American radiologists, with the encouragement of the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society, have spent the last ten years convincing women that they should get a mammogram after the age of forty. We have been urging our female readers not to get mammograms at any age. Our reasoning has been that early treatment with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy does not prolong life and may actually shorten it. Breast cancer therapy is a failure, but no one wants to own up to it.
Some years ago a British surgeon blasted American doctors as “immoral” for screening women under 50 for breast cancer. On a visit to the Long Island Jewish Hospital Medical Center Dr. Baum said the screening was “opportunistic” and did more harm than good. “Over 99 percent of premenopausal women will have no benefit from screening. Even for women over 50, there has been only a one percent biopsy rate as a result of screening in the United Kingdom. The density of the breast in younger women make mammography a highly unreliable procedure.” (Medical Tribune, 3/26/92)
A yet unpublished Canadian study even suggests, the rumor goes, that younger women are more likely to die if they expose themselves to mammograms instead of just relying on physical breast exams. The investigators say this earlier finding has not proven to be true but Dr. Cornelia Barnes of the University of Toronto said: “We will not say that mammography kills. The conclusion that will be reached is that younger women do not benefit [by having a reduced mortality].” (Emphasis added.)
Dr. Barnes said the danger of early mammograms is not from radiation but from false-positive results that can lead to unnecessary biopsies, resulting in scar tissue that can make subsequent mammograms more difficult to read.
American doctors hit the ceiling when the information on the study was leaked to the press. Dr. Gerald Dodd of the University of Texas said: “The doses (of radiation) are so small as to be insignificant. . . . The biggest problem is cost.”
The “biggest problem” is not radiation or cost-the biggest problem is the ineffectiveness of treatment for cancer of the breast. (Medical World News, 6/92)
Pressing Dangers
The dangers of new technologies apply to testing methods, as well as surgical procedures and drugs. Ironically, we are now beginning to see examples of tests for cancer actually increasing the incidence of cancer. Women are constantly reassured that mammography is safe “because the amount of radiation is very small.” But this reassurance completely overlooks a serious problem with mammography. Sometimes it’s not an “overlook” but a complete disregard for the danger involved when the procedure is not performed carefully.
Although widely used for early cancer-detection screening, remarkably little attention has been paid to the techniques of breast compression used in the mammography procedure. It is generally accepted that a cancer should be handled as carefully as possible, with very gentle palpation, in order to avoid accidental spread of the disease. As long ago as 1928, Dr. D.T. Quigley warned of the dangers of rough treatment of breast cancers. (Quigley would have been horrified to see doctors sticking needles into cancer tumors: “Yep, it’s cancer alright – too bad I just spread it by cutting into it with a needle.”)
Although the principle of gentle handling of cancer is widely accepted, when it comes to testing for the disease, all logic seems to go out the window and the handling of tissues, such as the female breast, gets very rough indeed. We’re not talking Lothario here, but doctors who see breasts as sacks of money to be milked, rather than fountains of nourishment for the nation’s babies and lovely symbols of the female gender.
Techniques used are designed for maximum detection of cancerous tissue without regard to the possible disastrous consequences. One survey found that the mammographers used “as much compression as the patient could tolerate” and had no idea how much compression they were actually using. As the guidelines state, for proper mammography, “adequacy of the compression device is crucial to good quality mammography.” In other words, squeeze the hell out of the breast for clear pictures and just forget about the Hippocratic admonition to do the patient no harm. As a mammographer, you must have good pictures. If you miss a cancer, you’ll get sued. So the patient isn’t the only one who can get squeezed.
The recommended force to be used in order to compress the breast tissue enough for a proper mammogram is 300 newtons. That’s the equivalent of stacking 50 one-pound bags of sugar on the breast.
Malignant Manipulation
As so often happens in clinical medicine, the practice of the art is often not consistent with the findings of science. One animal study found that the number of metastases will increase by 80 percent if the tumor is manipulated. A human study reported in the British Medical Journal confirms these ominous findings. They discovered there were 29 percent more deaths from breast cancer in women who had had mammography.
