Just thought I would let you know that after listening to your talks at the 2017 Weston Price Conference, I have been noticing everyone’s facial structure. On coming home today, my husband was talking to a tradesman who was working on my neighbor’s block. I joined in the conversation and noticed his well-developed middle third of the face and his excellent tooth structure.
I found out that his parents are Estonian and that whilst he was born in Australia, he grew up on a traditional Estonian diet with lots of meat, bone broths, liver, offal, cabbage stews and many different forms of fermented foods. He told me his mum always roasted meat and after it was eaten, always boiled the bones for use later. He was passionate about his traditional food and still cooks it himself at age fifty-one. He also showed me a photo of his four-year-old son who has the same well-developed face.
He now knows about Weston Price and the Foundation, and I also told him to phone his mum when he goes home and thank her. A modern-day proof of your wise words and those of Weston Price!
Rhonda Baker
Chapter Leader
Milton/Ulladulla, Australia
Way back in August, 1987 I warned that there would be mass murders in schools. Five years ago, after Connecticut, the movie theater in Colorado, and Oregon mass murders, I warned that there would be more mass murders. Unfortunately, I was correct as yet another young person has gone on the rampage, this time murdering seventeen innocent individuals at a Florida school. The blame game has started. And the only thing worse than the blame game is the fact that there will be still more mass murders.
Everyone is getting in on the blame game—the guns are the cause, bullying is to blame, school leaders and school politicians are to blame, video games and Hollywood are to blame, politicians are to blame, parents fail their kids and are to blame, antidepressant drugs cause psychotic behavior and are to blame, the FBI could not even connect the simple dots and they are to blame, local authorities who fail to take action when a young person continually sends warnings that he will murder are to blame, and on and on.
The people who are never blamed are those in the processed food industry that makes, sells and promotes their horrific non-foods that make up the standard American diet (SAD)—which is devoid of real vitamin B. Then there is the medical profession that promotes the lowfat, high-carbohydrate diet—which is also devoid of most real vitamin B. And of course there is the pharmaceutical industry that owns the medicines and promotes only drugs for mental health—despite the fact that many psych drugs cause psychoses, suicides and violent behavior.
Of all the culprits, the processed food industry is the major underlying cause of adolescent violence. The typical adolescent diet is filled with nonfoods, produced by these industries by the megaton. These nonfoods are primarily carbohydrates, most of which are refined, full of sugar and highly processed. These nonfoods are nearly devoid of real vitamin B and omega-3 fats—the essential brain foods—and they make up the staples of the adolescent diet.
As youngsters become more and more deeply confounded and sick from their SAD and the B vitamin deficiency it causes worsens, they begin to suffer from B Complex Deficiency Syndrome (BCDS). This condition is nearly epidemic among adolescents as the youth population continues to gobble up soda, candy, pop-tarts, twinkies, cookies, doughnuts, bread, french fries, fast foods and all kinds of other concoctions produced for profit with no (zero) consideration given to their effects on the adolescent brain. These non-foods are not only devoid of B vitamins, they make a B vitamin deficiency that already exists in a youngster even worse. Let’s see, how can a diet devoid of B vitamins cause mass murders? Well, when you look into a textbook of human physiology, you will find that BCDS in young people most often starts out as depression. It can quickly worsen to nervousness, irritability, anxiety, mental fatigue, severe depression, manic depression, paranoiac thinking and an overwhelming fear that something horrible is about to happen. But worse, over time it can cause morbid fears, rage and hostility.
Does this sound like Connecticut, the movie theater in Colorado, Oregon, Florida and others? Yes, it does! And most experts, including medical experts, parents, neurologists and more are completely unaware of the emotional changes going on in the brains of adolescents thanks to the SAD and the faulty brain chemistry brought about by BCDS—yes, completely unaware! Too often they are educated out of the brains they were born with or are brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry that continues to pump more and more poison into our kids and adolescents. Most of the time they simply cannot believe that BCDS can produce these brain changes, or that B vitamins can help treat the brain by addressing the underlying cause of emotional problems.
Dr. Bruce West
Monterey, California
I am taking Spanish lessons with a private tutor here in Nicaragua who runs a bakery, and have been so disappointed to find only UHT milk in the stores. There are people called lecheros who bring raw milk in from the countryside. They are depicted in picturesque postcards, and you still see them with the cans of milk on carts pulled by donkeys. My teacher said she is sure they water the milk down a lot and she won’t buy it from them. She also says that people boil it at home, so I think the message they get is to pasteurize it themselves. She also said they come in the morning and if you don’t use the milk by the time it’s hot, it’s spoiled. I assume she is talking about homes that don’t have refrigeration, or maybe the tradition is that you get it at room temperature and use it that morning.
