Ted Beals, MS, MD, received all of his advanced degrees and training at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is now retired after 31 years on the faculty of the University of Michigan Medical School and service in the Veterans Health Administration in Ann Arbor and as a senior executive in Washington DC. As certified pathologist with diagnostic, research and laboratory experience, he is now pursuing a personal interest in dairy testing and safety of milk. He has written on bovine TB and has been presenting scientific testimony on fresh unprocessed milk in North America for the last several years, promoting the rights of farmers to provide and consumers to obtain farm fresh milk and other local farm products. A lifelong advocate for organic principles and traditional nutrient-dense foods, Ted works with his wife Peggy Beals as a WAPF Chapter Leader. They are Directors of the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation, members of the MI-Fresh Milk Council (a partnership of Michigan cowshare dairy farmers and consumers) and serve on the Michigan Fresh Unprocessed Whole Milk Workgroup (working to enable consumers access to fresh unprocessed milk in Michigan). They conducted an extensive written questionnaire of cowshare consumers in Michigan and neighboring states. They live on 40 acres in rural Michigan.
Meg Cattell, DVM, and her husband, Arden Nelson, are both specialists in dairy veterinary medicine. They own and operate Windsor Dairy in the Poudre River Valley near Fort Collins, Colorado. The dairy has been a farm since 1871 and land has been certified organic since 2002. After careers as nutrition and health consultant to dairies around the world, the couple settled down to farm and to family life. At this time their lifelong scientific interest in health benefits of grass versus grain for cows became a passion for producing and teaching people about nutritional and ecological benefit of dairy products made from these cows. The milk from their certified organic, grade A cow dairy supplies 850 cow share members and makes traditional style cheeses The farm also produces 100 percent grass-fed beef, lamb, pastured eggs, heirloom fruits and vegetables.
Thomas Cowan, MD is a physician in private medical practice in San Francisco, California. He is a frequent lecturer around the country on health and nutrition. His book, The Fourfold Path to Healing, was published in 2004. Dr. Cowan serves on the Board of Directors of The Weston A. Price Foundation. Visit his website at www.fourfoldhealing.com.
Karl Dallefeld operates Prairie Creek Cattle Company along with his wife, Lisa, and two of their children, Kyle and Kelsey. They have been rotationally grazing since about 1995 and have been grass finishing since 2000. Their operation has evolved from a few head of sheep to a finishing beef operation, on quality forages. They have grass finished as many as 120 head of cattle per year. They have recently reduced numbers to conform to the amount they can direct market and have started purchasing brood cows to have more control on the genetics side of the operation. In the past they were purchasing feeder steers to see which genetic lines worked best for them.
In addition to the cattle operation, Karl works for Midwestern Bio-Ag as their Senior Staff Forage Specialist. Part of his responsibility is to find forages that work well under a balanced fertility program and also to make the correlation between soil health and forage quality. In the combination of his MBA position and experience with cattle, he is able to look at and experiment with many different forages and management practices. He has spent the last 22 years working with farm and forage seeds. Prior to overseeing Midwestern Bio-Ag forage seed program, he was a territory representative with Barenbrug USA. They are committed to breeding and marketing high quality forages. He was able to travel and watch what many successful grazers were doing to get high quality as well as production. This led to his current position with Midwestern Bio-Ag.
Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN is the founder and director of The Whole Nutritionist. Dr. Daniel designs individualized diet, supplement and lifestyle plans. She is the author of The Whole Soy Story, as well as numerous publications on nutrition, herbal medicine, anti-aging therapies and environmental medicine. Dr. Daniel serves on the Board of Directors of the Weston A Price Foundation. Visit her website at www.thewholesoystory.com.
Charles Eisenstein is the author of The Yoga of Eating: Transcending Diets and Dogmas to Nourish the Natural Self, The Ascent of the Humanity, and the upcoming book Sacred Economics, as well as numerous essays and articles.
