “Vaccine” Injury Prevention Project
(By Diane Perlman, PhD)
“[W]e’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.”
~ Professor Eric Rubin of Harvard University, speaking at FDA’s Vaccines and Related
Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), Oct. 26, 2021, on myocarditis and deaths,
before voting to authorize Pfizer’s Covid injection for five- through eleven-year-olds.
Are you accurately informed? An hour of careful scrutiny can prevent a lifetime of regret.
- Children are incapable of informed consent. Many parents defer to the CDC, despite incomplete safety studies, flimsy and falsified data, exclusion of subjects, whistleblower testimony, expert warnings, no long-term data and over 142,000 public comments urging committee members to vote “No” on authorizing the Pfizer injections.
- What you don’t know can hurt your child. Do not delegate your responsibility to anyone. You owe it to your child to be fully informed about short- and long-term safety before injecting your child with mRNA Covid shots, which contain polyethylene glycol (PEG) and undisclosed ingredients. There are no data on interactions with other vaccines. No party has any liability for adverse reactions, as have occurred with 12- to 17-year-olds.
- The Nuremberg Code—the most important human rights document on medical ethics—states, “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. . . the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should. . . be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. . . there should be made known to him. . . the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.”
Do not be manipulated by fear and false information. “Vaccines” do not prevent infection or transmission. Healthy children have preexisting, innate, immune effector cells. Their immune systems handle Covid better than adults, with zero risk of dying. Most have no or mild symptoms and achieve enduring, robust natural immunity against future variants, superior to “vaccine” immunity, which wanes over time. Natural immunity contributes to herd immunity. The Amish reached herd immunity in three months without lockdowns, distancing or masks, as have other groups. Children do not transmit Covid to adults. mRNA shots can alter their immune systems and subject them to continuing booster shots. “Mass vaccination campaigns in children will prevent them from contributing to herd immunity” and provoke “more infectious viral variants,” says Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD. Watch his important warning interview (thehighwire.com/videos/vaccine-expert-warns-of-covid-vaccination-catastrophe/).
- Children with Covid rarely require treatment. If they do, effective protocols (that have been censored)— developed by independent, ethical doctors—are available at covid19criticalcare.com and elsewhere. These doctors know how to treat Covid, whereas treating vaccine injuries is new and challenging. Boost everyone’s immunity with a healthy diet, sunlight, adequate vitamin D levels, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, melatonin, etc. to reduce severity.
- Do a real risk/benefit analysis. Older people with comorbidities have the highest risk from Covid. Healthy younger people have virtually zero risk from Covid. Risks from the “vaccines” increase with decreasing age. The very few children who died with Covid—not from Covid—had serious illnesses like leukemia, cystic fibrosis, diabetes and obesity. Healthy children will not benefit from “vaccines” that undermine their effective innate immunity, subject them to boosters and render them more vulnerable in the future.
- Do not act under pressure or be controlled by fear—not from authorities, peers or your children’s peers. Do your own research. Think for yourself. You will live with any consequences. Challenge the basis for making social life contingent on getting the shots. These are manipulative forms of coercion, though they seem plausible.
- The best defense against any virus is a strong, healthy immune system.
