How to Address the Most Common Challenges to Optimal Health
If you never stop searching for what is truly authentic and real in your life, at some point you will arrive at the truth. It may feel like an uphill battle at times—and it is never, ever a simple and straight course—but if you persevere, you eventually will reach a level of understanding that can be defined as wisdom.
The same thing can occur in clinical practice. In over thirty years in practice as a holistic physician, I have tested many techniques and diagnostic assessments, separating out what is really important and worthwhile from what is not. I have thrown away thousands of supplements and remedies that did not hold up clinically and energetically on patients. Through this process, I have identified methods and treatments that have stood the test of time and are the most effective and curative for my patients. In this article, I cover the five most significant obstacles to achieving optimal health—heavy metals, toxic chemicals, toxic foods, toxic microbes and miasmic tendencies—and describe how to address them most effectively.
The brilliant Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), who was conversant in at least eleven languages and at the youthful age of twelve was tutoring other children in Greek and Latin, founded the field of homeopathic medicine in 1789.1 Hahnemann coined the term “obstacles to cure” after witnessing many of the conventional medical treatments of his day making patients worse instead of better.
Allopathic treatments are antagonistic and suppressive to disease symptoms. In Hahnemann’s time, the most notorious of these allopathic remedies was mercury in the form of van Swieten’s liquor (mercuric chloride) and calomel (mercurous chloride). Practitioners in that era extensively used these “universal antiseptic” powders, ointments and injectables to calm teething babies; treat syphilis, gonorrhea, and various skin diseases; dress bandages; spray in operating rooms; and serve as a household cleaning ingredient.2 Although research since has confirmed the extreme toxicity of these products, the mainstream medical establishment of the 1700s and 1800s did not tolerate attempts to speak out against their toxicity, and widely criticized Hahnemann as well as other holistic physicians of the time for their perceived heresy.2
Sadly, conventional allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical companies that support it still reign supreme. Modern medicine and dentistry continue to use mercury in the form of thimerosal-containing flu and other vaccines and mercury amalgam fillings. Further, the number of other xenobiotics (substances foreign to the body) skyrocketed in the twentieth-century era of “better living through chemistry,” exposing us to numerous adverse effects. Nonetheless, by concentrating on what we can control—that is, what we allow directly into our bodies and home environments—we can achieve a more optimal level of health over time.
The placement of the most toxic non-radioactive metal on earth in the mouths of children and adults sounds almost ludicrous in the face of modern scientific research, which has clearly correlated mercury with hundreds of serious illnesses and diseases. Yet the American Dental Association (ADA)—a trade association representing the interests of conventional dentists—still condones the practice of utilizing “silver” amalgam fillings containing over 50 percent mercury.
Recent Canadian research from the University of Calgary dramatically refutes the ADA’s archaic stance by scientifically demonstrating that the mercury in amalgam fillings leaches continuously to the brain, creating the identical neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques seen in Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.3 Surprisingly, testing found that other toxic metals (including aluminum, lead, cadmium and manganese) did not cause these distinct neurological lesions. Boyd Haley, PhD, emeritus professor and department of chemistry chair at the University of Kentucky, has concluded that “Mercury is a primary causative factor in the onset of Alzheimer’s.”3 Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals have found clear evidence incontrovertibly linking this dangerous neurotoxin to other neurological diseases as well, including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).4-7
Because of mercury’s very clear and compelling correlation with neurological disease, not to mention hundreds of research articles linking mercury toxicity with a multitude of other conditions (including arthritis, anxiety, depression, heart disease and cancer), it is my recommendation that everyone consider having their amalgam fillings removed. This recommendation comes with three major caveats, however. First, individuals should only undergo this dental revision procedure when they are healthy enough to excrete the heavy metal from their bodies efficiently. Second, they should identify a well-trained biological dentist skilled and experienced with removal of amalgam fillings. Third, individuals should effectively detoxify before, during and after removal.
