Ask people what they believe is the biggest problem facing the world, and many will say overpopulation. They subscribe to the notion that too many people worsen environmental and social factors, leading to pollution, depletion of resources, habitat loss, poverty and international conflicts. Others deem the panic about overpopulation unwarranted and a cover story for human rights abuses—including millions of forced sterilizations in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Indonesia, Bangladesh and India, as well as China’s draconian one-child (now two-child) policy. This second group references United Nations (UN) graphs showing that the birth rate is actually declining¹ and maintains that overpopulation “doomsayers’ fears have failed to materialize again and again.”²
In theory, the topic of overpopulation could make for an interesting debate. Arguably, those on each side of the issue could make their case in a myriad of ways. Any sane person, however, will agree that elimination of those deemed less valuable by a particular society or person is immoral and should never be recognized as a legitimate “population control” tool, even in the name of “saving the planet.” Yet historically, there have always been individuals comfortable with deciding who gets to procreate, who lives and who dies—even in America. “Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their own kind,” said President Theodore Roosevelt. “The elderly are useless eaters” and “World population needs to be reduced by 50 percent,” said former U.S. Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger.³
The line of thinking espoused by Teddy Roosevelt and Kissinger does not just apply to the past. Currently, there are two readily discernible population-control agendas, each of which has been in the works for decades, orchestrated by an “elite” group. One agenda focuses on centralized control of the masses’ behavior, and the other—even more sinister—agenda involves the actual prevention of future births and the elimination of whole population groups.
One need look no further than the World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) website to see the organization’s cleverly concealed aspirations for a one-world order that would replace capitalism with Marxist-based economic and social policies, outlined in the “Great Reset” initiative.4,5 On June 13, 2019, the WEF and the UN signed a Strategic Partnership Framework outlining areas of cooperation to deepen institutional engagement and jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030). On the surface, this agenda might sound admirable, but what the plan really entails—under the guise of achieving seventeen “sustainable development goals” (SDGs)—is a “global government takeover of every nation across the planet, dismantling sovereignty, property rights, privacy, food systems and more.”6 For example, Agenda 2030 acts to restrict farming and transform food systems.7
The world’s most powerful leaders in academia, politics, non-governmental organizations, business, legacy media and the arts are not necessarily admitting to their attempts to destroy individual and national sovereignty. However, the WEF’s intentions were readily apparent in 2016 when it tweeted a quote from Danish Parliament member, Ida Auken, that read, “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.”4 As translated by Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing in the George H.W. Bush administration and publisher of The Solari Report, what the tweet really meant was, “Welcome to 2030. We have stolen all your assets and you are mind controlled.”
Fitts explains very well the two agendas being perpetrated by those she calls “Mr. Global,” who include central bankers. Regarding centralized control, she warns that human slavery has been the single most profitable business in the world—and now the global “elite” are coming for our children. As she says, “They can print money. They do not want your money. They want your land, your gold, and your children.” In essence, she says, “central bankers are trying to create a system where they are completely free of the laws of nation-states and governments”— a “lawless criminal control syndicate where it’s legal for them to do whatever they want.”8
If we look closely, we see that the globalists’ plans include not just enslavement of humanity—through an openly promoted chipped, transhumanist society9—but also a reduction in population size. Fitts assesses the situation as a war: “We are at war right now, and they are trying to kill us.”10 One war front involves what Fitts calls “the Great Poisoning” via toxins in food, water and air: GMOs, antidepressants, electromagnetic field exposures, chemtrails/geoengineering,11 vaccines and much more. These exposures are making our children sicker than any generation before them. All the while, we are seeing the intentional dismantling of global systems of food and energy production, which in turn promises to lead to outcomes such as famine and more war.12 Drought, inflation and misdirected green policies are threatening the U.S. food supply.13 Poverty, a known killer, is also a major concern, with the Consumer Price Index at a forty-year high, having jumped by a reported 9.1 percent (year over year) in June 2022.14
Vaccines are a major weapon used to control the world’s population. Speaking of the global population, Bill Gates said in 2010, “If we do a good job using vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we can lower that by 10 to 15 percent.”15 A new vaccine-related documentary directed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,16 powerfully illustrates this theme, shining a light on long-standing depopulation efforts. The film tells the story of World Health Organization (WHO) vaccination programs conducted in Africa and alleged to have intentionally resulted in infertility, sterilizing young girls and women of childbearing age in Kenya—first in 1995 and then again in 2014. Under the guise of two separate vaccination campaigns supposedly aimed at prevention of neonatal tetanus, the WHO allegedly stripped millions of Kenyan women of their ability to carry a pregnancy to term—without their knowledge or consent.
