According to a new study, children with autism tend to have rapid head growth from six to twelve months. Results of this interesting study showed that infants who had rapidly accelerating head circumference growth until about twelve months, and whose head growth rate decelerated between twelve and twenty-four months, were more likely to be autistic than infants with more typical head circumference trajectories (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3612537/).
So what makes the head swell up unnaturally in the first year of life? To answer that question, you have to answer this question: what happens in the first year of life? The investigators diplomatically did not ask that question (like Andy Wakefield did).
Occam’s razor offers us the most obvious explanation. A huge quantity of vaccines administered in quick succession starting birth through twelve months causes baby’s brain membranes (meninges) to swell rapidly and the head to expand disproportionately compared with the body. It’s a miracle the head does not explode. With vaccines administered in rapid fire succession, the infant body has almost no chance to recover from the prior injury before the next one is inflicted upon it. Vaccine adjuvants, toxins, preservatives and contaminants are known to cause a massive inflammatory response in a nascent body ill-prepared to handle such an onslaught.
We know this because the vaccine inserts say so, vaccine court reports verify this and over four billion dollars have been handed out in reparations for such injuries. In fact, vaccines are designed to cause this kind of response, else antibodies would not be formed. The question this begs is, antibodies to what? Sadly the answer is, the antibodies attack just about everything in the body, in particular, critical parts of the developing brain. At around twelve months of age, the vaccines taper off a bit, as does the inflammation, but for many children, the damage is done. The growth and development that occurs in those twelve months is critical to the child’s future. There is no going back.
For folks who choose to vaccinate, I’d recommend you check your baby’s head circumference regularly. If the baby started out with a head circumference in the fiftieth percentile and rapidly went up to the ninety-seventh, consider the possibility that you might not have a powerful brain growing in there, but evidence of inflammation and damage. Observant parents will stop vaccinating after the first time they see this happening, and might still be able to salvage their child’s health. Many parents are simply told by their pediatricians (who are bonused heavily on vaccine compliance) that this is normal and natural. As a matter of fact, many mothers I know are told by their husbands that they are imagining this. However, it is real, measurable and neither natural nor normal.
For parents of unvaxxed children whose child’s head grows suddenly and faster than their previous norm, look for antibiotic exposure, mercury in mom, lead, glyphosate and other environmental exposures. A poison is a poison, wherever, whenever, however administered.
Since autism affects more boys than girls, the researchers also checked for gender differences between boys versus girls. And sure enough, the heads of boys in this group swelled up much more and at a faster rate than heads of girls.
When I go to the park here, I see so many children with huge heads, it seems like it is practically the norm now. Pretty soon the reference ranges will be changed to reflect this new normal, the hyper-vaxxed head. And your smaller-headed unvaxxed baby will be the odd duck. A misfit. It’s a strange social phenomenon, that if everybody is like everybody else, the pain of autism syndrome disorder (ASD) becomes more acceptable. The Joneses effect takes hold and parents don’t really seem to mind so much that this is a deleterious thing happening to their own child. I find that many parents are much more accepting of the autism diagnosis in their child today, as compared to a decade ago, simply because so many children they know have it. If everybody is in the same straits, it somehow becomes okay. Autism then becomes the default position—and an acceptable position. Children with autism are labeled as different, not ill or damaged. Their condition is labeled as mental, not physical. But they are not “different”—they are injured. They are not mentally ill, they are physically ill.
From this point on, the multibillion dollar “treatment” industry kicks in. But all their efforts do not “treat” the child. They actually make them sicker. Ritalin, Risperdal, Effexor, anti-seizure meds, uppers, downers, antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals. Autistic children die at a much higher rate than normal kids. After the diagnosis, parents go out and seek various concessions from schools, behavior therapists, governments and finally special institutions, the whole enchilada of services hawked to these damaged children, none of which addresses or even remotely refers to the root cause. Since when did we become so purposefully blind to the most vulnerable amongst us?
Sushama Gokhale
Sebastopol, California
The Kendall Nelson article in Vaccination Updates (Winter 2018) struck a chord with me when it addressed the frequency of vaccinations as correlated to the rate of autism in the context of a couple of decades ago. In 1967 I was dating a young woman at Indiana University who was studying speech therapy. She intended to use her skills to help autistic children, which was the first time I had heard of the disorder. I visited her in French Link, Indiana, where she got a summer job working with autistic children in a state-supported institution, which was the only place she could find that provided treatment for autistic children. Prior to her graduation in 1969, there were no opportunities in her desired profession because autism was so rare; she had to switch to special education.