A report from the National Cancer Institute of Canada was interesting in that it completely missed the point on why cancer seems to be higher in women who take their doctor’s advice and get mammograms. They reported, as in the above study, that women who have regular mammograms are more likely to die of breast cancer than women who eschew this test. But the investigators didn’t blame the mammography procedure itself for the bad results they found and instead blamed “modern treatment.”
Professor Anthony Miller, Toronto University Medical School, who was director of the study, said, “You may find the cancer earlier but the women are still going to die. Modern treatment does not work for these early cancers.” While we agree completely with Dr. Miller’s assessment of modern cancer therapy, it is unfortunate that their study was blind to the danger of the mammography procedure itself.
What About Self-Examination?
Even self-examination of the breast as a cancer preventive is worthless and builds a false sense of security. Breasts are naturally lumpy; it’s called glandular tissue and it’s what the breast is all about. Even the experts in this field can’t pick up early cancer by palpating the breast. I emphasized “early” because, in this sense, early would mean a lump the size of a pea, and that’s not early. A lump that size contains many millions of cells.
It is misleading to tell women that self-examination will lead to earlier detection of breast cancer. Tumors found by breast self-examination are, by definition, big enough to feel. Early detection means to find a tumor that is too small to feel, even by the experts. If the cancer is the extremely malignant “eating” kind, the patient is already doomed. If it is a slow-growing tumor, then finding it early will make no difference, except it will usually lead to unnecessary armpit surgery as well as removal of the breast. The armpit surgery (removal of the lymph nodes) is likely to spread the cancer if the armpit has already been invaded by cancer cells; if it hasn’t been invaded, then the surgery is unnecessary.
Defenders of the procedure say it makes sense to promote self-examination “because it costs nothing and has no risks.” Both of these assumptions are false. It costs a lot of money to go to the doctor every time you think you have found a lump and, if the doctor finds something he calls “suspicious,” then you face surgery, which is always a risk (and expensive).
Women in America have been whipped into a state of near-hysteria by the American Cancer Society. So much so that they have an exaggerated idea of the risk they face of contracting cancer of the breast, especially women under 40. A study by Dr. William Black from the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center indicated that a high percentage of women think they are merely sitting ducks waiting to be carried away by breast cancer within 10 years. Whereas the women interviewed thought their chance of contracting the Big C was one in 10, the likelihood of their getting cancer of the breast is actually one in 500. Older women, of course, have a higher probability.
I had a friend in Chicago, an executive with an insurance company, who lived in a state of constant anxiety, bordering on terror, because she had lumpy breasts and was always examining them. She had suffered through five operations, all negative. She would have been better off examining her thumbs.
So women fearing breast cancer are in a difficult position: detection methods have not increased the survival rate and surgery also has not increased the rate of survival. Breast cancer treatment is big business, but it is an abysmal failure from the standpoint of the patients, as any expert in the field will admit if he is honest.
American women have been sold a bill of goods on early detection of breast cancer – the old “checkup and a check” routine. The latest propaganda from the American Cancer Society proclaims that self-examination “could save your breast – and save your life.” The ACS is not being honest with women, as even the experts at the ACS agree that the practice of self-examination is worthless.
Action to Take
- Don’t get a mammogram and don’t bother with self-examination.
- Be serious about your diet.
- Take 500 mg of thiamin (B1) twice daily. It does wonders for lumpy breasts and may help prevent breast cancer (I have no proof of that), unnecessary visits to the doctor, and unnecessary surgery.
- Take one drop of Lugol’s solution (iodine) daily in a glass of water. Iodine is excellent for breast health. A few people are allergic to iodine-observe closely for rash after the first dose. An even more effective treatment with Lugol’s solution is to paint the cervix with it. Often the lumps will disappear before the patient leaves the doctor’s office!
- Take flaxseed oil, two capsules twice a day.
- Avoid trans fatty acids in margarine and vegetable shortenings, used in most processed foods.
- If you are a potential mother, remember to breast-feed your babies. Women who breast-feed are much less likely to get breast cancer.
