Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)
Written and directed by Martin Durkin
Produced by Tom Nelson
This film features a couple of my favorite scientists, Steven Koonin and William Happer. Dr. Koonin is often accused of being a “science denier.” He replies that his claims are all based on the most widely recognized, authoritative data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He asks what, exactly, is he denying?
Dr. Happer makes a point I have harped on many times and am happy to further belabor. Consensus is not science. The truth is not up to a vote. News media propaganda and hysterics from a teenage drama queen (“How dare you!”) are not science.
Both of these men, along with other good scientists, present the data in the form of graphs and charts that speak for themselves. Anyone not suffering from cranial rectitis can see it.
Graphs that map out the temperature for the last five hundred million years show that our climate currently is significantly colder than it has been in most of that history and almost as cold as it has ever been. Carbon dioxide levels are also at near all-time lows. The data show no correlation between CO2 levels and temperatures. The lowest CO2 levels occurred about twenty thousand years ago. During that time, almost all life on the planet nearly went extinct. If you doubt the accuracy of data from millions of years ago, that’s fine. Let’s look at twentieth-century data. CO2 rose steadily through the century, but temperatures did not. If you are old enough to remember the 1970s (yes, I’m that old), you know temperatures went down during that period. I can tell you from personal experience it was bloody cold.
Koonin brings up the critical point that climate models are all demonstrably wrong and yet serve as a basis for alarmism. I have ranted elsewhere about this, so I will spare you any redundant rants here. Climate models are based primarily on land-based data that are strongly influenced by large urban heat islands. Even those data are weak, but ocean and satellite data show even less of a temperature rise. We are panicking about a little over a one degree Celsius rise in temperature over the last one or two centuries, when year-to-year variation can be as much as three degrees. No matter how you look at it, honest science shows no emergency.
So why are they doing this? Gerry Spence wrote an interesting book many years ago, titled How to Argue and Win Every Time. He was a lawyer who often took cases representing the little people against big government and big business. One might assume, understandably, that he experienced a lot of failures going up against those deep pockets and fleets of shark lawyers, but at least up to the time he wrote the book, he had never lost a case. How did he manage that? He emphasizes that twisting the truth to suit your agenda is not the key to success. Quite the opposite. You must be strictly honest but also understand how the other side thinks and what they care about. And here is the major point I remember from the book. What does big business care about? Money$$$$. What does big government care about? Power.
If you get that, you understand the underlying motivation of most of what goes on in the world today. The U.S. government spends obscene amounts of money funding climate “science,” creating an entire industry that benefits from all this money. The fake science fuels the fear needed to convince the public that there is a problem so big that it requires a super-powerful world government to solve, or else we will all die. Corporations get their money. Governments get their power. If the climate emergency were ever to evaporate, revealing the scam behind it, a lot of people would not only look felony-stupid but would lose their jobs. Then they might have to go out and get a useful, productive job. Oh, the horror!
If the consequences of this scam were purely academic, I might shrug it off, but the implications are dead serious. Farming and other basic necessities are being choked off as I write this. Raising cattle and other livestock is being made far more difficult in the name of “climate change.” You will eat bugs. There is a lot of chatter about other draconian measures being considered. No more backyard gardens. Every chicken registered with the government. No gas stoves.
The poorest populations will not survive these anti-human policies. It may be a toss-up whether you will freeze before you starve, but at least the grandchildren you will never have will be grateful that you were so concerned about the environment. Fortunately, many people are waking up and seeing through the nonsense. This film does a great job of looking at reality and the thumb is UP.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2024
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