A recent report by Kaayla Daniel alleges that a product the Weston A. Price Foundation recommends, Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil, is “rancid” and “putrid.”
These concerns were brought to the attention of the WAPF Board of Directors last year and we immediately looked into this matter. Independent lab results from the Leicester School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. Leicester, UK found no signs of rancidity in Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil. The full findings as well as test results showing no markers of putrefaction can be found at: http://www.westonaprice.org/uncategorized/concerns-about-fermented-cod-liver-oil/
Here is our response to the report – QUESTIONS ABOUT FERMENTED COD LIVER OIL
We will be reporting further on various aspects of cod liver oil, including processing techniques, in the Fall 2015 journal.
Meanwhile, we continue to endorse this product.
Please contact the Foundation at info@westonaprice.org or (202) 363-4395 if you wish further information.
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My main concern is the fact that the lab report did a dna test and said the fish isn’t even cod. I understand cod and pollock are in the same family, but they are 2 different fish. What is your stance on that? Do you have a report that has tested the type of fish?
Cod is a common name for a genus of fish, Gadus. The fact that some of the species of fish in that Genus are commonly called cod and others Alaskan pollock is immaterial. they’re all part of the genus. they’re all cods.
Tiger and Lion are part of the same genus; if someone advertised something as Tiger blood, but instead it was Lion blood, would you be ok with it?
What asinine and specious reasoning.
Sam, your argument is not logical. Instead a better comparison would be if you bought “Large Cat” blood (Why would anyone do this?). If people then called a lion a large cat, that wouldn’t negate the fact that a tiger is also a large cat.
Perhaps you think of the Atlantic Cod as the only true cod. This however has no scientific basis.
“Gadus is a genus of demersal fish in the family Gadidae, commonly known as cod, although there are additional cod species in other genera. The best known member of the genus is the Atlantic cod. “
Better yet, both hops and cannabis are in the same family (cannabaceae). How would you like it if you paid for one and got the other?
In the Linnaean classification system, “Family” is much broader than “Genus.” So, your comment makes little sense.
I thoroughly reviewed dr. Daniel information about her findings from 10 laboratories the did show rancidity computer for creation in the green pasture cod liver oil. So how do you explain the differences between what your labs observed, and what her labs observed? this is a very serious dilemma since I have many patients taking this product, including myself, but I am very reluctant to use it anymore. I just received a new bottle and when I opened it the smell was awful, very metallic and chemically odorous. I hope this issue can be resolved quickly.
Sorry for the poor English and misspelling. Obviously my auto word doesnt understsnd me. Must be my Texas accent.
I think you get the message anyway.That’s what I get for being in a hurry!
I think more than one study needs to be conducted here, especially since Dr. Daniel had 4 independent studies done that prove different results!
There seems to be a lot of concerned people here and I do not feel like you are addressing them appropriately. The FCLO is in your homemade baby formula, please make this a bigger priority. Thank you
A lot of you are understandably impatient. This is our top priority so I don’t know how we make it any bigger. Daniel’s report took months to generate and everyone wants a detailed answer in minutes. It’s going to take a little time.
Tim, in the article I’m sharing a link to, we can read that an immediate test was done on the FCLO, but here you’re stating reports can take months to generate. Something smells…fishy!
Apparently you have not read Dr. Daniel’s report. It is over 100 pages long with many different accusations, complex technical issues and speculations (not just one FCLO test) and many people want answers to every detail now. There is clearly dated material in that report that shows she has been working on it for at least 6 months. Only the rancidity issue was brought up in October and the board did address that (although many seem to want to ignore that) and Dr. Daniel did not respond further at that time, leading everyone to believe the issue was resolved. I don’t know what you smell but it isn’t me. I am not being flip when I say it realistically will take more than a few minutes to answer 100 pages of material in a way that respects our members and followers. We plan to have more information tomorrow and will continue to address all those details as soon as possible.
After seeing the report from one of the people who should know what is going on at the Weston Price Foundation, I was very concerned that I have been promoting the fermented cod liver oil as well as the Foundation for a wonderful go to place. I’ll be looking forward to seeing the report.
It will be interesting to read your extended response to Dr. Daniel’s report.