Lawrence Mayhew
Spring Green, Wisconsin
After three years on the birth control pill, I noticed that my menstrual cycle was not only barely returning but was actually disappearing with one anovulatory period every three, five, six months, and then nothing for over a year. Tests showed that I had developed polycystic ovaries and stage 3+ adrenal fatigue, which gradually worsened until I was almost housebound.
I tried herbal tinctures, organic vegetarian and vegan diets with green smoothies, but all to no avail. I did notice clearer skin and better immunity and digestion but no progress with my hormonal health or energy. So there I was, a disabled, infertile twenty-six-year-old with big dreams turned to dust.
Then, my cousin recommended the book Healing our Children, which got me onto traditional diet protocols. I implemented organ meats, ghee, fermented cod liver oil-butter oil blend, and unhomogenized milk (raw milk was not available in Australia then).
A few months after, I moved to Peru and I started drinking one liter of fresh, pastured raw milk daily. The milk came from a small farm around the corner. After two or three months, I noticed my hair was growing back around my forehead and my skin was shinier. After six months on raw milk, my energy was strong enough to go out and not crash afterwards for a week. At this point, my menstrual cycle returned and became more and more regular starting at thirty-three days and normalizing at twenty-eight days per cycle.
In August 2017, I met and married my Bolivian spouse and in December 2017, we decided to try for a baby. I fell pregnant first try and gave birth to the most beautiful baby. I drank raw milk throughout the pregnancy (against the doctor’s advice!) and still drink it while breastfeeding. I have an abundance of milk and my now seven-month-old baby has rarely been sick (even though his father vaccinates him!).
Four months postpartum, my period returned and I had two regular periods. After that, the periods stopped again and I felt my energy sliding away. Thanks to a post on the WAPF website, I’ve added raw egg yolks to my daily regime in addition to the raw milk and my energy is much better on the days that I have four to six raw egg yolks. My little man is a big feeder, so it makes sense that I need even more nourishment while nursing!
We will see what happens in the future, but for now I am thrilled with my beautiful little family and having enough energy to enjoy it. Thank you so much to A Campaign for Real Milk and the Weston A. Price Foundation for reviving ancient wisdom about real food!
Australia and Bolivia
In March 2019, WAPF sent an email to members asking for help for a farmer. The farm’s fundraising page had been up for three days and was at two hundred forty dollars of the fifteen thousand dollars hoped for. Within two short hours of sending the email to WAPF members, the amount was at twelve thousand dollars!
I marvel at the generosity and commitment of the WAPF members. We may only have twelve thousand members, but they care and actually act. They put their time and money into helping the efforts for food freedom and to keep raw milk flowing. I am in awe at what a few committed people can do! Hats off to you!
Patricia O’Brien
Glenn Dale, Maryland
This is a personal experience and test using a meter from EMFields.org, the Acoustimeter AM-10. I ordered a couple of Bluetooth headsets from Amazon and they came today. I used the EMFields meter to test the headsets. The literature claims that the headsets are 1000 percent weaker than the cell phone itself. Well, when I put the tester at the headset it was 2500 average where it should be between one and five and the Peak reading was at the maximum 6.00 V/m. The reading at the phone was 100 average and 2.0 V/m fluctuates a bit.
These things are dangerous for sure! I did not even hold them up to my ears but simply returned them as defective because they by far exceed the federal guidelines and limits.
Be careful what you are doing for audio from your tablets and phones! Don’t use them. Microwave radiation harms red blood cells and causes them to spill hemoglobin.
Pat Brady
Riverton, Oregon
This is a summary of my experiment with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) lectins to see whether fermenting would have an effect on my gut. I used to bake all my own bread and biscuits, fermenting the batter by putting it in an open window or using yogurt that I made.
Several weeks ago I made biscuits with whole grain wheat flour which included the WGA, mixing the flour with organic yogurt and organic chicken fat. I mixed and baked them right away and ate one or two for several days and the rest went into the compost. This past week I made biscuits with the same recipe but put it on the warm mantel over my wood stove and mixed it every few hours. The batter went from crumbly to a smooth batter as it fermented. After about thirty-six hours I baked the biscuits and have been eating one or two a day.
When I ate the unfermented WGA it took longer to pass through my body and my stool was thicker and harder, which was unusual. Eating the fermented ones my stool has returned to normal. In addition, I noticed that after a couple days on the unfermented ones I felt stodgy, almost depressed, and couldn’t motivate myself to do much. I remember thinking at the time this was unusual for me and an important response. As of today, that mental stodginess is gone and I feel normal again.