My heavy metal detoxification protocol, The 5 Dental Detox Days,8 is based on research showing a statistically significant increase in mercury excretion just after the removal of mercury.9 My clinical observations confirm that well prepared patients respond very well to amalgam removal when they strongly address the acute inflammation from dental drilling by significantly augmenting detoxification during and immediately after removal. This “hitting fire with fire” protocol on the day of drilling and for four days afterwards (and then on a reduced regular protocol for the next three to six months) consists of taking acute homeopathic remedies several times a day, doubling or tripling the dosage of detoxifying nutritional supplements and carefully adhering to a nutrient-dense Wise Traditions diet. Other important topics covered in my five-day protocol include dental galvanism (abnormal electrical currents caused by mixed metals in the mouth), carcinogenic nickel often found in porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns, the allergenicity of gold crowns, and the pros and cons of heavy metal tests.8 I also include a list of relatively inert and nontoxic dental materials and a listing of holistic dental organizations.8
No one needs reminding of the vast number of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals that contaminate our food, water, air and soil. It is important to remember that these xenobiotics are very new to civilization and are primarily an outcome of the most toxic period ever known to humankind—the twentieth century. For example, from 1940 to 2000, eighty-seven thousand new chemicals were synthesized in the U.S. alone.10 This alarming trend has continued, with new chemicals invented at a rate of at least two thousand per year.10
The statistics on pesticides are especially dramatic. In 1950, less than 10 percent of cornfields were sprayed with pesticides; by 1993, 99 percent were chemically treated.11 In 1929, the Swann Chemical Company (which later became part of Monsanto) first manufactured polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Although Congress banned the manufacture and use of most PCBs in 1976, these neurotoxic and carcinogenic chemicals are still found all over the globe, even in the remote and once-pristine Arctic.12
More recently, Dr. Stephanie Seneff has exposed the widespread toxic influence of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, which is the most popular herbicide in the world. Glyphosate residues are found in all the major foods of the Western diet, including sugar, corn, soy and wheat. Glyphosate inhibits cytochrome P450 enzymes, our liver’s most crucial detoxification system.13 This toxic chemical also impairs the sulfate transport system and interferes with the production of healthy gut bacteria. Dr. Seneff has found that the consequences of these and other disruptions to our body chemistry and natural detoxification systems are at the root of many diseases associated with a conventional Western diet, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s.13
The tragic repercussions of this profits-before-people economic model—a model that was and still remains the norm—are that no one is free from a significant body burden of these pervasive toxic chemicals. Extensive research in both the U.S. and Canada has revealed that everyone (whether fetus or senior citizen) carries a load of between one hundred and two hundred of these xenobiotics.14 As the authors of one report concluded, “Toxic chemicals contaminate people no matter where they live, how old they are, or what they do for a living.”15 The results of these studies are sobering and can feel rather overwhelming and depressing. However, as more and more individuals have become aware of the pervasive toxicity in our environment, organizations like the Weston A. Price Foundation and other environmentally responsible groups are encouraging and making changes.
At a personal and household level, we can reduce our body burden of toxic chemicals significantly through dietary changes (covered in the next section) as well as in our choice of household cleaners, soaps and personal care items. In fact, our home is the one environment over which we can exert significant control. One of the most consequential steps we can take is replacing toxic soaps and cosmetics with nontoxic alternatives. The great Rachel Carson once commented on “the harmless aspect of the familiar,” which characterized not only the widespread usage of the DDT insecticide in the 1950s but the current ubiquitous use of conventional cosmetics and soaps.16 The repetitive and seemingly harmless application of mascara, shampoo, shaving cream and nail polish can feel so familiar and “normal” that the thought that these everyday products might be harmful—and even carcinogenic—at first can seem absurd to most people.