In reading your post from February, linked here, “Concerns about Fermented Cod Liver Oil,” you discuss three specific markers of rancidity: peroxide value, anisidine value, and malondialdehyde. According to the explanation Daniel provides in her report, these are not necessarily reliable indicators for rancidity. The analysis you link to above does not include any reference to free fatty acids, which in my reading of Daniel’s report seems the more damning part as concerns the specific issue of rancidity (pp 22-23).
Daniel writes: “The marine oils experts I talked to all found the FFA and Acid Value numbers to be shockingly high, and several lab managers said FCLO was the most rancid fish liver oil they’d ever tested. They based their opinion on both objective lab data and subjective organoleptic impressions from of smell, taste, texture” (p.22).
She continues, “Yet Wetzel insists there is no problem. He argues Free Fatty Acid level is “not an oxidative marker,” that high Free Fatty Acid levels in his product are desirable, and that textbooks that disagree with his position need to be revised” (22). I am not aware of any scientific expertise or qualifications that Dave Wentzel has, that he would be in a position to argue this point. Does he have a scientific background?
I hope that you will be discussing in detail the findings regarding FFA & Acid Value from Dr Daniel’s report. Thank you.
A few things to consider: Daniel’s researchers say it’s the most rancid oil they’ve ever tasted. I’ve never sensed it was rancid, just fermented. So taste/smell impressions may not be valid if these researchers have never been acquainted with fermented products before. But the more serious concern is that this oil may not even be cod liver oil, but rather oil from a different fish that does not possess the same nutritional values as cod liver. WAPF needs to confirm for us that 1) the oil is indeed cod liver oil; 2) that it is not rancid; 3) that it does indeed contain beneficial ratios of vitamins A and D. If lab analyses are wildly different, then we need to figure out why that is. Is it possible that lab analyses of oil are entirely bogus, that there really are no true standards or system of analyses that can be deemed reliable? This is a big deal that WAPF needs to address if it wishes to remain credible in the field of health and nutrition.
KF stated:
“WAPF needs to confirm for us that … ”
Actually they don’t need to do anything. The manufacturer of the product, Green Pastures, needs to do this. They need to do it in a way which jibes with Dr. Daniel’s lab reports and subsequent analysis, otherwise we know based on Dr. Daniel’s paper that 1) it is not cod liver oil, 2) it is rancid, and 3) has an inconsequential amount of fat soluble vitamins.
WAPF may not “need” to confirm anything, but as the #1 promoter of cod liver oil, and fermented cod liver oil specifically, if WAPF doesn’t address these concerns then they will absolutely need to post Daniel’s research and remove any and all recommendations for fermented cod liver on their site. This site had been pushing people to feed this stuff to their infants! I think WAPF very definitely NEEDS to address this issue as thoroughly as possible. WAPF can insist on Green Pastures doing the leg-work, but it hasn’t been Green Pastures pushing this stuff so aggressively – it has been one of WAPF’s biggest message to the public.
I am deeply disturbed about all of this, and will no longer use Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil, or for that matter, any kind of fish oil. According to Dr. Daniel trans fats were also detected. TRANS FATS!!! For gosh sakes I have been eating Weston A Price foods to strictly avoid having trans fats. I no longer will support the Weston Price Foundation, and I would like them to disclose who is profiting financially from the promotion.
There are plenty of trans-fats in dairy products that are actually healthy for you. The term trans-fat refers to the chemical structure of a fat molecule and not whether it’s healthful or not. GOOD trans-fats are formed in ruminant animals from the FERMENTATION process that goes on in their stomach(s). You want to avoid PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED oils which create BAD trans-fats, but Green Pastures is not hydrogenating get their oil!
The WAPF does great work. Even if the oil is found to be suboptimal, the foundation still has its heart in the right place. Who knows… Daniels could be wrong? Maybe she’s right? In any case, I think you’re throwing the baby out with the bath water.
The credibility of WAPF is definitely on the line here. Tim Boyd’s flippant reply does not help. The least you can do is have a little respect . This whole thing is incredibly disheartening.
I agree that this is incredibly disturbing. I have been using GP products along with my family members for several years, even my dog! My patients, some of whom have serious health issues, are using the FCLO as well. The burden to verify and ascertain the truth here is so high. I trust the Foundation but truly hope that there is no financial interest here that may cause a bias.
An enemy who becomes a friend will always be a friend; a friend turned enemy will remain so forever.
N. Taleb
What could Dr. Daniels have to gain by working on this for a year other than to expose the truth? SHE isn’t selling anything.