While this is only anecdotal, it looks like the WAPF recommendations to soak and ferment grains and legumes might be the way we should be dealing with the lectin issue. Thanks for opening up an interesting nutritional trail to follow.
June Varner
East Nassau, New York
Here’s a picture that would be fun for the journal. The man in the photo tells me that some people say to him, “Oh, you are one of those people.” So he decided to embrace “Yes, I am one of those people.” So he sent a picture and a caption.
“Raw milk has been proven to be a superior nutritional product over pasteurized and homogenized milk. Why do we raw milk advocates have to fight for the right to consume it? Raw milk parents with young children will not speak out, as they have been threatened to be reported to Child Protective Services.”
Wouldn’t you know the Weston A. Price Foundation would be on top of the issue? Like raw milk, the Foundation is the cream—always rising to the top!! Thank you!
David Lindig
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast interview with Zen Honeycutt in the Winter issue. I especially liked her response to those of us who are skeptical of all the reports stating the hazards of ingesting glyphosate.
Chronic conditions can often take a long time to display symptoms, and once they become evident they can be very difficult to diagnose accurately and remediate. I’d like to add some very exciting information as a direct rebuttal to the Big Ag mantra, which claims the necessity for GMOs and pesticides to increase yields so we can feed the world.
There is a small European country, Holland, that has demonstrated an agricultural model with results that are absolutely amazing. Their model is a very synergistic one among government, academia and farmers, which has made this small country the second agricultural exporter in the world behind the U.S., even though the U.S. is over two hundred times larger geographically. They lead the world in exports of tomatoes, potatoes and onions and are overall the largest exporter of vegetables.
Total water input for tomato production is by far the least of all the world’s producers using one-fifteenth that of the U.S., which is in second place. Their model uses many very large greenhouses (twenty-two acres is common) which provide optimal growing conditions such that lettuce and other leafy greens production per acre grown inside produce the equivalent of ten acres grown outdoors with a 97 percent reduction in chemical input and a 90 percent reduction in water usage. With pesticide usage so low they do not grow any GMO crops nor export any GMO seeds.
These amazing statistics are the result of a collaboration between farmers and Wageningen University & Research (WUR), considered by many to be the world’s premier agricultural university, which shares their innovations directly with farmers—and not just Dutch farmers. Recognizing the need to feed as many as ten billion people by 2050, the university has more than a thousand projects in more than one hundred forty countries and has formal pacts with governments and universities on all six continents. About half of their graduates come from Third World countries in Asia and Africa.
For those interested in learning more about this sustainable system that can both feed and educate the world check out National Geographic, September 2017.
Jim Stellick
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Being in pain for years—plus being told that there’s no cure—is as scary as it is devastating. Luckily for us, doctors can be wrong.
When I was forty-five, I started noticing that my knees hurt each time I kneeled. A couple of years later I took the bone density test and was diagnosed with osteoporosis in my back and hips and osteopenia in my arms. The doctor said it was normal given that menopause had already begun for me and that I simply needed to take a calcium pill daily and a calcium fixative pill once a month.
I started feeling slightly better, which continued for around eight years, until the pain in my knees came back, and stronger. For this they gave me corticosteroids, and they didn’t explain what was happening; they actually told me it was something I had to get used to for it was, again, “normal” for osteoporosis to be increasing and spreading.
When I was fifty-six, I got a new doctor who also said my condition was “normal.” I was also diagnosed with arthritis as my body was stiff every morning when I woke up. With all of these conditions, my energy was vanishing and so was my joy for living. I tried a couple more doctors who all said the same: there was no cure and I had to get used to the idea that eventually I would need the help of a walker.
That became my main motivation for seeking some answers outside of medical practice, for I was completely sure I didn’t want to be unable to walk for myself if I had legs, and my body had been perfectly functioning all of my life. This was all mysterious and unclear, and I was starting to suspect it could be a matter of incompetence, so I went to ask Google—now I understand I should have asked Google before— and the only enlightening information I found was in Spanish from Spain. I learned of some really expensive alternative treatments that seemed to be working, but we don’t have these here in Perú, and the price of the main ones was out of my reach anyway.
I did find some places where they would apply “ozone” though, which I did while thinking how I could access the other treatments in Europe. In the midst of all this, I decided to radically change my diet into a healthy one, and I also stopped the medication since it was expensive and it wasn’t helping anymore. I must be honest: I thought a dietary change would only help a little bit, but I had nothing to lose.