The tetanus vaccines administered in Kenya were made with synthetic human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which causes the development of antibodies against naturally occurring hCG—a hormone produced by the placenta that plays a unique role in sustaining and supporting pregnancy. Vaccination with the tainted tetanus vaccines would prompt a mother’s immune system to mistakenly attack and destroy the essential hCG produced within her own body, effectively working to either abort existing pregnancies or prevent future pregnancies.
Development of anti-fertility vaccines began in the 1970s in response to perceived overpopulation, led by figures such as Dr. G.P. Talwar in New Delhi, India.17 Published papers confirm that by 1976, researchers from the WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation had successfully conjugated (meaning “attached” or “combined”) hCG onto tetanus toxoid (TT). In 1993, the WHO publicly announced its “birth-control” vaccine for “family planning.” While that could sound well-intentioned to some, critics agree that “WHO publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable ‘less developed countries.’”17 In fact, WHO has encouraged depopulation policies and has studied depopulation strategies for decades in Asia (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand), Latin America (Brazil, Columbia, Mexico), Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria) and Europe (Turkey).18,19
As explained in Wakefield’s film, Dr. Stephen K. Karanja, the now deceased former chairman of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, first alerted the Kenyan government of his suspicions regarding an abortifacient tetanus vaccine back in 1995. Karanja, an OB/ GYN, had learned in November 1993 that the Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines had won a court order to halt a UNICEF anti-fertility program which used an hCG-laced tetanus vaccine. By the time of the court order, three million Filipinas had already received the vaccination. Karanja also noticed the unusual fact that unlike regular tetanus vaccination programs, which call for only one injection every five to ten years, the WHO programs instructed women to be vaccinated with a series of five injections, spaced six months apart—the identical schedule called for by the WHO’s anti-fertility vaccine to produce sterility. Soon after Karanja sounded the alarm, the Kenyan program ended without explanation.
Nineteen years later, a second anti-fertility vaccination campaign was once again underway in Kenya. Encouraged by Karanja, leaders of the Catholic Church contracted with three independent and accredited biochemistry laboratories in Nairobi to test samples from vials of the WHO tetanus vaccine obtained in the field in March 2014. They found hCG where none should be present. In October 2014, Catholic doctors sequestered six additional vials that again were tested in six accredited laboratories, which found hCG in half the samples.17
When Catholic bishops went public with their findings, urging young girls and women not to comply with the vaccination campaign, the Kenyan government went on the offensive, insisting that the vaccines were safe. Meanwhile, the government attempted to demonize the Catholic Church and accused its leaders of deliberately contaminating samples and of peddling misinformation. In search of the truth, Wakefield’s investigative team revisited one of the laboratories, AgriQ Quest, and found forensic evidence from the vaccine vials that proved the government had lied to its people.16
Wakefield’s film reminds us of the informed consent principles that have guided the ethical practice of modern medicine since the mid-twentieth century. According to Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), informed consent means a patient must be given complete and accurate information about the benefits and risks of a medical procedure or pharmaceutical product; must be free to make a voluntary decision about whether or not to take the risk; and must not be subjected to harassment, coercion or sanctions for making an informed, voluntary decision about taking a risk.20 Clearly, informed consent was not granted to Kenya’s women.
With the global rollout of Covid injections, questions about the use of “vaccines” as a stealth infertility weapon have become even more pressing. Note that the word “vaccine” is in quotes because the shots are not vaccines but rather, in the words of industry insiders, a form of gene therapy.21,22 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines gene therapy as “a technique that modifies a person’s genes to treat or cure disease.”23
Worldwide, women are reporting numerous fertility problems and horrific pregnancy outcomes following the Covid injections. In an analysis of Pfizer-BioNTech data released in May 2022, Dr. Bryam Bridle described how out of two hundred seventy pregnancies, Pfizer provided no outcome information for two hundred thirty-eight women (88 percent).24 The other outcomes reported by Pfizer included just one normal outcome, along with twenty-three spontaneous abortions (that is, miscarriages), five pregnancies with “outcome pending,” two cases each of premature birth with neonatal death and spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death, and one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death. In a more detailed analysis of twenty-nine pregnant women reporting an adverse reaction after a Covid injection, only one had a baby who lived.
