Myths & Truths About Mad Cow Disease, Part 4
Dear All,
I am circulating this email to my entire address book, since I am both jubilant and annoyed by the fact that the notice of patent application from researchers at Auburn university (below) demonstrates that my years of trudging around the global outbacks collecting analytical data from the cluster foci where the BSE group of diseases have emerged, has been experimentally validated –to the finest degree!
Geochemical analyses of the soils and foodchains that supported these TSE affected populations has produced some very convincing data. This has enabled me to generate a hypothesis which proposed that exposure to certain types of metal microcrystal–largely resulting from sources of pollution by military munitions–underpins the primary cause of these diseases. I proposed that these microcrystals acted as nucleating agents in biological tissues, whereby they entered the brain via the nasal olfactory or gastro tract, and bonded up with various proteins (the ferritin and prion protein), seeding the growth of substantial metal protein crystals (eg; the fibril structures seen in the TSE diseased brain) which disrupted electro transmission and the turnover of growth factors in the brain. My work has been published in the academic literature over the years, and can be found on the pubmed and medline databases.
It seems that the Auburn research has concluded the core of my hypothesis. Furthermore, I have also recently reviewed a paper for publication in a biochemical journal which described research that had introduced my aberrant mineral formula into a prion protein cell culture model. When these researchers had subjected the treated cells to the “Prionics BSE test,” the test had recorded a BSE positive result! The untreated control cells recorded a BSE negative result.
Whilst this experimental validation of my environmental data and hypothesis is good news indeed, I feel annoyed that the British government has got away with the outright rejection of my research observations and political discrediting of my personal integrity over many years. In fact, their sustained campaign to invalidate and obfuscate the true relevance of my work has been so effective, that all of my lecture work and research funding has dried up–leaving me unemployed and living on state benefit today (apart from bringing in abit of supplementary income from ‘hand pulling’ turnips two days a week). This is a very ironic state of affairs in light of the recent laboratory revelations.
Had the global health authorities taken serious note of my observations when they were first published in the scientific literature, then we would have got to the root cause of this grotesque disease several years ago–thereby preventing much human and animal suffering, as well as economic upheaval across the world. It is a disgraceful state of affairs, that the mere arrogance and ignorance of a handful of powerful unilateral official advisors can be allowed to thwart the healthy evolution in our understanding of the causes of important modern diseases, such as TSEs. Governments need to be sourcing their advice from a more lateral base of independent expertise in future.
Best wishes,
Mark Purdey
United States Patent Application: 20040137523
Kind Code: A1
Vodyanoy, Vitaly J. ; et al.
July 15, 2004
Method of isolation and self-assembly of small protein particles from blood and other biological materials
Abstract: Compositions and methods for the isolation and manipulation of misfolded, or partially misfolded, proteins present in blood and other biological materials are provided. In one aspect of the invention, the compositions, hereinafter termed “proteons” are comprised of misfolded proteins. Also provided are compositions and methods for the isolation and manipulation of proteon nucleation centers (PNCs) upon which the proteons of the present in blood and other biological materials form. In another aspect of the invention, the PNCs are comprised of metallic nanoclusters.
Inventors: Vodyanoy, Vitaly J.; (Auburn, AL) ; Samoylov, Alexandre M.; (Auburn, AL) ; Pustovyy, Oleg M.; (Auburn, AL)
Correspondence Name and Address:
CHARLOTTE NC 28280-4000
Assignee Name and Adress:
Auburn University
Auburn University
Serial No.: 674750
Series Code: 10
Filed: September 30, 2003
U.S. Current Class: 435/7.1; 435/68.1; 530/350
U.S. Class at Publication: 435/007.1; 435/068.1; 530/350
Intern’l Class: G01N 033/53; C12P 021/06; C07K 014/00
[0093] Individual metallic nanoparticles had a random crystallographic orientation. Thus, in cases where the particles had become clumped (in some cases, this appeared to involve flocculation, in others some of the particles had sintered together), a polycrystalline aggregate was produced. In contrast, within a number of relatively large (around 10 nm diameter or above) clumps of particles, significant (.about.5-10 nm wide) regions were encountered with a constant crystallographic orientation. However, none of the clumps was a true single crystal. Some of these relatively large clumps contained a number of, as yet unidentified, second phases in addition to .alpha.-Fe and Cu.
[0094] Both Cu and Fe form stable oxides (for example the Gibbs free energy of formation of even the relatively low stability CuO phase is around -127 kJ mol.sup.-1 at 300 K). See Brandes. and Brook (1992) Smithells Metals Reference Book ( ed., Butterworth-Heinenmann, Oxford, UK). Furthermore, the initial stages of oxidation of these metals are rapid, even at room temperature. For example, logarithmic oxidation of initially bare iron, at an oxygen partial pressure of only 10 mPa, results in the growth of around 2 nm of oxide, after less than 20 minutes at 300 K. See Kruger, J and Yolken (1964), cited by Lawless. (1974) Rep. Prog. Phys. 37(2):231-316. The presence of non-noble metallic nanoparticles implies that the surrounding organic matrix has either impeded oxygen access to the metallic particles and/or has a significant reducing effect.
