Instead of local organic produce, imagine your organic fruits and vegetables traveling the world by slow boat and then still looking fresh for an extended time on retail shelves. What could make it possible for fruits and vegetables to double their lifespan at retail or make them transportable for longer times over longer distances even without refrigeration?
Apeel Sciences, based out of California and partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has developed an edible film coating barrier that stops produce from losing moisture, thereby slowing down visual spoilage. The tasteless, odorless and colorless edible coating, meant for both organic and conventional crops, is procured from already processed or leftover-after-harvest plant-derived materials such as peels, seeds, pulp and stems from fruits and vegetables. The company then extracts and processes lipids and glycerolipids to create the Apeel barriers.
Apeel Sciences currently offers two different products for application to crops at various points in the growing and harvesting cycle. The first product, Invisipeel, can be applied by growers to crops in the field. Second, growers can apply Edipeel after harvest. With Edipeel, the growers wait until crops are ripe before harvesting them and then place them on conveyor belts to spray or simply dip them into the Apeel solution, which solidifies around the fruit or vegetable, forming a barrier. Edipeel already has approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). The two products will be marketed as preserving agents (keeping the outward appearance of freshness of the fruit or vegetable), as pesticides (creating a physical barrier for pests) or even as fungicides (such as preventing the anthracnose fungus from shriveling up avocados).1-3
Apeel Sciences launched commercially in 2018 and is looking for market food growers to use its products. Having already conducted successful trials in Africa on cassava roots, which decay rapidly after harvest, the small company is looking to grow, beginning with shipped imports that will slowly transport Apeel-coated crops intended for sale at local conventional and organic markets. The Apeel label will soon appear on U.S. produce.
Notwithstanding the procurement of FDA approval, there is a possibility that Apeel’s products and ingredients will meet with controversy in some sectors. In fact, the products raise many questions about health, nutrient density, farm costs, ease of application and workflow.
For example, which chemicals does the company use to extract the lipids and glycerolipids from leftover plant-derived materials? From where does the company obtain the leftover, already-processed plant materials that it uses, and what is the quality of these plant materials? Which chemicals may have already been used on the plant materials themselves that would then be present in Apeel solutions intended for use on organic foods? What is the solidification process? Will the materials always come from the same sources (and from only organic materials), or will the source materials change over time?
Concerning the question of whether all the ingredients intended for organic crops are themselves organic, The New York Times reported in late 2016 that, “So far, the products are derived primarily from the remains of produce that has been certified organic, like grape skins left over from wine production and stems left behind after broccoli is harvested” [emphasis added]—but “primarily” does not mean one hundred percent organic. Organic labeling standards allow a box or container of food to state that it is “made with organic ingredients” if it contains just 70 percent organically produced ingredients.4
An additional question is whether consumers in a traditional organic market will even want the Apeel film coating on their produce. In other words, does Apeel have a place in the organic marketplace? Informed consumers have long understood that the best way of getting high-nutrient-density fruits and vegetables is to consume in-season produce that is locally grown and organic or biodynamic. This allows them to inspect their produce visually and use appearance as a proxy indicator for gauging freshness and nutrient density. Because Apeel’s barrier coating halts the visual decay of fruits and vegetables (an otherwise natural post-harvest occurrence), it will prevent consumers from knowing how long ago the produce was harvested and, therefore, will make it difficult to make inferences about nutrient density. It also may prove more difficult to ascertain where Apeel-coated produce comes from. The net result is that the customer may be faced with more foods of uncertain nutritional quality that have traveled long distances.
Apeel Sciences’ products present a range of economic, international and regulatory concerns. Consider the Codex Alimentarius international food standards and the other international regulations that control world food markets. Food already travels around the world via Codex. For example, chickens are shipped to China for bleaching and then come back to the U.S. marketplace for sale.5 What will happen to apple growers in the U.S. when Apeel-coated apples start pouring in from China? Far-away economies may get a boost from Apeel, but local farmers risk going out of business while consumers are left with less nutritious and lower-quality foods.