In Australia, Dr. Luke McLindon, a senior fertility doctor and President of the Australasian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine, warned that 74 percent of the women “vaccinated” against Covid in his practice were having miscarriages. McLindon subsequently was fired for refusing to get the Covid jab himself and for making his findings public.25 In the UK, funeral director and whistleblower John O’Looney says, “There have been more babies dying now than ever and the thing they all have in common is their moms were vaccinated.”26 Meanwhile, manufacturers are reporting a 400 percent increase in sales of small-size caskets for children.27
Women are also experiencing menstrual changes after Covid “vaccination.” An analysis published in July 2022 in the journal Science Advances found that 42 percent of women with regular menstrual cycles reported bleeding “more heavily than usual” after vaccination.28 Meanwhile, 44 percent reported no change and 14 percent reported lighter periods.29 Many non-menstruating women also experienced “breakthrough” or unexpected bleeding after their Covid shots—including fully two-thirds of postmenopausal women. Although the media continue to report that these menstrual irregularities are “normal,”30 research has linked abnormal menses to uterine and cervical cancers, bleeding disorders, thyroid dysfunction, other pituitary disorders affecting hormonal balance, infection and perimenopause.31-34
In 2021, women also experienced an unprecedented rise in decidual cast shedding (DCS)—the expulsion of the uterine lining “all in one piece” resembling the contours of the uterus.35 The authors of a study published in April 2022 note the anomaly, pointing out that DCS historically is rare; before the Covid injections, less than forty cases had been reported in over a century of medical literature.36
Further, there are indications that the Covid shots could potentially cross-react—in ways that might impair reproduction—with syncytin (a protein that is “an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy”) as well as with reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta.37 Research also shows that the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in Covid shots have a “special affinity” for the ovaries as well as the liver and spleen.38 Other recent research found that two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid shots impaired semen concentration and motile counts in men for about three months.39 This begs the question: what happens to a man’s sperm if he gets additional doses? (For more in-depth information on reproductive harms from the Covid shots, see my article titled “Covid Injections: The Emerging Reproductive Fallout” in the Fall 2021 issue of Wise Traditions.40)
Across the globe, the widespread rollout of the experimental Covid shots appears to have caused a sharp increase in deaths blamed on “Covid-19.” A late 2021 analysis of publicly available data showed that in the vast majority of countries that deployed the gene-based “vaccines,” mortality increased promptly and significantly.41 The study, which looked at data from one hundred forty-five of the most vaccinated countries, identified a “statistically significant and overwhelmingly positive causal impact after vaccine deployment” on total deaths per million “associated with” Covid-19—an average causal impact of 463 percent—a finding that the researcher understatedly suggested “should be highly worrisome for policy makers.” The injections are so dangerous that the formerly pro-mandate German Federation of Hospitals has demanded an end to Covid vaccination mandates, stating that it is “not sensible. . . to continue.”42
Others have reported similar findings at the national level. For example, an investigation of weekly reports by the United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA) on influenza and Covid-19 revealed that fully vaccinated individuals were three times more likely to die of “Covid-19” than unvaccinated individuals.43 Here at home, the same pattern holds true; far more Americans deaths are attributed to the coronavirus since the introduction of the shots than before the injections were introduced.44
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) provides more evidence that the Covid injections are the most dangerous drug in modern medicine. As of August 5, 2022, VAERS displayed nearly 1.4 million adverse events following Covid “vaccination,” including over thirty thousand reported deaths and over thirty-three thousand reactions deemed “life-threatening.”45
All-cause mortality and deaths from “unknown causes” or non-Covid causes are also sharply on the rise. In the Canadian province of Alberta, “unknown causes” are now the number-one killer—a “staggering” seven times higher than recorded deaths from unknown causes in 2019; in 2021, mystery deaths claimed more lives than heart disease, diabetes and stroke combined.46 By October 2021, officials in Taiwan were admitting that the number of people dying after the injections had exceeded the number of deaths from Covid-19.47
