HILDA LABRADA GORE: We have been told repeatedly that the Covid-19 injections are “safe and effective,” but there is more to this story. Dr. Larry Palevsky is a pediatrician licensed in New York State who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s health. Dr. Palevsky is a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and the past president of the American Holistic Medical Association. Larry challenges what we’ve heard and what we think we know related to Covid-19 shots. He covers a lot of ground, starting with his concerns about the messenger RNA technology. He discusses the problem with instructing the body to manufacture spike proteins and the damage lipid nanoparticles can do to the body. He talks about the alarming number of deaths associated with these injections which are documented by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Finally, he explains how the injections are DNA-altering gene therapy, which could be leading us down a road from which there is no return.
Is the COVID-19 “Vaccine” a Vaccine?
I’ve heard you say that you’re not sure the Covid-19 “vaccine” is a vaccine. Can you explain that?
LARRY PALEVSKY: I was taught in medical school what makes an injection a vaccine. Medical students and residents are told that an injection becomes a vaccine if it does five things. First, it gives you antibody immunity to a specific virus or to a specific single bacterium. Second, we are told, it’s a vaccine if you are protected from getting that viral or bacterial infection when you get the injection. Third, we are told that an injection is a vaccine if it reduces death from that virus or bacteria, reduces hospitalizations and reduces severe symptoms from getting that bacterial or viral infection. Finally, we’re told an injection is a vaccine if you do not carry the germ anymore, and that means you’re not going to transmit it to others. We’re told that those five criteria will make an injection a vaccine.
I reviewed those specific criteria in regard to the Covid-19 injections. What I found was that these Covid-19 injections do not fit any of the criteria of what makes an injection a vaccine. For example, when these injections came out, the authorities said, “We don’t know whether this injection will give you immunity to SARS-CoV-2 virus and infection.” That makes the first criterion not applicable. “We don’t know if it will protect you from getting a SARS-CoV-2 viral infection.” That’s the second criterion that doesn’t fit. “We never tested whether or not this injection will reduce deaths, hospitalizations or severe illness—the only thing it might to is decrease your symptoms from SARS-CoV-2 viral infection.” They weren’t sure, so they said “may.” Finally, they said “We don’t know if it will stop transmission of the virus from one person to the next.” It didn’t fit any of the criteria that make an injection a vaccine.
An Injection
HG: Some people would say, “It’s because it was fast-tracked.” They call it a vaccine because the public understands what a vaccine is. If they called it an injection, people wouldn’t want it.
LP: Look at the ingredients themselves. The messenger RNA technology in the Pfizer and Moderna injections has never been used in vaccines before to demonstrate the reduction of an infectious disease outbreak. We have no history that this technology works to reduce infectious diseases. There’s no precedent at all. There’s no understanding of what happens to this technology once it’s injected into the body, short-term or long-term. We have no safety data on what it does once it’s injected. They’re using ingredients in these injections that are known toxins that can cause major damage to the health of the body and that were not tested for safety or for biological mechanisms.
Messenger RNA Technology and PEG
HG: I have two questions for you. One, how was this technology used before, if not for injections? Secondly, what are the ingredients that are so toxic?
LP: Messenger RNA technology was attempted before with coronavirus injections, and it failed in animal studies. When the animals got the injection, they were fine, but when they were later exposed to the live coronavirus itself, they all died. The messenger RNA technology was also used to try to make an RSV [respiratory syncytial virus] vaccine, and that failed. It was also used for a dengue fever vaccine, and that failed. The technology has never been proven to work to reduce infectious diseases. Animal studies indicate that there’s a downside to using this technology.
The other factor is that the ingredients include polyethylene glycol (PEG) and something called a lipid nanoparticle. I looked up in the literature what a lipid nanoparticle is. It is a fatty particle that’s very small. A key feature of lipid nanoparticles is that they can travel anywhere in the body through any barrier, including the blood-brain barrier. The literature says, “Lipid nanoparticles have been shown to cause damage to the following tissues: male and female reproductive systems, brain, lung, liver, kidney and heart.” There’s no safety profile of using these lipid nanoparticles in injections in humans. After a while, more information came out about the lipid nanoparticle called SM-102, which is a chemical that has never been tested for safety, is known to be toxic and can cause cancer and infertility. The literature is rife with information about the dangers of bodily exposure to SM-102. In short, with the Covid shots, experts are using known toxins in injections that can cause major damage to the body—toxins not tested for safety or biological mechanisms.