You can buy all kinds of things from these carts. There is a guy who juices oranges from a cart he bikes around with. He offers you ice and sugar if you want, and pours the juice into a baggie, and then inserts a straw and ties the baggie around it. I also got some chicha from another who had a variety of juices in baggies (not squeezed fresh in that moment, just ready to go), which I understood had corn (maiz) in it but not sure what else. I asked about the pink color and he said, I think, vanilla, which wouldn’t give it a pink color. I pressed and he said strawberry, but it didn’t much taste like it. I suspect red food coloring (after having googled chicha and seeing the many types of recipes that get called chicha throughout Central and South America).
Finally, I’ve also tried pinolillo, which is ground toasted corn and ground cacao (so it’s sludgy) mixed with milk or water and sugar—so popular the Nicaraguans call themselves pinolleros—and semilla de jicaro (the photo of the white drink in the baggie) which is a version of horchata (a drink made from rice in Mexico) made with jicaro seeds (a strange tree only found in Mexico and Central America, with these green “cannonball” fruits that almost nothing living near it except humans and horses can crack open, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crescentia_alata). I am not sure how many of these beverages are made in truly traditional ways. (See photos, below.)
Jill Nienhiser
Managua, Nicaragua

I saw the letter to the editor in the last journal (Winter, 2017), about getting vitamin D from the sun, in response to Dr. Seneff’s article. The writer was wondering what amount of sun exposure is safe and made some of his own calculations to help determine that. I have a few reservations about the writer’s recommendations.
In addition to some of WAPF’s articles, I’ve read some of Dr. Mercola’s articles about vitamin D from the sun. He gives advice for safely spending time in the sun and how much time is adequate. He also talks about the many health benefits of (safe) sun exposure, including for the eyes and for the reduction of stress, among many other things.
The biggest thing I noticed in the letter was the recommendation to avoid mid-day sun, not necessarily completely, but to get more of our sun exposure in order to absorb vitamin D closer to 10 AM and 3 PM, when the sun is at a thirty-degree angle or so in the sky. According to Dr. Mercola, we can’t synthesize vitamin D from the sun unless it is at least a fifty-degree angle to us in the sky, which means closer to mid-day, as both your articles and Dr. Mercola’s recommend. It’s because the UVB rays (the ones from which vitamin D are synthesized) are shorter than the UVA rays, and cannot reach us through the atmosphere unless the sun angle is fifty degrees or higher. This also means that in many locations, vitamin D cannot be synthesized at all during the winter and sometimes the months surrounding it depending on where we are; furthermore, weather and atmospheric conditions like cloud cover, pollution, ozone layer, surface reflection as well as altitude and elevation, among other factors, may affect our vitamin D production.
Another reason it is better to get our vitamin D mid-day is that, according to Dr. Mercola’s articles, the balance of UVA to UVB rays is healthier for our skin: UVB is higher, so we don’t need to spend as much time to absorb vitamin D, and we can be exposed for a shorter period of time to the UVA rays (more damaging and more likely to cause melanoma and cancer).
Apparently, according to Dr. Mercola, we also need to be careful to avoid washing (at least with soap) our exposed skin areas for up to forty-eight hours after sun exposure to allow the vitamin D (an oil-soluble steroid hormone) to fully absorb into our bloodstream from the surface of our skin.
There is a website that will calculate the angle of the sun on any given day, in any given location in the world: the Sun or Moon Altitute/Azimuth Table (http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/AltAz.php). I’ve gone here to be aware of which days I can make vitamin D each year. In my particular location (NW Washington state) this year, the sun will be at fifty degrees from April 12th through August 30th, and on these (first and last) dates, only for about twenty minutes or so right around 1 PM (adjusted from noon because of daylight savings time). On June 21st, the sun is at fifty degrees from about 10:40 AM until about 3:50 PM. For my relatives in Texas, the “vitamin D” dates are February 21st through November 20th.
It’s just bothered me knowing of people who have intentionally spent time in the sun in order to make vitamin D, but have done it early or late day, or during times of the year that we can’t make any (because they just didn’t know), and it certainly doesn’t help that radio announcements and other media sources mislead people because they are unaware of these facts.
