Translations: Spanish
“Good broth will resurrect the dead,” says a South American proverb. Said Escoffier: “Indeed, stock is everything in cooking. Without it, nothing can be done.”
A cure-all in traditional households and the magic ingredient in classic gourmet cuisine, stock or broth made from bones of chicken, fish and beef builds strong bones, assuages sore throats, nurtures the sick, puts vigor in the step and sparkle in love life–so say grandmothers, midwives and healers. For chefs, stock is the magic elixir for making soul-warming soups and matchless sauces.
Meat and fish stocks play a role in all traditional cuisines—French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, African, South American, Middle Eastern and Russian. In America, stock went into gravy and soups and stews. That was when most animals were slaughtered locally and nothing went to waste. Bones, hooves, knuckles, carcasses and tough meat went into the stock pot and filled the house with the aroma of love. Today we buy individual filets and boneless chicken breasts, or grab fast food on the run, and stock has disappeared from the American tradition.
Please note that this article previously referenced calcium in broth, however we’ve since learned it is actually not a rich source, so we’ve removed those statements. Read Is bone broth mineral-rich? by Nourished Kitchen to learn more! Also, see Dr. Kaayla Daniel’s video on the topic.
Grandmother Knew Best
Science validates what our grandmothers knew. Rich homemade chicken broths help cure colds. Stock contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons–stuff like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain.
Fish stock, according to traditional lore, helps boys grow up into strong men, makes childbirth easy and cures fatigue. “Fish broth will cure anything,” is another South American proverb. Broth and soup made with fishheads and carcasses provide iodine and thyroid-strengthening substances.
When broth is cooled, it congeals due to the presence of gelatin. The use of gelatin as a therapeutic agent goes back to the ancient Chinese. Gelatin was probably the first functional food, dating from the invention of the “digestor” by the Frenchman Papin in 1682. Papin’s digestor consisted of an apparatus for cooking bones or meat with steam to extract the gelatin. Just as vitamins occupy the center of the stage in nutritional investigations today, so two hundred years ago gelatin held a position in the forefront of food research. Gelatin was universally acclaimed as a most nutritious foodstuff particularly by the French, who were seeking ways to feed their armies and vast numbers of homeless in Paris and other cities. Although gelatin is not a complete protein, containing only the amino acids arginine and glycine in large amounts, it acts as a protein sparer, helping the poor stretch a few morsels of meat into a complete meal. During the siege of Paris, when vegetables and meat were scarce, a doctor named Guerard put his patients on gelatin bouillon with some added fat and they survived in good health.
The French were the leaders in gelatin research, which continued up to the 1950s. Gelatin was found to be useful in the treatment of a long list of diseases including peptic ulcers, tuberculosis, diabetes, muscle diseases, infectious diseases, jaundice and cancer. Babies had fewer digestive problems when gelatin was added to their milk. The American researcher Francis Pottenger pointed out that as gelatin is a hydrophilic colloid, which means that it attracts and holds liquids, it facilitates digestion by attracting digestive juices to food in the gut. Even the epicures recognized that broth-based soup did more than please the taste buds. “Soup is a healthy, light, nourishing food” said Brillant-Savarin, “good for all of humanity; it pleases the stomach, stimulates the appetite and prepares the digestion.”
Attention to Detail
Stock or broth begins with bones, some pieces of meat and fat, vegetables and good water. For beef and lamb broth, the meat is browned in a hot oven to form compounds that give flavor and color–the result of a fusion of amino acids with sugars, called the Maillard reaction. Then all goes in the pot–meat, bones, vegetables and water. The water should be cold, because slow heating helps bring out flavors.
Heat the broth slowly and once the boil begins, reduce heat to its lowest point, so the broth just barely simmers. Scum will rise to the surface. This is a different kind of colloid, one in which larger molecules–impurities, alkaloids, large proteins called lectins–are distributed through a liquid. One of the basic principles of the culinary art is that this effluvium should be carefully removed with a spoon. Otherwise the broth will be ruined by strange flavors. Besides, the stuff looks terrible. “Always Skim” is the first commandment of good cooks.
Two hours simmering is enough to extract flavors and gelatin from fish broth. Larger animals take longer–all day for broth made from chicken, turkey or duck and overnight for beef broth.
Broth should then be strained. The leavings, picked over, can be used for terrines or tacos or casseroles. Perfectionists will want to chill the broth to remove the fat. Stock will keep several days in the refrigerator or may be frozen in plastic containers. Boiled down it concentrates and becomes a jellylike fumée or demi-glaze that can be reconstituted into a sauce by adding water.
Cutting Corners
Research on gelatin came to an end in the 1950s because the food companies discovered how to induce Maillard reactions and produce meat-like flavors in the laboratory. In a General Foods Company report issued in 1947, chemists predicted that almost all natural flavors would soon be chemically synthesized. And following the Second World War, food companies also discovered monosodium glutamate (MSG), a food ingredient the Japanese had invented in 1908 to enhance food flavors, including meat-like flavors. Humans actually have receptors on the tongue for glutamate. It is the protein in food that the human body recognizes as meat.
Any protein can be hydrolyzed to produce a base containing free glutamic acid or MSG. When the industry learned how to make the flavor of meat in the laboratory, using inexpensive proteins from grains and legumes, the door was opened to a flood of new products including bouillon cubes, dehydrated soup mixes, sauce mixes, TV dinners and condiments with a meaty taste. “Homemade” soup in most restaurants begins with a powdered soup base that comes in a package or can and almost all canned soups and stews contain MSG, often found in ingredients called hydrolyzed porteins. The fast food industry could not exist without MSG and artificial meat flavors to make “secret” sauces and spice mixes that beguile the consumer into eating bland and tasteless food.
Short cuts mean big profits for producers but the consumer is short changed. When homemade stocks were pushed out by cheap substitutes, an important source of minerals disappeared from the American diet. The thickening effects of gelatin could be mimicked with emulsifiers but the health benefits were lost.
Most serious, however, were the problems posed by MSG, problems the industry has worked very hard to conceal from the public. In 1957, scientists found that mice became blind and obese when MSG was administered by feeding tube. In 1969, MSG-induced lesions were found in the hypothalamus region of the brain. Other studies all point in the same direction–MSG is a neurotoxic substance that causes a wide range of reactions, from temporary headaches to permanent brain damage.