HG: The general public hasn’t taken the time to explore the research to find out more about these lipid nanoparticles. It’s a miracle if they know anything at all about what is being injected into their arm. What they see in the media are incentives like free beer, free childcare and lottery entries if they get the shot. Yet there is valuable information available. How did you dive into this information? What made you want to do that?
LP: When people hear the authorities say “safe and effective,” and they’re living in panic and fear that there’s a deadly virus going around, and they hear that they will now have the chance to go back to the life that they were living, they’re not going to want to know that their authorities aren’t doing the right thing. They’re just going to trust and falsely idolize the authorities to whom they attribute such great altruism, not accepting the possibility that those authorities might do something to harm them. However, something was drilled into my head during my eight years of medical school, which was: “think.” I graduated in 1987 from the NYU School of Medicine. I did a three-year pediatric residency at Mount Sinai in New York and another year of fellowship at NYU School of Medicine Bellevue Hospital in the outpatient department. What I was taught was that if somebody shows you a study, tear it apart, look at it, examine it and don’t be afraid to find fault with it. There are times when the evidence is manipulated because of a bias or prejudice. Don’t be afraid to work it through. And if you do this, you may come up with an answer that you or others don’t like that doesn’t fit the narrative.
Back in 1998, a mother came to me and said, “Dr. Larry, did you know there’s mercury in vaccines?” This was fifteen years after starting medical school. All I said was “no,” but what that question taught me was that there was something I didn’t know. Number one, why didn’t I know it? Number two, why is mercury in there? Number three, what is the mercury doing? Number four, what else is under this rock? What else do I need to know that I don’t know? That’s how I was taught as a medical student resident. I was taught to work through a problem, think through it, figure out what you don’t know, examine it, test it, ask questions and come to some conclusion. But beginning in the late 1990s, what I quickly found was different: “Don’t ask questions.”
HG: The opposite of what you were told early on and trained to do.
LP: I’m vilified for using the skills that I was taught by my mentors—to critically think through a problem and come to a conclusion that may not be positive or pleasant, but at least you’re answering questions. You’re looking through things. I’ve been getting the finger-wag for the better part of twenty years. When the Covid-19 injections came up, I thought, “Why not apply the same principles?” I realized that the spike protein—the material in the injection that was supposed to be part of the virus—was not part of the virus; it’s a manmade bioweapon and is not specific to any virus. It’s similar to many tissues in your body. If you’re going to make an antibody against spike protein, you’re going to start attacking your own body. I kept thinking, “There’s more here.”
What Spike Proteins Do
HG: This is the conversation we want to have on this show, where we’re helping people think, evaluate and ask questions. I have heard about the spike protein, but I have understood it quite differently. I’ve understood it as part of the virus and that they were injecting it into people and it is supposed to work the way vaccines are supposed to work, where the body recognizes it and fights it. You’re saying that the spike protein is a part of many cells in our body. If indeed our body’s going to mount an attack or a defense against that, we could be in big trouble.
LP: Essentially what they were saying was that the spike protein is the part of the virus that enters the cell and that it’s the spike protein itself in the Covid-19 illness that causes the disease. They found that the spike protein crosses the blood-brain barrier, enters the brain and causes neurological damage. It attaches to the heart muscle and causes heart disease. It gets into the lungs and causes lung disease. It gets into the blood and causes clotting and hypoxia. It gets into the liver and causes liver damage. It gets into the male and female reproductive systems and causes those symptoms that we see in male and female reproductive systems. The spike protein, they’re saying, is the part of the virus that causes the disease state of Covid-19. So why would you take an injection that causes your body to manufacture spike protein? That’s what the mRNA technology is meant to do. It’s meant to take the genetic instructions of the spike protein and tell your body, “Make spike protein.”
HG: I do want to know why. In other words, is this a big mistake or an intentional thing? You called these spike proteins a bioweapon—so you’re seeing it more as the latter, as something intentional?
LP: Nowhere in virology or microbiology does the spike protein exist naturally in nature. It only existed in SARS-CoV-1, MERS and SARS-CoV-2. The Salk Institute did a study that showed that the spike protein alone without coronavirus attached to it gave you the symptoms of Covid-19. You didn’t need a coronavirus to make you sick; you just needed the spike protein—which then makes you question, “This is not a virus if you don’t need a coronavirus.” They used a pseudovirus to present the spike protein itself to human tissue and saw that it caused the same damage done to the body as if people were getting natural Covid-19 symptoms.
Hydroxychloroquine Helps Treat Covid-19
HG: With the knowledge that you have, why did the doctors, the World Health Organization and others promote this vaccine or technology that is dangerous to our health?
