July 22, 2015; Sean Nealon; UC Riverside
Studies compared soybean oil to coconut oil & found changes in gene expression and metabolite levels in the organ, particularly the liver. “Showed increased weight gain, larger fat deposits, a fatty liver with signs of injury, diabetes and insulin resistance, all of which are part of the Metabolic Syndrome.”
Nutrients. 2016 Dec; 8(12): 754. Mark Messina
Soy foods increase the length of the female menstrual cycle. In men soy consumption was linked with lower sperm concentration. Two case reports describing feminizing effects in men that occurred of soy food consumption.
Jessica Nardiet al. Food Chem Toxicol. 2017 Feb.
Endocrine disruption found through a decrease in testosterone levels. Sertoli cell number and increase in the percentage of degenerated Sertoli and Leydig cells in animals receiving soy milk.
2017 Feb 28; 40(2): 109–116.
Li Pan, and others…
Animals fed with soy have difficulty with digestion and absorption, thus resulting in negative effects. The abnormality of cell in intestinal cells negatively affects the immunity of animal intestines, and causes death. “Studies have demonstrated that SBA can affect the integrity and permeability of cell membrane, and decline the cell proliferation in the intestinal epithelial cell line from piglets.”
Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Feb; 19(2): 554. PMID:29439523; Li Pan,Mohammed Hamdy Farouk,Guixin Qin,Yuan Zhao,and Nan Bao1
Soy bean protein (agglutinin) impacted negative effects on animal gut health by influencing the intestinal structure, barrier function, mucosal immune system, and the balance of the intestinal flora.
JNCI Cancer Spectrum, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2019, Neil Zheng and others.
Studies investigated breast cancer survivors who consumed soy have a high risk of osteoporosis-related fractures. Studies say incidence of bone fracture and its connection with soy food consumption.
Endocrinology, Volume 161, Issue 2, February 2020
Researchers found that the soybean oils influenced the activity of the hypothalamus, causing genes not to fuction as expected. Abnormal changes seen in the gene that produces oxytocin, (a hormone that controls key aspects of the reproductive system, such as childbirth and lactation, and aspects of human behavior). Changes were noted in other genes as well associated with neurological ills as anxiety, pain, depression or schizophrenia.
Endocrinology, Volume 161, Issue 2, February 2020, Poonamjot Deol and others.
Study shows dysregulation of the hypothalamic gene and Oxytocinergic System by feeding of Soybean Oil Diets in Male Mice. “Genes were associated with inflammation, neuroendocrine, neurochemical, and insulin signaling. Oxt was the only gene with metabolic, inflammation, and neurological relevance upregulated by both soybean oil diets compared to both control diets. Oxytocin immunoreactivity of the hypothalamus was reduced,..These central and peripheral effects of soybean oil diets were correlated with glucose intolerance but not body weight.”
Norie Sawada, MD, PhD, Epidemiology and Prevention Group, Center for Public Health Sciences, National Cancer Center, 5-1-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045
Study found tofu consumption was associated with cognitive impairment, a decline in memory. “Hogervorst et al, suggested that the detrimental effects of tofu on memory performance could be due to the use of formaldehyde as a preservative.”
Journal of Insect Science, Volume 23, Issue 2, March 2023, 9, P Glynn Tillman
Laboratory and field studies found naturally occurring H. Halys (stink bug) egg masses in soybean.
“We carried out a series of laboratory and field experiments to test whether parasitism and predation for three types of sentinel H. halys egg masses, fresh, frozen, and refrigerated, varied in agricultural commodities. In addition, we asked if predation and parasitism differed between sentinel and naturally occurring H. halys and N. viridula egg masses in soybean.”
Additional source by Lynne Hebert
“According to a handful of studies, soy consumption may have a link to raising serum estrogen in humans (3), and potentially causing thyroid disorders (4). Animal studies have also suggested potential male infertility and breast cancer associated with soy consumption.”
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TANJA says
Does eating soy, the doctor I work for feed it in large quantities to their two year old, give you yellow teeth?
CG says
This isn’t an informative article but rather something to scare people. A genuine article should include a given food’s positive and negative effects. There are a lot of scientific studies showing the benefits of eating organic soy.