Please oppose the Draft Guidance that FDA has proposed for “Drugs Labeled as Homeopathic.” If this Guidance is finalized, it will jeopardize consumer access to a number of excellent homeopathic remedies now used by consumers.
Take Action at FDA Here – – by submitting your own comment to the FDA online, a very quick and effective method of letting FDA know you are in opposition and why.
The deadline for comments to FDA is March 20, 2018.
Take Action Here – – to send a letter to your Congressional Representatives asking them to submit opposition comments to the FDA too.
Read FDA Draft Guidance Here:
Read NHFA’s Comments Here: . NHFA has reviewed the Draft Guidance and submitted a 20 page formal comment opposing the Draft Guidance and recommending changes. There are two key reasons why we oppose the draft guidance:
The FDA is attempting to repeal historic guidance documents (CPG 400.400 – that has for decades acknowledged and protected the unique nature of homeopathic remedies and provided clear guidance to manufacturers regarding the marketing of these remedies.
In addition, FDA is now attempting to establish enforcement priorities for homeopathic remedies similar to all other pharmaceutical unapproved drugs, based on a general “risk-based” approach, but with even added restrictions not imposed on pharmaceutical unapproved drugs
Take Action at and ask FDA to honor and protect access to all homeopathic remedies.
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john lucich jr says
i am 81 years young!…my homeopathic doctor is dr thomas cowan. He is based in san francisco calif. i had a stroke in 2010. I have been following dr cowans holistic advice for the last 10 yearsand take NO medications.i do take a strophanthus supplement. the holistic movement is paramount for choice in todays world!I the usda is FAR behind in choice or direction want my own choice to be MINE!,,,not the government under this administration!!!
Laura Sholtz says
The FDA is not knowledgeable about homeopathic remedies, therefore should not even think about trying to control them. Homeopathic organizations should be the ones in charge of homeopathy and homeopathic remedies. In addition, homeopathy is safe, especially compared with allopathic drugs that poison and kill people. What’s wrong with a little competition? Are the drug companies so worried that they will lose people? I think they are worried about possibly losing all the money they are making by stealing the health of the American populace. Homeopathy heals; it does not kill.
Dr. Eric Martin says
I have benefited greatly from prescribed homeopathic remedies, it would be a great loss to see access to them limited in any way under the incorrect
thinking that it would protect the public
Spring Duplissis says
please do not allow this to go through. We as Americans have the right to choose. This will take away my families right to choose between homeopathic medicine & allopathic medicine. Allopathic medicine is not worth my time any longer as it is politically based & driven by greed & the pharmaceutical industry. Case in point: if a person fed children the ingredients inside vaccines they wold be put in jail for child abuse but the pharmaceutical & medical industry does it every day & the government sanctions it. These conducts are wrong!
Billie-Jean says
This is just so typical. Taking another choice away from the consumer. This shouldn’t even be something we are considering. I think people should have the right to choose homeopathy if that’s what they want to treat their bodies with. People should be able to choose other options to treat their bodies with other than pharmaceuticals. So in my opinion this is a bunch of hogwash!!
Not a Sheep! says
Taking away our right to choose alternative medicine would be a disgrace and disservice to our country. Many people, cannot tolerate conventional medicine. Nothing is one size fits all. It’s sad that we live in a world where profits are more important than people. Homeopathy can be miraculous and is certainly much safer than the pharmaceuticals that are approved by the FDA. If this happens I hope that the People will take a stand against an unfair and unjust government that is clearly not interested in the true health and well being of it’s citizens. America is slowly but surely losing everything that we were supposedly founded on.
Victor Cozzetto says
I think it is great that WAPF is helping to mobilize us and keep us aware of these legislative attacks. I have added my voice to the opposition. We need to keep our choices available to us!