Research has clearly proven otherwise, however. Important studies conducted in Scotland and Seattle found that the common cosmetic ingredient paraben (in the form of methylparaben, propylparaben or butylparaben) was a significant contributor to breast cancer. Further, these studies conclusively proved that the parabens found “in vivo”—that is, in the actual cancerous breast tumors—originated from personal care products such as deodorants, creams and cosmetics.17,18 Other studies, many conducted by the excellent Environmental Working Group (EWG), have produced similar findings. The noted environmental medical physician Sherry Rogers cautions that dermal application of these products “is just like eating them, for they reach the bloodstream as though they had been eaten.”19 In short, the research evidence is now quite undeniable that many of the chemicals added to conventional soaps and cosmetics are clearly carcinogenic and also cause many other damaging symptoms, including asthma, allergies, infertility, dizziness, inability to concentrate, mood changes, depression and memory loss.20
Thankfully there is an easy solution to this problem, which is to replace your regular products with nontoxic alternatives. It is a giant leap in the right direction to shop for laundry detergents, chlorine-free toilet paper, soaps and cosmetics at health food stores instead of drugstores, grocery stores or department stores. However, even health food stores may carry cosmetics containing toxic chemicals. Further, the label does not always include all the ingredients used in these products.
The Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep list, which has reviewed hundreds of cosmetics and other personal care products, is an excellent resource to consult before purchasing such products.21 Additionally, I have maintained a list for over twenty years that contains my recommendations for the best nontoxic cosmetic and hygiene products currently available.22 This “Best Bets” list includes the cleanest and most nontoxic products that not only test well on patients, both clinically and energetically, but also perform best on skin and hair and are therefore most popular among holistically-oriented individuals. This will hopefully save you money spent on various shampoos that make your hair look like straw!
If you have a toxic chemical history, it is best to follow the guidelines in my 5 Dental Detox Days protocol8 by doubling or tripling your vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for at least five days—and preferably for two weeks or longer—to lessen the withdrawal effects from these xenobiotics. Individuals with a toxic chemical history may include artists, farmers, hairstylists, dentists, dental assistants, lab techs, conventional doctors, nurses, printers, firefighters, factory workers and painters—as well as anyone else who has been exposed to toxic chemicals for significant periods of time.
Many Wise Traditions readers have probably already addressed the obstacle of toxic foods. As those eating a Wise Traditions diet know, the best way to remove an addiction is to replace it with a more pleasurable alternative. In the case of food, nothing is more delicious than a nutrient-dense, high-fat, moderate-protein and properly prepared-carbohydrate diet. Over time, the Wise Traditions diet allows us to detox and heal so substantially that the thought of indulging in refined and sugary junk foods becomes a distant and even unpleasant memory.
The benefits of avoiding toxic foods, including foods containing genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, are numerous. GMO foods are carcinogenic and contain glyphosate. As described in the previous section, toxic glyphosate spells double trouble for the gut by disrupting the metabolism of sulfur (which feeds healthy bacteria) and allowing pathogenic bacteria to proliferate.13 By definition, certified organic foods cannot be genetically modified, nor are they laden with pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and the thousands of other chemicals already mentioned.
The second most prevalent herbicide polluting our water, soil and foods is atrazine, banned in Europe in 2005. Atrazine disrupts hormones and has been linked to birth defects and several types of cancer.23 In light of the frightening statistics on toxic chemicals such as glyphosate and atrazine, many families have concluded that they must make organic foods a priority.
Individuals eating a Wise Traditions diet often experience first-hand many tangible cost-saving and lifestyle benefits. These include reduced sick time, more energy to complete tasks and projects, more restful sleep and less anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. After one month of establishing the Wise Traditions diet in my own life, I went from taking ten or twelve vitamins a day to only three or four—resulting in a definite savings in the cost of supplements!
