Money and Public Health Policy Keynote address by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at Wise Traditions 2021
Cell Phones and Thyroid Cancer Angela Tsiang discusses radiofrequency radiation and the rise of thyroid cancer
A Case of Covid: DIY Treatment Sally Fallon Morell outlines inexpensive and helpful at-home options
WAPF Chapter Leaders Survey Joyce Campbell presents survey results about chapter leader health during Covid
The Low-FODMAP Diet Michael Ruscio outlines the uses of a short-term low-FODMAP diet for gut healing
- President’s Message: What we learned at Wise Traditions 2021 (see below)
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats
- Reading Between the Lines Fake Meat and Other Fake Foods: Synthetic Biology Wolves in “Sustainable” Sheep’s Clothing
- The Wise Traditions Pantry Recipes from Wise Traditions 2021
- Homeopathy Journal Anke Zimmermann on homeopathy for Covid and influenza
- Technology As Servant James Kirkpatrick discusses the electrification revolution
- WAPF Podcast Interview Christine Massey says no record found of SARS-CoV-2
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Tim’s DVD Reviews
- Legislative Updates Judith McGeary discusses a new narrative in animal agriculture
- Vaccination Updates Dr. Diane Perlman on Covid vaccines for children
- Farm and Ranch The Wise Traditions 2021 farm tour
- A Campaign for Real Milk:
- Healthy Baby Gallery: More Wise Traditions babies!
President’s Message
The mood was upbeat at Wise Traditions 2021, with full lecture halls, fascinating speakers, delicious food and hugs all round. But the backdrop was somber as the Covid nightmare rolls on. As David Martin stated in an opening presentation, “We are about to launch the largest ritual sacrifice of children the world has ever known.” Indeed, parents are lining up to make sure their children get the jab—see the letter on page 5—an ineffective and highly dangerous injection.
Not all the speakers agreed with our stance that the illness called Covid is caused principally by exposure to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), especially EMFs from the newly deployed fifth-generation (5G) telecommunications systems and by Wi-Fi in houses and buildings—and not by a virus. Several speakers addressed the non-existence of the Covid “virus” (Andrew Kaufman, MD, and myself) and the dangers of non-native electromagnetic frequencies (Beverly Rubik, PhD, and Diana Jabour). Others still supported the virus narrative, but leaving these differences aside, all were agreed that measures taken to “stop the spread”—masking, social distancing and especially forced vaccinations—are highly dangerous and only make matters worse, especially as such measures negate all our liberties and have the potential to turn democratic nations into highly divided police states—indeed this has already happened in Australia, Lithuania, Germany, Austria and other European countries.
When these measures don’t work—indeed, they haven’t worked—the ongoing high rate of illness is blamed on new “scariants” for which additional vaccines and boosters are needed. But let’s pretend that public pressure puts an end to masks and vaccines, then what? Neither ongoing vaccine campaigns nor vaccine avoidance will end the pandemic, because they do not address the cause. Both the epidemiology and the biology point to microwave radiation, and until we learn to mitigate the effects and protect ourselves, the disease will continue.
The challenge is to change the public consciousness so that the public rejects the germ theory and recognizes the fact that disease has three causes: poisons (including EMF poison), nutritional deficiencies and injury. To that end, the Foundation has created a new flyer entitled, “Covid-19: Contagious Virus or 5G Microwave Technology.” (See page 38.) You can order these online or call the Foundation to request them—already our members are giving them out to friends, family and colleagues, or just leaving them in public places. Please join us in this educational campaign!
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