- Get plenty of sunshine. Breast cancer is less frequent in areas where there is ample sunlight unobscured by smog or fog. As added insurance, eat oily fish and take cod liver oil as sources of vitamin D.
- Drink water free of chlorine and fluorine.
- Get plenty of calcium from raw milk and bone broths.
- If you develop a large lump in the breast, do not submit to more surgery than a simple lump removal and do not allow them to cut into the lymph nodes in your arm pit.
- Pass on the radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation is highly destructive of not only tissues, but the immune system, which then makes you more susceptible to all diseases. It is usually a terrible price to pay for a temporary shrinkage of a tumor.
Copyright: Reprinted with kind permission from Second Opinion Publishing, publishers of William Campbell Douglass’ Second Opinion newsletter. For subscription information call 1-800-728-2288.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2000.
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The armpit surgery (removal of the lymph nodes) is likely to spread the cancer if the armpit has already been invaded by cancer cells; if it hasn’t been invaded, then the surgery is unnecessary.
Tofu and sesame seeds provide the highest DV for calcium,
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Buy organic when available。
This article hasn’t been updated in nearly 15 years yet technology has proceeded apace. You offer some very good advice for anyone who has not yet developed breast cancer. But what does a woman do who already has breast cancer? You offer no advice and no hope.
Search: the truth about cancer videos on youtube. It was only offered on there for a limited time as they are selling the series now after the preview that they had last month. If you can’t find it by that name, you can search TTAC. Some people have copied the videos and reposted them on youtube. I don’t mean to usurp the makers of the video, but spreading the word that there is indeed hope for cancer is more important than that to me. God bless!
Technology has NOTHING to do with nutrition and the advice giver here, which is eternal and absolutely never changes. No amount of technology can change the fact that the body needs proper nutrients to prevent cancer.
I had 2 mamms in my early 50’s and none since…I’m 77.
I’ve followed WAP for many years and LOVE my grape seed extract powerful antioxidant that MAY prevent cancers…on this 20 yrs soon.
What is WAP?
The site you are on — Weston A. Price 🙂
What does technology have to do with it? Good nutrition is the same now as it was 200 years ago, thousands of years ago. The cause of breast cancer is not a lack of technology. It is a lack of good nutrition, healthy lifestyle and a healthy environment. Any school of agriculture (at least in the United States) advertises that new technology is needed for the development of new foods and a better world, and this is what they teach. They have to keep the promises vague and wishey-washey because there is nothing to it. We don’t need new food. These frankenfoods are generally a disaster. However, I really don’t know what technology you are referring to, but it still seems to me it’s irrelevant.
He does give some advice to people with breast cancer. Everything in the 12 points he mentions is helpful. 11 and 12 only apply to people with breast cancer. However, an intense detoxification program is necessary, such as wheatgrass juicing. ONLY FOR DETOXIFICATION, you can’t live on this. I know several women who followed the advice to get a lumpectomy and no chemotherapy who lived a long life, but they did do wheatgrass detox also. The last time I heard from one woman it was 18 years since her lumpectomy and she was still going strong. Be VERY serious about NOT having the lymph nodes removed. One of these women did have them all removed in her one arm and will suffer for the rest of her life with infections in her arm, one after the other. It was a real drain on her health and mental health. Pretty much all of her health problems revolved around her arm. She was an 8 year survivor, but she had so many problems with her arm I doubt she survived any 18 years. I think the general assumption has been that women are going to die from this disease anyway so it doesn’t matter what you do to them in the short term if you can keep them alive a little longer now. If they thought they would survive, why on earth would you take out all the lymph nodes? You don’t need your lymph nodes? There is no substitute for your lymph nodes. Why not heal them instead of taking them out? But that’s what surgeons do is cut things off. Then you ensure a miserable life and an early death.
I totally agree with nutrition. Cancer cells love sugar/carb environment. I was raised on a lot of sugar/carbs…what did I know mega years ago. Things have changed in my nutrition world.