Sally Fallon Morell, MA, is founding president of the Weston A Price Foundation and founder of A Campaign for Real Milk, Ms. Fallon lectures extensively around the world on issues of health and nutrition. She is a prolific writer of numerous articles and books and serves as editor of Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation. In 1996, Ms. Fallon published the best-selling Nourishing Traditions (with Mary G. Enig, PhD), the cookbook that launched her career in alternative health. Visit her website at www.newtrendspublishing.com.
Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, graduated from Brown University, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude, then worked as a journalist, first at Time Inc., before pursuing premedical studies at Columbia. He subsequently received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1983. During a postgraduate immunology fellowship under Dr. Robert A. Good, considered the father of modern immunology, he completed a research study evaluating nutritional therapy in the treatment of advanced cancer. Since 1987, Dr. Gonzalez has been in private practice in New York. His nutritional research has received substantial financial support from Procter & Gamble, Nestle and the National Cancer Institute. Results from a pilot study published in 1999 described the most positive data in the medical literature for pancreatic cancer.
Scott Gryzbek is the founder and CEO of Zukay Live Foods, a natural food company whose mission is to bring the tremendous health benefits of raw and fermented foods back into the American mainstream diet through foods that Americans eat on a daily basis. Zukay’s products include everyday foods such as salad dressings, salsas and relishes, and can be found at natural food stores on the east and west coasts, as well as on the internet at www.zukay.com.
Prior to founding Zukay, Mr. Grzybek was a brand management veteran of the packaged food industry, having held positions at Hormel Foods, McCormick and Company and BC-USA. Having learned the skills and customs of the food business, Mr. Grzybek founded Zukay, because he felt that as a Weston A. Price Foundation member he could no longer in good conscience sell food products he knew were bad for his consumers.
Currently, Mr. Grzybek lives in Elverson, PA with his wife and son, where they run the business and sustainably grow all their own vegetables. In addition, Mr. Grzybek runs many local fermentation seminars, spreading the word about fermentation to as many people as possible.
David E. Gumpert is author of the forthcoming book, The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle Over Food Rights (September, 2009, Chelsea Green Publishing Co.). He writes a popular blog, The Complete Patient (www.thecompletepatient.com), which over the last two years has aggressively covered the health and regulatory issues surrounding the availability and legality of raw milk, as well as the implementation of the National Animal Identification System (NAIS).
David is also author or co-author of six books on various aspects of business, including the best-selling How to Really Create a Successful Business Plan, which has sold over 100,000 copies, and Business Plans That Win $$$: Lessons from the MIT Enterprise Forum. Most recently, he co-authored the book, Inge: A Girl’s Journey Through Nazi Europe. It is the story of his family’s experiences during the Holocaust, and was selected as a finalist in the memoir-autobiography category by the Independent Publisher Book Awards for 2005.
In 1995, he co-founded an Internet marketing company that grew to 20 employees and was acquired in late 1999 by a public corporation. Prior to his book-writing and entrepreneurship career, he spent nine years as a staff reporter with The Wall Street Journal and seven years as small business editor of the Harvard Business Review. He was also a senior editor of Inc. Magazine.
Steve Heyer and his family operate Solar Harvest Farm, a direct-market, pasture-based diversified livestock farm in Waterford, Wisconsin. The Heyer family began their investment in alternative energy in 1991 with the intent of providing locally produced solar energy for family needs. This original investment blossomed in 1993 into the creation of a diversified, pasture-based livestock farm designed to be powered by solar electric, solar heat, wind power, geothermal, energy efficient design, conservation as well as the energy conserved by grazing livestock. Steve’s experience in designing, building and now operating this 21st century farm prototype brings to life invaluable information for farmers seeking greater independence and control over volatile input costs as well as consumers interested in the health and sustainable aspects of pasture-based farming.
Anore Jones was born July 18th, 1941 in Trang, Siam, grew up in southern California, then at nine years old, moved to Waldron Island, Washington, where she experienced pioneer living, working the land with horses, milking a cow, gardening, hunting, and fishing for daily food. At sixteen, she went to Alaska, studied botany and graduated from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. She traveled to northwest Alaska with her husband, Keith Jones in 1963. They lived in Ambler, an Inupiat village of about 200, during the winter and boated down the Kobuk River to camp in Sisualik with Bob and Carrie Uhl, twelve miles from Kotzebue. Keith and Bob fished commercially for salmon while Carrie and Anore fished for subsistence.
