Legalize Interstate Raw Milk – Tell Your Rep. to Sponsor HR 5410
Raw milk and products made from raw milk (other than aged raw cheese) are the only foods banned in interstate commerce. In 1987 FDA issued a regulation establishing the ban in response to a court order, bypassing the people’s branch of government; Congress never had any say in bringing on the raw milk prohibition. For the past thirty two years, dairy farmers producing safe, quality raw milk have lost markets and raw milk consumers have lost access to a product many of them believe benefits their health. Continuing their efforts to end this injustice, Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) have re-introduced the Interstate Milk Freedom Act (H.R. 5410,), a bill that would allow sales of raw milk and raw milk products in interstate commerce.
HR 5410 would allow the interstate traffic of raw milk between two states that both have legalized its sale or distribution. It doesn’t matter if the laws of the two states aren’t the same; the federal government cannot stop any interstate shipment solely on the grounds that the product is raw milk. Raw milk opponents have played the fear card on the health risks involved with consuming raw milk but, with the continued improvement in the recent track record of raw milk for safety, it is becoming more difficult for them to maintain that argument. Now is the time to change the law.
Please help end a ban that has hurt both the small farm economy and public health.
1.. Call or email your U.S. Representative asking her/him to sign on as a co-sponsor to HR 5410. Calls are most effective.
2. If your U.S. Representative has already signed on as a co-sponsor, please thank her/him for doing so. There are currently 22 cosponsors.
1. Raw milk properly prepared and handled is a safe, low-risk food. A recent study indicated that, as the demand for raw milk has increased over the last 12-15 years, the number of foodborne illness outbreaks blamed on raw milk has declined substantially. In 2019 there were few, if any, outbreaks attributed to raw milk consumption.
2. Consumers’ freedom of choice to obtain raw milk should not end at the state line. Informed and health-conscious consumers should be able to purchase raw milk from the source of their choice without FDA interference.
3. HR 5410 would increase markets for raw milk farmers and improve their ability to make a living.
4. There are currently numerous foods that have worse track records for food safety than raw milk. It’s time that the government stopped holding raw milk to a double standard–a standard of perfection that it applies to no other food.
WAPF will give further updates on HR 5410 as events warrant.
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Legalize MILK!!! Please allow me to drink what I choose! After all, I have been drinking it for over 25 years! Why do I need government to dictate what I drink!!
Raw milk, when produced properly is one of the safest and healthiest foods!
Ii have been using raw milk in my family’s diet for 17 years, it is safe and most nutritious. What we consume and where we buy it from should be my choice.
Please allow the interstate trade of raw milk and raw milk products. Please change the law and help small farmers and public health.
I support the availability of raw milk to all for the health benefits is can provide and let people decide what is best for them. It has been proven that raw milk helps people who have autoimmune diseases.
Support HR 5410
Raw milk is safe if handled safely. People have a right to whole, real, unadulterated foods.
Gina Orlando
Oak Park, IL
I have been drinking and eating raw milk products now for almost 20 years. My health continues to be quite good as I age. It’s a shame for the government to make laws that take the choice away from Americans on what foods they eat.
Looking back in history, the choices that government agencies have made were frequently influenced by corporation money and misinformation, leading to significant diseases like diabetes and heart disease. It’s time to be more discerning about who is setting FDA and USDA food rules.
HR 5410 is necessary for farmers to make a living. Raw milk is an excellent food that people should have access to. People should be able to make their own choices about the foods they consume. Please co-sponsor HR 5410.
Please Legalize Interstate Raw Milk – and Sponsor HR 5410
to my U.S. Representative – please sign on as a co-sponsor to HR 5410.
thank you,
p. joanides
marin county, CA
Legalize Interstate Raw Milk – Please Sponsor HR 5410
Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) have re-introduced the Interstate Milk Freedom Act (H.R. 5410,), a bill that would allow sales of raw milk and raw milk products in interstate commerce.
HR 5410 would allow the interstate traffic of raw milk between two states that both have legalized its sale or distribution. Raw milk opponents have been playing the fear card on the health risks involved with consuming raw milk but, with the continued improvement in the recent track record of raw milk for safety, it is becoming more difficult for them to maintain that argument. Now is the time to change the law.
Please help end a ban that has hurt both the small farm economy and public health.
Raw milk properly prepared and handled is a safe, low-risk food. A recent study indicated that, as the demand for raw milk has increased over the last 12-15 years, the number of foodborne illness outbreaks blamed on raw milk has declined substantially. In 2019 there were few, if any, outbreaks attributed to raw milk consumption.
Consumers’ freedom of choice to obtain raw milk should not end at the state line. Informed and health-conscious consumers should be able to purchase raw milk from the source of their choice without FDA interference.
HR 5410 would increase markets for raw milk farmers and improve their ability to make a living.
Please Legalize Interstate Raw Milk – and Sponsor HR 5410
to my U.S. Representative – please sign on as a co-sponsor to HR 5410.
thank you.
Exeter, NH
Please legalize Interstate Raw Milk and sign on as a co-sponsor to HR 5410. Over the last 15 years, consuming raw milk and raw milk products has significantly improved my health.
Please legalize the sale of raw milk and raw milk products over state lines. My family enjoys the health benefits of consuming raw dairy which has a very good health track record. Please sign on as co-sponsor of HR5410.
Thank you