Jill Nienhiser has been a Weston A. Price Foundation member since 2001, and has provided web maintenance, editing, and proofreading support for westonaprice.org and realmilk.com for many years. She also helped launched the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund in 2007.
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dear jill. i want to know if drinking milk is good for health.i have diabetes and drinking milk is good or bad for me.should all of us drink milk if yes then how much each of should have. let me know. reply back regards sunil
I have diabetes and I drink raw milk every day. I also eat raw milk yogurt and many fermented foods. My Dr. is amazed at how well I do with A1C control, cholesterol, enzymes, etc. We do labs every 3-6 months and she is always happy with the results.
It is quite interesting scientific video that I have ever seen. I am happy if you permit us to teach our university students since my job is teaching at University.
Dr. Kassa Demissie Abdi
Specialist of Veterinary public health
Debre Birhan University
I am sheeling of camel milk
our camel farm in located in palanpur (Gujarat/ india)
are u interested of purchasing camel milk?
contect me dr.ashokvet610@gmail.com
I am pro drinking and eating raw milk and products.. however I looked up Crossroads on google and it exists in Texas……… so your video says it doesn’t …. I would want to check the claims for that year or period too.
you are very informative and like how you do your lecture. Would please put me on your mailing list. I look forward to your third video.
Rebecca Knutson
I’m doing b tech project about the topic is indicators for incipient spoilage of milk.can you suggest some article or tell me about how does anthocyanin pigment changes with milk ph.?
I have a small yet modern dairy farm with loose housing system for cows – a farm of its kind in our village. Although the capacity is just about 300 litres per day , I started this business with an aim to provide farm fresh raw milk to young kids and families in the city who are largely consuming adulterated milk for all these years. This video can be an eye-opener for such people. Would you allow me to use this video in my demonstrations to families that i plan to meet in near future. I strongly believe Raw Milk is the Real Milk and wish to bring these facts in front of the society.
Please support me in this war against pasteurised milk
i think i am abnormally thin i can’t gain body fat your video have saved me and my parents We Were the users of pasteurised milk now i decided to use raw milk to become healthy and fit God bless You Keep it up
Hi is it good to give raw cow milk from jersey cows to an 18month old during meals? He is still breastfed. In pa the winter months dont get a whole lot of sunshine so the cows are being fed mostly hay. Should i wait until spring and summer to drink the raw milk when there is more access to grass? It it true that that i can give black walnut tinture non alcoholic if a stomach ache or ill effects feom the raw milk occur? Thanks rebecca
HI, we have herdshares in Ohio. Our small farmer make sure his cows are bred at the same time. (9). Then we have fresh raw grass fed milk from the first week of April and weather permitting first week of December. We get 5 shares one is my Mom. So for three of us I start freezing milk (I always leave at least 1 1/2″ to 3″ cream on depending on the season). I put in name brand Zip Lock freezer bags. Half a gallon to a gallon bag. Then I put those into vacuum sealer bags. Date. Pop into a nice square box and stack in our chest freezer. Of course use the first frozen and downward. I put two bags in one each in a 9×13 pan, cover with a dish towel to protect from light. After thawed I put it in the blender and give on SLOW just a few quick swirls…don’t want much foam. I have a gallon jug with spigot pour in there and set in fridge. Frozen milk keeps all the nutrition! I also make and freeze my butter. Since only three of us and I like to gift it I put in 4oz jelly jars, use cloth tape and date. It also stays great! That way we have raw milk all year and let the mother cows grow their babies from Dec to April. The haylage is then fed during the resting months. I hope this info helps.
if you have anyone interested in purchasing raw milk in the lower half of the north island we, WIND RIVER ORGANICS have 24 refrigerated collection site . Go to http://www.windriverorganics .co.nz to order and pay and find out all about our company
I have a question u have a 14 months old baby, and I stoped breastfeeding 3 months ago , for som reason I was not producing milk and he stop sucking. Now he is in regular milk im tryng to eat healthy and swich to organic milk but my question is can my baby drink raw milk? Or organic? Or wich one is good for him? Thank you and advance
Hi Maria, my wife did not milk well from the day our son was born. We were determined not to feed formula. The first time we fed him raw milk 25% diluted was a few days after birth and he threw it all up so we had to simmer it. Worked great! Best for infants and newborns is goats milk. NOTE: goat milk is deficient in folic acid. Supplement a vitamin B complex.
Hello Jill, we might suggest looking into the Gut and Psychology Syndrome, or GAPS for short, protocol for gut (and whole body/mind) healing. We have several excellent articles on our website which will give you very good information, especially this one written by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride. With this protocol, you will initially restrict consumption of all dairy, and gradually introduce cultured, raw dairy, preferable from cows that produce the A2A2 protein, which is much easier to digest for most.