As with household and personal care products, replacement is an easier strategy than avoidance. By replacing toxic fats such as canola and other vegetable oils with delicious grass-fed butter, ghee, coconut oil and red palm oil, you can substantially reduce chronic inflammation in your body. In fact, it is especially important for those new to the Wise Traditions diet not to hesitate about adding more good fats to their meals. Primitive diets contained at least ten times the amount of important fat-soluble A, D, E and K vitamins as the modern American diet. Dr. Price found that traditional cultures were not only exceedingly healthy, but the vast majority had no cavities and had room for all thirty-two teeth. Further, depression and anxiety were rare; Dr. Price observed a cheerful outlook in most of the cultures that he visited.24
Another delicious part of the Wise Traditions diet is incorporating fat with meat. Traditional peoples never ate skinless, boneless chicken! They intuitively realized the importance of not discarding but enjoying nutrient-dense organ meats, skin and eating meat au jus or with gravy; most importantly, they ate the fat so that the naturally occurring fat-soluble vitamins could support full assimilation of the proteins and minerals in the meat.25
We should further replicate traditional people’s nutrient-dense diets by avoiding foods produced using modern-day toxic farming and fishing practices. Instead, eat grass-fed meats; wild-caught salmon, roe, sardines and herring; pasture-raised soy-free eggs; and non-pasteurized raw cheese, butter, cream and milk.
The Wise Traditions diet also emphasizes the importance of mitigating the phytotoxins found in vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds. The human body requires a certain amount of daily carbohydrates—but only properly prepared ones. Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, mustard greens, Swiss chard, cabbage and collard greens need to be well-cooked (or fermented, in the case of cabbage) in order to reduce their oxalic acid content, a compound that has been linked to cancer, diabetes, kidney stones and thyroid dysfunction.26 The traditional Gullah Geechee people who still inhabit the coastal areas of South Carolina and Georgia have known this for centuries. They pour hot water over collards and other “tough greens” before cooking them with bacon (Caroline O’Quinn, personal communication).
Where beans, grains, nuts and seeds are concerned, every member of the Weston A. Price Foundation knows that these should be soaked in slightly acidic lukewarm water for hours and then rinsed to remove the majority of protease inhibitors and other antinutrients that retard full assimilation and further inflame the body.
It is also important to avoid “enriched” grains. The vitamins and minerals with which grain products are enriched are synthetically derived from pharmaceutical labs and then sprayed onto flour and grains, typically derived from GMO sources in China.27 Even grocery store chains such as Whole Foods carry breads, pizza dough and pastries made from enriched grains, so be sure to read labels thoroughly to avoid these toxic carbohydrates.
Desserts should come from organic fruits combined with delicious fats such as raw cheese, raw cream, raw butter or coconut cream, as well as soaked and dehydrated nuts. Use small amounts of raw honey, organic maple syrup and sugars made from organic cane and coconut for less frequent treats.
If you have not yet reached the level of health where gut dysbiosis and intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) are things of the past, you must avoid your primary food allergens. The most common allergies are dairy and gluten, with eggs, corn, chocolate, peanuts, shellfish, citrus and soy being close seconds. To determine which allergy or allergies are primary, do the gold standard—and absolutely free—test described on my website, the “Elimination Challenge Protocol.”28 This involves completely avoiding the first allergy food you suspect for a full two weeks and then eating it one day. A return of your symptoms during that day or the three following days represents a positive test and indicates that you should avoid this food for a few months or even longer. This will give the body a break from the inflammatory cycle that food allergies continually generate, and allow your gut and immune system to heal more fully.
When you are ready to try one of these allergy foods again after a period of avoidance and healing, first challenge the healthiest foods in your primary allergy group. For example, if you are dairy-allergic, first eat organic raw cheese or milk or grass-fed butter. If you are gluten-allergic, try introducing properly prepared (soaked, dehydrated and then freshly ground) spelt, kamut or einkorn bread or muffins.
I also recommend eating primary allergenic foods intermittently, in what I refer to as a “Variety and Rotation” (V&R) fashion. The V&R method means that you vary your allergenic foods as much as possible (for example, alternating spelt and kamut grains) and rotate them so that you do not eat the same food day after day. (For example, you might eat cottage cheese on Mondays and Thursdays, and yogurt on Tuesdays and Saturdays.)
