$100 Donor Gift – The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care
by Sally Fallon Morell and Thomas S. Cowan, MD
(Recently released in February 2013!)
Help maintain the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund’s low membership costs and provide the needed funds to take on cases for farmers like Vernon Hershberger in Wisconsin, Dan Brown in Maine and Mark McAfee in California and assist with cases like Mark Baker‘s in Michigan!
Each of these cases protects your access to farm-fresh foods like raw dairy products, humanely raised meats and artisan products. When you donate $100 or more, you’ll receive Sally Fallon Morell’s newest release, The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care for FREE! It makes a great gift for weddings and baby showers.
Sneak a peek for yourself.
Summary of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care:
In his studies of isolated non-industrialized peoples, Dr. Weston A. Price formulated the dietary laws necessary for ensuring the health and vitality of our children, generation after generation. The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care now makes these principles available to modern parents, with primary emphasis on a nutrient-dense diet starting before conception and continuing through pregnancy, breastfeeding and the period of growth.
This compendium of practical advice also addresses parental concerns about interventions during pregnancy and birth, vaccinations, and conventional medical practices for newborns.
The work of Rudolf Steiner supports the book’s emphasis on the child’s spiritual requirement for imaginative play.
A section devoted to the illnesses of childhood explains the role of fever in strengthening the immune system and provides detailed instructions on natural therapies for everything from autism to whooping cough.
To receive this gift, donate $100 now by August 20, 2013.
Check out the other great donor gifts!
Visit http://farmtoconsumer.org/appeal2013/index.htm or Call (703)208-FARM (3276).
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods. Learn more About FTCLDF, or check out the FTCLDF 2012 Summary. Membership benefits include the possibility of representation in court; FTCLDF typically pays for all court costs. FTCLDF is not an insurance company and cannot guarantee representation on all legal matters. Your membership fees and donations help to keep local food sources available and preserve family farms facing unjust enforcement actions.
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To donate, call (703) 208-FARM (3276), or visit the www.farmtoconsumer.org/Appeal2013.
Donations to the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund are always appreciated though
not tax-deductible. Prefer to make a tax-deductible donation? Go to www.farmtoconsumer.org/PIL for information about “public interest litigation” (PIL).
not tax-deductible. Prefer to make a tax-deductible donation? Go to www.farmtoconsumer.org/PIL for information about “public interest litigation” (PIL).
Questions about donations or membership? Contact us by email at info@farmtoconsumer.org, or call 703-208-FARM (3276).
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