In public comments at a June meeting at which FDA’s vaccine advisory panel voted to recommend new Covid boosters, one commenter described “comparable trends in BLS [Bureau of Labor Statistics] data, German health insurance data, Israeli ambulance data” and VAERS data all pointing to a “stark increase” in deaths of working-age adults in the latter half of 2021.48 The fifth largest life insurance company in the U.S. paid out 163 percent more for deaths of people ages eighteen to sixty-four in 2021 over 2020.49 For those interested in learning more about the crimes being committed against humanity, there is an excellent (though difficult-to-watch) documentary titled “mRNA Vaccine Genocide 2021- 2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff.”50 The Doctors for Covid Ethics website also provides a consolidated list of over seven hundred fifty relevant studies about the dangers of Covid injections.51
Despite all the warning signs, Covid injections are now also available for babies. On June 15, 2022, members of an FDA advisory committee ignored pleas to “First do no harm”52 submitted by concerned medical experts, vaccine-injured persons and a Congressman representing seventeen other lawmakers53 and instead voted twenty-one to zero to expand emergency use authorization (EUA) of both the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Covid gene therapy injections for use in children under five and as young as six months of age.54,55 Within two days, the FDA had approved the EUA amendment and members of a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory committee had unanimously recommended the shots, with CDC director Rochelle Walensky immediately endorsing the recommendation.56 These decisions expanded eligibility for “vaccination” to nearly twenty million children as the U.S. became the first country to give the Covid mRNA injections to children under age two.
An analysis of VAERS data showed at least fifty-eight cases of life-threatening side effects experienced by infants and toddlers under age three by mid-June.57 As of early August, VAERS data showed almost three thousand adverse events (including five deaths) in children under age five, as well as over thirteen thousand adverse events (including twenty-two deaths) in kids between ages five and eleven and nearly thirty-three thousand adverse events (comprising one hundred eighteen deaths) in adolescents ages twelve to seventeen.45
Emerging research about the Covid jabs’ impact on children, adolescents and young adults is furnishing additional details that are highly concerning. A study by Israeli researchers of young adults (ages sixteen to thirty-nine), published in April 2022, revealed an increase of over 25 percent in cardiovascular-related emergency calls in Israel’s under-forties, both male and female, following the rollout of Covid vaccines in the first half of 2021.58 In Thailand, a study of several hundred Thai adolescents (aged thirteen to eighteen) observed adverse effects on the heart in 29 percent of young recipients of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid shots.59
Although the medical literature confirms an ever wider range of serious injuries associated with the Covid injections in young people—not just heart problems but also anaphylaxis, blood disorders and immune-mediated neurological disorders like Guillain-Barré syndrome60—this did not prevent FDA from making its June determination “that the known and potential benefits of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the known and potential risks in the pediatric populations authorized for use for each vaccine.”61
The CDC followed suit in its statement issued the next day, recommending the jabs for young children and making the incredible claim that “COVID-19 vaccines have undergone—and will continue to undergo—the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.”56 CDC director Walensky told doctors and parents, “All children, including children who have already had COVID-19, should get vaccinated.”62 The Covid shots are the first “vaccine” to be recommended for and administered to infants in the U.S. that have not been fully licensed, and they will now be given at the same time as other CDC-recommended childhood vaccines, making a six-month-old baby eligible to receive ten vaccines on the same day.63
Nor should we be lulled into believing that the other vaccines on the childhood schedule were properly studied and monitored, Walensky’s statements about “safety monitoring” notwithstanding. Not one of the licensed vaccines on the childhood schedule has ever been studied using an inert placebo or when given in combination with other vaccines, nor have any childhood shots been studied by comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
The UK’s Dr. Clare Craig has explained that Pfizer’s pediatric clinical trial recruited over forty-five hundred children aged six months to four years of age, but three thousand of those children did not make it to the end of the trial.64 Why so many dropouts? Without an answer to that question, the trial should have been deemed null and void. Moreover, after only six weeks of follow-up, the researchers unblinded the children in the placebo group and offered them the injections—thus destroying the control group forever.
Leaked Israeli documents reported on by the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) and known to the Israeli Ministry of Health revealed that in the first half of 2022, children in the five- to eleven-year age group who received the Pfizer-BioNTech shot had two to four times as many adverse events as children in the twelve to seventeen age group.65 As AHRP noted, “This doubling of vaccine injuries is, in itself, extremely disturbing—and should have been immediately brought to the attention of the nation’s parents,” yet parents were not informed. Instead, the Ministry recommended booster shots for the younger children—“thereby increasing the risk for serious harm.”