Why do consumers react to factory-produced MSG and not to naturally occurring glutamic acid found in food? One theory is that the glutamic acid produced by hydrolysis in factories contains many isomers in the right-handed form, whereas natural glutamic acid in meat and meat broths contains only the left-handed form. L-glutamic acid is a precursor to neurotransmitters, but the synthetic form, d-glutamic acid, may stimulate the nervous system in pathological ways.
A “Brothal” in Every Town
Peasant societies still make broth. It is also a necessity when meat is a luxury item, because gelatin in properly made broth helps the body use protein in an efficient way.
Thus, broth is a vital element in Asian cuisines–from the soothing long-simmered beef broth in Korean soups to the foxy fish broth with which the Japanese begin their day. Genuine Chinese food cannot exist without the stockpot that bubbles perpetually. Bones and scraps are thrown in and mineral-rich stock is removed to moisten stir-frys. Broth-based soups are snack foods from Thailand to Manchuria.
Asian restaurants in the US are likely to take shortcuts and use a powdered base for sweet and sour soup or kung pau chicken but in Japan and China and Korea and Thailand, mom-and-pop businesses make broth in steamy back rooms and sell it as soup in store fronts and on street corners.
What America needs is healthy fast food and the only way to provide this is to put brothals in every town, independently owned brothals that provide the basic ingredient for soups and sauces and stews. And brothals will come when Americans recognize that the food industry has prostituted itself to short cuts and huge profits, shortcuts that cheat consumers of the nutrients they should get in their food and profits that skew the economy towards industrialization in farming and food processing.
Until our diners and carryouts become places that produce real food, Americans can make broth in their own kitchens. It’s the easy way to produce meals that are both nutritious and delicious—and to acquire the reputation of an excellent cook.
Heads and Feet
If you’ve ever shopped in Europe, you’ve noticed that calves feet are displayed at the local butchers and chickens come with their heads and feet attached. Hooves, feet and heads are the most gelatinous portions of the animal and fetch high prices in traditional economies. In fact, Tysons exports the feet from American chickens to China. Jewish folklore considers the addition of chicken feet the secret to successful broth.
It’s hard to find these items in America. Asian and Latin American markets sometimes carry whole birds and some butchers in ethnic neighborhoods carry calves feet. If you have freezer space, you can buy frozen chicken feet and calves feet in bulk from meat wholesalers that cater to the restaurant trade. Have the butcher cut the calves feet into one-inch cubes and package them in 1-quart bags. For the most satisfactory results, use 2-4 chicken feet for chicken stock and about 2 pounds calves feet pieces for a large pot of beef stock.
Sauce Basics
Meat sauces are made from stocks that have been flavored and thickened in some way. Once you have learned the technique for making sauces—either clear sauces or thick gravies—you can ignore the recipe books and be guided by your imagination.
Reduction Sauces are produced by rapid boiling of gelatinous stock to produce a thick, clear sauce. The first step is to “deglaze” coagulated meat juices in the roasting pan or skillet by adding 1/2 cup to 1 cup wine or brandy, bringing to a boil and stirring with a wooden spoon to loosen pan drippings. Then add 3 to 4 cups stock, bring to a boil and skim. (Use chicken stock for chicken dishes, beef stock for beef dishes, etc.) The sauce may now be flavored with any number of ingredients, such as vinegar, mustard, herbs, spices, fresh orange or lemon juice, naturally sweetened jam, garlic, tomato paste, grated ginger, grated lemon rind, creamed coconut, whole coconut milk or cultured cream. Let sauce boil vigorously, uncovered, until reduced by at least one half, or until desired thickness is achieved. You may add about 1-2 teaspoons gelatin to promote better thickening, although this should be avoided by those with MSG sensitivities (as gelatin contains small amounts of MSG). Another way to thicken is to mix 2 tablespoons arrowroot powder with 2 tablespoons water. Gradually add this to the boiling sauce until the desired thickness is obtained. If sauce becomes too thick, thin with a little water. The final step in sauce-making is to taste and add sea salt if necessary.
Gravies are thickened with flour rather than by reduction. They are suitable for meats like roast chicken and turkey, which drip plenty of fat into the pan while cooking. After removing the roasting fowl and roasting rack, place pan on a burner. You should have at least 1/2 cup good fat drippings—if not, add some butter, goose fat or lard. Add about 1/2 cup unbleached flour to the fat and cook over medium high heat for several minutes, stirring constantly, until the flour turns light brown. Add 4 to 6 cups warm stock, bring to a boil and blend well with the fat-flour mixture, using a wire whisk. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes or so. Check for seasonings and add sea salt and pepper if necessary. You may also add herbs, cream, butter, whole coconut milk or creamed coconut.
Chicken Stock
1 whole free-range chicken or 2 to 3 pounds of bony chicken parts, such as necks, backs, breastbones and wings*
gizzards from one chicken (optional)
2-4 chicken feet (optional)
4 quarts cold filtered water
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 large onion, coarsely chopped
2 carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped
3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped
1 bunch parsley
*Note: Farm-raised, free-range chickens give the best results. Many battery-raised chickens will not produce stock that gels.
If you are using a whole chicken, cut off the wings and remove the neck, fat glands and the gizzards from the cavity. Cut chicken parts into several pieces. (If you are using a whole chicken, remove the neck and wings and cut them into several pieces.) Place chicken or chicken pieces in a large stainless steel pot with water, vinegar and all vegetables except parsley. Let stand 30 minutes to 1 hour. Bring to a boil, and remove scum that rises to the top. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 6 to 8 hours. The longer you cook the stock, the richer and more flavorful it will be. About 10 minutes before finishing the stock, add parsley. This will impart additional mineral ions to the broth.
Remove whole chicken or pieces with a slotted spoon. If you are using a whole chicken, let cool and remove chicken meat from the carcass. Reserve for other uses, such as chicken salads, enchiladas, sandwiches or curries. Strain the stock into a large bowl and reserve in your refrigerator until the fat rises to the top and congeals. Skim off this fat and reserve the stock in covered containers in your refrigerator or freezer.