LP: I can’t get into their heads. The answers should come from the whole issue of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). It was passed so that they could get this injection into the public without full Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. What the EUA says is that if there is no successful medical treatment, intervention or prevention that could either treat or prevent Covid-19, they can authorize an experimental injection in the hopes that it would prevent the illness or potentially treat it. When Covid-19 happened around the world, you had doctors screaming, “I gave my patients hydroxychloroquine, zinc, ivermectin, vitamin C, vitamin D, glutathione, iodine, hyperbaric oxygen and ozone therapy.” The list went on and on. The medical community said, “Shut up. Don’t talk about it.”
Somebody asked me, “How did people know to look for hydroxychloroquine?” They knew because Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers published a study in 2005 indicating that chloroquine, in cell cultures, was an effective treatment against SARS-CoV-1.1 [Editors’ note: Hydroxychloroquine is a derivative of chloroquine.] When you saw the censorship of medical doctors around the world who also said that putting patients on ventilators was a mistake, then you knew that there was a different agenda. Because the only way to push through an injection like this is if you could show that there were no effective treatments or preventions against SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19 illness. When you started to see that all this information was suppressed—that doctors were censored and that the literature indicating their success was actually wiped out—then you knew that this was not about protecting people against an infection. This was about mandating an intervention. And then when you uncovered the rock, you realized that all the literature about mRNA technology and even the EUA requests from the manufacturers showed that this was actually a gene therapy and a transgene insertion. In other words, “we’re going to alter your human DNA permanently with this messenger RNA technology.” People are not aware that if you open up the textbooks and the actual material that’s published by the manufacturers, whether it’s in the patents or in their EUA requests, it doesn’t say that it’s a vaccine. It says that it’s gene therapy and transgene insertion.2-4 “We’re putting in genes to alter your chromosomes.” And then you hear the experts say, “It’s not going to alter your human DNA.” Where’s the study that shows that? There’s no science, but there are precedents to show, in the literature, that this mRNA technology is used to alter your chromosomes—your own genes.
HG: You’ve given us enough information to realize that we should pause before getting this injection. Yet there is so much pressure, even pressure that we should do it for other people. What’s the logic behind that?
LP: There’s a longstanding belief—I say “belief” because it’s not a fact—that when enough people are vaccinated against a disease, the germ that causes the disease is no longer able to circulate in society. Therefore, you will see a reduction of the disease from that germ. However, that’s a hypothesis and a theory. No one has ever studied to determine whether giving enough people the measles vaccine, for example, would cause the measles virus to no longer circulate in society. This is why people say, “You’ve got to give the Covid-19 injection to everybody to take care of everyone else who maybe can’t get it”—because there’s that underlying belief that when you give injections that you categorize as a “vaccine,” you are stopping the circulation of the organism in society. I say very confidently, it has never been proven that the germ that you vaccinate against—if you vaccinate a high enough percentage of people—will no longer circulate in society. That is 100 percent false. We use it as a narrative, and we suck on it like it’s mother’s milk, but it’s not true. We don’t think it through. I once asked a pediatrician, “What happens to the measles virus when we give the injection?” The pediatrician said, “What do you mean? It stops the spread.” I said, “How does the measles vaccine make the measles virus disappear from the body of people who get the vaccine?” She said, “I don’t understand.” I said, “You’re putting the live measles virus into the body when you give the vaccine. How do you stop the spread of that from person to person and make it no longer circulate if you’re putting the live measles virus into the body?” She said to me, “Let’s talk about something else.”
Should Children Get the Covid-19 “Vaccine”?
HG: Interesting. What are some of the consequences of injecting ourselves or our children with this technology?
LP: It depends on what media source you use. I don’t use mainstream media because it doesn’t give me the truth. It may give the truth to other people. There’s a system in the U.S. called VAERS. It was set up in 1990 following the 1986 passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the creation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. People, especially practitioners, were meant to use VAERS to report adverse events from vaccinations, but long before Covid, it was well understood that less than 10 percent of all adverse events are reported to VAERS. It’s not an adequate system to understand the adverse events that are happening when vaccines are given. The 1986 act also tasked the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)—the umbrella agency for the FDA and CDC—with writing a report every two years updating the American public on safety concerns, things happening with vaccine research, the manufacturing process and what’s happening with vaccine injuries and deaths. It is now 2021, and HHS has not written one single report in those thirty-five years to update the American public on the safety profiles of licensed vaccines. And how many vaccines have we added to the childhood and adolescent schedules since 1986? We’ve added a slew of them: Haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B, flu, varicella, Gardasil, injectable polio, the DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis) vaccine that replaced the DTP, meningococcal vaccines and so on. HHS hasn’t done its job. We don’t have much of a reporting system. As of today, what we do have is over four thousand seven hundred reported deaths associated with the Covid-19 injections. [Editors’ note: As of the end of July 2021, the number of deaths reported to VAERS following Covid-19 injections was over twelve thousand.] If you look at the previous thirty-five years, we are seeing more deaths reported to VAERS now than we’ve seen reported in thirty-five years associated with all other vaccines.