An important way to reduce pathogenic bugs in the body is to adopt a Wise Traditions diet and avoid your primary food allergy or allergies, as just discussed. Another less well-known way to reduce the toxic pathogenic load is to treat your chronic or dominant focal infections. “Dominant focal infection” is not a well-known term, even to many holistically oriented individuals in this country. In my book Radical Medicine, I define a dominant focus as “a relatively silent and locally asymptomatic area of chronic irritation, inflammation, and infection, which typically causes intermittent pain and dysfunction in distal and seemingly unrelated areas in the body referred to as disturbed fields.”20 The figure below illustrates a common dental focus, showing the serious but often insidiously silent state of a chronic focal infection.
Due to an inadequate diet as infants and children, many of us do not develop the appropriate jaw and cranial size to hold all thirty-two teeth. As a result, impacted wisdom teeth (third molar teeth) are quite common. Wisdom teeth are defined as “impacted” when they cannot break through the gums, or only partially break through, because there is not enough room in the mouth. These impacted and abnormally positioned teeth generate inflammation and attract bacteria when they begin to develop between ages twelve and fourteen and then attempt to erupt during the “age of wisdom” between ages seventeen and twenty-five.20 Nine out of ten people nowadays have at least one impacted wisdom tooth.29
Impacted wisdom teeth are often the site of chronic focal infections. The problem is that while unerupted teeth may rarely cause symptoms, the pathogenic bacteria generated in these sites—typically streptococcal—can travel to disturbed fields. These bacteria-laden “disturbed fields” may include the heart (rheumatic fever and mitral valve prolapse), joints (rheumatoid arthritis), kidneys (glomerulonephritis and chronic kidney and bladder dysfunction) and brain (memory loss and obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms).20
Doctors who do not perform a thorough physical exam (which should include the teeth) and who are unfamiliar with focal infections typically only treat the symptoms. Thus, they may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritis or medications for cardiac arrhythmias while missing the true cause of the patient’s condition or disease. Weston A. Price was a leader in the field of dental focal infections. Leading a team of sixty notable scientists, including Charles Mayo, Dr. Price declared that “Modern medicine is mistaking effect for cause.”20
Other common focal infections may involve the tonsils and sinuses. These foci become even more well-established when children receive excessive rounds of antibiotics for colds, ear and sinus infections and strep throat. These interventions actually increase the likelihood of struggling in adulthood with various dysfunctions and diseases emanating from insidiously silent chronic upper respiratory focal infections. Antibiotics kill the weaker bacteria but tend to encourage stronger bacteria to adapt and survive by hiding or mutating.
Bacteria’s most common mutation strategy is to lose their cell wall over successive generations which renders them virtually unrecognizable by future antibiotics—as well as our own immune systems.30 These mutated cell wall-defective (CWD) bacteria make up most of the pathogenic microbes found in focal infections in the teeth, tonsils and sinuses and furnish the basis for the future onset of autoimmune disease. Over time, CWD bacteria migrate to other warm, moist, semi-anaerobic and microbe-hospitable areas of the body. These common disturbed fields include the heart valves, the synovial fluid in the joints, the glomerular tubules in the kidneys and the meninges of the brain.
Dr. Martin Fischer, a German-born American professor of physiology and the author of Death and Dentistry, comments: “For it is said truly that the disease of man’s mature years are naught but the diseases of childhood, grown old.”31 Thus, while the antibiotic-treated tonsillitis and other upper respiratory infections of childhood may no longer occur when we are adults, the pathogenic bacteria remaining in dental, tonsil and sinus focal infections can maintain symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, kidney or bladder dysfunction, joint pain, and heart disease for a lifetime.
