The Nuremberg Code: 75th Anniversary Commemorative Edition
Commentary by Vera Sharav
Introduction by Ken McCarthy
Brasscheck Press
Ken McCarthy did a Google search on “Nuremberg Code 75th Anniversary” in early August 2022 when that anniversary took place and came up with nothing.
I did the same search in November 2022. There were references to this specific book and maybe one or two more recent references, but otherwise, nothing seems to have been posted for the last couple of years.
I’m sure there is no connection between that fact and the fact that the code has been massively violated over the last few years. . . and I’m never sarcastic (yes I am). While the United States has never officially adopted the code as law, I think it is safe to say that most Americans—and most of the world—consider the Nuremberg Code to be the most important document on medical ethics out there.
How did we get here? If you Google “Operation Paperclip,” you will see it is no longer any secret that the U.S. imported a lot of scientific and medical talent from Nazi Germany just after WWII. When you see that top levels of science and medicine in the United States were infiltrated by people like that, it is not hard to understand how we got here.
People like that may have inspired today’s medical leaders. Men like Anthony Fauci. . . wait, let me walk that back. Is Fauci a man, a human being? I’m not being totally sarcastic here. When someone claims to “be science,” I am faced with a slight dilemma. Aside from wondering what that really even means, the strong implication is that he is perfect, infallible and not to be questioned. Usually, people try to hide their narcissism better than that. I consider it a well-established fact that no human being can honestly make such claims of perfection. So, I have an unfortunate choice: he is either a liar or not a human being. I leave it to the reader to decide.
But it gets better. The name Christine Grady did not ring any bells for me, and I would guess that it doesn’t for most people. Ms. Grady is head of bioethics at the National Institutes of Health. She also happens to be the wife of Anthony Fauci. If the wife of the devil himself were head of bioethics, I don’t think the irony could be richer.
The Nuremberg Code outlines critically important human rights that cannot be forgotten or ignored. Even if you buy into the idea that medical treatment can be forced in emergencies—and I don’t—it is morally imperative that you prove not only that the treatment works but that an emergency exists. We are still waiting for proof that the virus exists, so the last few years have been nothing but a wild experiment that no one is morally obliged to go along with.
For those who are “just following orders” or “just doing their job,” this from Albert Einstein:
“The Nuremberg Trial of the German war criminals was tacitly based on the recognition of the principle: criminal actions cannot be excused if committed on government orders; conscience supersedes the authority of the law of the state.”
That guy was pretty smart. The thumb is UP for The Nuremberg Code.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2023
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I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t use the word sarcastic–you should use ironic or joking.
And Fauci may be narcissistic too, but what you mean here is arrogance.