First, I tried an almost vegetarian diet: the results of avoiding ultraprocessed foods, vegetable oils for cooking, industrial salt and the industrial chicken I used to eat so regularly were immense and immediate. In only two weeks I was doing things again! I was feeling energetic when I woke up, I would go upstairs with a lot less difficulty, I lost weight and I returned to gardening. Also, many little ailments (by that time I had assumed them to just be normal) started disappearing—only by switching my diet. The only problem was I thought I needed to avoid animal products—since “vegetarianism” had cured me—so I couldn’t eat my favorite foods, those I grew up eating, but I couldn’t complain since I was feeling so much better.
It wasn’t until the Weston A. Price Foundation came to my city in Perú that I realized it was not vegetarianism that had cured me but the fact that I had left out all the industrial modern foods (and I had included good dairy, good eggs and coconut oil). Could I feel even better eating all the nutrient-dense foods they were telling me about? I wanted to try for sure!
I did and it worked! My health has definitely improved even more since including pig trotters and red meat, increasing the amount of egg yolks, using lard and having bone broths. Now I’m able to enjoy again the traditional foods of Perú which include lots of shellfish and organ meats. I thank the WAPF for showing me how to enjoy food and be well-nourished and healthy at the same time! I now know that being an elderly woman doesn’t have to mean being sick or weak!
Sonia Obando
Lima, Perú
I was livid but relieved to discover the statement below and then spent twelve hours reading every journal article about it that I could get my eyes on. I’m relieved that though this information wasn’t, until yesterday, in my purview—at last, I have it. And I will be reading a lot about it.
Here’s the statement: “CoQ10’s effectiveness in lowering blood pressure has been known since the 1970s.”
I know a ton about biochemistry, biology, chemistry, human physiology, cell biology, nutrition and pathology, but when it comes to healthful low-side-effects, effective supplements, the waters are highly muddied and very confusing even for one such as me who is always on the active hunt.
Hypertension is dangerous. But putting someone on medication for life with no plan to suss out the source or cause, with no plan to make adjustments and lower or get off the med—is not right! Unfortunately, treatment with meds is the paradigm now.
Maybe if the blood pressure meds I’ve been on for the last seven years worked, they might have helped me. But they haven’t. And now I just learned that a supplement could help (which no doctor ever mentioned trying and then titrating up the CoQ10 and down the meds!)—learning this, I have the opportunity to take my life in my hands, be an N = 1, and test it out.
This is not the Holy Grail of supplements, but though it is a bit more pricey than some supplements I’ve tried, it fills the other bills I’ve been searching for. Effective, safe, no or nearly no side effects, easily tolerated long-term, mechanistically plausible, population-wide and tolerated well.
Here’s more, from the abstract: “These findings indicate that treatment with coenzyme Q10 decreases blood pressure, possibly by decreasing oxidative stress and insulin response in patients with known hypertension receiving conventional antihypertensive drugs.”
Also, in two journal articles from the 1990s, we learn that CoQ10 helps congestive heart failure (CHF). My dad had CHF but no one ever recommended he be on CoQ10 supplements.
I want to believe that our doctors mean well but that they had no knowledge of this information. Our for-profit “health care” system is so messed up! Here’s an abstract: “Effect of hydrosoluble coenzyme Q10 on blood pressures and insulin resistance in hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease.”
From the abstract: “In a randomised, double-blind trial among patients receiving antihypertensive medication, the effects of the oral treatment with coenzyme Q10 (60 mg twice daily) were compared for 8 weeks in 30 (coenzyme Q10: group A) and 29 (B vitamin complex: group B) patients known to have essential hypertension and presenting with coronary artery disease (CAD). After 8 weeks of follow-up, the following indices were reduced in the coenzyme Q10 group: systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting and 2-h plasma insulin, glucose, triglycerides, lipid peroxides, malon-dialdehyde and diene conjugates. The following indices were increased: HDL-cholesterol, vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene (all changes P<0.05). The only changes in the group taking the B vitamin complex were increases in vitamin C and beta-carotene (P<0.05). These findings indicate that treatment with coenzyme Q10 decreases blood pressure possibly by decreasing oxidative stress and insulin response in patients with known hypertension receiving conventional antihypertensive drugs.”
Just having a little bit of crazed, out-of-my-mind epiphany. I’ll keep you posted, and that’s a threat. I’m excited but also so very livid. Big Pharma is a criminal enterprise.