Consumers may wish to ask themselves some hard questions about Apeel and similar technologies, including whether the products represent an attempt to move U.S. consumers away from local organic foods. Do Apeel products belong on organic and biodynamic foods? Do we want to take the risk of finding out? Do our foods need to be traveling on boats for months at a time before sitting on shelves even longer? And what about the nutritional value of our foods? Will it be affected by Apeel and does that matter to us? Is Apeel’s “second skin” even appealing?
Ultimately, the arrival of Apeel in the marketplace can serve to remind us of the many reasons to eat local, traditional, organic, biodynamic and chemical-free foods. It is important to keep asking questions about the foods we eat, and to let Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) chapter leaders, food club coordinators, farmers, grocery stores, food markets, friends and family know that we do not want more chemical applications on food. Fortunately, the WAPF Shopping Guide lists companies and farms that prioritize the highest-quality and most nutrient-dense foods. As they say, let’s vote with our dollars.
1. Garfield L. Spray this invisible, edible coating on produce and it will last five times longer. Business Insider, Jan. 16, 2017.
2. Dewey C. This start-up can make avocados last twice as long before going bad. Los Angeles Times, June 19, 2018.
3. Strom S. An (edible) solution to extend produce’s shelf life. The New York Times, Dec. 13, 2016.
4. “Organic labeling standards.” https://www.ams.usda.gov/grades-standards/organic-labelingstandards.
5. McKenna M. USDA: chicken processed in China can be sold in the US without labels to say so. Wired, Sept. 4, 2013.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2018.
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No, it is not appealing. The main ingredient of Apeel’s Edipeel is lemon, I remember early articles on it, now I cannot even find them! And I tasted oranges with it which have substantially change their taste to very weird, and the grapes that tasted like pure lemon! Same thing with avocados with EDIPEEL – they tasted weird. It should be removed from usage and we should all make a point of returning weirdly tasting produce to make it a point to grocery stores. If it changes taste- means it ruins all nutrients and vitamins and poisons our lives! I has destroyed digestion multiple times after eating produce with EDIPEEL!!!
There should be a law requiring produce sellers to report what they put on or spray on food we eat!!!!
are there efforts to utilize these products on other types of foods? —
Thank you for sharing the taste change information. Where do you live that you were able to already have bought produce with this product on it? I thought it was just being rolled out? What is the produce labeled properly?
its been rolled out since 2019…..
Not all of it, I returned avacados to Albertsons in Ridgecrest, Ca. Not all of them had the apeel sticker… talk about feeling ill aling with major indigestion…..we finally found the culprit, apeel , it is very bad for their business…!!!! They should have to label EVERYTHING that is contaminated with apeel!
This is what I was wondering about. I have avocados sitting on my counter going on 2 weeks. They will not ripen. They do not have an Apeel sticker but now I’m wondering.
They do not have to be labeled. You can usually find out if the company uses apeel by going on line.
It’s in Kroger supposedly “Organic” produce, including the packaged apples that seem to stay the same for months. You can’t even trust “Organic” labeling anymore. Disgusting
It’s not even labeled? Figures they haven’t even mentioned it until NOW, three years after COVID began!
Misinformation like the article above is extremely damaging to the growers who devote their lives and their livelihoods to growing fresh food as well as the countless number of Americans who don’t get enough fruits and veg in their diets to sustain healthy lives.
Get the facts.
The mainstream media is is bought & paid for my the big corporations. Please do some research.
FDA report on what’s in Apeel….
FDA GRAS Notice for aPeel
“Apeel Sciences provides specifications for monoglyceride (≥ 91%) and diglyceride (≤ 7%) levels as well as limits for ethyl acetate (≤ 100 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)), acetonitrile (≤ 5 mg/kg), toluene (≤ 5 mg/kg), hexane (≤ 25 mg/kg), and individual heavy metals (including Lead (≤ 1 mg/kg), Palladium (≤ 3 mg/kg) and Arsenic (≤ 0.2 mg/kg)), in the finished product.”
Misinformation…….anything related to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is to be questioned and scrutinized. Growers need to find something else to preserve fruits and vegetables that is not harmful to humans and animals.
Skip the Bill Gates WEF stuff if you automatically think it’s misinformation because their names are used. Unfortunately misinformation is more insidious than people are told.
