Wise Traditions, Volume 1, Number 1
- Farm & Ranch: Animal Pharm, Mark Purdey unravels the mysteries of mad cow disease
- Traditional Diets: The Mediterranean Diet: Pasta or Pastrami?, Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD set the record straight.
- Food Feature: It’s the Beef (Myths & Truths about Red Meat), by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD
- Health Issues: Staying on Top of Oxidative Stress, Stephen Byrnes demystifies the subject of free radicals
- In His Footsteps: Geoffrey C. Morell travels to Vanuatu
- Notes from Yesteryear: Teeth and Bone Hardness in Diagnosis and Prevention of Premature Aging, by Meyer M. Silverman, DDS
- President’s Message: A French Village
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon and Mary Enig take on the Diet Dictocrats
- Ask the Doctor: Tom Cowan gives remedies for dry skin
- Know Your Fats: Mary Enig discusses trans fat labeling
- Farm & Ranch: Larry Klein tells why farmers use hormones
- Nutrition Greats: Royal Lee, DDS, the Father of Natural Vitamins
- Soy Alert!: Trouble at the Third Annual Soy Symposium
- MSG Update: Jack Samuels looks at MSG in food and farming
- Food Feature: Uncooking That Goose
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Thumbs Down for Smart Fats by Michael Schmidt
- A Campaign for Real Milk (on realmilk.com): Sally Fallon looks at the latest reports on raw milk vs. pasteurized
President’s Message: A French Village
by Sally Fallon
Three cheers for the French town of Pamiers, in the Pyranees near the Spanish border. Last month the town’s council voted to stop using ready-made, mass-produced meals in the community’s school cafeteria. Instead the school is serving meals made of locally grown produce. “The results of our trial were completely unambiguous,” said Andres Trigano, the town’s mayor. “With school dinners bought in bulk from the outside, we had a rejection rate of up to 60 percent. With good local food from our own farmers, organic if possible, virtually nothing gets thrown away.”
While children benefit by dining on free-range eggs and poultry, local potatoes and salad greens, cheese from cows grazing at the bottom of the hill and pastry make that morning from locally-produced flour and butter, local farmers benefit with well-earned profits. ‘Finally, we have a mayor who’s standing up for us,” said one grateful villager.
The children of Pamiers eat healthy food and local farmers make a decent living. It’s so simple. That’s what our board member Tom Cowan likes to say: The solutions are simple and they start with changes in the way we think. . . and the way we eat.
That’s what the Weston A Price Foundation is all about. We’re planting the seeds of change–a change in consciousness that will lead to a complete rejection of industrialized, mass-produced food; a new appreciation for the health benefits of foods that come from small mixed farms; and an awareness of the fact that the way we eat determines the kind of economy we will have–one in which a few people make millions and millions of dollars or one in which millions and millions of people make a decent living.
We’re pleased with the progress we have made on all fronts. Response to our educational brochure has been extremely enthusiastic and our membership grows steadily day by day. Local chapters throughout the country are helping people find locally grown foods. Our websites (wwwWestonAPrice.org and www.RealMilk.com) are fully operational and we’re gearing up for our first conference in April.
Together we can change the world. The first steps are easy: Eat whole foods, traditionally prepared and processed, if possible locally grown. Then set your sites on one do-able project–local food in the school cafeteria; a change in the law that makes it easier for farmers to sell directly to consumers; a lobbying effort for clean, certified raw milk; a protest campaign against toxins in our food; nutrition education for our youth; or a local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
And be sure to enjoy yourself in the process. Crusaders always have more fun!
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