Whereas the causative focus is often silent and asymptomatic, the disturbed fields are not. If you have chronic hip or shoulder pain, fatigue, headaches or frequent urination that are not resolved by conventional medicine, consider consulting a holistic doctor or practitioner or a biological dentist who is knowledgeable and experienced in diagnosing and treating focal infections. Radical Medicine (Chapters 8-13) provides more in-depth information on chronic foci.20 I discuss optimal recovery from dental surgery in The 5 Post-Cavitation Surgery Days32 and describe in my book, CASPERS Syndrome: A Naturopathic Doctor’s Guide to Treating Chronic Autoimmune Stealth Pathogens Evolved from Resistant Bacterial Species, how overuse and abuse of antibiotics help generate chronic focal infections.30
Fundamentally, our life is determined not by genetics but by epigenetics; that is, the environment we live in and create for ourselves primarily determines the expression of our genes and our level of health. Following the recommendations in the previous four sections can have an enormous effect on one’s epigenetics, with corresponding effects on the degree and quality of health and happiness. A sizeable percentage of us, however, still suffer from disturbing symptoms even though we adhere to an allergy-free Wise Traditions diet, use clean soaps and cosmetics, have removed our amalgam fillings and have cleared all of our focal infections. This fact—observed in myself and in my patients—motivated me to study homeopathy and the treatment of miasms. The term “miasm” refers to the inherited or environmentally caused predisposition to disease and the susceptibility of succumbing to that disease under stress.20
Unfortunately, there are many modern-day stressors: seventy vaccines from birth to eighteen, ten or more rounds of antibiotics before immune systems have matured at the age of seven, and the innumerable statins and other toxic drugs that characterize the polypharmacy of adulthood.33 These can render even the sturdiest immune system dysfunctional. Dr. Hahnemann’s observations in the nineteenth century ring even more true today:
Of all the chronic diseases, these botchings of the human condition brought forth by the allopathic calamitous art (at its worst in recent times) are the saddest and most incurable. I regret to say that when they have been driven to some height, it seems to be impossible to invent or devise any curative means for them.1
The theory underlying the field of epigenetics is correct in suggesting that we have an enormous capacity to influence our health positively. However, the exceptionally strong modern-day toxic insults that many of us experience necessitate exceptionally strong and effective treatments. Fortunately, Dr. Hahnemann’s teachings, along with more recent contributions from homeopathic physicians in Mumbai, India, provide a means for effecting meaningful change. Homeopathy is based on the “law of simillimum” or “like cures like.” For example, the profuse watery eyes and nasal discharges characteristic of hay fever symptoms can be treated with Allium cepa, a remedy made from red onions, which causes the same symptoms from the chemicals released when you cut into them. The itching, burning and swelling symptoms characteristic of acute anaphylaxis that are similar to a bee sting can be treated with Apis mellifica, the remedy made from honeybee venom.
Acute homeopathy—which prescribes remedies for a recent illness or injury—has been very successful over the last few centuries. For example, Arnica montana 30C, available at every health food store, is excellent after surgery and for treating acute sprains and strains, bruising and head injuries. Homeopathy has even been proven effective for serious acute diseases, such as the 1849 cholera epidemic in Cincinnati, where only 3 percent of the patients treated with homeopathic remedies died, compared to 70 percent of those treated with conventional medicine.34,35
Constitutional homeopathy, on the other hand, involves the use of one remedy intermittently throughout life to reduce one’s miasmic weaknesses and susceptibilities, but it has not always been easy to ascertain the correct remedy. Thankfully, the new Sensation Method from India, originated by Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Divya Chhabra, and other medical homeopaths practicing in Mumbai, is quite effective in determining one’s correct lifetime remedy (described in Chapter 14 of Radical Medicine).20 Interestingly, this method developed in the early twenty-first century shares a realization also attained by modern psychospiritual schools of healing (including Somatic Experiencing by Peter Levine, Hameed Ali’s Diamond Approach, transpersonal psychology as described by John Welwood and others, and rebirthing and other forms of breath work)—namely, that healing occurs most profoundly at the sensation level. That is, the felt sense of trauma and other negative experiences in life, such as feeling “tight,” “heavy,” “squeezed,” “burned,” “trapped,” “pressured,” and so forth, are stored in our unconscious.