One other excellent source for learning about gut health and healing is the Wise Traditions Podcast #113 with Dr. Zach Bush. Give it a listen!
I live in North Texas and the only raw milk near me grain feeds their cows twice per day because they say in this area they would starve if they were only grass-fed. They are pastured 24 hours per day. I am wondering if this milk is still healthier than 100% grass-fed pasteurized milk?
So the pathogens in the raw milk are controlled by H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)? Using H2O2 in food processing has been around for awhile and proven safe and efffective. Besides the pathogens what other chemical changes occur in the raw milk after being exposed to H2O2? Are there studies you can direct me too? I really am curious. There has to be some change because the H2O2 like heat pasteurization does not discriminate between the pathogens and the chemical makeup of the raw milk. What measures do you use to quantify if the pathogens were destroyed in the raw milk? Has your process using H2O2 been certified or approved by an agency either private or governmental? The video needs to emphasis the use of H2O2 in the process, which in my opinion is pasteurization without using heat. From the comments, I get a sense people are only concentrating on the nutrients the cows consume and believe unprocessed raw milk is OK to consume. Which from my experience it is not, because the consumer does not understand how to use fresh raw milk. In perspective, I grew up drinking unprocessed raw milk still warm from the cow. The problems start from not consuming it immediately, storing it refrigerated and thinking the milk after two days is still good to drink. Pathogens grow fast and exponentially. With all this said, it is still an interesting and thought provoking video. Thank you for sharing it.
I am 85 years old, was raised on my Grandparents farm, drank raw milk as a child and still drink it. My cows are from Scotland and my milk is type 2 protein. It has been years since I had a cold. For some reason I developed diarhea and it lasted until I ate applesauce and bananas and carob powder. All articles I read on this stated that milk causes diarrhea. Is this true of raw milk. I miss my raw milk.
dear jill. i want to know if drinking milk is good for health.i have diabetes and drinking milk is good or bad for me.should all of us drink milk if yes then how much each of should have. let me know. reply back regards sunil
yes its good for u
and its could be bad if u have diabetes
I have diabetes and I drink raw milk every day. I also eat raw milk yogurt and many fermented foods. My Dr. is amazed at how well I do with A1C control, cholesterol, enzymes, etc. We do labs every 3-6 months and she is always happy with the results.
Super-informative video in an easy to understand format – thankyou!!!
It is quite interesting scientific video that I have ever seen. I am happy if you permit us to teach our university students since my job is teaching at University.
Dr. Kassa Demissie Abdi
Specialist of Veterinary public health
Debre Birhan University
Very informative am in milk business and my customers would love to see this kind of inhformation
I am sheeling of camel milk
our camel farm in located in palanpur (Gujarat/ india)
are u interested of purchasing camel milk?
contect me dr.ashokvet610@gmail.com
I am pro drinking and eating raw milk and products.. however I looked up Crossroads on google and it exists in Texas……… so your video says it doesn’t …. I would want to check the claims for that year or period too.
you are very informative and like how you do your lecture. Would please put me on your mailing list. I look forward to your third video.
Rebecca Knutson
I’m doing b tech project about the topic is indicators for incipient spoilage of milk.can you suggest some article or tell me about how does anthocyanin pigment changes with milk ph.?
I have a small yet modern dairy farm with loose housing system for cows – a farm of its kind in our village. Although the capacity is just about 300 litres per day , I started this business with an aim to provide farm fresh raw milk to young kids and families in the city who are largely consuming adulterated milk for all these years. This video can be an eye-opener for such people. Would you allow me to use this video in my demonstrations to families that i plan to meet in near future. I strongly believe Raw Milk is the Real Milk and wish to bring these facts in front of the society.
Please support me in this war against pasteurised milk
Very impressive. I’M in same business of supplying row milk. This video will help me to convince my customer about row milk. Thank you.
i think i am abnormally thin i can’t gain body fat your video have saved me and my parents We Were the users of pasteurised milk now i decided to use raw milk to become healthy and fit God bless You Keep it up
I would like to correct a slight mistake in the video. The correct word is sphingolipids, not spingolipids (like the video says several times).