Bellingham, Washington
I continue to enjoy reading Wise Traditions, especially Caustic Commentary. In the winter 2017 issue it states, “There is only one way the aluminum could have gotten into the brain in such quantity—by injection directly into the blood through vaccination.”
Actually, aluminum passes directly into the brain by a process known as axonal transport by way of the nose or olfactory nerve. Other pathways include a direct path via the sinus and by an indirect path through the sinuses and lungs via the blood stream. Since aluminum has been found in high concentrations in chemtrails, the possibility of their influence is great since the air we breathe is regularly filled with aluminum. The effect may even be more profound since the aluminum is processed to make particles smaller (nanoparticles).
Many of my patients suffer from dental complaints that were referred from sinus inflammation; when treated to eliminate the aluminum, their complaints are resolved. Many of the same patients have experienced unresolved coughing for an extended time that resolved with elimination of aluminum from their body. The increased frequency in these findings is remarkable. Of course, I am sensitized to the issue and am looking for the relationship. Unfortunately, it is not commonly considered as a part of a differential diagnosis.
Michael Baylin, DDS
Baltimore, Maryland
Chronic mercury toxicity is a complex, nonlinear, and idiosyncratic phenomenon; and detox products, no matter how well designed, will never be as effective as prevention. Nonetheless, readers may be interested in the following. Mercury scientist Boyd Haley has developed a synthetic mercury chelator/antioxidant that is undergoing approval by the U.S. FDA and the equivalent agency in Europe. The product is described in the scientific literature under its chemical name, NBMI, at PubMed 22573916.
Dr. Haley was profiled in the 2015 documentary film, Evidence of Harm, and his outspoken advocacy against mercury in medicine and dentistry can also be found on YouTube. His product was available as an over-the-counter supplement from 2008 to 2010, when it was known as OSR or Oxidative Stress Relief. It was popular among the biological dentistry community. It was pulled from the over-the-counter market at the request of the FDA, at which point Dr. Haley began the lengthy an expensive FDA approval process. The product has passed safety testing and is now undergoing efficacy testing.
When approved, it will be sold under the name Irminix by Dr. Haley’s company, EmeraMed, by prescription only. Pending approval, this drug is available now as an “Investigative New Drug” for short-term “compassionate use” in the U.S. and in Switzerland, to physicians who seek “early access” for a “named patient” with a serious condition. Information on early access can be found at the company’s website: EmeraMed.com.
Kris Homme
Berkeley, California
A little over a year ago my quirky, spirited and brilliant seven-year-old son started to experience some really weird symptoms. He complained often about tingling in his hands and feet. He started falling a lot and he complained that his legs stopped working from time to time. He couldn’t get into a restful state for the EEG and I refused an MRI until we had more information.
I did ask for his heavy metals to be tested and his arsenic level was really high, but we never figured out what that was all about. I was told that people on a gluten-free diet often have really high arsenic levels from their rice intake, but we weren’t heavy rice consumers. Soon after he started having pronounced tics (motor and vocal) including loud barking. Things got worse; my school-loving kid became school-phobic, had never-ending sinusitis (for a year), had intense neck pain, developed large, dark circles under his eyes, stopped eating most foods and became super picky about clothing textures, food, touching—everything sensory. Kisses were like punches to him, and he was rarely happy.
We saw lots of therapists, naturopaths, Kaiser MDs and so many other specialists. After reading some information on your site, I insisted that he be tested for strep and, sure enough, although he had no symptoms, he and his brother (the carrier) had strep. We treated the strep, and the tics and behaviors improved a bit. We started to treat his leaky gut by avoiding certain foods, using supplements and lots of bone broth and gelatin (Great Lakes makes third party-tested products for this) and we were seeing more improvements. The trouble was that the sinusitis kept coming back and that would trigger more tics and odd behaviors.