Beef Stock
about 4 pounds beef marrow and knuckle bones
1 calves foot, cut into pieces (optional)
3 pounds meaty rib or neck bones
4 or more quarts cold filtered water
1/2 cup vinegar
3 onions, coarsely chopped
3 carrots, coarsely chopped
3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped
several sprigs of fresh thyme, tied together
1 teaspoon dried green peppercorns, crushed
l bunch parsley
Place the knuckle and marrow bones and optional calves foot in a very large pot with vinegar and cover with water. Let stand for one hour. Meanwhile, place the meaty bones in a roasting pan and brown at 350 degrees in the oven. When well browned, add to the pot along with the vegetables. Pour the fat out of the roasting pan, add cold water to the pan, set over a high flame and bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon to loosen up coagulated juices. Add this liquid to the pot. Add additional water, if necessary, to cover the bones; but the liquid should come no higher than within one inch of the rim of the pot, as the volume expands slightly during cooking. Bring to a boil. A large amount of scum will come to the top, and it is important to remove this with a spoon. After you have skimmed, reduce heat and add the thyme and crushed peppercorns.
Simmer stock for at least 12 and as long as 72 hours. Just before finishing, add the parsley and simmer another 10 minutes. You will now have a pot of rather repulsive-looking brown liquid containing globs of gelatinous and fatty material. It doesn’t even smell particularly good. But don’t despair. After straining you will have a delicious and nourishing clear broth that forms the basis for many other recipes in this book.
Remove bones with tongs or a slotted spoon. Strain the stock into a large bowl. Let cool in the refrigerator and remove the congealed fat that rises to the top. Transfer to smaller containers and to the freezer for long-term storage.
Fish Stock
3 or 4 whole carcasses, including heads, of non-oily fish such as sole, turbot, rockfish or snapper
2 tablespoons butter
2 onions, coarsely chopped
1 carrot, coarsely chopped
several sprigs fresh thyme
several sprigs parsley
1 bay leaf
1/2 cup dry white wine or vermouth
1/4 cup vinegar
about 3 quarts cold filtered water
Ideally, fish stock is made from the bones of sole or turbot. In Europe, you can buy these fish on the bone. The fish monger skins and filets the fish for you, giving you the filets for your evening meal and the bones for making the stock and final sauce. Unfortunately, in America sole arrives at the fish market preboned. But snapper, rock fish and other non-oily fish work equally well; and a good fish merchant will save the carcasses for you if you ask him. As he normally throws these carcasses away, he shouldn’t charge you for them. Be sure to take the heads as well as the body—these are especially rich in iodine and fat-soluble vitamins. Classic cooking texts advise against using oily fish such as salmon for making broth, probably because highly unsaturated fish oils become rancid during the long cooking process.
Melt butter in a large stainless steel pot. Add the vegetables and cook very gently, about 1/2 hour, until they are soft. Add wine and bring to a boil. Add the fish carcasses and cover with cold, filtered water. Add vinegar. Bring to a boil and skim off the scum and impurities as they rise to the top. Tie herbs together and add to the pot. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for at least 4 hours or as long as 24 hours. Remove carcasses with tongs or a slotted spoon and strain the liquid into pint-sized storage containers for refrigerator or freezer. Chill well in the refrigerator and remove any congealed fat before transferring to the freezer for long-term storage.
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Love the info. Have you ever tried this with deer or elk? Is it possible? What recipe would you use?
Yes, you could by following the beef broth recipe substituting deer or elk. One note: wild animals contain less fat so the broth would be leaner. Personally, I add some tallow to it.
Thank for this wonderlly healthy information. Can I use fresh water fish here in Indiana like bluegill,bass,crappie to make fish broth?
I use deer bones the same way they list for beef bones. It is very good. You can add butter or lard if you want more fat. These days it seems like you want to avoid head or spinal column of deer/elk.
Thank you for this extremely informative article.
I use a lot of Dr Price’s principle in the way I practice nutrition, especially in writing traditionally inspiring recipes!
In this one I referred to this post and got inspired by the chicken broth recipe!…-chicken-broth
Thank you for your great work!
Thank you for this extremely informative article.
I use a lot of Dr Price’s principle in the way I practice nutrition, especially in writing traditionally inspiring recipes!
In this one I referred to this post and got inspired by the chicken broth recipe!
Thank you for your great work!
Sorry My previous link was broken 🙁
I found you anyway. Thanks for a great question. ?
Hi! great article!! I love chicken broth and now I love it even more. I have a question, though, is the chicken meat still safe to eat after being kept for 6-8 hours in the broth?
Thank you!
You remove the meat when it is cooked. The remaining bones & so-on are then simmered to make the broth.
I wonder if fish broth made with fish bones (not shaved Bonito flakes) produces gelatin in the same way the other broths do? And what are the other nutritive properties particular to this kind of broth?
I think the meat should be removed after two hours. Otherwise, it will be completely tasteless.
I’ve been trying to make my own broth more since my husband started raising chickens and my brother gave me Nourishing Traditions for Christmas. However, I never have the amount of bones or fish called for in the recipes. (It’s easy for chicken since we frequently have a whole one.) Sometimes I’ll get an elk roast from a friend and have a bone. Can I just throw whatever I have together, including mixing different types (fish, elk, beef, chicken, etc)? And as far as removing the fat when it cools, is that just to make the broth more clear? That fat isn’t bad, right? Thanks.
Monica, I keep a stock bag in the freezer and throw in whatever bones and veggie off-cuts I have left over from other dishes. Then, when I have enough in the bag, I dump it in a pot, cover it with water and make stock/broth. 🙂
Great idea! and no waste!
Monica, I started making bone broth in my crock pot using organic 15 drumsticks and 4-6 chicken feet, and veggies + spices too. I cook it for 7-8 hours on low the first time. Pull off the meat and strain the broth for the fridge. I put everything(skin, bones, veggie scraps) back in the crock pot for the 2nd cooking, adding a little more veggies and spices filling again with water and cook for 24 hrs. on low. The 2nd strain gets mixed with the 1st strain (or you could just put each batch in jars but I like to mix because the 2nd batch is not as strong as the first). Its delish! The addition of feet has really kicked up the gelatin! We love it. And I don’t have to wait for bones to build up in my freezer!
After you strain it, what do you do with the veggies? Can you pick them out and eat them??
