Q. My milk supply is low and I need to supplement. But I only need about 12 ounces a day. Can I make a batch and freeze the rest that is not needed that day? Also, how does this work while traveling?
A. Yes, you can do this, or make half a batch and use over a couple of days. When traveling, you can carry one cold bottle and several frozen bottles.
Q. I breastfeed my four-month-old but don’t produce enough milk. Is it okay to give her plain ole raw milk as well as my breastmilk? Just wondering why infants can’t just have the raw milk.
A. After about eight months you can do that. . . in the early months, if you are still breastfeeding, it should at least be thinned with whey or water, and the lactose added.
Q. My family of three have been following the WAP diet for two years now. Lots of raw milk, butter cheese, and yogurt (among other things). We now have an exclusively breastfed two-month old. He had been extremely gassy, so the lactation consultant suggested I cut dairy for two weeks, and I have. He seemed to be much better! Then I added dairy for a day, and the next day he was back with his gas. How do I eat the quality nutrient-dense foods needed for breastfeeding if I can’t have the good stuff??
A. This is quite strange. I would cut out the dairy foods one by one–just one at a time, to see whether it is all dairy or just some dairy products. I certainly would continue eating butter!
Q. I have a question about your raw cow milk baby formula. I’ve been supplementing my three-month-old baby with your raw cow’s milk baby formula since he was about three weeks old. I am wondering about the recommended serving size you suggest feeding a three-month-old baby?
Since I am also breastfeeding I don’t want to give him more than two or three ounces but he will sometimes ask for more and ends up drinking five or six ounces at a time…is this ok? Is there a point you can overfeed a baby?
He just had a doctor’s appointment today and according to the growth rate chart he is growing at a 90 percent rate in comparison to the average three-month-old. I am concerned about overfeeding him with too much raw cow’s milk and that his little body might get congested or not function super well because of it.
A. Sounds like he will grow up to be a big boy! I would not worry about it, give him what he wants–otherwise you might have a very fussy baby. When he is four months, you can add some solid food (egg yolks and pureed liver for starters) and he will probably cut back on the milk.
Q. Do we know if the populations that Price compared (traditional versus modern) both breastfed their young?
A. The traditional ones did, but we don’t know about the modernized ones. But if you are thinking that breastfeeding gives straight teeth, see the discussion here: scroll down to the last sidebar.
Q. Please can you explain more comprehensively why algae oil is not suitable for babies? What is bad about it? My baby is already taking vitamins with A and D.
A. One reason is they use hexane for extracting it; another is that the arachidonic acid is probably rancid; and there may be other impurities. What we do know is that it often causes diarrhea in babies.
Q. I have a son who is almost a year old and he is breastfed and on the Nourishing Traditions way of eating. He gets rashes a lot and I realized its most likely a phenol reaction, which limits us tremendously because a lot of the food (like liver, bananas, etc) are high phenols/histamine. I was wondering whehter you have ever dealt with this before and whether there is another route I can take to insure that he is fed properly but without getting rashes?
A. Yes, we have heard of this, and it is a difficult situation. My suggestion is to stick with a very simple diet, including raw whole milk, cod liver oil and plenty of good fats, and hopefully he will grow out of it.
Q. I have an eight-month-old little boy. I fed him an egg yolk with salt last night and he vomited several times. He did grimace while he was eating it so it could have been too salty. This happened a different time after he ate an egg yolk but by husband was eating an orange while holding him and gave him a little fresh squeezed juice on a spoon. I thought he threw up then because of the juice. Another time he ate an egg yolk he had a foul smelling diaper. The thing is that I was feeding him yolks before any of these incidents and he was fine. Just wondering what you think.
A. Looks like you will have to wait a little more on the egg yolk, but at 8 months, he needs to be getting other food. Try cooked organic chicken liver (should be very runny) pureed with some salt and butter. Get him used to other solid foods and then try the egg yolk again, even mixing a little into the other foods.
Q. Can I ask for more advice please, regarding feeding my little girl who is now 4 1/2 months? Is there any problem with starting her on the foods suggested for six-month-olds, such as fruits and vegetables? She has started on beef but it’s very grainy once blended and she chokes. I feel she would swallow it easier if it was blended with soft vegetables.
A. Whatever you are giving her at that age should be quite runny. Try pureed organic chicken liver–should be almost runny–with some butter and a little salt added. Yes, you can add some soft vegetables to it as well, but you need to only add one new food at a time and watch for her reaction.
Q. My baby is 4 months old now and has eczema caused by dust mites. I tried to clean everything but he still he hasn’t improved. I read about cod liver oil to be given to baby.
In Indonesia, the only brands available are Carlson, Arctic cod liver oil, Blackmores, Childlife, Nature Bounty, Swanson and germanium. Any recommendations? Looking for best option. Thanks a lot!
A. Use the cod liver oil with the highest level of vitamin D. You can give a little to the baby and also rub it on the eczema.
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Melinda Bockes says
I would like a recommendation for a calcium magnesium supplement that is easily absorbed in the body for my 3 1/2 year old who does not get enough in his diet. Thank you.
Mahalia says
For the people with histamine reactions, look up heal your gut gut, frank tufano, candidia slayer, on YouTube, also I belive Chris masterjohn has some good info on this. The key is to heal the gut, this includes many things.
J says
For me it was due to Vitamin A deficiency
I tell everyone; if you have blackheads on your nose you are deficient in Vitamin A
Also, don’t overdo Vitamin A. 10,000 iu/day for a month or two should remedy the problem. Then 2-3k/day
30% of Europeans cannot synthesize enough Vit A from beta carotene
Mackenzie says
My baby is 7.5 months old and has been on homemade formula for 5.5 months and doing great. I saw something about transitioning to just milk at 8 months if baby is mature- just wondering how to transition or know if it’s right? She is 98% on everything and loving all food we introduce. Thank you!
Cassandra says
My 6mo has been on the nourishing traditions cows milk formula since birth due to my insufficient breast milk supply. All is well except, he doesn’t sleep well at night. (My older son had the same situation). He is up 6-12 times every night. He is getting solids now, but doesn’t like any of it (gagging even though food is very runny). Is there any other parents on this formula who have a similar experience? and a solution?
Jonella says
One of my children didn’t enjoy solids until 9 or 10 months.
Sarah Carter says
Is cod liver oil recommended for children? I have a 1&3yo
Chelsea Yergensen says
Hello. I’m trying to find a regimen to help with my 2.5 year olds tooth decay. I want to avoid oral surgery. Please help. Thank you
Leslie says
Is soaked almond flour a good food to make snacks for babies?
Caroline says
I believe that nuts and grains are too hard to digest for a small baby, wait until the baby is over 1 year to introduce slowly properly prepared grains and nuts.
Mckenzie says
Hi there. I just started supplementing my almost 11 month old with raw cows milk along with his breastmilk. He is a very healthy and robust boy, eats a lot of solids as well. He loves the raw milk, and is happy as can be when drinking it. His Poo however had some white/cream color in it. It wasn’t runny or in any other way concerning. Is that just fat?
Joey says
I have a 11 month old. How much raw milk is good to give? Also can I give a whole egg now not just the yolk?
She has a lot of sun spots. We just moved to florida and it’s really humid. What can I do to clear this up?
Annie says
My baby is 13 months and has small bumps all over her legs and arms. A PA friend of mine told me it was Millia and will go away on its own. However, some days it seems more intense than other days. We give her raw milk and follow most of WAPD nutrient dense foods in her meals. Have you heard of this before? Does that seem like an allergic reaction or maybe she needs a detox?