Sometimes ideas are more powerful than money. Just sayin’
There’s no way to prove either way that she’s profiting, or not, in some way from her report.
With the way that corporations and investments are done in the world today you or I cannot readily find information about someone. Would take a forensic accountant to do that.
Sigh… this rift that Dr. Daniel has caused is extremely troublesome. I don’t think Mr. Boyd’s response was flippant. Just asking for patience to answer very complex issues. I have read the entire report of Dr. Daniel. I am disturbed by the redacted lab names. (What lab would not stand by their results? ) And I’d like to have her allegations looked into closely. Not whether it’s cod or not (silly) or that there isn’t much Vit. D (it’s mostly A- that’s a given) But if it’s being mixed with some other oils, that’s a serious issue.
But the most disturbing thing is that she did not present a balanced report. She was invited to tour and see first hand the manufacturing plant and process. Instead of spending all that time theorizing on the process, why didn’t she check it out?
If there are problems, they need to be addressed. But the yellow journalism approach has left me feeling like she was trying to gain further name recognition only. If solving potential problems was her goal, after obtaining her further lab evidence (which is not a problem) , she should have shared that with the Foundation first. Together, they could take this to Green Pasture. She is a Vice President of the WAPF. There is a chain of command for dealing with problems – real or perceived. Her approach was not only unprofessional, but I believe harmful.
I have no ties to this administration, but I am a member of WAPF. I had great admiration for Dr. Daniel before this. Now I am just very disappointed and bewildered.
And I am an aquaria buff. Alaskan Pollack is a codfish. Fish and plants often have common names that don’t reflect their family in their name. But they are indeed a cod. And not endangered. And are sustainably fished. Mr. Wetzel has blogged about this. No DNA testing was needed. This particular part of her tabloid style of yellow journalism is just plain silly.
How very, very unprofessional her tactics have been. And how very destructive. Again, I am really disappointed in her. I guess it will help her sell more books. Or launch that webinar she’s now talking about doing. Nice… (not) .
Agree 100% with the points you make! That said, I’m not taking the FCLO in my fridge until the dust settles. Many nutritionists are beginning to wonder in their blogs if we really need to take fish oils at all.
If you follow Masterjohn’s work, you’ll walk away with the impression that fish oils aren’t necessary for their omega 3, just their vitamin content (provided your diet is low in industrial oils like corn, soy, CONola… you know the usual suspects. )
Only she can answer to what her true motives are. In my personal view it is something other than her stated objective.
Hostile takeovers can be done in any number of ways.
Investments can make people insane if they think they can profit greatly from the destruction of elements that run counter to their investment.
And then there are all the other aspects of a persons personal life that can invade their professional life and cause them to act irrationally.
I just ordered more Fermented Cod Liver Oil and I fully intend to ingest it. My physiology has changed so much as I have aged that anything that causes a negative effect registers within a few hours. I have no qualms about the product to date.
I don’t know dr. Daniels, and so will withhold a change in judgement on a product I do know. There have been many studies that prove a thing is bad only to be proven later that those studies failed to take something vital into account, and opinions then get reversed. Personally I see the doctors website as a bit over the top and sensationalistic. Why do I have to sign up for her emails to get the “full” story? I for one am glad that this organization is taking time to fully investigate claims from someone who seems so bent on destroying one type of product. I suspect her motives and objectivity. And wonder at everyone’s apparent willingness to throw out the reputation of the Weston price foundation just because someone with a PhD said we should.. I know a lot of PhDs that I wouldn’t trust for opinions on natrual products. Come on folks use some common sense, if you’ve been using it and I haven’t personally experienced bad results why all the alarm?
Dr. Daniel’s is the vice president of the Weston A Price foundation, so this isn’t just accepting the word of “someone with a PhD”. And being the vice president of this foundation, I would suspect that she doesn’t have a bias against natural products.
Thank you for that clarification, after doing some reading- that required me to sign up for a newsletter I don’t want- I learned about her connection to the foundation. From my point of view she was just another super blogger using a PHD to sell her opinions and get you to sign up for her newsletter. Her affiliation to this foundation lends her more credibility. Unike many of the responders I am not a member of this organization but like Marty am disappointed by her tactics and after reading the report still feel like she has some personal vendetta or something to gain from the report. Maybe Sally Fallon’s job? her report seems to say that she has different ideas of what Dr.Price would and wouldn’t support seemingly based on the same writings Sally Fallon follows. If what she claims is true, This is bad for more than just Dave Whetzal..