I learned many years ago to make chicken broth using the carcass and all bones of roasted chicken, removing any meat to add later otherwise is dries up during the cooking process, so, place all the bones and carcass in the pot, add 1 onion cut in half, 2 celery ribs, 1 carrot, 1 large sprig of parsley cover completely with water and bring to a boil, then let it simmer for at least 2 to 3 hours adding water as necessary, the broth will have a very rich flavor and it will gel once cooled, when broth is ready remove all bones and veggies and discard, place broth back in the pot and add any fresh vegetables you like and the meat you picked off the bones before, it is a yummy broth, you can eat the veggies but all the nutrients have been left in the broth.
I’m just curious if this can be done in your crock pot. I work full time and we are always on the go and use the crock pot regularly. Can you get the same nutritional value if it is cooked in a slow cooker as in a pot on the stove?
Yes you can do it in the crock pot…its safer if you are going to be gone.
I always do mine in the crockpot. Only two burners on my stove work, so I try to keep the stove free.
We live and work in a motorhome. I make our bone broth/soup stock from grass-fed animals. Because we have limited freezer/refrigerator space, I am canning the broth in a pressure canner. Does pressure-canning create free glutamate from the meat? I’m learning excess free glutamate is bad for the body.
Yes, if you can the broth, some of the nutrients will be destroyed.
I was wondering if anyone knows from experience the best size stockpot to use for the chicken and fish stock.
You can use any size pot you want, depending on how much broth you want to make. I make broth every day, just enough for that day for my family, so I use a medium-sized crock pot, about 4 qt.
Do you get the same benefits from broth made from shrimp and crab shells?
shell fish is never a good idea to even EAT, let alone make broth from.
This seems like a baseless claim. Not helpful in any way. Besides, tell that to all the traditional peoples who live on the coast. Your comment just doesn’t make any sense.
Does the book Nourishing Broth’s or any where on WAPF include options of making broth’s with slow or pressure cookers? Appreciate any feedback.
It says in the Nourishing Traditions book to avoid pressure cookers (and microwaves!) in their kitchen tools section. I don’t remember the health benefits (or lack thereof) but I will try to remember to look them up for you.
I found that a pressure cooker breaks down a lot of the bone giving an off flavor. Threw that batch out. Probably could experiment and find the right time, but a crock pot is just SO much easier.
Don’t all of them have lead? If not, which ones do not? And, how do you know?
Hi John, I’ve decided a pressure cooker for broth is just too valuable for me, so I use it regularly (and a slow-cooker, switching back-and-forth, depending on my time). I can cook a 6 lb chicken *and* get a nicely gelatinized broth in 45 minutes. There’s isn’t an off-flavor, that I’ve experienced. I use two bay leaves, and sometimes some onion.
I use a pressure cooker now every time. Perfect bone broth in 2 hours instead a day or two in the slow-cooker. Flavour has been top notch!
I use apple cider vinegar to draw out the goodness😀
I Have the book Nourishing Broths . It is a great source of information concerning all the benefits of broth including testimonials . The one draw back is that a pressure cooker is mentioned perhaps once in the entire book. It would have been good to have several recipes using pressure cookers especially since I just bought a 10 quart Fagor to use however the book is excellent.
I believe the purpose of cooking slow on the stove top is to be able to pull out all the wonderful nutrients that are in the bones. When using a pressure cooker you are not allowing the same chemical reaction to take place because you are rushing it. The best and most nutrient dense way to cook broth is on the stove. Next, from what I understand, would be in the crockpot on low.
My Turkish wife makes beef bone broth in a pressure cooker. It only takes about an hour.
I can’t disagree more that salmon should be avoided for fish broth. I make broth from salmon heads and spines frequently; it is delicious, and nutritious. Of course, you don’t boil it for days, you simmer it for one hour. Then I freeze the broth and use it all winter long. I have lost 80 lbs and regained near perfect health using salmon broth as a key lifestyle change. One small cup of salmon broth can hold off hunger for hours. Halibut heads and spines, and flounders are good too. However, cod frames do not work. Whoever says that salmon heads and spines cannot be used for excellent fish broth has no first hand experience on the subject
David, do you ever make broth just for the halibut?
I see what you did there 🙂
Thanks for your comments about salmon broth. Could you please tell me your recipe step by step as I have never tried before. Does the whole kitchen smells fishy afterwards?
Thanks so much
David, I totally agree! I have made broth from salmon heads and my soups have been delicious and nutritious. So good to read your post questioning conventional opinion and confirming what I have discovered also!
I was wondering if I can use the fat that I skim off the top of my broth to cook with.
I never skim off the fat, I always eat it. It is delicious and I cannot believe some people skim it off. But everyone’s different, so, I guess it is O.K. for them to toss that beutifull stuff away.
On several occasions immediately after consuming the beef bone broth I’ve made it has caused me severe intestinal upset with gas, bloating, and extreme diarrhea. After the diarrhea subsides, I’ll feel horrible with the intestinal discomfort and have achy joints and sometimes a mild headache for about a day or two later. Am I doing something wrong in how I’m making or preparing my broth or is my body just going thru a phase or die off reaction? Should I continue to consume the broth or should I stop it completely?
Angie – That sounds like food poisoning. Check your method is correct for heating and cooling, and do not leave the lid on tight when you have finished cooking. Hope this helps.
Angie, yes it is die off or detox, that is a good sign your body is repairing.
Drink 1/2 of the amount or even less, got to go slow so you don’t get so sick.
How long does detox last? My sister and I started drinking broth each morning and have extreme discomfort.
If it’s only the chicken broth-
Are you blood type b, then suggest you check out “eat right for your blood type” notes on blood type b. I think chicken is an avoid for that blood type. If you’re a B, might be interesting to try a temporary diet change for a few weeks. Or, maybe it’s just the transition time…Good luck to all; we love broth.
Yes it is 100% die off just cut back until you know how much you can consume then gradually increase
I Know this is an old post but I agree with the first response to a certain extent. Food positioning or check your source – sounds like a shitty product. Make sure its grass finished and not Organic soy grass. Don’t believe the bullshit about “die off” – if you are eating well you will feel well.
