Tell Your Representative to Vote YES on HB 182
There likely will be a House vote today (Feb. 26, 2019) on HB 182, the Raw Milk Products bill; it passed out of committee. Opposition to the bill is uncertain; so, it’s important that you contact your Representative now. Thank you for your efforts to successfully kill HB 490 yesterday.
House Bill 182 (HB 182), legislation that would legalize the sale of raw butter, is an opportunity to expand access to raw dairy products in Utah. The bill would allow licensed dairies to sell raw butter and raw cheese on the farm, through delivery and at a retail store of the producer owns over half the store.
The bill would expand consumer choice and enable dairy farms to make a better living.
- Call and/or email your Utah state representative asking them to vote “YES on HB 182 Raw Milk Products”.
Find your legislators –
- Email House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee members asking them to vote “YES on HB 182 Raw Milk Products”. You can thank them for passing HB 182 out of committee.
You may copy/paste this block to send an email to most of the committee members:
Subject: Vote YES on HB 182 Raw Milk Products ;;;;;;;;;;
Send a message to these members through their Facebook pages:
Rep. Mike McKell
Chair Rep. Keven Stratton
- The bill will expand consumer access to nutrient-dense raw dairy products and keep more of the food dollar in the community.
- HB 182 will enable dairy farmers to make a better living through the sale of the high demand value-added dairy products–butter and cream.
- Raw cream and raw butter have an excellent track record for safety. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), foodborne illness database which runs from 1998-2016 there is not a single case of foodborne illness attributed to the consumption of commercially produced raw butter, Organic Pastures Dairy Company (OPDC) in California has sold over 2 million pounds of raw butter without a single complaint.
- Value-added raw dairy products like butter and cream can be a gateway for sales of other foods such as meat, poultry, eggs and produce so even the unlicensed farmers selling only limited amounts of raw butter and cream can benefit significantly from the passage of HB 182.
WAPF will issue further alerts as events warrant.
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