I agree completely. Following the Weston Price nutritional approach has been key to better health for my patients; Dr Daniel’s approach is more than a little suspect to me.
I would like a simple question answered. Do any board members of WAP have financial ties or are investors with Green Pastures? I find it extremely concerning that Dr. Daniels brought her concerns regarding fclo to the board a year ago and very little, if anything, was done. Thank you, Dr. Daniels, for doing this research to protect those who trust WAP recommendations! I have purchased GP clo/bo for 10 years. I am beyond disappointed.
Agree with the comments of Marty and Eva. Daniels is hellbent on destroying Green Pastures. Why? There’s something very fishy about her motivations behind her quest to reveal the “truth”. I’ll leave the truth finding to WAPF and am awaiting the unsensational presentation of the facts supporting or rebutting Daniel’s National Enquirer accusations forthcoming in the Winter Quarterly.
I’m just curious why Kaayla Daniel did not discuss this with WAPF board of members (or did she) and why she did not mention the name of labs that found the so called rancidity in FCLO? Is she still with WAPF? If she’s correct that won’t change my view on the WAPF but will definitely stop taking FCLO and would be very disappointed.
It is worth remembering that plenty of people are receiving benefits from the FCLO and that hasn’t changed. Only Dr. Ron seems to have reported heart failure, and he was taking 2-3 tablespoons a day for years. His symptoms seem more consistent with vitamin D toxicity, which is exactly what you would expect with such massive amounts of FCLO. I wouldn’t rush to dump your FCLO until WAPF has had a chance to respond. It is also worth visiting the Green Pastures site to hear directly from Dave Wetzel who states that Daniels was invited to visit the operation herself, but she never responded. That in itself is a bit “fishy”. This may have a larger political component to it, so we will just need to wait until WAPF responds, which I trust they will.
I thought a more detailed statement was going to be released today (Wednesday)? Looks like it might take longer. Could you give us an update on when you expect to it? Thanks
sorry meant to say “when to expect it” thanks
It’s already Thursday 2PM ET and no response from the foundation. Everybody is anxious to know more about their position on the matter. We need to know. At least the foundation could give us some news on when their report will be released.
For those who are awaiting a response from WAPF and have not noticed the announcement and link at the top this article and are looking for a response in these comments, here is a repeat of the link:
Here is our response to the report – QUESTIONSABOUTFERMENTEDCODLIVEROILFinal
For those of you who ask “What motive does Dr. Daniel have for making her report public” – apply some common sense. Dr. Daniel HAS a motive. It just hasn’t come to light yet. And we are witnessing a power struggle. Daniels, by publishing this strident “expose” has damaged WAPF in her attempt to destroy Green Pasture. I consider Daniel’s report – with the labs redacted and unidentifiable and the trashy writing style as well as her speculations and theories – to be UNcredible.
After reading Daniel’s “expose” and judging it to be slanderous and without merit, I placed an order for FLCO/BO with Green Pasture. I am amazed by so many long-time users of FCLO who now believe they have been duped into consuming rancid and putrid oil. How incredulous you are. Don’t you recognize a snake-oil salesman – Daniels – when you see one? Stop acting like lemmings!
As for Dr. Daniel’s motive, I can think of one. Green Pasture has been successful in developing and marketing a product. Its competitors aren’t willing to do what GP has done and compete fairly. And so a competitor COULD ruin GPs reputation and drive GP into bankruptcy, then buy out the business, declare they’ve cleaned up operations, and sell FCLO themselves. Perhaps Daniel is a tool being used by GPs competitors. Note: I am speculating. This is not an accusation. It is simply one of probably a dozen possibilities we know nothing about at this time, and may never know.
Fallon’s response to Daniels report is satisfactory. And the Wise Traditions Winter Q will discuss this issue IN FULL, so get a grip on yourselves and withhold your accusations and judgment until then.
I spent several hours rereading all three of Mr. Gumpert’s blog posts and accompanying comments. I replied to several, but would like to point out a few things that have not yet been said.