I agree – having battled Crohn’s Disease, terrible IBS symptoms, migraines and “fibromyalgia”, countlessly tracking food allergies and sensitivities, experimenting with diets, supplements, medicines, etc. since my Crohn’s diagnoses in 2000 – I have finally found something that works. And, my body took to it right away. I wish I had added this to my diet years ago. I have also eliminated refined carbs, but have done this many times but in combination with adding two cups of beef bone broth to my diet daily, I am completely symptom free – not just from the terrible GI symptoms, but from my joint and muscle pains, my brain fog, and, so far, no migraines – even on those days I really should have had one. I had NO idea this would happen… and there was no “die off” period. My body felt more nourished the very first day I tried it… though, I’ll admit, I thought that was purely psychosomatic – it was not. Clearly, this is what my body needs – it has been several months now, and I haven’t felt this good, at least physically, in 17 yrs. , so Angie, though this may be way off now, I think there must be something wrong – especially if it hit both you and your sister like that. Food borne illness if it is the same batch could be the cause, but more likely, you’re just having a reaction to the collagen and that can just be an adjustment for a lot of people. What you describe is a side effect of collagen ingestion – which is a fibrous protein. I think for others, like me, who have gone long periods needing gut repair, it may be a more welcomed addition to the gut lining and therefore doesn’t cause as much distress… who knows. The gut is still such a wonderful mystery (btw, there is a great book called, “The Second Brain” by Dr. Gershon, which takes the subject to a new intrigue). I’m curious to know if you continued to power through though and to hear how you did on the broth…
Or you could have an intolerance to beef.
Do NOT cook broth or anything in aluminum cookware as it can cause sickness.
I have the same problem with beef broth, though I’m not intolerant of beef. I believe it has to do with caramelisation in roasting the bones. My husband drinks it constantly with no problem, while I feel rotten and have a flare of my autoimmune pain. Try not roasting them, or alternatively make chicken broth, and see if you feel better. An unusual problem I admit, but worth considering.
Jane and Angie, you may be experiencing a sensitivity to naturally occurring amines and glutamates. A shorter simmering time will prevent or at least decrease this, as it takes time for glutamic acid bonds to break down (creating free glutamic acid).
Did you ever do better? You and your sister?
With regards to using the vegetables, here in Romania people boil peeled whole vegetables, carrots, parsnips, potatoes and then once they have been used for stock these vegetables are diced up mixed with meat (again boiled for stock)mixed with mayonnaise to make a salad. This is very popular dish at Christmas.
I was amazed at the valuable information I received today on the health benefits given from gelatin and also the harm that MSG produces for the body, especially the brain.
Thanks a million!!!!!!!!
P.S. I usually make my soups from scratch. Now I will make them more often.
We cook mostly chicken broth. Reheat it with salt, cumin and turmeric and drink it. Recently cooked fish broth and wondering if it is tasty enough to drink it as is? has anybody tried that?
Long time WAPF, new to posting.
I’ve been making bone broths for a few years, mostly turkey bones from breasts.
Perhaps six months ago I got interested in gelatin therapy for joints. I’m 68, in generally good health, have had knee issues off and on, better or worse for many decades. I stopped running because of that. I started consuming 4 TBLSP/day of unflavored gelatin. Within a few weeks I was able to run on the beach, something I’ve not done for many years. Then I noticed that on the leg extension machine at the rec center, the popping (which never hurt)diminished by, say, 80%.
I started collecting all the bones, beef, pork, and fowl, freezing until I made broth in the crock pot. I don’t add anything, no veggies, nothing. Those I do when I want to later on. Just nice, pure gelatinous broth with a bit of fat on top. Keeps well in the fridge for weeks.
Then I went a step further, if that’s possible. I started pickling “pig parts.” I started with the usual feet – make sure they are cut small – delicious, but not much meat. But a heck of a lot of gristle and collagen. I now use hocks, tails, feet, and neck bones. Cook in a bit of water, mostly steam, for an hour. Put in a large container, this might be the hardest part, to find one!
Add a bottle of Colgin Liquid Smoke and some coarsely chopped onions. Wait as long as you can, but you can start in in a day or two. SO much gristle and collagen!
Because of this project, I have so many bones to slow cook, I have so much broth in the fridge, I don’t even bother with the gelatin anymore.
And my knees keep getting better!
That is seriously a great story!
Thanks for sharing one!
I really enjoy reading benefits of bone broth.
Wow,awesome post and so much new information, Thanks,
I have the feet and hooves from a deer, in my freezer, and I want to use them for broth. Do I need to skin them first? They still have the fur on them!
I have same question as Kim. Just got hooves attached to legs last night. Fur on, still warm. How do I prepare so as to make soup? This is my first experience with deer. How do I clean hooves?
In Ecuador they burn the fur off then scrub the black stuff off. You are left with the skin in tact and I cook the whole leg, hoof etc. after they slice it into 2 inch pieces.
I left turkey bones in the crockpot overnight with water and it wasn’t turned on, would you throw them out?
I noticed in the Nourishing Broths book and other recipes calls for the use of vinegar to leach the calcium and minerals from the bones. Unfortunately I am unable to have anything acidic like vinegar due to a condition. Can I still make nourishing broth without the use of it. If so how?
Nourishing broths has two pressure cooker recipes for broth.
Does that mean that pressure cookers are OK for making broth?
Does the end product suffer at all?
I would like to know why WAPF/NT says pressure cooking is bad when this blog has made an extremely strong case for using pressure cookers as a way to preserve the nutrients in the food that log cooking via ovens and crock pots are actually destroying. If you are going to make a claim Sally we need you to explain why, not just a because Sally said so.
Agreed! I have read this same article and she makes some valid points.
As stated in Nourishing Traditions, pressure cookers denature proteins as the temperature increases greater than the traditional way of cooking over a stove or fire. Although not directly connected in the book, the modern day puffed cereals have their proteins denatured by the process used to create the popping at extremely high temperatures. Pressure cookers have not been used by our ancestors until their invention in the early 18th century by scientists to preserve food by canning for the French army! There are no shortcuts for health, and with something as foundational and nutrient rich as broth stick to those “nourishing traditions”.
Are you sure pressure cookers use extremely high temperatures? As I understand it, the temperature’s not excessively high, it’s just… under pressure.
