URGENT Alert – Hearings Mar. 17 – Support Food Freedom in Tennessee
Tell Committee Members to Vote YES on HB 2067 and SB 2005
Companion bills House Bill 2067 (HB 2067) and Senate Bill 2005 (SB 2005), also known as the Tennessee Food Freedom Act, will have hearings tomorrow (March 17) in the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee.
The Food Freedom Act (FFA) will be a catalyst for greater self-sufficiency in food production and will lead to Tennesseans spending more of their food dollar on locally produced products. The FFA will allow the unregulated sale and delivery of non-potentially hazardous homemade foods (food not subject to time and temperature control) from producer direct to the consumer as well as through an agent of the producer or a third-party vendor such as a retail shop or grocery store.
The bills also allow the unregulated sale of potentially hazardous homemade foods (food that are subject to time and temperature control) direct from producer to the consumer; foods covered by the FFA exclude meat and poultry with limited exemptions.
Homemade food sales under the FFA can take place in person or remotely through telephone and internet orders. There are potentially labeling and registration requirements for producers under the FFA. Homemade food producers are required to provide the following information (through labeling or otherwise to consumers): name, address and telephone number of the producer; name of the food item; ingredients in the food item and the statement, “This product was produced at a private residence that is exempt from state licensing and inspection. This product may contain allergens.”
Here is an opportunity to enable local food producers to make a better living as well as to give consumers greater access to safe nutritious food. Act Now!
1. The House Committee meets at 8 a.m. tomorrow (March 17)
Call or email (calls are best) members of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee and tell them to support SB 2005. It is especially important to contact your Representative if he or she is on the committee. Here is a link to the committee members and their contact information:
2. The Senate Committee meets at 1p.m. tomorrow (March 17)
Call or email (calls are best) members of the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee and tell them to support HB 2067. It is especially important to contact your Senator if he or she is on the committee. Here is a link to the committee members and their contact information:
1. Passage of the FFA will enable small farmers and local artisans to make a better living.
2. The FFA will keep more of the food dollar in the community as well as increase self-sufficiency in food production contributing to a more resilient local economy. With the Covid-19 situation disrupting transportation and people’s mobility, it is more apparent than ever that more of the food supply comes from local sources.
3. Some of the safest and most nutrient-0dense food is produced locally these days whether regulated or unregulated. Passage of the FFA will increase access of Tennessee residents to healthy food.
4. Most states in the U.S. allow the unregulated sale of non-potentially hazardous foods through cottage food laws, while some states such as Wyoming, Utah and 70-80 towns in Maine have passed food freedom laws that allow the unregulated sale of potentially hazardous food. The experience in all these states is a great track record for food safety will there being few, if any, cases of illness being attributed to producers selling under these laws.
WAPF will be issuing further alerts as developments warrant.
HB 2067 –
SB 2005 –
House Committee –
Senate Committee –
Find My Legislator –
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