They spent twenty-three years living the lifestyle of modern-day traditional hunter-gatherers, raised two daughters, and ate mostly local foods. Anore focused on learning the Inupiat food lore, questioning elders, practicing the recipes herself, photographing, drawing and taking notes. In 1983 her first book came out, Nauriat Niginaqtuat, Plants That We Eat which detailed the identification, gathering, preserving and eating of local plants. Long out of print, this book will be reprinted by the University of Alaska Press next year
In 1985 they moved to Three Rivers, California to manage a small ranch in the Sierra foothills, raising grass-fed beef, goats and chickens. The U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service contracted her to write her second book and placed it on the web in 2005. Iqaluich Niginaqtuat, Fish That We Eat is available to all.
Pete Kennedy, Esq., is an attorney and serves as president of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. He has assisted and/or represented dairy farmers facing possible enforcement action in various states as well as helped others to get started in the business of distributing raw dairy. Pete compiled the state raw milk law summaries posted at www.realmilk.com and has since written articles for Wise Traditions on raw milk distribution. He is currently working with others to challenge the federal ban on the interstate shipment of raw milk for human consumption.
Baden (“Bay-den”) Lashkov is the author of GAPS Guide, a step-by-step manual for healing bowels, body and brain through the Gut and Psychology Syndrome program. In her early twenties, Baden became significantly disabled before finding some degree of healing through a program similar to GAPS. Pieces were missing, though, and she reverted regularly to standard fare or worse. Years later, when her young son displayed severe issues (among them inability to eat, inability to speak and chronic diarrhea), Baden turned with determination to diet. Her son’s recovery was speedy and thorough and, between its support system and deep nutrition, Baden found GAPS refreshingly easy to adhere to. Inspired to support other families through the same journey, Baden co-moderated a massive online forum for many months before developing the hardcopy guide to the program’s most common questions and concerns. Baden continues to support well over one thousand families through the program’s nuances, while acknowledging the distinct and irreplaceable knowledge that her mentor, Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, brings to the healing community. Baden lives in British Columbia, Canada. GAPS Guide is available at the International Nutrition/NuTriVene booth, www.gapsdiet.com and www.nutrivene.com. Her own blog is at www.gapsguide.com.
Amanda Love, The Barefoot Cook, is a natural foods chef and nutrition educator. She emphasizes eating fresh, local, seasonal, organic, and nutrient rich food. Her vision and work has helped many integrate nutritionally sound and uniquely delicious food into their daily lives to maintain optimal health.
Teacher, nutritionist, consultant, workshop facilitator and passionate cook, Ms. Love intimately knows food from the seed to the table. Throughout the United States, farmers, growers, educators, food vendors and chefs know the committed and passionate Barefoot Cook, and appreciate her as someone who is also a political advocate for organic growers and consumer rights. Conference chef and consultant to TOFGA (Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association), Edible Austin, American Grassfed Association, and the Weston A. Price Foundation, Amanda devotes the balance of her culinary work to permaculture workshops, spiritual retreats, green fundraising events, serving as a personal chef for celebrities, and anywhere else deliciously prepared nutritionally sound food is in demand. Finding time recently to launch her personal line of unique herbal iced tea products called “Soothin’ Infusion” has been a fun excursion for the passionate Barefoot Cook. You can find her line of teas in Whole Foods Market and other fine health food stores as well as online!
Chris Masterjohn is the creator and editor of Cholesterol-And-Health.Com, a web site dedicated to extolling the benefits of cholesterol and cholesterol-rich foods. He is a frequent contributor to Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation. He has published two peer-reviewed publications, including a hypothesis on the molecular mechanism of vitamin D toxicity. His primary interest is the interaction between the fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamins A, D and K. He holds a BA in History from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and is currently pursuing his PhD in Nutritional Science with a specialty in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition at the University of Connecticut.