It’s the pressure that allows/causes the temperature to get extremely high. That’s also how pressure canners can kill off harmful microbes in the food to keep canned food from going bad. So think of the pressure cooker as a mini version of the canner, but for cooking meals more quickly. ( used a lot before microwaves)
Is there anything wrong in boiling up the same bones over and over again? I keep topping up the water level as I ladle the stock off to use in soups and casseroles. There always seems such a lot more goodness to come out of the bones.
I don’t often have bones of meat to make a broth, is there a website you would recommend that
sells the bone broth that I could order it from?
I purchase necks and sometimes along with wings from organic naturally raised chickens and/or add them with any carcasses I’ve saved. Some places sell grass fed beef bones. Left over bones from beef, veal or lamb shanks can be used along with some of tails.
Elaine! This is a great one! Wise Choice Market has excellent products! However, I live in Italy, is there somewhere in Italy or Europe that you know of that sells good quality Bone Broth? Thank you!
I second that! I live in Northern Italy and have yet to find a place with bone broth/organic free range or pastured animals. Anyone???? Desperate need 😉
Very new to this – still have yet to attempt. I have a friend that raises lots of chicken but they are for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (Texas) so I’m not sure what they are fed and if they would be a good choice for the bones and such – any opinion? And also if using chicken do you actually use the head and all (like the fish) with eye balls and everything – probably an extremely stupid question but like I said I’m new. And if your doing in crock pot do you put on high till it starts to boil and then turn to low and for how long for each version. Also will you get the scum up top like on stove top that will still need to be skimmed off in crockpot? And how much should you consume daily for nutritional purposes? Thanks!
I have 1 question? For making the beef broth (or any broth), during the simmering stage, is the lid on or off? Thanks!
Having grabbed a bunch of ‘dog bones’ (butcher can’t sell for human use) and made stock, I find myself with a layer of pretty clean-looking fat…can this be skimmed off and cooked down as tallow?
Should I add water as the broth is cooked down? The longer I let it simmer the less broth I’m going to have. I don’t want to water it down, but would like help with knowing if it’s a good thing to simmer beef broth up to 72 hours and add water. Thanks!
Not an expert but yes you can top up with filtered water as it cooks off.
This was such a great, eye opening write up. I have shared with several family members already for health & nutrition reasons, and have also just made 2 huge kettles of stock/gelatin. BUT I AM SAD that you all are not answering anyone’s questions! So many good questions, some mirror my own, but no responses. Come on Weston Price Foundation!
Can you tell me how to get some Farm-raised, free-range chickens, & some grass feed beef marrow and knuckle bones & calve fee. I live in Omaha Ne. Thank you
Try looking up local farms and farmers’ markets online. You can also go to Asian food stores, but they won’t be free range.
Look up local butchers and call them. They either sell or can put you in touch. Good luck.
Farm in Idaho with only grass fed and finished beef. They ship and deliver.
go to and, type in your zip code.
I strained broth, cooled it and placed in a plastic container overnight to bottle in the morning. The gel was all over the shelf that morning and a slit was caused in the side of the container. What was the cause of this? Is it ok to put broth in a plastic container? Someone please reply.
Did you add the broth to the plastic container while the broth was still hot? That could have caused the leak. Or maybe the container was already broken before you added the broth.
I am interested in using beef and/or chicken bone broth for my infant. Is this safe, is tbere a recommended age to start & should the recipie be altered any?
Hi Kathy, I didn’t introduce solids to my kids until they were 9-10 months old, breast feeding is enough, and I had fat healthy babies. I don’t see why it would be any worse than feeding them pureed meat, in fact it is probably better to start with the broth. If you are still breast feeding I would be more worried about you getting the nutrition from the broth, so you have nutrient rich milk for your baby. Hope this helps.
You can check out my bone broth recipe at
“BROTH IS BEAUTIFUL”it is absolutely right .As it is stock of high amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients that play an important role in healthy bone formation Making your own bone broth is very cost effective, as you can make use of left over carcass bones that would otherwise be thrown away. And making your own broth is quite easy.
There is an easy version of beef bone broth posted on my website. I cook it no longer than 10 hours max and don’t skim off the fat or “scum”. I have been making broth for years and the flavor is superb and vital nutrients are retained. Skimming off the scum is only necessary if you are worried about clarity. The fat is great fuel for the brain and intestinal cells.
I am not a good cook at all. I can see that many of you ladies cook quite often, and I am sure you all are great cooks. But I don’t have that talent. So for me, I hope it will work to keep the colds away if I just buy cans of CHUCKEN STOCK SOUP, and just add some of the ingredients that are listed in this website, to the stock as I just heat it up as is.
excellent article. I have been making bone broth in a pressure cooker and wonder about the lack of skimming foam, I have not seen this missed step addressed in the instructions. Usually my broths are clear after pouring thru cheescloth, but my most recent elk broth, although beautifully gelled, is whitish opaque, definately not see-through. The fat layer rose to the top as always. I did notice as I picked meat off the bones after the broth was done, that there was alot of the gooey stuff, cartilidge(?)in this batch of bones, maybe this would account for the final colour of the broth? Thank you, Lis
Simmer the broth in the cooker without the lid for an hour or so and skim. Then pressure cook.
My hubby has been wanting to have bone broth.Is there a local chapter leader in my area who can help me locate local farmer who would have bones from pasture raised animals? Thank you so very much.
We live in 33510 Brandon Florida.
Looking for chicken bone to make broth. do you sale the bone. Or keep them for making the broth. if you do sell Please let me know there is a few of us looking. Thank you. Cost of bone would be nice if you sell. Have a very nice day.
Is it okay to simmer fish stock more than 24 hours?
I’ve made chicken stock a few times now, in the crock pot, it comes out great. I will add the vinegar next time based on this article. I don’t remember seeing scum at the top…will look out for that, what is it? And the fat that rises to the top once cooled, why are you instructing to remove that? thx!
SUE: I was reading to help some one how to make a chicken broth. Since your comment is new assuming you will be checking back hoping you give this a try. My grandmother had same issues with kidney stones and she will never visit a doctor or take medicine (Turkish/Middle Eastern) uses always homeopathy methods. She drinks the water (whey) when we strain the yogurt for thicker creamier spread. BUT, be aware that you should make your own yogurt—- I don’t trust all these brands mixed with pectin/ tapioca or other ingredients, all you need the active culture. Give it a try and increase your eating habits of good yogurt, natural probiotic too….Good luck.