The diagnosis was PANDAS— Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. A PANDAS specialist, Amy Joy Smith (she does phone consults and is amazing) recommended lots of supplements and local specialists including a chiropractor who she said “saved her son’s life.” After so many specialists, a PANDAS diagnosis and trying a ton of therapies, Larry Goldsmith, DC, in Sebastopol, California was smart enough to look in my son’s mouth based on the fact that he had a swollen lymph node on the side with the painful neck. He told me that my boy had a severely infected root canal and that was the source of the inflammation. We had just gone to the pediatric dentist a few months prior and they said his x-rays looked fine. The next day, within ten minutes of our second opinion appointment with my dentist, my son’s diagnostic x-ray showed a large and severe abscess under the root canal that he had at age two and one-half (yes, we do brush well). My dentist said he had probably had this infection for at least six months and probably longer. Apparently, there is a really high fail rate for root canals in kids, especially in young kids, and it’s not good practice to give root canals to kids and hasn’t been for a while. My dentist took out the infected tooth on the spot. The roots were all decayed and mostly had eroded away. Within three days, the year of mucous had ended and my kid could breathe through his nose (he had a big scar under his nose from blowing so often). Within a week the circles had faded dramatically, and within a week and a half the tics had vanished.
A year later my kid is happy, healthy and thriving with no symptoms and we are still on the low-gluten and low-dairy diet with a few supplements and no need for specialists! My son has had two very short episodes of tics since then (a few days) and both happened right before his front teeth fell out. After giving him Motrin for the inflammation, the tics seemed to subside.
It is interesting because on the PANDAS Facebook support pages, parents often write about seeing many more tics and behaviors when kids are losing their teeth and the prime age that kids lose their teeth is correlated with the onset of PANDAS. I am left grateful beyond belief and curious about the relationship between inflammation in the mouth as a trigger for tics.
I am a special education teacher by training and PANDAS is a very troubling rising epidemic. I have to wonder how many kids actually have this from infected root canals. The pediatric dentist we went to gives them to very young kids all the time. Can you help me get out our story in some way?
Lendri Purcell, VP
Jonas Philanthropies
Petaluma, California
To WAPF members, I thought you would be interested in the comments I submitted regarding FDA’s proposal to rescind the soy heart health claim:
As a nutrition professional and researcher, I know that soy is not heart healthy and not healthy for any purpose. The claim was based on faulty studies which are old and out of date. Consequentially the food chain was flooded with GMO soybean oil (including soybean oil in infant formula).
There is a direct correlation between soybean oil and obesity. Refined soybean oil is not a natural product but the result of heat and hexane, a serious toxin. Soybean oil is a use for the mountains of soybeans that the Farm Bill supported in every farmer’s field. Farmers knew back to the 1940s that the way to fatten up the livestock was to give them soy products. Obesity is a risk factor in heart disease. Phytates in soy block absorption of minerals and the trypsin inhibitors block production of digestive enzymes. Consumption of soy products may be related to cancer of the pancreas and other cancers. Soy was not and never will be a food our body can healthfully utilize.
Drinking soy milk, eating soy products and the “man boobs”—gynecomastia—that many of our teenage boys experience are related. A search of Environmental Health Perspectives brings up articles regarding the longer-term consequences of feeding soy infant formula to male and female infants. Soy products contain isoflavones, which are estrogenic and no matter how you spin it, these exogenous estrogens have no place in a child’s diet. I strongly applaud and support the vigilant efforts of the Weston A. Price Foundation and their members as a public service in educating the consumer about the dangers of soy products.
Sylvia Onusic, PhD
Portage, Pennsylvania
Thanks for another great issue of Wise Traditions. In reference to the article about bone marrow helping leukemia patients (Winter, 2017), I would like to share my recipe for marrow balls. Take four beef shank bones, spoon out the marrow and melt it over low heat. Strain off the cracklings (they´re crunchy and tasty) and stir in bread crumbs, until all the marrow is soaked up, one cup and a half or so. The better quality the bread crumbs the tastier the balls.
Now season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, parsley and chives and let cool. Then add two to three egg yolks and form little balls. Let them set, they keep for a very long time and can also be frozen. Add these marrow balls as a garnish to soups, traditionally wedding soups have marrow balls in them in Germany.
Anita Reusch
Eifel Chapter, Germany
I know that putting together a conference of the magnitude that you all do, coupled with the amazing effort put into the menus and meals, must be extremely labor-intensive and certainly not lost on me. This last conference was my first, and I found it so impressive that I am not only looking forward to the next with anticipation, but hope I can attend every one in the future after that, too!
Paula Shaffer, LAc
Hampstead, Maryland
Thank you for the scholarships to attend the Wise Traditions conference in Minneapolis. My husband and I would never have had this opportunity without your financial support. I enjoyed volunteering for the farm class and Robert took tickets at the meals.
We were both excited to learn so much about food preparation and agriculture. I pray it will have an affect on our small farming operation in the future.