HG: Since injuries and deaths are underreported, that number represents a small percentage of those who even made that association.
LP: There was a study out of Harvard that showed less than 1 percent of all adverse events are reported. At less than 1 percent, four thousand seven hundred deaths should give you almost half a million deaths. There are also over two hundred thousand reports of other adverse events that have been reported to VAERS following Covid-19 injections. [Editors’ note: As of the end of July 2021, the total number of adverse events reported to VAERS following Covid-19 injections was over five hundred forty-five thousand.] Our information also tells us that VAERS is about three months behind in entering all of the data. There’s evidence that some of the data are not even reported. They’re wiping out some of the data. There are hospitals where people are dying and the doctors are calling it Covid deaths and not in any way relating it to whether the person got the Covid injection days, a week or two weeks right before it. We’re not getting true data at all.
In 1976, when the swine flu injection was implemented—I’ve seen several different reports, so I don’t know which is the right number—upwards of fifty-three people died. They halted it. You have people in this country whose family members are dying after the Covid shot, and they still go out to get the shot anyway. That’s the disconnect. That’s the cognitive dissonance. That’s why we can have over four thousand seven hundred deaths and that may be less than 1 percent of the true number of people dying. And we also have two hundred thousand total adverse events, which may be twenty million adverse events or more. That’s why people react like, “There’s a dead horse on my lawn, but I don’t smell it, I don’t see it, I don’t know it’s there.” That’s why people continue to get the shots.
HG: The other factor is they think they’re more likely to die of the disease than to have a rare reaction to the injection.
LP: What the media have portrayed is that this disease is deadly. If we look at the true data, the recovery rate from Covid symptoms is well over 99 percent in most populations, except for the elderly and those who are morbidly obese, where it might be lower at a 94 percent or 95 percent recovery rate. If you add in the fact that we have tools to prevent the illness and treat those who get the illness, we see a greater recovery rate than 94 percent or 95 percent. But the public doesn’t hear that. What they hear is, “Look how many people are dying from Covid.” They’re taught that even someone who has a positive nasal swab test is diseased. What they’re not aware of is the fact that the PCR nasal swab is inaccurate, inefficient and offers a false understanding of whether somebody has the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We don’t have adequate scientific information to offer to the public. They’re just waiting for the authorities they trust wholeheartedly to give them the answer. I liken this to the biblical era of Noah and the flood, where God said to the people, “stop worshiping false gods and false idols.” The people kept on worshipping false gods and false idols, and God killed them with the flood. Noah was the only one left with his family and the two-by-two animals that he had. That’s what we’re seeing. We’re seeing people who are heading right into the flood, who think that they’re going into some freedom and panacea.
What they’re not aware of is that this technology has been used in the past to depopulate insects and animals that were overflowing in their communities. We can’t go to that sinister place that these authorities may be creating a depopulation agenda, even though we’re seeing an over 400 percent increase in miscarriages in women who are either given the shot or exposed to others who have gotten the shot. We’re seeing all sorts of menstrual changes happening in women. We’re seeing testicular pain and erectile dysfunction in men. We’re seeing a reduction in sperm counts and viable eggs in people who are getting the injection. People don’t see that there’s a dead horse on their lawn and it smells— reeks—and it’s an eyesore. They walk right past it and go right back into their house.
HG: Going back to the Noah illustration, maybe people saw a few raindrops but didn’t take warning. People have had the injection and think, “I was fatigued for a couple of days and now I’m fine,” because it hasn’t come full force yet. The spike protein’s interaction with their body hasn’t fully taken place.
LP: Nor the other chemicals.
Covid-19 Viral Shedding
HG: You talked about reactions in people who have been near someone who received an injection. That leads me to my next question about shedding. I know many people who are not going to get the injection, but they’re concerned about being around those who have. What can you tell us about that?