Far from being buried, unconscious feelings express themselves continuously in our lives through physical, mental and emotional symptoms. When individuals are able to feel and experience these deep sensations through quality psychotherapeutic methods, they can achieve very real and positive changes in their lives. Similarly, when a trained homeopath can determine the exact sensations that characterize the state of the individual through a carefully taken case, the homeopath can match and prescribe the correct constitutional homeopathic remedy. Dr. Carl Jung’s brilliant comment on this topic is appropriate to the fields of both psychology and homeopathy. Jung stated, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate [or symptoms].”36
More information about the Sensation Method is available from the New York School of Homeopathy37 and Synergy Homeopathic.38
I wish I could report that every case is as easy to cure as the homeopathic example on page 46 (sidebar). For many people, however, it is challenging to recover from the modern-day holocaust of toxic agricultural, medical and dental practices. In fact, getting well can sometimes entail years of patience and perseverance, and the courage to take the necessary measures to detoxify and regenerate tissue. However, if you educate yourself about these twentieth-century toxins, you will realize that the research evidence is irrefutable that these five obstacles to cure are at the root of chronic symptoms and ill health. With that understanding, you can draw on resources such as the Weston A. Price Foundation and knowledgeable holistic practitioners and make a commitment to reverse what has been done to your body. Over time, this becomes easier, and achieving optimal health can become a reality.
The powerful effects of this style of homeopathy can be illustrated through a brief synopsis of a recent case, which demonstrates that even patients who have lived for decades with serious illness and are on conventional medications can achieve optimal health through removal of the obstacles to a cure. A fifty-year-old female patient diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) contacted me in late 2016. During our first phone consult, I determined that she probably had a dairy allergy because as a child she had had a history of upper respiratory illnesses treated with antibiotics. I recommended testing this dairy sensitivity using the Elimination Challenge protocol. I also discussed Dr. Price’s anthropological research, sent information on adopting the Wise Traditions diet and prescribed an initial gentle dose of my probiotic and enzyme supplements.
At the next phone consult, this woman reported that the results were “pretty amazing”! She had not had a “glimpse” of the IBS and constipation for over a month and reported feeling like she was “coming back to life.” Although she very much wanted to wean herself off of Carafate (an anti-ulcer drug), she was afraid to do so because without it she usually would feel nauseous and throw up. We therefore scheduled a homeopathic consultation.
During the homeopathic interview, this patient described her stomach symptoms as “sharp,” and explained that they often were accompanied by a “massive headache” with dizziness. She experienced these latter symptoms as “light,” “bright,” and like “my head’s got to pop or explode all of a sudden.” When asked about the RA sensations, she described feelings of “tingling,” “burning” and “achy weakness” that were similar to “being pinched repeatedly.”
Using the Sensation Method, which includes visualizations and other techniques to reach the patient’s unconscious level, I determined that her symptoms matched the experience of an electrical shock. Thus, I prescribed Electricitas 1M. At the next follow-up, the patient reported that she had been really sick the first day after taking the remedy but fine thereafter. (This “retracing of symptoms”—or in homeopathic parlance, “aggravation”—is not uncommon and is completely appropriate after an initial dose.) The patient also reported having successfully taken herself off Carafate. Whereas in the past she would be sick for days when she tried this, she now “felt great.” She stated that she had never wanted to use medicine as a crutch but had been scared to get off of her medications. She also had been on Methotrexate for a period of time as an anti-rheumatic, and had been considering getting the required tuberculosis and cancer tests that would allow her to take Humira for her painful RA symptoms.