Laurie Lentz-Marino
South Hadley, Massachusetts
First I want to thank you for putting out such an excellent quarterly journal. Every issue is well worth reading cover-to-cover. As the director of Vaccination Liberation for 20 years, I especially appreciate your excellent coverage of the vaccine issue.
With that said, I want to let other WAPF members know about the national grassroots VAERS Awareness Project.
In 1986 the U.S. government barred parents from suing pharmaceutical companies for vaccine injuries and set up the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a little-known mechanism whereby parents of vaccine-injured children can voluntarily report such injuries and seek compensation from the government. Due to its obscurity, less than 1 percent of injuries are reported to VAERS, (https://healthit.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045- lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf).
Even though it is a poor barometer of vaccine hazards, VAERS data are intimately involved in the licensing of vaccines. First, pre-licensure of a vaccine is obtained by comparing a vaccine to another vaccine or to non-viral vaccine contents; never to a placebo, which is the honored gold standard of scientific comparisons. After that limited formality is completed, post-licensure is determined by comparing the number of injuries reported to VAERS, as well as the cases adjudicated with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, versus the number of vaccines distributed nationwide.
Obviously, distribution does not equal the number of vaccines actually used, and compensated injuries are admittedly a tiny fraction of the actual injuries known to occur.
Vaccine package inserts admit that product trials followed the subjects for only four to five days to monitor for adverse reactions. These trials are the only safety monitoring that occurs prior to FDA approval and licensing. This is why reporting vaccine adverse reactions to VAERS is essential to assess more accurately the injuries caused by vaccines often required for school and employment.
The VAERS Awareness Project post-it-note highlights the various known injuries that have been compensated for through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. From January 1988 to April 2019, over four billion dollars have been paid in compensation to adults and families of children who have proved their ailments were a direct result of a vaccine injury.
We developed the four-inch-by-six- inch post-it-note to highlight these reportable injuries; they can be purchased in small or large quantities at vaclib.org/basic/products.htm#pads. By clicking on the description, you can view the two styles of post-it-notes. We have also developed a half-page flyer and a trifold to accompany the information for one-on-one sharing.
August is Immunization Awareness Month. We are hoping to have all fifty states involved in this effort to educate the masses as to the real dangers of administering today’s vaccines to children and adults.
With the current level of censorship on this one topic, it is imperative that as many people as possible join us in this effort to save more pregnant moms, infants and children from these neurotoxins coming through the needle.
Ingri Cassel, Director
Vaccination Liberation
Spirit Lake, Idaho
Thank you so much for the coffee article (Winter 2018). I am sixty-four and only became a coffee drinker in the last ten years after hearing the health hype about it from sources I trusted. But your article was the information and the kick in the pants I needed to act on what I had known and read over forty years ago in all three of Adelle Davis’s books from the 1950s.
Caffeine by definition is a toxin to the body and though it can be remedial as drugs can be, it’s also dangerous and even deadly (see the recent death of a twenty-five-year-old from caffeinated sports drinks).
I easily switched to chicory without a hiccup at all and have found that my body is showing some good signs that I made the right decision.
- Less hair loss when I wash my hair (wasn’t worried about that but it is a good sign).
- I have scaly rough patches alongside my nose that are improving.
- My teeth are staying clearer of plaque and tartar (I have extremely fast build-up that I scrape off once a week).
- My gallbladder pain became less acute and now is so infrequent that I hardly notice or think of it.
- I did this primarily for adrenal health and to counteract edema, both of which are improving.
I hadn’t expected that much so soon but I am heartened by all these changes and hope to see more as my body is able to use the excellent food I eat to better advantage.
Subsequent to getting off coffee I located a homeopathic doctor and am now on a regimen of homeopathic remedies which are helping me. I see doctors so seldom that I don’t have a regular MD. But after reading your article I thought that homeopathy could be a workable route. The doctor I found first interviewed me for over an hour and then did an extensive blood test and gave me the results. We are addressing various long-term problems but also oral herpes which has been a minor nuisance for about forty years. The doctor felt it should be addressed and handled as I was otherwise healthy per the blood test except for an oddly low white blood count.
The program is a six-month plan and I feel it is working and I love the whole approach.
I feel better, more in control of my health and I truly want to thank you for what you do.
Mary Fitzgerald
Brooksville, Florida
Honório says
“…dor nos joelhos voltou e mais forte. Para isso, eles me deram corticosteróides….” + “…tratamento com a coenzima Q10 diminui a pressão arterial, possivelmente diminuindo o estresse oxidativo e a resposta à insulina em pacientes com hipertensão…”
Que pena não saberes que o teu organismo faz tudo isso sem custos.
