No Farmers, No Food – Will You Eat Bugs?
Epoch TV
Directed by Roman Balmakov
In the Netherlands, government policies based on Agenda 2030 and climate alarmism have led to restrictions that will end about half of the nation’s farms, especially the small ones. Other countries are imposing similar restrictions. In much of Europe and the U.S., there is a housing crunch due to uncontrolled immigration. The proposed solution is to destroy farmland to build houses. You may not have anything to eat, but you’ll have a nice house to starve in.
We have already seen the results of Agenda 2030 in Sri Lanka, where starvation is widespread and the country is in chaos. U.S. environmental policies, which are clearly not environmentally helpful, are being used to undermine property rights to do the same thing. In China, farms are being drowned by government overregulation.
It is generally agreed and mathematically obvious that we are not even close to having enough alternative energy to maintain current living standards without fossil fuels. Unless a miracle happens, that will not change for at least several decades. No matter—it has been decreed that major energy cuts will happen by 2030.
Building, transportation and food production all require energy. The math is simple. Less energy equals less food, which equals fewer people. As Martin Armstrong has said, the carbon they want to cut is you. A group of people who call themselves “extinctionists” believe the best, most moral option is to reduce the human population to zero. My first question to them is, why are they still here? Lead by example.
In 1991, the Club of Rome came out with a book called The First Global Revolution. Here is an interesting quote: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.” Their goal was to convince us that the common enemy of humanity is man. Scientism is the belief that all can be understood through cold reason. Culture and religion don’t matter. In the extreme cases mentioned, human life doesn’t matter. This faction suggests that the compassionate thing to do is to give up the energy we need to live. Give up our property and money to others who need it more. (Somehow, those others never get it though.) Mandate experimental shots that have been proven toxic. If you don’t go along with the mandates, you might kill grandma. Some call this the weaponization of compassion. I don’t think all of this will succeed, but we need to be aware of it to make sure it doesn’t. The thumb is UP.
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