Pictures from 2009 Conference
Steve Heyer discusses diversity on the farm.
Dr. Louisa Williams, author of Radical Medicine, on getting to the root cause of illness.
Amanda Love took time out from food coordination to give a class on making kefir.
Jennette Turner explains the good-mood foods.
Anore Jones on the fascinating foods of the frozen north.
Chris Masterjohn (left) describes the medicinal use of cod liver oil, going back hundreds of years.
Kaayla Daniel, PhD, discusses the sacred foods for fertility.
Participants in our yearly membership drive receive a free conference registration for signing up fifteen new WAPF members,and a gift for signing up six new members. Pictured with Sally Fallon Morell (center) are Deb Chisholm, Shawn Dady, Jessica Freeman, Judith Mudrak, Laura Villanti and Lynne Manthey Plichta.
Presented by Sally Fallon Morell (left) winners of the 2009 WAPF Activist Award include Kristin Canty, Amanda Love, Peg Beals, RN, Gené Walls and Kimberly Hartke. Not pictured: Caroline Graff, Stephanie Rivers and John and Jessica Moody. The Activist Award was also presented posthumously to Katherine Russell, former chapter leader of Charlottesville,
Sally Fallon Morell with Ted Beals, MD (center), winner of the 2009 WAPF Integrity in Science Award.
Dr. Anne Sergeant on why you can’t afford to eat cheap food.
Kathryne Pirtle and Dr. John Turner on a holistic treatment for GERD.
Dr. Tom Cowan on the fourfold treatment of cancer.
Charles Eisenstein explains new food economics for changing times.
Dr. Mary Newport explains the use of coconut oil for Alzheimer’s disease.
Garrett Smith talks about the problems with nightshades.
John Moody on setting up a WAPF-friendly buying club.
Jasmine Stine explains the workings of local currencies.
Parting words from Geoffrey Morell, with Sally Fallon Morell.
Inspiring advice from Canadian raw milk hero Michael Schmidt.
Participants in the children’s program sing a song about raw milk.
Dan Corrigan, Karen Myers and Archie Welch of Corganic, Real Foods for Autism
Beautiful Real Food Media bloggers Jenny McGruther of Nourished Kitchen blog, Ann Marie Michaels of Cheeseslave blog, Kelly the Kitchen Kop, Kimberly Hartke of Hartke is Online! blog and Kimi Harris of Nourishing Gourmet blog.
Simon Gorman of Caldwell Biofermentation Canada, which provided lacto-fermented condiments for conference meals.
Kevin Brown, author of the Liberation Diet, and Maureen Diaz, of Nourishing Traditional Cook.
Jennifer Wood, John Wood, Megan Baugh and Tressa Johnston of U.S. Wellness Meats.
Nutrition education from the American Nutrition Association.
Jane Elder Kunz with Traderspoint Creamery.
Misty Frank (left) and Liz Pitfield (right) present a surprise book of testimonials to WAPF president Sally Fallon Morell to commerate the tenth year anniversary of WAPF.
Keynote speaker David Gumpert signs a copy of his new book, The Raw Milk Revolution.
Irrepressible holistic farming advocates Will Winter and Jerry Brunetti.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on the trophoblast theory of cancer and the dietary theories of Dr. William Kelley.
Nalini Agarwal of Pure Indian Foods, exhibiting many flavors of organic ghee.
Tim Wightman with Carlie Wetzel and Judith Mudrak, winner of the Green Pasture drawing for a
free trip to Alaska.
Happy gals from Actual Organics.
Almost one hundred chapter leaders from the U.S., Canada, Finland and even Pakistan, gathered for
the traditional Monday chapter leaders meeting.