Moderna, for its part, unblinded its pediatric control group after just fifty-three days.66 In documentation provided to the FDA about its pediatric results, says Toby Rogers, PhD, Moderna used “a shell game to hide bad data,” adding “endless layers of complexity” to “create noise” and make its findings difficult to understand.67 For example, Moderna should have presented FDA with four separate documents for each age group—ages twelve to seventeen years, six to eleven years, two to five years and six to twenty-three months. Rogers suggests that the company neglected to do so because the results looked terrible when considered by individual age group. Moderna also subdivided its adverse events data to eliminate signals and complicate the results.
Buried in the briefing document it prepared for FDA to request EUA for children under age eighteen, Moderna stated, “In the adolescent population 99.2% of vaccine recipients reported at least one adverse reaction after any injection with 25.3%”—one in four!—“reporting a reaction that was Grade 3 or higher” [emphasis added].68 (Grade 3 events “are serious and interfere with a person’s ability to do basic things like eat or get dressed” and “may also require medical intervention.” Grade 4 events typically require hospitalization, and Grade 5 events are fatal.69) But because adverse reactions were also somewhat high in the placebo group, Moderna proclaimed the “vaccines” safe.
Finding this assertion “very strange,” quantitative analyst Jessica Rose theorizes that the company may not, in fact, have used an inert placebo, stating, “I still have a very strong suspicion that these ‘placebos’ are not saline and rather [are] empty LNPs.”70 Rose is making reference to lipid nanoparticles—the delivery vehicle that both Pfizer and Moderna use to get mRNA into the cell—with an “empty LNP” being nanoparticles without the mRNA antigen.
Clearly, the fix to inject children under five was in from the beginning, a fact made clear when the Biden administration unveiled its operational plans a full week before the FDA advisors’ deliberations about the matter. This plan included purchasing ten million doses of pediatric Covid shots, and “millions more. . . in the coming weeks,” to be made available at doctors’ offices, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies and other community-based organizations.71
The immune systems of infants and toddlers are developing and immature and, therefore, they are the last population that should be test subjects for experimental injectable products with undisclosed ingredient lists. A study in The Lancet showed that even in adults, those who received two doses of the shots had lower immune function after eight months than those who did not take the shots.72 Thus, when FDA, CDC and their advisors rubber-stamped the Covid shots for children, they failed spectacularly in their duty to protect public health, instead choosing to back Moderna’s and Pfizer’s stunning works of fiction. Why?
Clearly, financial interests are one reason the pharmaceutical and biopharma industries pushed for Covid injections for young children. The regulatory agencies—beholden to industry through user fees73— were willing to oblige by making decisions that now ensure hundreds of billions of dollars in profits.
A second reason for the FDA’s and CDC’s unseemly zeal in okaying the injections for babies is that granting EUA for the last remaining age group takes manufacturers one step closer toward securing permanent liability protection. Currently, the drugmakers enjoy liability protections under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act,74 but when the Covid “emergency” eventually is declared over, the only way for them to continue having immunity from lawsuits is to get their products onto the CDC’s recommended childhood vaccination schedule. Once a vaccine is on the schedule, its manufacturer is permanently shielded from liability for injuries or deaths that occur in any age group, including adults. At that point, the only way indemnity would fall by the wayside would be if fraud could be proven—and to do so, one would have to meet an almost impossibly high burden of proof showing that the vaccine maker knew about the safety issues and then withheld that information.