Ele se regenerará em 6-7 meses… lentamente, quase todo, certo!
Obesrvo centenas de pessoas, vejo e é gratuitamente. Tão simples e tão barato. Faz isto:
Experimenta, mas não desistas, porque no 1º mês provavelmente sentirás dores nas articulações, mas isso é a regeneração do osso e antes de 2 meses desaparece quase tudo. Por fim, vai tudo. OK?!
Mas continua. E, um ano depois, desafia a máquina da densiometria do osso. Vais ver…! Mas faz a tua parte, acaba com todo o tipo de supressores do colesterol a partir dos 20 dias a 1 mês, a tomar o Magnésio. Sem medo, faz assim:.
– Descobre na tua farmácia Cloreto de Magnésio Puro;
– Põe 10 chávenas de água numa garrafa;
– Deita 1,5 colher das de café (pequenas) desse cloreto nessa água;
– Bebe 1 ao pequeno almoço e outra ao deitar ( ou sobre o jantar);
Sequência: Dores nas costas > na coluna , as primeiras e as últimas a desaparecer > depois nas pernas > diz adeus ao apoio para andar a partir dos 6 meses em diante ou até antes.
Se quiseres, então ajuda, com a vitamina de Price, K2 (do leite cru) ou K2 + D3 ou ainda óleo de fígado de bacalhau, peixe… mas não consumas cálcio suplementar.
Mas o principal chega: só o Mg e abaixo as estatinas. (O fígado está bloqueado …das estatinas…) A arterioesclerose passa, ele vai fabricar o Q10 e muito mais. Deixa o colesterol subir para os TC = 250 ou o que ele achar por bem. Mas se quiseres mais, (senhoras) consome uma colher de linhaça moída / dia e 2-3 de farelo de trigo. Sê feliz sem medicamentos. Eu sou.
Honório says
Tradução fraca:
… 1,5 colheres de Cloreto de Magnésio Puro nessa água (Comprado na Farmácia)…. baixo preço.
Faz isso toda a vida. Tens problemas de absorção e está em falta na tua alimentação para compensar. Não vai mudar nunca…
Honório says
“…dor nos joelhos voltou e mais forte. Para isso, eles me deram corticosteróides….” + “…tratamento com a coenzima Q10 diminui a pressão arterial, possivelmente diminuindo o estresse oxidativo e a resposta à insulina em pacientes com hipertensão…”
Que pena não saberes que o teu organismo faz tudo isso sem custos.
Ele se regenerará em 6-7 meses… lentamente, quase todo, certo!
Obesrvo centenas de pessoas, vejo e é gratuitamente. Tão simples e tão barato. Faz isto:
Experimenta, mas não desistas, porque no 1º mês provavelmente sentirás dores nas articulações, mas isso é a regeneração do osso e antes de 2 meses desaparece quase tudo. Por fim, vai tudo. OK?!
Mas continua. E, um ano depois, desafia a máquina da densiometria do osso. Vais ver…! Mas faz a tua parte, acaba com todo o tipo de supressores do colesterol a partir dos 20 dias a 1 mês, a tomar o Magnésio. Sem medo, faz assim:.
– Descobre na tua farmácia Cloreto de Magnésio Puro;
– Põe 10 chávenas de água numa garrafa;
– Deita 1,5 colher das de café (pequenas) desse cloreto nessa água;
– Bebe 1chávena ao pequeno almoço e outra ao deitar ( ou sobre o jantar);
Sequência: Dores nas costas > na coluna , as primeiras e as últimas a desaparecer > depois nas pernas > diz adeus ao apoio para andar a partir dos 6 meses em diante ou até antes.
Se quiseres, então ajuda, com a vitamina de ‘Price’, K2 (do leite cru) ou K2 + D3 ou ainda óleo de fígado de bacalhau, peixe… mas não consumas cálcio suplementar.
Mas o principal chega: só o Mg e abaixo as estatinas. (O fígado está bloqueado …das estatinas…) A arterioesclerose passa, ele vai fabricar o Q10 e muito mais. Deixa o colesterol subir para os TC = 250 ou o que ele achar por bem. Mas se quiseres mais, (senhoras) consome uma colher de linhaça moída / dia e 2-3 de farelo de trigo. Sê feliz sem medicamentos. Eu sou.
Obs. Peço correção ao gestor do site. Substituir o anterior. Obrigado