Truly Informed Consent Checklist
Any person who gives consent to a medical procedure for themselves or their dependents must be fully
informed of ALL the known or potential adverse effects of the treatment. If they have not been FULLY INFORMED, those responsible for obtaining consent are guilty of malpractice. (Gary Kohls, MD)
- Yes__ No __ I agree to allow my child to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA injection knowing that there are no reliable safety data and that my child will be participating in a medical experiment, which requires fully informed consent according to the Nuremberg Code.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that mRNA injections are technically not “vaccines.” They are genetic interventions never used before on humans and based on insufficient animal studies. They wane over time, do not prevent infection or transmission and will be followed by boosters. Impacts may be irreversible.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that there is no fully approved FDA Covid vaccine that is available in the U.S.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that the FDA and CDC authorized the Pfizer mRNA injections for children based on an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), even though there is no emergency for 5- to 11-year-olds.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that most children who get Covid have mild symptoms, if any, and acquire superior, robust and enduring natural immunity shown to persist for many years or a lifetime and effective against variants. T-cell tests demonstrate natural immunity whether or not there are also antibodies.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that about 50% have natural immunity far superior to “vaccine” immunity, have no benefit from “vaccines” and have a 30% higher risk of adverse reactions to the shots, including death.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that the Pfizer shots instruct the cells to manufacture spike proteins, which circulate in the body and lodge in the organs in high concentrations in the endothelial cells, ovaries, testes, spleen and heart, as well as crossing the blood-brain barrier.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that the adverse effects from mRNA “vaccines” may include anaphylactic shock, allergic reactions, blood clotting, micro-clotting and other bleeding disorders, thrombosis in the brain, other thrombotic events, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart damage, stroke, tinnitus, vertigo and more.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that if someone has adverse reactions after the first shot, that person should not get the second under any circumstances, and that more severe reactions and deaths occur after the second shot.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that “vaccines” pose an elevated risk of myocarditis, highest in young males, causing permanent heart damage and death, including among healthy athletes. There are no data on myocarditis for ages 5-11. My child will thus be part of a medical experiment on myocarditis in this age group.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that some countries halted mRNA injections in children due to myocarditis.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that long-term effects in weeks, months, years or decades are unknown but may include antibody dependent enhancement, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, heart problems, thrombotic conditions, prion disease and an increase in chronic diseases and reproductive harms, including infertility.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that the “safety” studies were conducted by Pfizer—which will profit from approval—and not by independent scientists, and that all data were controlled by Pfizer, including elimination of subjects who had adverse reactions to the first or second dose.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that many voting FDA and CDC committee members have financial ties to Pfizer.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that Pfizer’s studies were rushed, methodologically flawed, conducted on very few subjects who were followed for a very short time and incapable of picking up signals for adverse reactions, and Pfizer is being investigated for falsification of data, failure to investigate adverse reactions and more.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that adverse reactions other than fever, chills, headaches, soreness and fatigue were not recorded and that subjects who had serious adverse reactions were eliminated from the study. Their reactions were often dismissed and misdiagnosed as psychological or coincidences.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that based on studies on 12- to 17-year-olds, it is a statistical certainty that there will be adverse reactions, injuries, disabilities, trauma and deaths among 5- to 11-year-olds.
- Yes__ No __ I am informed that health economists who have conducted a risk/benefit analysis and estimated the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV) conclude that “For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot” (tobyrogers.substack.com/p/what-is-the-number-needed-to-vaccinate).
Victories Over Biden’s Vaccine Mandates
On September 9th, President Joe Biden announced his three-pronged attempt to compel American workers to get vaccinated against Covid-19. These included a Department of Labor rule from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) aimed at businesses, a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rule aimed at certain health care workers who bill Medicare requiring all associated health care workers nationwide to receive the shot, and an executive order aimed at federal contractors and subcontractors. Fortunately for those of us who oppose medical tyranny the courts have rebuffed each of these vaccine mandates.
THE ONE HUNDRED EMPLOYEE MANDATE: The OSHA rule mandating all U.S. companies with more than ninety-nine employees to require Covid vaccination or weekly testing for their employees, or face fines of up to fourteen thousand dollars per violation, was issued on an “emergency” basis without public notice or comment, thereby circumventing the normal rule-making process. It was challenged in the Fifth Circuit federal court of appeals located in New Orleans by the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Utah as well as numerous businesses that would be adversely affected. On November 12, 2021, the court stayed the rule pending further judicial review, citing “grave and constitutional” issues with the rule, which was set to take effect on January 4, 2022. This same rule was challenged by several other states and businesses in various appeals courts. In an effort to consolidate many cases, including the one from the 5th Circuit court, a panel of judges in the District of Columbia applied what is known as the “lottery rule.” Through a random draw process, the winner of the lottery was the 6th Circuit court in Cincinnati, which will likely decide the fate of the OSHA rule. In the meantime, OSHA has suspended implementation of their rule mandating the shots.