Jaimen McMillan built on his experiences as a master fencer and his trainings in psychology and physiotherapy to develop Spacial Dynamics®, an approach to movement therapy and movement education that is practiced in over 30 countries around the world. He was co-director of the Bothmer Schule, an international gymnastics school, in Stuttgart, Germany for 21 years. He lectures on the topics of well-being and movement all over the world, is a regular contributor to health and educational journals, and co-authored the book, The Fourfold Path to Healing, together with Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell. He directs training programs worldwide and has pioneered the global “Hands in Peace” festivals for children from conflict areas. Mr. McMillan is the founder and director of the Spacial Dynamics Institute, an international center in up-state New York which trains therapists and educators. www.spacialdynamics.com
John Moody is the founder of Whole Life, a buying club in Kentucky that carries local WAPF-friendly food and other nutrient-dense or ecologically sensible products. He has helped start or train multiple other buying club/co-ops around the country, along with writing, researching and speaking for various journals and events in his region.
Mary T. Newport, MD, grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, attended Xavier University for pre-medicine, and graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in 1978. She trained in Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, and completed her fellowship in Neonatology, the care of sick and premature newborns, at the Medical University Hospital in Charleston, SC. She has practiced neonatology in Florida since 1983 and has been medical director of the newborn intensive care unit at Spring Hill Regional Hospital since its opening in 2003. Dr. Newport is employed by the All Children’s Specialty Physicians group, who provide newborn services to Spring Hill Regional Hospital. She also serves as volunteer clinical faculty for the Department of Pediatrics, University of South Florida since January 2004. She previously practiced neonatology and served as medical director at Mease Hospital Dunedin, after founding the newborn intensive care unit at that hospital in 1987. Dr. Newport has been married to Steve Newport for 36 years and they have two daughters, ages 26 and 22, and an 18 month old grandson. She has written an article, “What If There Was a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease and No One Knew?” relaying her family’s experience with this disease and her research into a dietary intervention that may benefit persons with Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Kathryne Pirtle is a world-class clarinetist whose career nearly ended because of performance difficulties caused by acid reflux, celiac disease, chronic inflammation and other health problems. Performance without Pain, written with John Turner, DC and Sally Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, tells the story of her trials and recovery. As a health educator, she has given more than 40 workshops around the country with Dr. John Turner and appeared on numerous radio and television shows. Pirtle is executive director of the Orion Ensemble, which gives three yearly concert series in Metropolitan Chicago, presents a live internationally broadcast series on Chicago’s WFMT-FM Fine Arts Radio Network and tours throughout North America. She is also is principal clarinetist of the Lake Forest Symphony and frequently performs with the Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra, the Grant Park Music Festival, the Ravinia Festival Orchestra, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Gerald Pollack, PhD, received his doctorate in biomedical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania. He joined the University of Washington faculty in 1968 and is now professor of Bioengineering. His interests have ranged broadly, from biological motion and cell biology to the interaction of biological surfaces with aqueous solutions. His 1990 book, Muscles and Molecules: Uncovering the Principles of Biological Motion, won an Excellence Award from the Society for Technical Communication; his more recent book, Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life, won that society’s Distinguished Award. Pollack received an honorary doctorate in 2002 from Ural State University in Ekaterinburg, Russia, and was more recently named an Honorary Professor by the Russian Academy of Sciences. He received the Biomedical Engineering Society’s highest honor, the Distinguished Lecturer Award, in 2002. More recently, he was selected among all University of Washington faculty members to receive the faculty’s highest distinction: the 2007-2008 Annual Faculty Lecturer Award. Pollack is a Founding Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering and a Fellow of both the American Heart Association and the Biomedical Engineering Society. He is founding editor of the new journal, WATER.
Stephanie Rivers is an experienced environmental educator and local WAPF chapter leader in Janesville, Wisconsin. She enjoys fostering a connection between children and real, farm-grown food. Her environmental education efforts in one school led to the creation of a meal program based on nutrient-dense local food, which she describes in her article “Cooking for Sequoia Academy” in the Fall 2008 issue of Wise Traditions.