It is my opinion that this was a carefully orchestrated propaganda blitzkrieg which began rolling out on August 6, 2015 with the PPNF’s article “Cod Liver Oil: A Historical perspective.” About a week later, Dr. Schmid published his story “Too Much of a NOT so Good Thing;
A True Story from Dr. Ron,” in his newsletter and on his website. On August 15th Corganic posted the PPNF article on their Facebook Page and on the 20th they published “Would EVCLO be considered as “Excellent” by Weston A. Price himself?” on their website. http://www.corganic.com/blog/weston-a-price-cod-liver-oil. On August 20th Dr. Daniel publishes her article “Hook Line and Stinker,” Erin Elizabeth from Health Nut News http://www.healthnutnews.com/breaking-phd-vice-president-of-weston-price-foundation-writes-damning-report-on-fermented-cod-liver-oil/ …..and Sarah Smith from Nourished and Nurtured http://nourishedandnurtured.blogspot.com/2015/08/shocking-test-results-for-fermented-cod.html
All of above have ties to one another and/or Corganic. Of course, David Gumperts blog posts began on August 22nd as well.
However, the timeline and alliances really start much earlier than that. In 2009 Kaayla Daniel stayed at my house while she was in town to speak at the Farm to Table Conference in Pittsburgh. I was also a client of hers. During her visit she told me that she was very unhappy with Sally Fallon’s decision to publish “The Whole Soy Story,” and she believes that this decision caused her to lose books sales because this made the book more expensive and difficult for most to afford. Likewise, Dr. Schmid has complained to many within WAPF that he was very unhappy with some editing choices Sally made in publishing his book. But the most shocking thing she shared that weekend was her concerned over Bio-Kult, and that it may contain a strain of bacteria (streptococcus thermophiles) that could be deadly. She told me that she thought there may be a connection to Chapter Leader Deidre Welch’s sudden death from a brain aneurysm and it may have been due to the Bio-Kult she was taking. Dr. Daniel told me that another woman in North Carolina also died under similar circumstances and that Kaayla had shared her concerns with Sally Fallon. In recent conversations, Sally (and other board members) confirmed that Kaayla did approach her about Bio-Kult with the premise that it may be related to Deidre’s death, as well as a women in North Carolina which Kaayla never did name. Kaayla even contacted Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, but with no documentation to back up her claim.
I knew Deidre, back when she was Deidre Currie. She was amazing and absolutely gorgeous; we were all devastated by her loss. I never heard anything more about issues with Bio-Kult and just assumed that they were not able to find any direct link, but my family and I did, for some time, discontinue using Bio-Kult because of Kaayla’s expressed concerns over this product.
I think it is important to point out that Diedre’s husband is a co-founder of Corganic. I had never looked at their website until this controversy over Green Pasture Products FCLO erupted and I find interesting that Corganic also sells a probiotic. On their website, they state that their product does not contain “unwanted additives” such as cellulose, soy, milk and specifically that “No strains that are reported to cause reactions (e.g. streptococcus thermophilus, etc).” All of which are contained in Bio-Kult. There are some associations here that I feel are more than coincidental.
Continuing… on 1/14/03 Sarah Smith of Nourished and Nurtured, who was mentioned earlier and advertises Corganic on her website, published her first blog degrading GPP in favor of Corganic in a post titled “Why We Stopped Taking Fermented Cod Liver Oil.” http://nourishedandnurtured.blogspot.com/2013/01/why-we-stopped-taking-fermented-cod.html
Sometime in March 2015 (I don’t recall exactly) Dave Wetzel contacted me about accusations Dr. Daniel had made about his products. He told me that he offered to fly Kaayla up to his facility, all expenses paid, so that she could get a better understanding of his manufacturing process, but that she never responded to his offer. He was devastated by the accusations and began sending samples out immediately for testing. I had not heard anything further about any of this until the blitzkrieg began, culminating in the release of the Dr. Daniel’s “Hook Line and Stinker.” It took me a week to finally finish reading her venomous article which made me physically ill to read.
So about now you are wondering what my connection is to GPP, so here’s it is.
I became a WAPF Chapter Leader in 2004. A year later I started a business selling nutrient dense foods, including GPP Blue Ice Cod Liver Oil (before FCLO had been developed), Celtic Sea Salt and Nature’s Blessings Coconut Oil, etc. In 2010, I couldn’t afford to pay for the Wise Traditions Conference so I asked Dave Wetzel if he needed any help at his booth. Dave had always been very helpful to me in explaining his products, but I knew the best place to learn would be standing at the booth so that I could to listen to him answer questions, and ask a few of my own. My daughter Katie, came along and sold raffle tickets all weekend, along with Dave’s daughter, for the Alaska trip that the Wetzels donated to the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. My daughters and I have done this every year since.
