Instead, the soy industry is dancing as fast as it can just to keep the 1999 soy-prevents-heart disease health claim in place. Even the mainstream American Heart Association is after the FDA to revoke it. Judging from this latest market report, the industry plan is keep the bad news under cover and repeat the mantra “health benefits” literally ad nauseum, until it is seared into mass consciousness. As the report states, “Health remains a main driver with soy products slipping into the mainstream . . .” Based on soy industry promises, those Wal-Mart customers should start looking real healthy real soon.
Soy Sales Up, but Looks Who’s Eating
Instead, the soy industry is dancing as fast as it can just to keep the 1999 soy-prevents-heart disease health claim in place. Even the mainstream American Heart Association is after the FDA to revoke it. Judging from this latest market report, the industry plan is keep the bad news under cover and repeat the mantra “health benefits” literally ad nauseum, until it is seared into mass consciousness. As the report states, “Health remains a main driver with soy products slipping into the mainstream . . .” Based on soy industry promises, those Wal-Mart customers should start looking real healthy real soon.
Adriana Pestana says
Gostaria de saber mais a respeito da soja,porque minha mãe está com câncer raro ,mesotelioma maligno, e o médico biomolecular receitou tbm proteína de soja texturização, e ainda falou que soja fermentada não era pra consumir.Achei estranho porq as somas são transgênicas,por favor vcs poderiam me dar uma orientação??