So the facts about Apeel are included, by investigation into the “Organic” labeling of products its being put into. So forget about the story and look is going on with “Organic” labeling and how they are finding ways to get around it and poison people further making outrageous profits.
Edipeel is a monoacylglycerides which contain trans fatty acids. Why do we continue to adulterate our food! https://www.fda.gov/media/99218/download
Why is this unnatural man made product okay on organic produce. Do you think someone is getting paid big money under the table?!
will it lower prices ,not likely and it may be good for the sellers ,but not for the buyers. the Gates have jumped on board ,what do they know about food ,they smell money .
Does anyone know if there are plans to apply these Apeel and/or related products to anything but produce? i.e., meat, eggs, fowl, fish ????
Our grocer just started carrying avocados coated with apeel. I noticed when washing them that the slimy/slick coating wouldn’t wash off. As an experiment, I even went so far as to use Dawn dishsoap to get the coating off of the avocados, and shockingly, that doesn’t even work – they’re still slimy, almost greasy feeling. The fact Dawn can’t even cut this greasy coating is concerning. I do not trust it and do not want it on my food or in my body. Stop playing god, Gates! Leave my food alone
100% this!!!!!
Amen!!! God made our plants and produce perfectly. Man needs to stay out of changing what Gid perfectly developed for our consumption
You wash your avocados? Interesting.
It’s always good to wash off fruits and veggies you peel! You have no idea who or what has made contact with it before you cut/pull off into it! (ie hands from farm worker who may not have been able to properly clean them after using the toilet, or even little critters could have found their way into the storing containers. Don’t think they use a toilet!! 😉)
That’s true! Someone might even have contaminated them with Dawn dish soap for example!
Dawn is super toxic as well!
The Dawn platinum powerwash even smells toxic!
ALL Dawn smells toxic! Like every Proctor & Gamble product except for one sub-brand sometimes, it literal contains FRAGRANCE!
Bill and Melinda Gates do not own the Apeel company, nor are they partners. They invested approx one million dollars total split between 2012 and 2015.
Hi Im in a Facebook group the soy allergy Board, allot of our members react towards Apeel. We react even when it’s peeled after it was washed. It would suggest apeel goes past the skin into the core or what ever it’s put on. I have reacted towards a banana that it partnered with Apeel. When I first touched it. I thought maybe someone else cc the skin. After I peeled it and ate it. Had one of my worst soy reactions. I traced my soy contact to Apeel being the only possible conclusion.
Am I understanding correctly that there’s no indication that there’s a light in the appeal product, but soy sensitive people are reacting to it?
The avocado’s I bought looked and felt great on the outside but inside had black slimy streaks and mushy around the pit, totally unedible. I’m wondering if it’s even safe to put in my compost pile.
I dug into Apeel and it’s formulation. It is actually a spray with metal that binds to the skin and does not wash off. We will be consuming more metals. Don’t people realize the harms od vaccinations and metals? Bill and Melinda Gates murdered and physically altered 100,000’s of kids and adults in Africa and India with their vaccination experiments. They paid off our government billions of dollars and they made him a hero. They have bought a huge amount of our countries farm land. They want to depopulate the planet. SAY NO TO APEEL and any product that orginates from Bill and Malinda Gates. The information is out there. You just have to do your homework. God bless..
100% this!!!! 😡
The Gates’ & their kind need to be depopulated. Problems solved.
I agree 1000%
How can I find this research re: the metals in apeel?
From the FDA website: https://www.fda.gov/food/gras-notice-inventory/agency-response-letter-gras-notice-no-grn-000648
“Apeel Sciences states that all processing agents and starting materials used in the manufacture of monoglycerides are food-grade chemicals used in accordance with current good manufacturing practices. Apeel Sciences provides specifications for monoglyceride (≥ 91%) and diglyceride (≤ 7%) levels as well as limits for ethyl acetate (≤ 100 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)), acetonitrile (≤ 5 mg/kg), toluene (≤ 5 mg/kg), hexane (≤ 25 mg/kg), and individual heavy metals (including Lead (≤ 1 mg/kg), Palladium (≤ 3 mg/kg) and Arsenic (≤ 0.2 mg/kg)), in the finished product…”
Unfortunately the FDA is bought and paid for too. How do you think so many new drugs are coming out that cause what they are supposed to treat and always mention death as a side effect too.