LP: There’s a lot of concern. The authorities say there’s no evidence of shedding or transmission. If you look under that rock, what study does that come from? Where have you tested the saliva, the exhalations, the air, the urine, the skin and the stool of people who have gotten the injection to see how long or whether any material comes out of their body and whether it transmits? What’s interesting is that in Pfizer’s clinical trial, they warned people who got the injection not to have sexual intercourse for the first four weeks after and not to get pregnant during the trial.5 My question to that is, what did they know? We don’t know what’s coming out of people’s bodies who got one of the injections because we don’t know what’s in the injections. People have conjectured it’s spike protein. Therefore, people have recommended, “Make sure you have high levels of vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc. Make sure that you’re getting your glutathione.” You hear people saying, “Take pine needle tea, dandelion tea, fennel seed and anise seed.” We’re swimming in open water with all of these remedies because we don’t know; we don’t have specific studies that say, “This is what’s going to protect you.” We also don’t know what’s coming out of people’s bodies. Others have conjectured that it could be a spike protein antibody passing. Some people have conjectured it could be messenger RNA. The more sinister and rather nefarious information that’s coming out is that there are magnetized nanoparticles in the injection that can be transmitted from person to person. Those reports are alarming. There is tons of literature to show not only the use of messenger RNA technology to create self-spreading vaccines but also to utilize magnetized nanoparticles as a way to expose the non-injected to the material that’s in the injection.
How To Stay Healthy During the Pandemic
HG: That is a very bleak scenario for us to consider. I always like to end on a more hopeful note. If readers could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend?
LP: Stop listening to mainstream media. That’s the first thing. Stop reading what the mainstream media put out. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and I do a “Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P” podcast every Thursday night at 7:00 PM, and you have all of these other organizations and freedom fighters who are putting out good science and good material and doing their best to expose the nefarious things going on: StandForHealthFreedom.com, MakeAmericansFreeAgain.com, the Weston A. Price Foundation, GreenMedInfo.com, Vaxxter.com, the National Vaccine Information Center, BardsFM with Scott Kesterson, James Lyons-Weiler’s IPAK. You also have Children’s Health Defense, which is also putting out a tremendous amount of material (ChildrensHealthDefense.org). You have Dr. Mercola—he’s putting out true information and getting canned for it; his life is even threatened. There’s the ThriveTime Show which Clay Clark is doing.
There are lots of ways to get information out. These are opportunities for people to become aware that something else is going on that’s not necessarily what the mainstream media are feeding us. Especially now that we see all these emails that Dr. Fauci is accused of writing, saying he knew it was a bioweapon, masks didn’t work and hydroxychloroquine worked. He made it all up. You have to say to yourself, “What’s true here?”
HG: He knew the asymptomatic carriers were not the drivers of the disease.
LP: Second, get your diet in order; eat whole organic foods and grow your own food if you can. In addition, maintain connected relationships. Make sure you’re connected to a higher power, whatever that looks like for you. Maintain a practice that helps you vibrate at a higher frequency. Search for truth. Watch the levels of certainty that you maintain that could push you down an unfortunate path—because we’re at a very uncertain time. Be open to uncertainty, to the unknown, to learning new things, to knowing that you were wrong and someone else was right. Be able to look through the eyes of other people to understand how another viewpoint could be incorporated into your being. Finally, get good sunshine, get sleep, exercise and take some downtime.
- Vincent MJ, Bergeron E, Benjannet S, et al. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. Virol J. 2005;2:69.
- Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048). Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee briefing document. Meeting date: 10 December 2020. https://www.fda.gov/media/144246/download
- FDA briefing document: Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting, December 17, 2020. https://www.fda.gov/media/144434/download
- Emergency use authorization (EUA) application for Ad26.COV2.S, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson. Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, February 26, 2021. https://www.fda.gov/media/146265/download
- Pfizer. A phase 1/2/3, placebo-controlled, randomized, observer-blind, dose-finding study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, immunogenicity, and efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 RNA vaccine candidates against COVID-19 in healthy individuals. Protocol C4591001. https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizercom/2020-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2021
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C. Gunst says
So good to hear the TRUTH! I also have been doing research since the start of this plandemic, because I just knew it was all fake, & I had the discernment – (it comes from God, to those who listen to Him!) – that this was meant to depopulate us & control us; it was a very ominous feeling.
In 2022, and now in early 2023, we are seeing death rates soar – not from the pseudo-virus, but from the bioweapon-injections. I am also aware it is transmitted from vaxxed to unvaxxed — and everyone should be taking appropriate supplements. (There is much info. out there – many good doctors & real scientists are helping others by uncovering truth!)
Most important, perhaps, is that people who have lost family & friends due to this bioweapon injections, need to get good & angry!! — then unite together against the evil global “elites” who did this to humanity. If people unite, and call on God for His divine help, I believe we can end this & all the other evil plans they have for humanity.