Mary Lou Witt
Macksburg, Iowa
Your organization has changed our lives—we appreciate all you do!
About ten years ago, after my youngest went through five years of treatment for leukemia, I stumbled upon your work. I began to make changes in how I shopped and cooked for my family. I have not looked back! We are all well-nourished and healthy now and rarely get sick. We’ve been drinking raw milk for eight years now. We love it!
Brenda Veltman
Ada, Michigan
Thank you for your timely articles in your journal. As a child, I had raw milk until about six years of age, when we moved to a rural area. Our new neighbors were not dairy farmers so we bought milk in the store until I was about eighteen. At that time we started getting raw Jersey milk delivered and we started moving back to the old ways of preparing food—homemade butter, grass-fed meats, etc.—although I was still addicted to boxed cereals and packaged snacks. I had lots of acne and dry skin problems, low blood sugar and difficult menstruation.
Fast forward ten years. I am now married with three children. I’ve added cod liver oil to our daily diet and am eating mostly gluten free. Now our nutritionist told us to go off dairy, except for goat milk. So we got our own goat. Well, goat’s milk did not taste good to me, so I virtually quit drinking milk. As the fall months went on, I noticed I was increasingly fatigued, with frequent headaches and very interrupted sleep. My cycles were heavy with bad moods. My five-year-old daughter was also very moody and needed daily naps again, and her imaginative playing had disappeared.
After about six months of this, we got started with raw Jersey kefir and wow! All these issues we were dealing with disappeared in only a week’s time! In my kefir smoothies I add raw egg yolks, raw liver, coconut oil and chia seeds.
What is your thinking on this? Were we not getting enough fats while on our goat milk diet, or was there something more lacking?
Susan Glick
Loysville, Pennsylvania
Editor’s Response: It’s possible you and your family were not getting enough folate and vitamin B12 on the goat milk diet, as goat milk tends to be deficient in these two nutrients.
Thank you so much for everything you promote. There’s not enough words to describe the life change and the amazing health in our young family. I’m twenty-three years, husband twenty-five and one son almost two years old. It’s been a total lifestyle change for us and such a blessing. My husband suffered with arthritis over all his joints and now it’s completely gone!
Ashley Gogan
Miami, Oklahoma
I have been using the WAPF concepts for about six years, having been introduced to the Foundation by my naturopathic doctor. This program probably saved my life, or at least spared me a whole lot of chronic symptoms that were gathering. Three years ago I had knee surgery and was told I could expect knee reconstruction in two to five years. I was also told that cartilage doesn’t regrow and that meniscus tears don’t heal. The surgery was a clean-up job with a gloomy prognosis.
Today I am over fifty pounds lighter, and I used the Weston A. Price diet every step of the way. I was a preemie baby, and giving myself butter and clean fats has been crucial. I used bone broth to heal my joints. I reconfigured my life and did a remarkable course in commercial cooking. Today I am most gratified to work for a local organic grocery as a salad and cold food chef. My knees don’t hurt and I am developing a Tai Chi/Chi Gung practice. You need cartilage in joints to do that. The mainstream doctors were wrong.
I am most grateful and delighted to be a member and supporter of Weston A. Price. This program works for me!
Pat Howe
Sausalito, California
I have been a subscriber of the Weston A. Price Foundation for many years, and I find Wise Traditions to be one of the most informative publications I have ever read! Thank you for all you are doing to help keep us healthy!
May I make a couple of suggestions for future articles? Media’s attention to agricultural pesticides has increased somewhat, due to the proven dangers of glyphosate, but the discussion seems to stop there and excludes mention of the additional dangers of lawn care chemicals, which are also pesticide poisons! It is obvious to me that many of our health issues could be attributable to these unnecessary and dangerous practices. How many cancer patients and diabetics do you know? And how many are cats and dogs? Might the “endocrine disrupting” and “hormone mimicking” effects of these poisons be contributing to the cancer, obesity and diabetic epidemics, even in our pets?
As a volunteer for the local humane society, I’ve witnessed the surrender of animals due to the expense of caring for them once they become diabetic and cancer-ridden. Many cats and dogs are obese, as are their owners. From my research, I sincerely believe that home and yard pesticides (hormone “mimickers” and “disrupters”) and improper diet (GMO and pesticide-drenched corn and soybeans) are contributing factors in the declining health of all animals. At least the medical profession and pharmaceutical companies (and the manufacturers of expensive, specialty pet foods) are profiting handsomely! Meanwhile, many patient families are finding it necessary to file for bankruptcy, due to mounting medical expenses and shrinking or non-existent coverage. Many become depressed, drug- and alcohol-dependent and possibly violent, due to feelings of powerlessness, with little or no money for vacations, entertainment and other healthy forms of pleasures that make life enjoyable. Many people just live lives of quiet desperation. Some of these people are veterans. Some become violent. . . and some unfortunate people die!