A third plausible reason for the eagerness to endorse Covid jabs for young children—thereby positioning them for the childhood schedule—is that this will allow the government to mandate the shots.75
Ultimately, we have to ask whether the government’s unscientific go-aheads to give children Covid jabs and dozens of other shots reflects a deeper and even more menacing motivation—to impair our children’s ability to have children of their own. While some people maintain a blind trust in corrupt governmental organizations like the FDA, CDC and WHO, the threat to children has prompted many others to see the light. Everyday people are learning about and grasping the criminal intent of these entities, exemplified by the WHO’s Orwellian “Future Framework” scheme to allow Moderna and Pfizer to “reformulate” Covid-19 mRNA injectables in perpetuity, without conducting clinical trials.76,77 These actions have caused a tsunami-like loss of confidence in medical and governmental “experts” and as a result, Americans are turning away from the experimental Covid shots and rejecting the “New Normal Reich” that insists on integrating vaccine mandates, passports and mask-wearing into everyday life.78
If anything good can be said of the Covid fiasco, it is that most Americans have become “anti-vaxxers,” whether they know it or not. Childhood uptake for Covid shots is low, adults are not getting second or third shots, and many have awoken to the fact that there are fundamental flaws with the entire vaccine program—not just with Covid injections.79 Between December 2020 and May 2022, public and private entities in the U.S. had to discard over eighty-two million doses of Covid shots due to low demand.80 People realize they have been deliberately lied to about the magnitude of the SARS-CoV-2 threat, and quite frankly, they are not going to buy into the “endless pandemic” narrative any longer.
As more and more people break free from the Covid “Matrix,” they will stop complying with Orwellian measures. With the evil policies implemented during Covid, globalist tyrants may have sown the seeds of their own undoing—and especially when they come after our progeny. We will not stand by as they attempt to normalize things like hormone blockers for children and transgender surgeries for teenagers.81,82 We will not be seduced as they try to sell us on the idea of “virtual children” in the metaverse to help combat overpopulation.83 We will not allow the government to parent our children.
Maybe we should thank “Mr. Global” for making his plans so transparent. Because of Mr. Global’s lack of subtlety, more people are learning about health and standing up for liberty. We the People are connecting the dots. As more food, energy and economic crises are engineered—similarly to the Covid plandemic (foretold during Event 201)—people are becoming ever more conscious and able to cast off Mr. Global’s lies.
Thus, when the UK issues an “urgent warning” that gardening can cause heart disease, we can laugh at the absurd notion. When the Friedman School of Nutrition Science discourages the consumption of animal foods by falsely rating them as unhealthy and gives high nutritional ratings to ultra-processed foods, we do not have to rush out to buy such products,84 nor eat bugs as suggested by the WEF.85 When the Merck Foundation makes a television series about breaking the stigma attached to female infertility, we can question why the women are infertile rather than blindly tuning in.86
But it is not enough to simply scoff at all the absurdities. We must also act, and we must do so through non-violent civil disobedience. Let us model ourselves after the Canadian truckers and the Dutch farmers in the Netherlands—but let us also be careful. Remember that those who subscribe to a top-down “New World Order” governance model see conscious people as an existential threat. We must take to heart the late Dr. Karanja’s warning at the end of Wakefield’s infertility film: “When they are through with Africa, they are coming for you.” Nevertheless, it is incumbent on us to rebuild the civilization we want. What does that look like to you?
In an interview about Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda, Mary Holland, president of Children’s Health Defense (co-producer of Wakefield’s film), stated, “I think this film really helps us understand that this is not a conspiracy theory. It’s an absolute reality.”87
As the co-author of a book about the dangers and injustices of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, titled The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed, Holland has a broader context for understanding what happened in Kenya.88 Describing the rollout of HPV vaccines, she said, “One of the things we saw was that. . . the teen pregnancy rate dropped from 50 percent from 2007 to 2018. Now, whatever one wants to think about unplanned pregnancies, that is a staggering drop over ten years.” Though the potential association between HPV vaccines and premature ovarian failure (POF) in young women is by now well-documented,89 so-called health workers still routinely give the HPV vaccines.
In 1991, David Rockefeller made a speech at a Bilderberg conference that included these memorable words:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernatural sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”90
During the public comment period of the meeting of FDA advisors on June 15, 2022, Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) told FDA, “There are many unanswered questions regarding the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines, especially for babies and young children, and I am deeply concerned that the push to vaccinate these children is nothing more than a dystopian experiment with unknown consequences.”91
In July 2022, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) wrote a letter to CDC, following a freedom of information request that showed that the agency never conducted a required data mining analysis on adverse events reported in association with Covid injections. CDC is supposed to perform analyses on a weekly basis that compare Covid-“vaccine”-related adverse events reported to VAERS with adverse events linked to other vaccines.92 Sen. Johnson scolded, “The American people deserve the truth and you have not been providing it. That is why I, together with millions of Americans, have completely lost faith in the CDC and other federal health agencies. It is time to start regaining their confidence and your agency’s integrity by coming clean, being transparent, and telling the truth.”
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This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2022
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