THE HHS RULE: The rule issued by HHS mandating all employees of hospitals and other health care workers who participate in Medicare or Medicaid programs be vaccinated was challenged by three groups of states in three federal courts (Florida, Missouri and Louisiana). While the judge in the first case in Pensacola denied the state’s request for a temporary restraining order, just nine days later, on November 30, 2021, the St. Louis court temporarily halted the rule in ten states. A day later, the New Orleans court granted a nationwide preliminary injunction against the rule pertaining to over ten million health care workers who work in facilities that receive federal funding. In this case, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty cited both federal overreach and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s (CMS’s) failure to go through the proper notice-and-comment rule-making process. CMS has since suspended enforcement of the rule.
GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS: President Biden’s September 9, 2021, executive order mandating that government contractors and subcontractors require vaccination in their employees and follow masking and social distancing policies was first challenged in a Kentucky federal court by the states of Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee. In this case, U.S. District Judge Gregory Van Tatenhove found the “president exceeded his authority” and thus issued an injunction on the requirement in those three states. Next up, a federal judge in Georgia temporarily halted the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate for federal contractors and subcontractors nationwide on December 7, 2021. After acknowledging that the Covid-19 pandemic has taken a tragic toll, U.S. District Judge Stan Baker wrote in his twenty-eight-page ruling, “However, even in times of crisis this Court must preserve the rule of law and ensure that all branches of government act within the bounds of their constitutionally granted authorities.” Prior to Baker’s ruling the regulation had a January 18, 2022 compliance deadline for full vaccination, which would have affected millions of workers across the U.S. economy.
NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY: The U.S. Constitution reserves police powers to the states, and health laws are one of those police powers. Furthermore, the executive branch does not make law; Congress wields that authority. In an effort to preserve the intentions of our founding fathers, these successful legal challenges were each mounted by states that recognize that the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to impose vaccine mandates. The Biden administration clearly overstepped its legal authority by trying to impose these oppressive directives. No matter your political affiliation, vaccine mandates are wrong. One of the most basic human rights is that of bodily autonomy, as recognized by the Nuremburg Code. Ethical medicine requires prior, completely voluntary and fully informed consent. Vaccines are a medical decision that should be left up to the individual, not mandated.
- To learn more about other important cases visit Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) at healthfreedomdefense.org. HFDF seeks to rectify health injustices through education, advocacy and legal challenges to unjust mandates, laws and policies that undermine our health freedoms and human rights. They are working around the clock to implement a strategy to remove the unethical and unlawful mask, testing and vaccine mandates being rolled out nationwide by government, businesses and educational institutions. As its fiscal sponsor, the Weston A. Price Foundation encourages support of this organization. Donations are greatly appreciated and will be used solely to protect the right to bodily autonomy.
- Perlman D. Fully informed consent on behalf of children: a checklist for Pfizer BioNTech injections for ages 5–11. CoronaWise, Nov. 13, 2021. https://coronawise.substack.com/p/informed-consent-on-behalf-of-children
- Children’s Health Defense. 17 pharma henchmen who voted to experiment on your kids—and how to shun them. The Defender, Nov. 1, 2021.
- https://www.fda.gov/advisory-committees/advisory-committee-calendar/vaccines-and-related-biological-products-advisory-committee-october-26-2021-meeting-announcement
- Shilhavy B. Athletes around the world are dropping like flies with heart problems. Health Impact News, Nov. 8, 2021.
- COVID-19 Vaccine Consent Form for Individuals 5-17 Years of Age. https://www.mass.gov/doc/covid-19-vaccination-consent-form-for-individuals-ages-5-17-english-1132021/download
- Pfizer-FioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Consent and Screening Form for Individuals Under 18 Years of Age. https://ldh.la.gov/assets/oph/Center-PHCH/Center-PH/immunizations/PfizerCOVID-19-Parent-Guardan-Consent-Screening-Form.pdf
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Nuremberg Code.” https://www.ushmm.org/information/exhibitions/online-exhibitions/special-focus/doctors-trial/nuremberg-code
- Rogers T. Ten red flags in the FDA’s risk-benefit analysis of Pfizer’s EUA application to inject American children 5 to 11 with its mRNA product. UTobian, Oct. 25, 2021. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/ten-red-flags-in-the-fdas-risk-benefit?_kx=dQN7ZOQFGiuXWGBAj-NRYd8OXDeeLtoCPOPBnndkEw8%3D.WXNMR7
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This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2021
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