Beverly Rubik earned her Ph.D. in biophysics in 1979 at the University of California at Berkeley. She is internationally renowned for exploring biofield science and energy medicine. Her main area of focus is research on the subtle energetics of living systems, including the human energy field and the body-mind in health and healing. She has published over 80 papers and two books. Dr. Rubik presently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, ReVision, and Integrative Medicine Insights. She has served on the advisory boards of various distinguished organizations, including the Program in Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona under Dr. Andrew Weil.
Dr. Rubik was one of eighteen Congressionally-appointed members of the Program Advisory Board to the Office of Alternative Medicine at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) from 1992-1997, and chaired the NIH panels on electromagnetic medicine and manual healing. This was the precursory organization to National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Dr. Rubik founded the Institute for Frontier Science (IFS), a nonprofit corporation, in 1996. Laurance S. Rockefeller, Sr. helped support the founding of the IFS. In 2002, IFS was awarded an NIH center grant for frontier medicine research on biofield science in consortium with researchers at the University of Arizona. Dr. Rubik was a project director in this consortium and conducted studies on Reiki, a form of Japanese spiritual healing, and on qigong therapy, a healing practice that originated in China. Dr. Rubik is currently conducting nonprofit research in psychophysiology, measuring higher frequency brain waves from the prefrontal lobe in relation to health and higher states of consciousness; she is also researching the properties of drinking water. She is an adjunct professor in Integrative Health Studies at California Institute for Integral Studies and also at Saybrook Graduate School, both in San Francisco, as well as a core professor in the doctoral program in Interdisciplinary Studies at Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Beverly Rubik has appeared on numerous television programs throughout the US and worldwide, including a live appearance on the most popular morning television program in the US, “Good Morning America” (ABC-TV), where she presented her findings on the human energy field in December 2000. She serves as a technical consultant in the health care industry on maverick health and wellness products and as a holistic health practitioner and educator to individual clients at Health Medicine Center in Walnut Creek, CA.
R. J. Ruppenthal is the author of Fresh Food from Small Spaces: The Square-Inch Gardener’s Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting, and Sprouting. A licensed attorney and college professor, Ruppenthal has never given up on his gardening passion, even when his day jobs led him to a more urban life. In the small city homes where he has lived, often with no more than a balcony, windowsill and countertop for gardening, Ruppenthal and his family have been able to eat at least some homegrown food 365 days per year. He currently teaches at Evergreen Valley College in San Jose, California, and lives in the San Francisco Bay area.
Michael Schmidt has been a biodynamic farmer for over 33 years. Born in Germany, he came to Canada in 1983 and has been instrumental in massive changes towards the awareness of the cultural importance of agriculture. He is leading the fierce battle to legalize raw milk in Canada.
Anne Sergeant, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Grand Valley State University, where she teaches courses in managerial accounting. Her current research focuses include family budgeting, cost management in hospital settings, and ethical issues in accounting.
Dr. Anne Sergeant has been an active member of Weston A. Price Foundation for over nine years. She was a founding member of the Grand Rapids, Michigan local chapter (Nourishing Ways of West Michigan) and served as a board member for a number of years. Recently, she published in Wise Traditions, “Healthy Eating Shouldn’t Cost an Arm and a Leg: Food Budget Strategy that Help Avoid the High Cost of Illness.” She has presented seminars for several nutrition-related organizations on a variety of topics including canning and preserving foods, cheese-making and fermented milk products, and getting started with implementing Weston A. Price recommendations for a healthy diet.
Anne is most proud to say that she is the mother of four healthy, happy children ages seven to sixteen. Concern for the health of these children led her to the Weston A. Price Foundation and motivates her to continue preparing healthy meals, learning new things and sharing her knowledge.
William Shaw, PhD, received his doctorate in biochemistry and human physiology from the Medical University of South Carolina. He is board certified in the fields of clinical chemistry and toxicology by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry. He has supervised large endocrinology, nutritional biochemistry and toxicology and immunology departments in positions at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Smith Kline Laboratories in Atlanta.