I dont eat lemons, but the acidity devolves the stones.
the best thing you can do to pass kidney stones is FAST. The body cleanses itself in 24 to 48 hours,the stones should naturally come out. Fast by drinking liquids. I was desperate, so I went on a water only fast, but I am sure you could use clear liquids, not coffee or tea, but fruit juice or vegetable juice strained. Clear broth if you need something warm and sugar free. Good luck, your body will work for you.
I have read much about gallbladder and liver stones, but I’m pretty sure kidney stones can be helped by many similar things. (Gall/liver more fatty based and more heavy metals vs kidney more the wrong types of alkalinity like a high stress person eating tons of raw greens)
I consumed juice (and then later just whole forms) of:
Cucumber, Celery, Kiwi, Mango, Citrus, Grapes…
Water fasting is important I also agree with that. Then after a few days try mono meals (like only long boiled potatoes for lunch, only salmon for dinner)
And then slowly reintroduce other simple ingredients
Hi, I’ve been drinking 1-2 cups of bone broth everyday for about 10 days now. I’ve noticed lately that after drinking it I get tired and kind of agitated. Do you know what could cause this? Thanks,
I have a question. Lyme disease or any other ailment they may have is killed off when we cook the deer or wild game completely. The bone broth, that we are trying to get nutrients from, with it being in a slow cooker for 24 hours or so, would that kill off any bad bacterial or infections the wild game would have???
Hello! We are a vegetarian household. But I am interested in introducing chicken broth to our meals for health reasons. Does store bought organic chicken broth have similar health benefits? Cause I just can’t bring a chicken into my house lol thank you
Would love to have the questions about pressure cooking broth answered. I just have not read enough evidence that using a cooker to preserve is bad.
Question. We are making chicken bone broth in a slow cooker. Using good free range chicken. As part of prep. we are also adding about 1/4 cup vinegar to boost the process. After cooking at 180 deg. for 24 hours, we get a lovely tasting broth; however, contrary to what we have been told, the remaining bones are NOT “falling apart” due to the nutrients being leached out. It has us wondering if we are not getting all the minerals, collagen we should be getting.
Anyone have any ideas? Is temp too high, too low, too short on time (though I can’t imagine that’s the issue)??
Are they getting softer? That would mean that some of the nutrients are leaching out. Some people keep it going the whole week, adding more water as needed. It takes a long time for them to totally fall apart so they can really be used for several batches.
I have been making bone broths for about 40 years! My mom made them and I loved them and kept making them. I took a cooking class from a well known San Francisco chef about 10 years ago. Broth making wasn’t part of the class but as an aside, he talked about stocks. He makes a “second stock” with the bones once the stock is cooked. Just puts them back into the pot with fresh vegetables; it is surprising how rich this stock immediately becomes, just after about 15 min of cooking. He says to cook for an hour. The second stock is not as rich as the first but can be used for many things. Sometimes I reduce it, or use it to make other soups with vegetables, etc. I have added it back to the next batch of chicken broth. And another great chef uses chicken stock as the basis for other lamb or beef stocks–the result is unbelievably delicious.
Can pork bones be used to make bone broth?
I’ve read that non-organic chicken has a lot of fluoride in the bones so broth made from those bones will yield much fluoride. Being that fluoride is so dangerous, would that not cancel out the good benefits of the other minerals? In addition, if it’s made with fluoridated water, all the worse! I’d appreciate any knowledge you have on this.
I’ve known what bone broth can do when used with dishes because of my grandmother. But it’s my first time drinking it as it is, like a tea. I’m actually taking this organic product, Au Bon Broth and I should say it’s really delicious. And to be honest, it had great effects in my health and body. I can do things and be less tired. I’d definitely continue drinking this bone broth.
I am very amused by all this bone broth band wagon. I guess it is because I have grown up with my mother cooking chicken, beef, pork, whatever, including bones. Fish soup was wonderful, although that is one thing I rarely make as my husband is not fond of fish. I have carried on the tradition as it is a must that we have our delicious home made bone, meat and vegetable soup every Sunday. We have never eaten canned soups. We have never cooked any of the soups for more than 5 hours. My soup always turns to gelatin when it is in the fridge, so personally, I do not see the benefit of cooking it longer. Skimming is important to get that beautiful clear delicious broth. And the veggies add wonderful flavours.
So it seems silly to ask bit should i cover the pot while I simmer for the beef broth?
Our family loves the beef broth recipe, just curious do you have to strain the broth of the congealed fat and vegetables or is it alright to leave that in your broth? Thanks, Kris
Thank you for this terrific information! I am starting a daily routing today to make bone broth. I have a question. I heard that stainless steel pots were not to be used with anything acidic. When adding the vinegar to the broth, will this pull unhealthy metals from the stainless steel pot into the broth? If so, which pots are best to use for making bone broth?
hi nancy,
i dont bother putting vinegar in my broth due to the unhealthy metals from the stainless steel pots leeching into my food.i read some studies and they put me off putting anything acdic into my food because i could see that there was increased leaching so i prefer to err on the side of caution.aside some say that if you cook long enough you dont need the vinegar but im not sure by how long.i once tried vinegar in y broth and i didnt like the taste.also apparantly adding vinegar to your broth can create more glutamates because it can lwer the ph of the broth.anyway i cant tolerate raw acv with ibs and also it makes my legs ache.i use my instant pot.there is le creuset for adding more acidic.theres also zepter and saladmaster in terms of higher quality stainless steel but zepter use ura technology and i havent had time to research this ad ive read that saladmaster leeches but with a significant amount of salt as opposed to the acid so all stainless steel has the potential to leech.i think a lower temperature and a shorter cooking time may be helpful generally.ive yet to see a demo of saladmaster but when i spoke to a uk representative and a nutritionist of 30 years she cooked her marrow for 1 hr or 1 1/2 hrs approx. and without vinegar to help heal her broken bones.i personally have leaky gut and so i cook stock fo a short time because this is best to heal a leaky gut than a long time.