Think about it: let’s say you bought some fruit with it, and knowing you can’t wash it off the skin, you can’t even put the peelings in your compost bin to help grow other plants — toxic heavy metals accumulate and are forever.
“Don’t people realize the harms of vaccinations and metals?”
“They want to depopulate the planet.”
I think you answered yourself.
C’mon now. Don’t fall for all the conspiracy theories. Vet your sources.
FDA and EPA are government sources . What the hay ?
MY CONSUMER BASED NON-SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATIONS – Avocados sprayed with Apeel simply do not ripen properly if at all. If they do ‘kinda’ ripen they do so unevenly, soft in some spots and rock hard in other spots. A good natural avocado should fully ripen in 3 to 5 days. If it doesn’t, there is a problem.
I found out about Apeel/edipeel recently, and thought is prudent to look into further.
Firstly, I want to know the ingredients, which I think is a reasonable request. Thus far I have failed to find a simple list of what is in the spray.
Earlier when I Googled, at the top of the search was a statement claiming that Apeel has only one ingredient…. right, and I am the tooth fairy! Obviously someone, maybe Google has been paid a lot of money to have that at the top of the list!
Therefore, I have requested for the ingredients from Apeel, this will be interesting…..
I agree with a previous comment, expressing concerns that Billy Gates to hell foundation is involved! Well, seen as he was drummed out of India 🇮🇳 in 2017, after it emerged that the lower caste girls that he had been ‘vaccinating’ were suffering a myriad of major debilitating problems after the injections, this including deaths! No, it’s not a theory about a conspiracy, it’s a documented fact. You can even find out that so bad was this case, the Indians had a Parliamentary Enquiry.
Of course Billy Gates to hell, has also been a backer of another ‘vaccination’ program, which of course hasn’t yet effected everyone, I pray that it won’t, but is reasonable for serious ailments and deaths, on an unacceptable scale for a product that does NOT work!
In conclusion, I call on a Bud light style protest, vote with your Pounds Sterling, US dollars etcetera. I’m not one to jump the gun, but are you willing to eat anything that a proven psychopath is involved in?
Ben you are absolutely correct and I agree.
1000% Boycott!! RESIST!!
We, our children, our children’s children and so on for generations will end up with lead and mercury poisoning within a very short time of consuming Apeel. Its consumption creates cumulative heavy metal toxicity over (a not so long period) of time – when one only wants to eat and be healthy.
(What do we do if they don’t label every piece of produce? What if it infiltrates our local farms? Other foods? We need solutions to detect it both on the outside of food and to know if it has leeched inside until there is progress in eradicating and banning it.)
No different than what they have done to innocent people with glyphosate for decades. 🙁
If they don’t label “every” piece of produce … Sorry to break it to you — they’re labeling NO pieces of produce. The Edipeel coating started being applied to Costco apples in — what was it — 2017?
Totally agree Ben !
I like my Fruit and vegetables Organic and from the UK I mainly shop in Sainsbury’s if they start selling Fruit and Vegetables with this stuff on I will not be buying Fruit and Vegetables with this stuff on them and same of any big stores I would rather grow my own fruit and vegetables
Yeah good luck with that: I just found out all organic chicken is bathed in bleach! They ship chicken to China to be bleached and “processed”, then reship it to USA for selling. WTF?!
Sign up with Good Ranchers or Moink. Farm to table meat that is raised naturally in the USA – NO MRNA SHOTS TO THEIR ANIMALS. It is going to get worse as the NWO ramps up their agenda 2030….depopulation of us “serfs” is the goal and a sick population that is reliant on big pharma. All planned for a very long time – control the food, control the population.
This conspiracy laden thread is a little extreme. My goodness
Educate yourself for your health. Look at their patents and read the EPA and FDA government reports on what’s in this demonic concoction! If it can’t be washed off what do you think it will do to your insides?