My husband recently died of multiple myeloma (an incurable cancer of the bone marrow). You may not be aware, but this cancer is on the Veterans’ Affairs list of illnesses attributable to exposure to Agent Orange, a highly toxic exfoliate, used extensively on our enemy in Viet Nam! Unfortunately, “the chickens have come home to roost”and this poison has affected (and still continues to do so) the veterans who served in that “conflict” many years ago. I saw many of these veterans during my thirty-two years as a volunteer at our local VA hospital, and even though they are receiving medical care and monthly taxpayer dollars to compensate for their illnesses, their lives, and those of their supportive families, have not and will never be the same.
Note: Many of these affected Viet Nam veterans died years prior to the VA administration’s acknowledgment of the connection! Their families never received a penny for their losses!
My husband was not in the military and there was no cancer in his family. But. . . I have several neighbors who hire lawn care companies every spring, in spite of the numerous cancers and deaths in our small neighborhood, including my now-deceased husband! I am an organic Master Gardener and he was my helper. And my home sits in the middle of this cancer cluster! Are my days numbered, no matter what I do to stay healthy?
Can your organization help to spread the word? I truly believe and hope that you can!
Susan Pennington
Martinsville, Indiana
Editor’s Response: An article on toxic lawn chemicals is planned for a future issue.
What is happening to our trees and shrubs? Last summer as I drove around in about a hundred-mile radius of where I live in central Alabama and into Georgia, I couldn’t help but notice practically everywhere I went how sick most of our trees and shrubs appeared, especially oaks (our most common tree), but other hardwoods too as well as softwoods—natives and ornamentals, large and small, young and old.
I have a college degree in botany and horticulture and know how healthy and unhealthy plants look, and am a “tree hugger” to boot who keeps a watch on the environment around me. Last summer the oak leaves appeared shriveled although they were still green; and whereas these majestic tree canopies would normally form a solid cover that time of year, they were actually thin and sparse and you could easily see much of the sky through them. Eventually these shriveled leaves began to drop and dead branches protruded from the tops of many trees. Often as the top died, the lower trunk would sprout with the new foliage causing the periphery, and therefore the landscape, to look green and healthy to the average person; although the shriveling seemed to continue down the trunk eventually catching up with the new sprouts too, completely defoliating some throughout the season. The pine trees also have yellowing needles and large masses of fungus growing on their trunks. An employee of the power company stated that this has been the worst year he’d ever known for dead trees on the lines. Although we did have a rather severe drought in 2016, we also had a rather rainy year in 2017, and one would have thought that our trees and shrubs would be recovering from that; but as the summer progressed, so did the sick look in our trees and shrubs.
So what is going on here? One obvious candidate is chemtrails. According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, these chemtrails contain nano-sized aluminum that can travel through the nasal passages into the brain. As a botanist and horticulturist, I know that high levels of aluminum are toxic to plants as well as humans.
I also called an Extension Service (ES) agent; her explanation was that many pests and diseases have appeared as a much delayed reaction to the 2016 drought. The worst was Sudden Oak Death because it attacks many different species and spreads rapidly.
Then one morning, I heard on the BBC a report that a fungal tree disease is an international crisis, and that it affects more than two thousand different species!
This brings me back to chemtrails. Even if you discount theories of deliberate spraying, we know that aluminum oxide is added to jet fuel, so aluminum (and other toxins) from thousands of planes is raining down on our forests every day. The trees are telling us that it’s time to wake up!
Susan Ledbetter
Waverly, Alabama
re Soy Products. Enlarged breasts can be found in males of all ages with poor liver function. It’s the job of the liver to detoxify excess hormones. Any male following a poor diet (lots of refined carbs, insufficient protein, etc.) would be susceptible to this condition. Males who have never come anywhere near soy products have developed this. I read this in an old book on nutrition by a consulting nutritionist who practiced mostly in the 40s, 50s and 60s and soy was not at all popular then. Nobody fed their kids soy products back then.
Also, “boobs” is a childish term. Why is everyone so frightened of the term “breasts”?