Alison, Thank you for the info on cooking the bones for a shorter time for leaky gut. I did not know that and we just started using bone broth for this very reason. So I will simmer the bone broth for a shorter time and see if our systems can tolerate it. We suffer from the effects of Carbon Monoxide Asphyxiation almost 12 years ago. Since that time we have to be very careful what we consume. I have tried making chicken stock but that does a number on us. However, the beef bone broth is soothing for our leaky gut. In just two weeks I have had smoother skin on my arms as they were very scally and my legs also. I am hoping with continued use that our minds will improve along with more energy. But we will see. Thank you again for your post.
This is all well intentioned but bones are really hard to come by these days. They are available commercially at about 50 or 100 lbs, frozen. But most butcher shops (the few there are) will nt save bones and most don’t carve up sides to even have bones. Fish bones are really hard to find. We had all these things in culinary school but they were bought commercially. Heck It’s hard to even get a ham bone to make soup.
At Easter I like to ask folks what they are making. If its a ham (with bone in) I ask them to save it for me. I get a few in the freezer. If you live in an urban area google fish markets and ask them to save you the heads and bones on non-oily fish, Snapper, Branzino, trout, etc. Where I go most of the time they charge me 3 dollars a pound. Their fish is really fresh and they trim out the gills for me. So it’s worth it. For other animals I save the bones from what we eat and supplement from what I can get the butcher to give me around the holidays.
Hi! I made this wonderful recipe.. After 15 hrs on, bones were really soft and I ate some! Is that good or bad? I mean, there could be some added nutritional value or bones could be bad? They taste good, so I know it sound strange to eat bones, but I would ask if it a good way to go or one should avoid 🙂
hunters. scape the hair off with a sharpish tool over a beam. slice into strips. throw into a stock. like spaghetti on steroids. deer is the best
Just make sure its free of chemical contaminants from a clean hide.
Wondering if meat left on the bone for the duration of simmering the stock holds any beneficial nutrients after such a thorough cooking?
I don’t know where to get 100% grass-fed bones yet, so I found ‘brox’ which use natural ingredients and feed a small amount of hay. Should I not use bone broth until I find an adequate source or can I use this one until then?
Hi there,
For the beef recipe it says:
“about 4 pounds beef marrow and knuckle bones”
Does this mean 4 pounds of each or 4 pounds in total?
Many thanks,
4 pounds total.
I like to add turmeric and ginger at the beginning (approx 1 full teaspoon each in 2 quarters of water). Do you think it may be a bad idea.
I also use an electric pressure cooker going on for 16 hours at 240 °F (approx) at High pressure (11 psi). May this also be a bad idea?
Do you have any suggestion for the bone broth done with the electric pressure cooker?
If done in a standard open pot, I understand that water refilling is required during the overnight simmering. Is this correct?
Many thank in advance for any reply.
Best regards,
I use closed glass jars in the oven with glass lids. I have a thing about cooking in modern steel. The jars with glass lids in the oven seem to save energy.
and evaporation
To fit the most bones into a vessel and marrow with the least oxidation, check out my article:
Hi… Quick question, I am a lil confused as to whether or not I roast the bones for the best turn out . It says roast then meanwhile add vinegar and I do not have carcass i only have the bones with marrow. So should I roast then add the vinegar?
I have made this before with great results forming a gel minus roasting. However ,nutrition is my quest. Thank you
Hi… Quick question, I am a lil confused as to whether or not I roast the bones for the best turn out . It says roast then meanwhile add vinegar and I do not have carcass i only have the bones with marrow. So should I roast then add the vinegar?
I have made this before with great results forming a gel minus roasting. However ,nutrition is my quest. Thank you
Great article! I promote many of the teachings of the WAPF on my blog and am currently writing a post on homemade chocolate gummies (made with grass-fed gelatin) to help get more of this nourishing food in our children!
hi darlene,
have you tried calves hooves to heal leaky gut?i tried this last month for the first time and it produced the most amazing gelatin!!!i eat the gelatin cold and love it.when i saw the gelatin that the calves hooves produced i felt like id hit the jackpot to heal my leaky gut!!!i will get it butchered differently next time into 1 inch cross sections.also i will ask for the skin to be taken off but included.the hair on the skin was a little bit off putting though but if the skin has already been taken off ad in smaller pieces it shouldnt be a off putting and will also be much easier to handle.also the fat from the calves hooves was surprisingly very nice.ive tried knuckles and marrow and chicken feet but calves hooves are really the best by far.
We have been drinking bone broth for over 15 years, since reading about it on Weston Price. I am 67 and just had a bone density scan. I have the bone density of a 25 year old. That’s all the proof I need!
What kind of stockpot do you recommend for making broth? Stainless steel or enameled stainless steel?
I’ve typically used pressure cooking (after roasting all but chicken and fish bones) with excellent tasting results. I strain the completed stock, let cool, refrigerate, remove fat (re-use for further frying/sauteeing. Comments?
Hi WAPF <3
Question- I've been saving my chicken bones for a while to make my first batch of broth. Most of them are leg bones. I see the recipe you have doesn't mention those bones. Will I still get a nutritious broth using those? Maybe I should make a couple batches, adding some leg bones to each but using wings, neck etc as well? Thank you so much for all that you do!
There isn’t that much collegian in bone. It’s primarily mineral and the farmers make you pay through your teeth for it. If you want collegian, you need to cook the hide or tendons. If you want the bone mineral, you are better off grinding a bone and eating the grind, burning it, mashing it, then mixing with water and eating or I guess cooking the carp out of it and eating the soft bone. Wild animals like deer and squirrel naw bones all the time for the calcium. You often see a rib or other bone on a squirrel den. It’s another reason golfing is siht, because the deer and other animals mistake the balls for calcium sources.
I want to just reiterate that my experience and perspective is that if you want to waste entertainment and destroy your appliances prematurely, cook just bone broth. Three hours total on a bone is too much.
There is a lot of info online saying it is dangerous to drink bone broth bc of risk of lead poisoning. Is this propaganda or is there any truth to this? How much is too much bone broth?
I haven’t seen any mention of using waterfowl in any broth making. I am guessing there shouldn’t be an issue with this, using the whole carcass of say mallard, pintail, or teal? Feet and all?
Broth means “Shorba” in India and it really means something healthy and delicious one. Thanks for sharing about this one with us.
How long does each broth stay good in the fridge? or how to store?