Instinct Based Medicine How to survive your illness…and your doctor
By Dr. Leonard Coldwell
Strategic Book Publishing, 2008
Leonard Coldwell, NMD, ND, PhD, CNHP lives in Charleston, South Carolina, and is retired, so is not practicing in the U.S. He claims to have cared for more than 35,000 patients in his career of over thirty-five years, treating cancer and other terminal illnesses with a legendary cure rate. Kevin Trudeau pronounces this German- born doctor as his personal physician in Europe and a consultant on his bestselling book Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About. As a teenager, faced with his mother’s diagnosis of terminal liver cancer, the author claims he made a pact with God. The deal was that if God helped him cure his mother, he would spend the rest of his life helping other people with their health. Over thirty years later, he describes his mother as a healthy, energetic and enthusiastic person. And so, Dr. Leonard Coldwell is on a mission to share his trademarked Instinct Based Medical System (IBMS), which claims to help identify and remove the root cause of every disease.
It turns out that Dr. Coldwell identifies mental and emotional stress, which result in decreased energy, as the causal factors in the creation of any and all disease.
The problem for the reader, however, is that it is difficult to figure out what exactly his Instinct Based Medical System is. Dr. Coldwell describes this as a self-help system, and a good part of the last half of the book reads much like a self-help book. There are a few exercises provided. But are these the system?
I don’t think so. Dr. Coldwell speaks of performing twenty-minute sessions. I am left suspecting that the system is comprised of an audio program which must be purchased additionally.
Although Dr. Coldwell emphasizes the importance of nutrition, he gives relatively little attention to the subject. I am rather certain that his views in this area would not mesh well with WAPF principles. He does say that cholesterol is not bad, but also makes statements like “Meat and poultry are full of drugs” (page 165), and “Research in nutrition has proven years ago that milk products (all dairy) are not suitable for human consumption” (page 376). He refers to the website It seems that he makes no distinction between factory-farmed foods and those that are properly produced, nor between real milk and industrial milk.
Echoing Tim Boyd’s review of The Liberation Diet, in the Summer, 2009 edition of Wise Traditions, about the Carnegie and Rockefeller involvement in medical schools and the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Coldwell states “The medical profession with all its glory was created by John D. Rockefeller to create salespeople for the chemicals he created” (page 126). He makes a good point about the apparent failure of the American Cancer Society, one of the nation’s largest volunteer health organizations, which collects over four hundred million dollars a year, yet has not produced a single breakthrough. He also goes on to say, “The American Cancer Society was also founded at the New York Harvard Club in 1913 by none other than John Rockefeller, Jr. and his friend” (page 138).
After much of what can only be characterized as a scathing (and well-deserved) criticism of the conventional medical system and pharmaceutical industry, I identify him as being anti-prescription drugs, anti-vaccines, anti-fluoride, anti-chemotherapy, anti-radiation, anti-surgery as well as anti-hypnotherapy, anti-Neuro-Linguistic Programming, anti-meditation, anti-yoga and anti-The Secret!
We can all benefit from reducing, not just managing, our stress and exercising a cautious approach to the health care system in our society. Unfortunately, this is the most poorly organized and sloppily written book I have ever read. There are more typos than I have seen in any publication. Some sentences don’t even have periods at the end of them! All of this coupled with a great deal of repetitiveness makes this book nearly impossible to follow. And in the end, Coldwell does not deliver the “help to self help” program as promised. If you are still interested, there are many ways to access him and his information. His email address is and he has two websites: and He says that he will answer all e-mails, but I have e-mailed him numerous times over the last several weeks and have never heard back from him. Dr. Coldwell’s book is not likely to be found in bookstores. It must be special ordered through Barnes and Noble or can be purchased through his websites for $29.95 plus shipping. If you go this route, you may also receive a coupon for $30 off a cleansing program through Universal Formulas.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2009.
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Just read Dr Coldwells best seller The Only Answer to Cancer
see and watch Dr Coldwells videos 57 000 views already and please educate yourself Milk is based on Casein – which is indigestible by humans and the main cause of allergies, bronchitis asthma etc Before you have not read Dr Coldwells 11 best selling books dont make these kind of uneducated statements Dr Simone Tanz MD
Dr Coldwell is the greatest Healer of our time 16 times best selling author
As the MD that took over Dr Leonard Coldwells Hospitals in Europe I can simply tell you that Dr Coldwell has a proven 92.3% cancer cure rate and if you see the cured patients on his new website you will see what I mean
His Videos are now on 4 million websites ( google info ) I think this comment about his book is a major insult is is one of the greatest books ever been written and have you seen that his book The Only Answer to Cancer has been sold out in 4 days and is now withing 4 month already in the 4th edition? It is so sad what some people are allowed to put on the internet. I hope you will never get cancer and need Dr Coldwells help Dr Thomas Hohn MD NMD
Former Assistant US Attorney, W.D. of Texas, and former legal Claims and Litigation Counsel to Brooke Army MC, and Wilford Hall MC
I agree with Dr. Thomas Hohn, MD, and Dr Simone Tanz, M.D.
It is so easy to be “the critic.” I am reminded of Teddy Roosevelt’s article entitled “The Man In The Arena” whenever I read what some critic has written.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell, NMD, PhD, is that “Man In The Arena,” and he has done more for mankind than any critic ever can or will. I join those who greatly appreciate what he has done for so very many people who have suffered from cancer.
Ed Johnson, J.D., Attorney (Ret)
Former Assistant US Attorney
Former Counsel to BAMC and WHMC
San Antonio, Texas
“The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.”
Weight Loss
“We can all benefit from reducing, not just managing, our stress and exercising a cautious approach to the health care system in our society.”
In able to have a healthy life, one must change his or her lifestyle and by that one habit to be much healthier and improve ones lifestyle.
Has there been any independent evidence that Dr Coldwell has had ANYWHERE near a 90+ % cure rate?, critics point out that that figure can only be found on his websites to there knowledge, Seems to me his recommendations are common sense, Reduce Stress, Exercise, Eat healthy and I doubt ANYONE can say otherwise but hardly anything new, I don’t need someone with 4 PhD’s and 2 Degrees to tell me that. what are your opinions on making the body Alkaline, To do this via drinking baking soda would surely unset your ability to digest and absorb nutrients from anything you ingest until the effect ware off. ps there is so much point scoring out there it’s hard to decide who is right so I try to look to independent sites for info, I get the impression Dr Leonard Coldwell has a better success rate but no where near 90 or some say 92% success rate. I’m always skeptical of Pharmaceuticals that are making mega bucks but having very disappointing results or should I say dismal results.
Thank you, Mark. 90% cure rate and no references thereon? He says all cancers are stress related – so what is the cure, Dr. Coldwell?
I’ NEED TO HELP ME PLASE.I’ HAVE A BRAST CANCER age 42 ans from morocco.
How I wish the FDA would step aside and allow doctors to practice honest and true natural cancer cures. I just underwent 4 months of torturous chemo treatments then had a mastectomy to find out the chemo did not work and it had spread to the lymph nodes. Ill never ne the same. Now I face radiation. Poison, cut, burn. For what? For the cancer to spread elsewhere to organs that cannot be removed. It’s all a mean trick they play on our human lives while they make millions. If a doctor tells of success in treating cancer other than poison, cut, burn he or she is made to look like an idiot and run out of business or worse. It’s genoside and it’s a crime against humanity.
dr. Leornad Coldwell is a great man there is no cure if it not first cured in the mind involving the Creator Almighty God