[0095] Many of the nanoparticles survived coarsening. The surface energy of the particles provides a driving force for larger particles to cannibalize smaller particles (the surface area to volume ratio for a 1-nm particle is 6.times.10.sup.9 m.sup.-1 and this drops by an order of magnitude for a 10-nm particle). Metallic materials have relatively high solid-vapor interfacial energies (.gamma..sub.SV) and those for copper and .alpha.-iron are around the middle of the range for metallic materials (at .about.2.2 and 3.2 J m.sup.-2, respectively; Murr (1975) Interfacial Phenomena in Metals and Alloys (Addison-Wesley; reprinted by TechBooks, Herdon, Va.)). Thus unless the metal-organic matrix interface has an interfacial energy (.gamma..sub.SM) that is such that .gamma..sub.SM<<.gamma..sub.SV, there would remain a significant thermodynamic driving force for coarsening. Given the kinetics of coarsening, if all that were present were the metallic nanoparticles, room-temperature coarsening would occur at a negligible rate (solid-state sintering involves bulk diffusion, interfacial diffusion, free surface diffusion and evaporation and re-condensation, all of which would be very slow for Cu or .alpha.-Fe at room temperature). See Ashby (1974), Acta Metallurgica 22(3):275-289. See also, Swinkels and Ashby (1981) Acta Metallurgica 29(2):259-281. Although the presence of the organic liquid matrix raises possibilities for mass transport, it appears that the matrix did not provide a path for the rapid transfer of metal atoms since many of the nanoparticles of served in the present work remained extremely fine.
Elevated silver, barium and strontium in antlers, vegetation and soils sourced from CWD cluster areas: Do Ag/Ba/Sr piezoelectric crystals represent the transmissible pathogenic agent in TSEs?
Mark Purdey
High Barn Farm, Elworthy, Taunton, Somerset TA4 3PX, UK
Received 20 January 2004; accepted 13 February 2004
High levels of Silver (Ag), Barium (Ba) and Strontium (Sr) and low levels of copper (Cu) have been measured in the antlers, soils and pastures of the deer that are thriving in the chronic wasting disease (CWD) cluster zones in North America in relation to the areas where CWD and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) have not been reported. The elevations of Ag, Ba and Sr were thought to originate from both natural geochemical and artificial pollutant sources stemming from the common practise of aerial spraying with “cloud seeding” Ag or Ba crystal nuclei for rain making in these drought prone areas of North America, the atmospheric spraying with Ba based aerosols for enhancing/refracting radar and radio signal communications as well as the spreading of waste Ba drilling mud from the local oil/gas well industry across pastureland. These metals have subsequently bioconcentrated up the foodchain and into the mammals who are dependent upon the local Cu deficient ecosystems. A dual eco-prerequisite theory is proposed on the aetiology of TSEs which is based upon an Ag, Ba, Sr or Mn replacement binding at the vacant Cu/Zn domains on the cellular prion protein (PrP)/sulphated proteoglycan molecules which impairs the capacities of the brain to protect itself against incoming shockbursts of sound and light energy. Ag/Ba/Sr chelation of free sulphur within the biosystem inhibits the viable synthesis of the sulphur dependent proteoglycans, which results in the overall collapse of the Cu mediated conduction of electric signals along the PrP-proteoglycan signalling pathways; ultimately disrupting GABA type inhibitory currents at the synapses/end plates of the auditory/circadian regulated circuitry, as well as disrupting proteoglycan co-regulation of the growth factor signalling systems which maintain the structural integrity of the nervous system. The resulting Ag, Ba, Sr or Mn based compounds seed piezoelectric crystals which incorporate PrP and ferritin into their structure. These ferrimagnetically ordered crystals multireplicate and choke up the PrP-proteoglycan conduits of electrical conduction throughout the CNS. The second stage of pathogenesis comes into play when the pressure energy from incoming shock bursts of low frequency acoustic waves from low fly jets, explosions, earthquakes, etc. (a key eco-characteristic of TSE cluster environments) are absorbed by the rogue “piezoelectric” crystals, which duly convert the mechanical pressure energy into an electrical energy which accumulates in the crystal-PrP-ferritin aggregates (the fibrils) until a point of “saturation polarization” is reached. Magnetic fields are generated on the crystal surface, which initiate chain reactions of deleterious free radical mediated spongiform neurodegeneration in surrounding tissues. Since Ag, Ba, Sr or Mn based piezoelectric crystals are heat resistant and carry a magnetic field inducing pathogenic capacity, it is proposed that these ferroelectric crystal pollutants represent the transmissible, pathogenic agents that initiate TSE.
Copyright: © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Hi. According with this research, could be possible that people on the military could acquire or develop any TSE? Thank you in advance. God bless you.