Post-homeopathy, the patient reported that she had lost (a desired) eleven pounds, stating “I have never felt better in my life!” Despite having worked with allopaths for years and not having much experience with naturopathic doctors, she declared, “I am now a believer in nothing but holistic medicine!” Follow-ups since then confirm that she continues to be symptom-free.
1. Hahnemann S. Organon of the Medical Art, ed. W. O’Reilly. Palo Alto, CA: Birdcage Books, 1996.
2. Olmsted D, Blaxill M. The Age of Autism. New York, NY: Thomas Dunne Books, 2010.
3. Lorscheider FL, Leong CCW, Syed NI. How mercury causes brain neuron degeneration (video) . University of Calgary.
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7. Redhe O, Pleva J. Recovery from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and from allergy after removal of dental amalgam fillings. Int J Risk Saf Med 1994;4(3): 229-36.
8. Williams L. The 5 dental detox days: a naturopathic doctor’s guide to effective detoxification of mercury amalgam fillings.
9. Summers AO, Wireman J, Vimy MJ, et al. Mercury released from dental “silver” fillings provokes an increase in mercury- and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in oral and intestinal floras of primates. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1993;37(4): 825-34.
10. Berkson D. Hormone Deception. Chicago, IL: Contemporary Books, 2000.
11. Steingraber S. Living Downstream. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1997.
12. Colborn T. Our Stolen Future. New York, NY: Dutton, 1996.
13. Samsel A, Seneff S. Glyphosate’s suppression of cytochrome P450 enzymes and amino acid biosynthesis by the gut microbiome: pathways to modern diseases. Entropy 2013;15: 1416-63.
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16. Carson R. Silent Spring. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002.
17. Darbre PD, Aljarrah A, Miller WR, et al. Concentrations of parabens in human breast tumors. J Appl Toxicol 2004;24(1): 5-13.
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19. Lawson L. Staying Well in a Toxic World. Chicago, IL: The Nobel Press, 1993.
20. Williams L. Radical Medicine. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2011.
21. EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database.
22. Best Bets List.
23. Mercola J. Atrazine—second most common used herbicide in US. June 21, 2016.
24. Price W. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Los Angeles, CA: The American Academy of Applied Nutrition, 1948.
25. Masterjohn C. Saturated fat does a body good: exploring the biological roles of these long-demonized yet heroic nutrients. Wise Traditions 2016;17(1): 26-33.
26. Shaw W. The role of oxalates in autism and chronic disorders. Wise Traditions 2010;11(1): 40-7.
27. Kovacs P. It’s not just pet food that could be dangerous. The Press Democrat, April 24, 2007, B7.
28. Williams L. Allergy elimination-challenge test: a summary of the gold standard in diagnosing hidden food allergies.
29. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Wisdom teeth management.
30. Williams L. CASPERS syndrome: a naturopathic doctor’s guide to treating chronic autoimmune stealth pathogens evolved from resistant bacterial species.
31. Fischer M. Death and Dentistry. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1940.
32. Williams L. The 5 post-cavitation surgery days: a naturopathic doctor’s guide to complete healing after dental surgery.
33. Manookian L. The Greater Good. www.greater
34. Bellavite P, Signorini A. The Emerging Science of Homeopathy. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2002.
35. Coulter H. Divided Legacy. Richmond, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1973.
36. S. Hahnemann, Organon of the Medical Art, ed. W. O’Reilly (Palo Alto, Calif.: Birdcage Books, 1996), 122.
37. P. Bellavite & A. Signorini, The Emerging Science of Homeopathy (Berkeley, Calif.: North Atlantic Books, 2002),21; H. Coulter, Divided Legacy (Richmond, Ca.: North Atlantic Books, 1973), 268.
38. M. Seth, “Carl Jung quotes that will make you think,”
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2017.
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Jaclyn Holst says
With regards to pesticides in fruit in vegetables, in addition to buying local and organic, what is the best way to removed them? I’ve heard baking soda, salt water, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide all touted as effective. What is the best at removing the most pesticides even on organically grown produce?