I will inform my friends about this terrible poison they are putting on our Fruit and Vegetables how can they get away with this surely they will not get away with putting it on UK Organic Fruit and Vegetables mrs Joan Buckland
i have only just heard of APEEL today from a friend who noticed the stickers yesterday on cucumbers. He then went home and did some research and the results are not good. So stay away from these fruits and vegs that have the sticker on them, or else, look carefully and only buy organic or grow your own. This stupidity has to be stopped and we can do that with not buying from places who sell them.
They put it on organic fruits and vegetables. We bought organic fruit at Costco and returned it when we looked it up online and found they spray all of their organic fruit with apeel and they are proud of it.
I won’t be buying any produce with Apeel. Nothing Bill Gates does is beneficial for living things. For all I know he figured out a way to put vaccines in Apeel.
Uuummmmm, no.
There is Apeel for organic produce. How do we avoid it?
As soon as you see Bill and Melinda Gates’s name on anything RUN. This Man needs to be avoided at all costs. This article came out in April of 2020. Prior I believed RFK Jr a quack. After this article I began to question Big Pharm. if it wasn’t for RFK Jr I probably would have taken the Jab. More of my Friends and Family are getting sick or have died suddenly. These Globalist need to be stopped. I’ve been a Conservative most of my life but since 2020 I trust RFK Jr.
I too have a lot of respect for RFK, Jr.
I’m so grateful that there are still leaders that are trustworthy.
Those outspoken “Dozen” or more have saved many from suffering.
I’ve been noticing for quite a long time, over a year, if not a few years that veggies from grocery store are not going bad as quickly as they should. I felt they’ve been messing with our food not that I know that it’s Apeeal. But I do think it’s been something.
This is straight up demonic attempting to kill many of us off!!! Why can’t Gates just go off into the sunset and enjoy his trillions and leave the rest of us papers the hell alone to enjoy our clean quick spoiling foods and not die before our time due to the whims of psychopaths trying to control everything on the planet and change everything near and dear to us and make us all sick from this lunatic idea of making our foods toxic and unsafe and perhaps initiating new forms of cancer or other diseases!
I can’t believe this stuff is now getting sold in the uk .Asda and Tesco .Please tell everybody you know to stop! buying it.
That’s the only way companies will stop selling, if we stop giving them out money .
“Don’t eat anything with the “Apeel” sticker on it. It just appeared in our grocery stores saw it for the first time today. The cucumbers not wraped in plastic but there’s a big sign says coated in Apeel to protect freshness and reduced plastic waste. The cucumbers also have a sticker on them with the word Apeel. I checked the company out its funded by Bill Gates and others and the WEF indorses it. And i checked there website out you can’t find any info about what exactly is apeel. Look at the frequently asked questions. They even tell you there don’t buy it if your worried. In Canada so far it’s just on cucumbers and maybe apples. In the US it’s avocados, apples and I think limes and lemons maybe cucumbers too. The company is very mysterious about what the product actually is. And it can’t be washed off no mater how much scrubbing it even says this on the website in the FAQ. Supposedly it can make produce last up to 3 times longer. Also suddenly the price of cucumbers dropped today to just over $3 for 3 cucumbers in a pack or $1.27 a cucumber they really want people to buy these cucumbers.” Safety data sheet says : APEEL Hazard statements H318 Causes serious eye damage. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Precautionary statements P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection. P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water. https://www.evansvanodine.co.uk/assets/eng_apeel.pdf
Copied and pasted
It appears that your attached info refers to a “hard surface cleaner”, Not the Food additive.
Both named APEEL, one in California, the other in Europe (see below).
Their company logos are Completely different.
Apeel Sciences produces (Edipeel) the Food additive.
United States
71 South Los Carneros Road,
Goleta, California 93117
I am NOT in favor of the Food additive, APEEL, but please vet, more carefully, before spreading wrong information because it hurts efforts to combat what is a very serious issue.
Keep fighting for Healthy food science and Labeling.
……….1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
***Identified uses Neutral, Hard Surface Cleaner.***
1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
Supplier UK Supplier: EU Supplier:
Evans Vanodine International plc Evans Vanodine Europe
Brierley Road, 6-9 Trinity Street, Dublin 2.
