Dear Members,
This is a critical meeting to voice opposition to the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), which if passed would destroy small farming in the U.S. Since NC is the second largest pork producing state, we will need many voices to counter them and other agribusinesses at the session next Thursday. Please read this action alert carefully and participate if you are able.
Sally Fallon Morell
NAIS Listening Session –
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Jane S. McKimmon Center, 1101 Gorman Street, Raleigh, NC
Registration starts at 8 am. The meeting is from 9 am – 4 pm.
Members of Congress are pushing to make the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) mandatory. NAIS threatens the freedom of small farms and animal owners, who will bare the huge financial burden and intrusive government surveillance. The program was developed by agribusiness giants to improve their export markets, and will do nothing to improve food safety or quality. Instead, NAIS will reduce consumers’ access to grass-fed meats, eggs, and dairy.
Thanks to the strong grassroots outcry, the USDA has set up listening sessions to hear our concerns. The results of these listening sessions could determine whether or not USDA caves to Congressional pressure to mandate NAIS. NC is one of the few states chosen for this opportunity so it is vital we voice our opposition in Raleigh!
REGISTRATION (Three ways to register if you want to speak)
1) Pre-register Online: Send an email to In the subject line of the e-mail, indicate your name and the location of the meeting you plan to attend. If you wish to present public comments, include your name and address in the body of the message.
2) Pre-register by Phone: call 301-734-0799
3) Register the day of the meeting, starting at 8 am at the meeting location
You can show your support simply by being at the session! You can also bring written comments to submit, or plan a short statement to present (3 minutes). The afternoons are group discussion. Be prepared to politely disagree with USDA staff or industry representatives if they try to promote NAIS at these sessions.
For more information, go to Feel free to borrow arguments from FARFA’s written comments to explain some of the many problems with NAIS.
Our postal address is
PMB #106-380
4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20016
United States
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