The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently failed our kids by approving the Pfizer vaccine for children between the ages of 5 and 11.
Now that the FDA has expanded Pfizer’s emergency use authorization to those as young as 5, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will do a separate risk-benefit analysis to determine whether the vaccine should be recommended on November 2-3, 2021.
The CDC can choose NOT to recommend the shots for young children, or can recommend more narrow use than the FDA opened the door to. The CDC is not bound by the FDA authorization, so let’s make our voices heard!
Public comments can be submitted through Wednesday, November 3rd, but comments made before Friday, October 29th will have more impact, as they will be sent to ACIP members before the meeting.
If recommended by the ACIP, the vaccine is likely to be mandated for school attendance in many states, so we need your help to tell the CDC now that COVID vaccines for young children are a bad idea!
Talking points, which explain more about the problems with the vaccines, are below the Take Action section. Be sure to personalize your comments for optimum success.
Submit your comments for consideration by the ACIP today if possible, and by November 3 at the latest.
You can submit comments online here: https://www.regulations.gov/commenton/CDC-2021-0112-0001
Or register to make oral comments at the virtual meeting here: https://www2.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/acip_publiccomment.asp
Be sure to explain why this issue is important to you. You may wish to use a couple of the talking points below, but don’t simply copy them – just use them as ideas to help structure your own message.
TALKING POINTS for comments:
- Share a personal story, if you have relevant experience. Have you, a family member, or someone you know personally had an adverse reaction to a COVID vaccine?
- As of October 4th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s data show 30,177 people who were hospitalized or died despite being fully vaccinated. And since that only covers hospitalizations or deaths where the vaccine status was reported, even the agency acknowledges it is an undercount of COVID infections among fully vaccinated persons.
- COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and providers are shielded from liability through the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, or PREP Act. The only option for compensating people injured by COVID-19 vaccines is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation program (CICP). Only eight percent of all petitioners since 2010 have been awarded compensation through the CICP. No legal or medial expert fees are covered, no pain and suffering is awarded, lost wages are capped at $50,000, and there is no judicial appeal. In other words, the victims will be severely undercompensated while the pharmaceutical companies get rich.
- As of October 10th, there had already been 593,728 COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and 7,437 COVID-19 vaccine deaths in the U.S. reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html
- It is estimated that only 1-10 percent of all vaccine reactions are ever reported to VAERS.
- According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, less than 2% of children known to be infected by the coronavirus are hospitalized, and less than 0.03% of those who are infected die. The risks of vaccination do not outweigh the potential benefits.
Do not pass this mandate it is not healthy!!
Please do not experiment on our children with these experimental mRNA drugs. We have no idea what the long term or even shorter term adverse effects may be. This is criminal!
CDC is in bed with big pharma. Just follow the money trail. They have made billions, but that is not enough. Now they are coming after your kids. Do NOT experiment on these kids with this concoction that has unknown side affects. These young bodies do not have strong enough immune systems to tolerate this garbage.
As of October 4th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s data show 30,177 people who were hospitalized or died despite being fully vaccinated. And since that only covers hospitalizations or deaths where the vaccine status was reported, even the agency acknowledges it is an undercount of COVID infections among fully vaccinated persons.
COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and providers are shielded from liability through the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, or PREP Act. The only option for compensating people injured by COVID-19 vaccines is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation program (CICP). Only eight percent of all petitioners since 2010 have been awarded compensation through the CICP. No legal or medial expert fees are covered, no pain and suffering is awarded, lost wages are capped at $50,000, and there is no judicial appeal. In other words, the victims will be severely undercompensated while the pharmaceutical companies get rich.
As of October 10th, there had already been 593,728 COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and 7,437 COVID-19 vaccine deaths in the U.S. reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html
It is estimated that only 1-10 percent of all vaccine reactions are ever reported to VAERS.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, less than 2% of children known to be infected by the coronavirus are hospitalized, and less than 0.03% of those who are infected die. The risks of vaccination do not outweigh the potential benefits.
Do not mandate the use of this experimental COVID-19 vaccine on our children. This is a BAD idea!
If the children are injured by the COVID-19 vaccine, they and the parents will be severely under compensated (if at all)
I totally oppose vaccination for all children both the 5-11 age group and the 12-18 age group. Too many people have already had adverse events and have been killed by this unproven and dangerous gene therapy.
The risk of the vaccine for children outweigh the benefits and long term effects are not known. Children should not be experimented on. There is no reason to vaccinate children since they are in very little danger from illness. Thank you for your consideration.
Please protect our children and do not pass this mandate. The vaccine has not been proven effective nor safe. Our children are not threatened by Covid-19. Let their God-given immune systems work for them.
“Primum non nocere” [“first, do no harm”] is a well known phrase in healthcare. It has been such an important aspect of our country’s promise to take care of our people that we’ve incorporated this oath into every aspect of healthcare. We, as a country, need to be reminded of this as we consider this issue of mandatory vaccination for our children.
The life altering decisions that are being suggested and/or forced should be very disturbing to ALL OF US.
As a child of God, a mother, a nurse and an American, I try to see everyone’s point of view and I attempt to make the best decisions for myself and those dependent on me, because I hold myself accountable for the choices I make. Who will be held accountable for the unnecessary harm that will inevitably occur to our nation’s youth if this mandate moves forward?!?After everything we (as humans, not just Americans) have gone through with this pandemic, forcing our children (the future leaders of our nation) to comply with such a plan is GOING TOO FAR!!!
It’s like we’re not even a Free country anymore!! Our own mottos of “The Land of The Free”, “Home of The Brave” and “Justice For All” seems, [now], to ONLY be tactical deceptions in order for the love of greed & power in this country to progress unnoticed. Subjecting children to a vaccine for which we have less than 5 years research on, a vaccine that has proved to have serious and/or fatal consequences, is SO wrong on so many levels. Moreover, taking away our rights as parents to make the best choices for our children doesn’t seem to be wrong to any of our leaders?!?;
We are supposed to be an example of Democracy, an example of what it means to treat every human being with respect, honor and dignity. We couldn’t be further from our ideals and our priorities (as a country).
But it’s not too late to make better choices. We are perfectly capable of finding ways to deal with this issue without having to forgo our ethics.
Please do NOT pass this mandate. I implore the power’s to be….. choose our freedom and choose our children. Don’t be fueled by fear, greed, control, power etc…… America is better than that.
It’s time American’s asked themselves what’s really going on here – Follow the money and the corruption – why are trying so hard to hide things from the public.
How can anyone think this is a good idea? On CHILDREN?? When it’s 100% safe, meaning death isn’t possible or injury then we can talk. We have no idea the long term effects this vaccine will have on adults let alone growing and developing children. Absolutely do not mandate this for children.