A couple years later, after a series of difficult moves for my family, I decided to close my business. Shortly after that, and without knowing what I had decided, Dave asked if I could work for him to handle product questions. It is a very, very part time job, and I was only contracted with them for one year. Since then, I am happy to put in a few hours throughout the year so that I might attend one of the best conferences of the year, as one of his helpers at the Green Pasture booth.
I would also like to point out that I am no longer a WAPF Chapter Leader for the Pittsburgh Area, which I had done for 10 years. Nor am I even a member. I made this decision in the spring of 2014, just a year and a half after receiving the Activist Award at the 2012 Wise Tradition Conference, when my activism began pulling me away from spreading the great information provided by the WAPF, and I began shifting my focus toward protecting my family and my organic farm from the dangers of natural gas extraction, or fracking. We may have differences of opinion on certain topics, and it can take time to work through disagreements, but I will not throw the baby out with the bath water and I fully support their position on this cod liver oil debate.
It is no secret that the PPNF has been at odds with the WAPF. Anyone who has been involved with this organization as long as I have is no doubt aware of their strained relationship. In my opinion, the timing of the release of the PPNF article, followed shortly after with Facebook posts by Corganic, is highly suspect. This is a direct attack against GPP, although not quite as blatant as the language used in a publication Corganic intended to distribute at the 2012 WT conference in Santa Clara, CA. Sally insisted that they remove the publication as they would not tolerate any company bashing another to increase their own bottom line. Copies are still available if you would like to see one.
It’s really not hard to connect the dots. A few internet searches will verify everything I have said. I am so deeply disappointed by the actions of the people involved in all of this and I am devastated for the Wetzel Family. They are the nicest and most generous people I know. Dave worked very hard on his products and believed in what he had learned from the WAPF; that there were traditional methods to so many food preparations and he discovered that cod liver oil was no exception. He has released as much as he can, as far as manufacturing and testing, but he has a recipe to protect! For crying out loud!!! The accusations that he has not been forthcoming are so unfair. People in this community have been quick to judge and point fingers, yet no one has taken into consideration that he has a lot of time and money invested in his product, and he has the right hold some proprietary secrets.
I hope this community will take a step back and take a look at the key players in this propaganda campaign. Some of you have been unwitting accomplices promoting lies that all originate from the same source.
I find your comment very interesting.
Thank you Carrie for sharing this inside information. For the past several days I have been researching and reading as much as I could to get to the truth about all this. Things do seem to be a bit ‘fishy!’ I believe I will stick with GP products for the time being as I have been using FCLO for a few years now and have never had a problem. I will trust that everything will work itself out over time. May the truth come forward to the benefit of the ones who are honest and fair in all this. Thanks again for sharing your story.
Thank you for taking the time to explain the logical flow of events. I really appreciate your side of the story and your insights. I will continue to take FCLO as I am not convinced that it is rancid.
I hope that people are also aware that David Gumpert is now editing and deleting posts on his blog. It appears he has an agenda…..
David Wetzel has tested his product and posted about it:
Just some remarks:
-Both persons that resigned (Daniel and Onusic) have now a strongly marketing oriented homepage. Putting a PhD into you “www address” does tell you a lot. Kaayla Daniel (KD) is strongly marketing Vital Proteins which also sells “liver pills”. Just saying. Her way of writing is a bit “pop shock” in order to get you confused. Never liked it. Very subjective.
Onusic and Daniel are nutriotionists. Do not forget what that means. It must not be confused with dietitians. The later is much more difficult to acquire, that is why you do not see it that often. It is also far more rarely misused.
-What has Sally Fallon body posture got to do with cod liver oil?! (a strongly subjective remark in KD blog)
-oseph Mercola is a known hoax who uses pseudoscience and his “authority” to boost his own sellings. KD loves to quote his endorsments on her page.
-BE AWARE OF PEOPLE WHO “MISUSE” THEIR credentials. Like when they put an “dr.” in front of their name. It clearly plays the authority card. Neither of them has a medical background.
-when something looks rotten it often turns out to be true…