Hi is it good to give raw cow milk from jersey cows to an 18month old during meals? He is still breastfed. In pa the winter months dont get a whole lot of sunshine so the cows are being fed mostly hay. Should i wait until spring and summer to drink the raw milk when there is more access to grass? It it true that that i can give black walnut tinture non alcoholic if a stomach ache or ill effects feom the raw milk occur? Thanks rebecca
HI, we have herdshares in Ohio. Our small farmer make sure his cows are bred at the same time. (9). Then we have fresh raw grass fed milk from the first week of April and weather permitting first week of December. We get 5 shares one is my Mom. So for three of us I start freezing milk (I always leave at least 1 1/2″ to 3″ cream on depending on the season). I put in name brand Zip Lock freezer bags. Half a gallon to a gallon bag. Then I put those into vacuum sealer bags. Date. Pop into a nice square box and stack in our chest freezer. Of course use the first frozen and downward. I put two bags in one each in a 9×13 pan, cover with a dish towel to protect from light. After thawed I put it in the blender and give on SLOW just a few quick swirls…don’t want much foam. I have a gallon jug with spigot pour in there and set in fridge. Frozen milk keeps all the nutrition! I also make and freeze my butter. Since only three of us and I like to gift it I put in 4oz jelly jars, use cloth tape and date. It also stays great! That way we have raw milk all year and let the mother cows grow their babies from Dec to April. The haylage is then fed during the resting months. I hope this info helps.
I need to add I do not start freezing milk until the end of June. Only need for four months of dry time. Each of us drink about a gallon a week.
if you have anyone interested in purchasing raw milk in the lower half of the north island we, WIND RIVER ORGANICS have 24 refrigerated collection site . Go to http://www.windriverorganics .co.nz to order and pay and find out all about our company
A bit too long but very informative and interesting.
Ya this is a good milk as compear to other.and this milk quality is best to another milk. I think this is a best milk
Como faço p traduzir o video …..
I have a question u have a 14 months old baby, and I stoped breastfeeding 3 months ago , for som reason I was not producing milk and he stop sucking. Now he is in regular milk im tryng to eat healthy and swich to organic milk but my question is can my baby drink raw milk? Or organic? Or wich one is good for him? Thank you and advance
Hi Maria, my wife did not milk well from the day our son was born. We were determined not to feed formula. The first time we fed him raw milk 25% diluted was a few days after birth and he threw it all up so we had to simmer it. Worked great! Best for infants and newborns is goats milk. NOTE: goat milk is deficient in folic acid. Supplement a vitamin B complex.
Raw milk collection activity
Would raw cream do the same?
I have non-alcoholic fatty liver. Is it okay to go on a raw milk diet for 3 weeks?
I am trying to cure leaky gut, constipation and depression.
Hello Jill, we might suggest looking into the Gut and Psychology Syndrome, or GAPS for short, protocol for gut (and whole body/mind) healing. We have several excellent articles on our website which will give you very good information, especially this one written by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride. With this protocol, you will initially restrict consumption of all dairy, and gradually introduce cultured, raw dairy, preferable from cows that produce the A2A2 protein, which is much easier to digest for most.
One other excellent source for learning about gut health and healing is the Wise Traditions Podcast #113 with Dr. Zach Bush. Give it a listen!
Best wishes for healing!
I live in North Texas and the only raw milk near me grain feeds their cows twice per day because they say in this area they would starve if they were only grass-fed. They are pastured 24 hours per day. I am wondering if this milk is still healthier than 100% grass-fed pasteurized milk?
Yes, the raw milk is still healthier.
So the pathogens in the raw milk are controlled by H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)? Using H2O2 in food processing has been around for awhile and proven safe and efffective. Besides the pathogens what other chemical changes occur in the raw milk after being exposed to H2O2? Are there studies you can direct me too? I really am curious. There has to be some change because the H2O2 like heat pasteurization does not discriminate between the pathogens and the chemical makeup of the raw milk. What measures do you use to quantify if the pathogens were destroyed in the raw milk? Has your process using H2O2 been certified or approved by an agency either private or governmental? The video needs to emphasis the use of H2O2 in the process, which in my opinion is pasteurization without using heat. From the comments, I get a sense people are only concentrating on the nutrients the cows consume and believe unprocessed raw milk is OK to consume. Which from my experience it is not, because the consumer does not understand how to use fresh raw milk. In perspective, I grew up drinking unprocessed raw milk still warm from the cow. The problems start from not consuming it immediately, storing it refrigerated and thinking the milk after two days is still good to drink. Pathogens grow fast and exponentially. With all this said, it is still an interesting and thought provoking video. Thank you for sharing it.
Is it bad to drink the milk of grain fed cows?
I am 85 years old, was raised on my Grandparents farm, drank raw milk as a child and still drink it. My cows are from Scotland and my milk is type 2 protein. It has been years since I had a cold. For some reason I developed diarhea and it lasted until I ate applesauce and bananas and carob powder. All articles I read on this stated that milk causes diarrhea. Is this true of raw milk. I miss my raw milk.