Back in 1995 at a lecture on Pycnogenol which is an OPC…we were told OPC’s MAY prevent cancer….I got on “P” and since went to grape seed extract and it’s 20+ yrs on this antioxidant. So far so good…got rid of a lifetime of allergies/sinus issues.
I eat pretty good but NOT perfect whatever that would be.
FDA. has approved an adjunct to the mammography, it is Infared Thermography. It is Thermal Regulation. This does a wonderful job of displaying the bodys physiology in a 7 page report with signature gradings and a graph.
Can this article be updated with information about the Infrared Thermography and current stats about the efficacy and cancer rates after mammography’s in Canada and the USA.
Also, are there current, 2017, stats from experiments conducted with the WAPF diet recommendations and cancer rates?
Is there an updated version of this article? If you are going to promote this informtion on Twitter shouldn’t it be up to date? I am hesitant to share it for this reason.
Ok, wish I had read this years ago. I just have had a breast cancer finding on a biopsy. I have no clue where to turn next. They are sending me to a surgeon. I am going to pick up my results from the lab to learn what it says. Can anyone give me help. Names of doctors to show the results to so I can get a second opinion. I have been on hormones most of my life, but doctors have been no help. I wonder if I can find a way off of them or get a correct doseage, could this go away? I have horrible issues and can’t function without them. I had an acupucturist wean me off of them almost completely, then he had to move. I had to start going to Mexico. At some point the brand I was taking was no longer produced. I think what i had to substitute has too much estrogen, but when I tried to cur back, all my issues reared their ugly head, but I had normal mammograms for years until this change was made. I live paycheck to paycheck. I cannot afford a decent doctor or a lot of supplements.
For hormone issues, check out a product called happy hormones. It was first made in Australia, and have since come to America for manufacturing, and shipping. Their website is happyhealthyyou.com. This stuff has been amazing for my daughter and I who suffer from PMDD, which is like million times worse then PMS. It saved our sanity and our house from disaster. This stuff works with your body to help balance hormones. It’s great stuff.
I had ultrasound of my breast a few because I have dense tissue and pain in my breast
Then the GI doctor told me oh ultrasound creates false negatives meaning they miss it.
He suggested MRI with tracer well the tracer Is toxic, So, I’m just getting stupid mammogram 3D lowest level radiation. I saw Dr. Simonicini said he cures breast cancer in two weeks using baking soda. He basically said give anyone that has that and I will cure them Wow, so if he is right and it is a fungus since fungus loves sugar well it really makes me think. I realize they tried to keep a lid on this doctor but he is on to something . I’m not saying that is the case for all but he has cured people lots of them.
Breast Thermography is an FDA cleared, non-invasive and painless way to screen for breast cancer without radiation or compression of the breast. It uses state of the art medical infrared technology to assess heat in the breast. Comparative exams create a baseline for monitoring breast health based on individual thermal patterns and changes. I’d love to see this article updated to include this wonderful option that actually can empower us all with information and inspire us to maintain vibrant levels of health. It is recommended from puberty on and used to track breast health over time. Thank you for all the work that is done through the foundation to educate and support our communities far and wide!
I was heavily pressured to get my first mammogram when I went in for an annual. I was 38 and my first born was 9months old and I was breast feeding. I had my infant on my hip. I declined, I explained to three different office personal that I was breast feeding, the third person followed me out to the parking lot! That’s when I lost it! I put the baby in the truck and I told her off at the top of my lungs. They acted shocked that I was “still” nursing! I nursed him until he was five. They assured me that a mammogram would not negatively impact my nursing WTAF…. I will not be participating and these extreme tactics are hugely off putting.
I know your comment is old but this just infuriates me and makes me shake my head. Did those fools realize that had you submitted to the test you would have leaked milk all over their equipment? It also tells you just how much money they make from procedures if they get that worked up when someone refuses one.
Every single effing time for the last 10 years I have a mammogram, the radiologist reading the films always finds “something” he or she doesn’t like the looks of. I have calcium deposits, fatty tissue and even a core needle biopsy done in 2008 for a fibroadenoma. The people at the facility I go to want me back “every 6 months to make sure nothing has changed”. NOT DOING IT!