Walton Summit, D02 EY47.
Preston. UK. PR5 8AH Republic of Ireland.
Tel: 01772 322 200
e-mail: productcompliance@evansvanodine.co.uk
If Gates is involved, I would be willing to bet my life this substance lowers testerone levels and decreases fertility like the covid vax did. These eugenists are evil!
Here is a critical article written by Dr. Mercola about the Apeel covering, and what toxic substances are used to produce it: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/05/10/apeel-synthetic-fruit-coating.aspx?ui=717b7d82765bc684d10988ffad7c60406949d04a8436477e5d15221c4cc09221&sd=20121112&cid_source=prnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20230510_HL2&cid=DM1396743&bid=1795872425
It warns about what it contains and how this company plans to transition into synthetic biology. Footnotes to article contain links to sources that discuss more synbio companies, their plans, and Gates’ interest in supporting them.
Moms Across America has an excellent recent article on Apeel. It also lists the stores that are carrying or soon will be carrying produce with the coating. How is the organic industry allowing this???
I do not want Apeel on my organics. Who gave them the right to sell old food as fresh and charge me the same money? Also when you look at the FDA approval application it shows heavy metals are in this product, like mercury. Yes, you get some mercury in tuna. One does not eat tuna every day in large amounts. One does eat fruits and veggies in heavy amounts day by day. This accumulates in the body. A lot of people eat an apple peel for its fiber.
I emailed Apeel and asked about their collusion with Gates – this is my reply. Feel free to bombard the company with negative feedback and reviews. We are being targeting on every side from these demons.
From: Apeel Sciences
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 4:51 PM
To: Dana
Subject: Regarding Apeel
Hi Dana,
Thanks for reaching out with your question.
Apeel received research grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2012 and 2015 to begin development of their plant-based protection technology. Over the following decade, Apeel has raised more than $700 million in funding to accelerate innovation and sustainability in fresh food supply chains, and at this time, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is not an active investor in Apeel Sciences.
If other questions come up, please let us know. Have a wonderful weekend!
Jenny Dempsey
Consumer Experience Manager
Of course they will have to place a label warning that the particular product has this contained, correct?
Unfortunately, they do NOT have to place labels on the produce. SUPER frustrating!!!
Did I read correctly that organic foods can be sprayed and do not have to be labeled?
Don’t trust anything with Bill Gates name on it,just unknowingly purchased avocados that I didn’t realize were part of this so called edible application I had to throw them out they never ripen. Leave our food alone.
My question is simple:
IF APEEL is so Safe and IF it is so beneficial then WHY??? are we Not seeing it marketed and WHY??? is it so difficult to obtain transparent information????
It must be some pretty bad stuff if they don`t even want the Gates and WEC radical supporters to know the TRUTH on their devious food and population control plans, to the detrimental health of the complacent masses!!! Anyone remember the movie “Soylent Green” ??
Keep voting for Green (what a joke) Government programs, we get screwed.
Bon Appetit!
Cascadian farm’s responded to my question of whether or not they are using this garbage. Their response was WE DONT ASK OUR SUPPLIERS
Does anyone know of a list of grocery stores not buying products with Apeel? Natural Grocers is the only one I could find.
Raw produce does not require an FDA nutrition/ingredient label. But…
Once sprayed in Industrial Seed Oils, is produce considered raw anymore? I would think no, and any produce sprayed with additional ingredients (i.e. Apeel) should be labeled with all ingredients being sold.
Personally, I would like to see this product completely banned. But, at a bare minimum, it’s ingredients should be clearly noted on each product being sold.
Are there any lawsuits about this yet?
I was overwhelmed when I learned about Apeel months ago. I have purchased organic food for many years because the FDA allows our foods to be bastardized. Their promotion of Apeel certainly does not mean anything but BEWARE ! Between what the FDA allows in our foods and poisonous vaccines it amazes me that people hold them in any regard besides questionable. I am disgusted that organic produce is allowed to be sprayed. I have called individual organic farms to ask if their products are sprayed with it. Very few do not allow it.
I want nothing to do with anything Bill Gates is apart of