The Solution—Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative
By Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH, CMT and Cilla Whatcott HD (RHom), CCH
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Vaccines are a very volatile topic these days. While there has been debate on vaccines for over a hundred years, it seems hotter now than ever. One side believes the survival of the human race depends on vaccines. The other side recalls that somehow the human race survived throughout most of its history without vaccines. The World Health Organization (WHO) says infectious disease is most directly related to nutrition, water purity and poverty. Not vaccination. Both sides believe the opposing side is trying to kill us all. Many on both sides think there are only two options—vaccination or nothing.
The Solution describes another option called homeoprophylaxis. That is a little hard to spell and say, so it is often replaced by the acronym HP. As you may gather from the name, HP is based on homeopathic principles. HP is an alternative way of educating the immune system to deal with pathogens. It is much safer than vaccines, with fewer or no side effects.
There are two common arguments I hear against homeopathy. One is that there is no science behind homeopathy. This book exposes that lie with studies and evidence from around the world. The other argument is that homeopathy uses pathogens diluted until none of the pathogen is left. Because nothing is left, the doubters say, it can’t possibly work. While it is true that none of the pathogen is left, that completely misses the point. Homeopathy is not about chemistry or physical elements; it is about energy. The final homeopathic solution works on an energetic frequency level, not a chemical level.
What do vaccines do? If they do anything, they trigger the creation of antibodies. Unfortunately, antibodies do not guarantee immunity. Very young children do not make antibodies, so jamming them full of vaccines before they are a year old is at best useless and at worst deadly. As for the science of vaccines, there have been no double-blind studies proving efficacy. Pharmaceutical companies have done double-blind safety studies only with single vaccines without adjuvants, preservatives and so forth. Multiple vaccines, complete with adjuvants and preservatives, have not been tested for safety, yet we are told that is the scientifically responsible option. This book disagrees and my irresponsible thumb is UP for this book.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2018
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