He was the director of Clinical Chemistry, Endocrinology and Toxicology at Children’s Mercy Hospital, the teaching hospital of the University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Medicine.
Dr. Shaw is the Director of The Great Plains Laboratory for Health, Nutrition and Metabolism, a laboratory specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic disorders of adults and children along with autism, PDD, hyperactivity, inborn errors of metabolism and adult disorders such as depression, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue.
Garrett L. Smith NMD, CSCS, CBP, BS, is a native and near-lifetime resident of Tucson, Arizona. An alumnus of the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, he currently operates a general naturopathic medical practice (Naturopathic Medicine of Southern Arizona) and a Low Intensity Laser Therapy practice (Laser Therapeutics).
An ardent believer in First Do No Harm, the three major areas Dr. Smith focuses on are nutrition, exercise and energic medicine modalities, including Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) and BodyTalk. Dr. Smith is a strong believer in looking to traditional cultures, evolutionary biology, and the “Blue Zones” to guide his approaches to nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle.
Dr. Smith considers one of his greatest talents to be an ability to assimilate the huge amount of nutrition, physiology, biochemistry and fitness information available and distill it into a format the lay person can understand.
In his spare time, Dr. Smith enjoys strength training, reading, cooking, road cycling, and spending time with family and friends.
Jasmine Stine graduated from Hampshire College where she studied community development for social change. She now lives in Great Barrington, Massachusetts and is the local currency archivist at the E. F. Schumacher Society, named for the famous British economist and author of Small is Beautiful. The Society (smallisbeautiful.org) promotes the building of strong, local economies that link people, land and community. As part of her work at the Society, Jasmine is involved in the administration of the BerkShares (berkshares.org) local currency program, which circulates in the Berkshire region of Massachusetts. Jasmine is also a certified yoga instructor, co-founder of JandK Productions, and sole-proprietor of RadPads (www.radpads.etsy.com).
Kim Thompson is a movement educator and bodyworker who focuses on optimal body mechanics. Moving in harmony with the body’s design results in comfortable balance, agility and resilience. Our modern culture prefers flattened bodies that are held in by tightening the outer muscles. The result is a lean, taut look that turns out to be physically and mentally stressful. While some muscles are constantly contracted, others are overstretched and bones are pulled out of vertical alignment.
In a parallel journey to that of Dr. Price, Noelle Perez of the Institut d’Aplomb traveled the world to study the alignment and movement habits of people in traditional cultures. Based on her observations of populations who move with pleasure and ease in their daily activities, she developed simple guidelines for alignment of the hips, spine, shoulders, legs and feet. These guidelines result in anatomically sound ways to distribute body weight for optimal bone support and relaxed, toned muscles.
In addition to studying Noelle Perez’s approach to balanced posture and movement, Kim has also completed certification in Yoga, Feldenkrais, and Bones for Life. At this year’s conference, Kim will lead morning movement sessions in Gentle Yoga, How to Sit Comfortably, Traditional Habits of Posture and Alignment, and Traditional Habits of Movement. To learn more visit www.ktmovement.com.
Jennette Turner is a Minneapolis-based natural foods educator who has been teaching people how to eat well and improve their health for over twelve years. In addition to her private consultation practice, Jennette teaches a variety of whole food nutrition topics through her Workplace Education programs and at Twin Cities area co-ops. She created Dinner with Jennette-Meal Plans for Healthy Eating, an online subscription service, as a convenient way for families and individuals to integrate balanced nutrition into their lives. She writes an informative monthly newsletter and a nutrition column in a large-circulation community newspaper; and her articles on numerous food-related topics have appeared in publications nationwide.
Following her life-long interest in natural foods and healing diets, Jennette earned her Holistic Nutrition degree in a three-year program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. After graduation, she taught classes at the Institute alongside such faculty members as Paul Pitchford and Annemarie Colbin. Jennette is a certified member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and a member of the Weston S. Price Nutrition Foundation.
John Turner, DC, CCSP, DIBCN, is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and a board certified Chiropractic Neurologist who has run a successful private practice in Glendale Heights, Illionis for more than twenty-five years. He has served on the medical staff at the World Gymnastics Championships and the United States and Big Ten Track and Field Championships, lectured at the National Athletic Trainers Association Annual Conference, and served as nutrition consultant for the Chicago Sting Professional Soccer Team. He currently serves as a Preceptor for the National University of Health Sciences, helping train graduating Doctors of Chiropractic in their clinical expertise in physical examinations, diagnosis and adjusting skills. Dr. Turner believes that health is not merely the absence of symptoms, but an optimal balance of our physical, biochemical and energetic selves.
Tim Wightman is a founding board member of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund and Interim Board President of the the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation. He is the author of the Raw Milk Handbook and instructor in Cow Share College & Goat Share University where he now trains and consults with small farmers on high quality food production, food safety, herd management and direct marketing to consumers. A lifelong farmer, Tim is at the forefront of our nation’s transition back to a local farm economy. Over the last two decades, Tim has launched CSAs, organic co-ops and farmers’ markets, and he was the owner-operator of a major organic farm and store, bakery and in-town restaurant. Currently a consultant for Midwestern Bio-Ag for Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio, Tim works with other farmers on ecological ways to grow profitability. In this role, he helps clients to mineralize their pastures, increase soil fertility and improve herd health. Tim now lives in Western Ohio and is currently the owner and operator of Yore Farm, a small raw milk dairy. His farm is located in western Ohio, where he lives with his wife Carrie and their three children.
Louisa Williams, ND, Louisa Williams currently practices as a naturopathic physician (Bastyr University) in Marin County, Ccalifornia. She also holds a Doctor of Chiropractic degree (Texas Chiropractic College) and a Master’s in counseling psychology (Purdue). She has lectured extensively in both Europe and America, and has published over twenty teaching manuals. She recently wrote her first book, Radical Medicine: Profound Intervention in a Profoundly Toxic Age. After over twenty-four years in clinical practice, she has come to focus on and specialize in the following areas: environmental medicine, especially the detoxification of dental amalgam fillings and other heavy metals; therapeutic intervention in petrochemical intoxication; the diagnosis and appropriate referral for dental malocclusions and TMD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) as well as for dental focal infections and, when required, cavitation surgery. She also specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of other chronic focal infections (tonsil, sinus, etc.) and scar interference fields, dietary counseling and nutritional supplementation, the assessment of food allergies and dysbiosis, the use of Belgium drainage and German isopathic remedies, auriculotherapy (according to Nogier of France), neural therapy from Germany, spinal and craniosacral manipulation, and constitutional homeopathy (according to the Sankaran System from India). Visit her website at radicalmedicine.com.
William G. Winter, DVM, graduated in veterinary medicine from Kansas State University in 1975. He also received a degree in animal nutrition and completed post-graduate studies and conducted research in veterinary toxicology. After graduating he moved to Minnesota, specializing in surgical referrals, and opened an emergency clinic. In 1980 he created what became one of the largest and most successful holistic veterinary practices in the United States.
In 1983 he co-founded the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association. He writes for several veterinary and agricultural journals and websites and has served as the veterinary advisor to the International Alliance of Sustainable Agriculture since 1984. He is the author of The Holistic Veterinary Handbook (2nd ed. out soon) and manufactures and markets Rescue Animal Products as well as Restoration Raw 100% Grass-Fed Pet Food. In 1999 he sold his practice and the Sojourner Farms Pet Food Company to become a free-lance journalist and lecturer, teaching about holistic veterinary livestock issues, sustainable agriculture and traditional nutrition. He has recently founded the American Holistic Livestock Association.
He is the chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation for Minneapolis-St. Paul and distributes farm-fresh dairy products, pastured pork, grass-finished bison and farm food in the Twin Cities area. He moderates several web discussion groups such as Traditional Foods MN and in 2008 opened the Traditonal Foods Warehouse and Buying Club. He works as a free-lance independent holistic herd heath consultant for grass-based livestock producers and since 2005, has been the herd consultant for the Thousand Hills Cattle Company of Cannon Falls, MN.